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Everything posted by Shinkoru

  1. [size=1][color=deeppink] _______________________________________________ [I]Falling away from, everything I have ever, seen or heard from you.[/I] ________________________________________________ [I]Slipping, slideing, I, feel I'm falling to hard I, I fear of falling.[/i] ________________________________________________ [I]Deeply immirsed in, you and your love, I don't know, who I am anymore.[/I] ________________________________________________ [i]I tripped, I stumbled, but like you promised you caught me before I fell.[/I] ________________________________________________ [I]You saved me, you were there when I needed you most, your my hero love.[/I] ________________________________________________ [I]I love you deeply, You are my eternal love, please never leave me.[/I] ________________________________________________ Well, thoes are a few that were stuck on my mind. :) And Hunni, tkz 4 writing a HAPPY poem for me! :) I love thee. [/color][/size]
  2. [color=indigo][I]A total loss of, Words that never come easy, Ones not eaisly said... Why am I at a, Loss? Words are so simple says, The dictionary. So why? Why am I, When words, the most common, Leave me so tounge-tied?[/color][/I]
  3. [color=deeppink][I]Lovers in shuch bliss, I hope lifes always this wonderful, I love my darling.[/i] [quote]..That felt good... You know? To get it all out.[/quote][/color]
  4. [color=indigo][center][I]Drifting away from, The pain i used to know well, Most the pain is gone.[/I][/center] Feels good to let it out with a poem.[/color]
  5. [color=gray][I]Eve's eyes flashed slightly. She wouldn't..allow..no. She couldm't. He was her sisters love, but he couldn't even..rember. Eve knew what she had to do. He had told her. It was time, she started acting like a leader. Though she knew she was anything but.[/I] [B]Eve:[/B] Lacroix, lead the others north, do not change direction nor course. Do not pause or stop for any reason until I catch up to you. Don't ask, just do it. I can't afford any time wasteing. Raven, go now. You are going with them. [B]Raven:[/B] But..Hunt-. Ryth. [B]Eve:[/B] Leave him. [B]Raven:[/B] Bu-.. [B]Eve:[/B] BUT NOTHING. I said leave him. Now go. Ryuu, protect them from overhead and warn Lacroix and Elsyan if you sopt danger of any swort, even the smallest dark gnome could prove fatal these days. Now off with all of you. [I] Confusion and worry in their eyes the party started off, lacroix in the lead. Elsyan taking up the rear pushing forward any stragglers wanting to see what Eve's problem was. Raven's eyes were misty as she stood, Ryths head sliding off her lap to the ground. Eve watched with cold eyes until Raven and the party were well out of ear shot. Even Lacroix would not hear what was about to occur. Eve walked to Ryth, kneeling down beside him. Her eyes a mixture of emotions, but frustration the most obvous. She shook her head and stood. Pulling her right leg back she let go a hard kick, it hit ryth in his side as he grumbled.[/I] [B]Eve:[/B] Get up. [B]Ryth:[/B] muhmg,.... [I]Eves eyes narrowed as she kicked ihm again harder.[/i] [B]Eve:[/B] GET UP! [I] Ryths eyes shot open as he looked up at Eve. He grumbled and pushed up, trying to stand but falling back down. Eve walked to him, her arm shot out grabbing him at his throught. Her fingers gripped his neck as she lifted him, pulling her arm back so his face was in front hers.[/I] [B]Eve:[/B] Now...you will rember. I will beat it out of you. At first I thought love woul awaken your memories. I was mistaken. [I] Eve flung her arm, sending Ryth into a nearby tree. He couched as blood dripped down his chin. He hit the ground on his knees. His arm hung limp at his sides, his head lifted as he looked up at Eve disbelieveing.[/I] [B]Eve:[/b] Do you rember now?.... [I]Ryth just looked at Eve, she could see the confusion in his eyes.[/I] [B]Eve:[/B] Well. I see. Do you not rember?! Can nothing make it come to you..or must I...show you..all the pain. Must I?! Do I have to make you rember?! [I] Eve screamed the last word. Running to Ryth her hand out, fingers extended, her palm hit his forhead, the moment it did a white light errupted, Ryth fell back into the tree, Eve fell ot her knees. In a Flash Ryth was somewhere else. He looked around. A girl. Eve, many years ago, stood face to face with a tall elf. His semi long hair fell about his sholders in silken strands.[/I] [B]Male Elf:[/B] Eve.. [I] He took Eve's cheek in his palm, they eyes were locked. Nither seemed to notice Ryth. Her fingers clasped around his wrist, her eyes watering.[/i] [B]Eve:[/B] Illy...no.. you can't go... [B]Illy:[/B] I must.. [I]Eve's eyes flooded with tears as he tilted his head to hers, their lips meeting momentarlly, the instant he pulled his head back, he was gone. Eve fell to her knees, tears streaming down her face. Ryth..Hunter stood walking to her. She seemingly didn't see her. She cried for hours, hunter trying to hold her, talk to her but she didn't see nor hear him.[/I] [center].:: Flash ::.[/center] [I] Ryth stood, opening his eyes. He almost screamed as he looked upon Eve. She lay on the ground, in a pool of blood, a deep gash running from the inside of her wrist all the way up to her arm.[/I] [B]Ryth:[/b] Eve...Sister![/color]
  6. [I][color=indigo]Nothing to do here, Just listening to her yelling, God she needs to die.[/i] Haha.[/color]
  7. [i][color=indigo]Trials, Tests, and pain, Why are mortals put through it, Can't we all be gods?[/i] *sigh*[/color]
  8. [color=blue]Dustin is my man, I want to kiss him so bad, He's mine and I'm glad. The above was written by a non member of Ob, Stephanie Gauthreaux. Steph: Wow, my poem is so bad. lol[/color]
  9. [color=indigo][I]Here is where I Am, In Your Arms So Safe And Free, Always You And Me.[/I] Well, Theres my sucky attempt.[/color]
  10. [color=teal][I] My eyes felt like someone placed 1000 ton weights on them, I didnt bother forcing them open, I wasn't even aware of wether I was awake or not. My mind slipped in and out of consciousness. I wasn't sure where I was, or who, for that matter. I grumbled, not nowing if it came out or not, hopeing someone, anyone heard me. I thought my eyes opened at one point. I wasn't sure, but they quickly slipped shut. Suddenly everythign was bright red light, my hands felt like they were on fire. A Voice..from far off, said osemthing..I couldn't quite make it out..Sounded like..might not make it.. Who was she? In an instant everything dissapeared. I was standing at home, in my room. where I belonged... My computer was on, the monitor humming lightly. An instant message was open, obvously no one had touched it. I leaned over to read what had been said. " DaniLovesMisha: Yeah I can't wait. MishaLovesDani: Thats Great DaniLovesMisha: Yeah it is isn't it?! Ron and I will have a Blast... DaniLovesMisha: I hope we win. " A tear rolled down my cheek as I shook my head. I sighed to ymself as a faint, fimillar meow filled my ears. "Tanya..." My eyes flodded as I wondered if she rembered me. Obvously so, because the moment I looked up she was in my lap, purring away. Everything went white. I was in darkness again, drifting in and out of my daze, the concussion having the best of me, my eyes, still feeling like led weights were on them...[/color][/i]
  11. *nods happily* But I still think its a good poem :)
  12. I like it but its no longer X g/f. :)
  13. [color=indigo]It's three Am The glowing clock says so. I've been up since 10. Yesterday moorning. [I]Lieing here in bed.[/I] I can't forget you. I can't leave you behind, You said its over, You said its forever, [I]And I wanna know why.[/i] You promised me you'd never go. Said you could never love another. [I]Was it just a lie?[/I] I miss you. I need you. [I]It's still Three Am.[/I] The isn't tickin' any more. You turned it off. [I]You threw the clock away.[/i] Theres and empty space, On this bed, [I]Theres a space right next to me.[/i] Oh my god what have I done? Did I cause this? [I]Am I the one to blame?[/I] Its still three Am. The clock died. [I]It stopped all time.[/i] So right now its Three Am. The clock will never change. I said I love you, I said I'm sorry, [I]It just wasn't enough.[/I] I'm sitting here, All alone. Its Three Am, But the clock has gone.. [I]..Like you..[/I] ..It's [I]gone[/I]. Wrote it two days ago. Whatta ya think?[/color]
  14. [color=green][I]Eve signed to herself. This would be a tough one. Everyone got along last time. She decided to slip up next to Bast.[/I] [B]Eve:[/B] Steal another object from anyone and youll not have the hands to do so with. Do I make myself clear? [I] Bast looked frightend but still unnerved. She shuggred, her pakc felt lighter. she noticed her sword was gone.[/i] [B]Bast:[/b] Hey! [B]Eve:[/B] Your not the only thief around here. As I said take one more item and youll lose more tahn you bargined for. Other wise I like you. [I] Eve smiled innocently and slipped bakc further next to Serena.[/I] [B]Eve[/B] I would like to know what you ment bo your kind. If you mean elves. I am a dark elf, he is grey. Its an insult to me, your comment was. I advose you not doit again. If you noticed your surrounded by elves. Raven, myself, Ryth is part elf, nolth, and Lacroix. A drow he is, much more deadly. Lucky he didnt act upon hearing, and yes, he heard you. [I]Eve giggled, she had pulled Raven back with her while she addressed a few people. turning to her sister she sopke.[/I] [B]Eve:[/B] stay with Hunter..Ryth. My bad, I'll be back. [I] Eve walked forward next to Lacroix, who was currently leading the group.[/I] [b]Eve:[/B] Lacroix, whats following us? I've been hearing it a while now, sounds..fimillar. [I] Just then Elsyan pulled up on Lacroix's other side.[/I] [B]Elsyan:[/B] Rust monsters. [B]Eve:[/B] Crap. Like befroe, will they ever get new enmies? Well, they won't be upon us for a while. Time in a bit to see whos been brushing up on fighting. Wish Mara was here eh Elsyan? [B]Elsyan:[/B] Yeah, she worked wonders with that chain of hers, haha. [B]Eve:[/B] Yeah, and for companty. Betcha wish Illy was here don't you Lacroix, care to see how your former pupil has been doing? I can tell you last I saw him that he was ten times more powerfull than you last saw him. Taking on Nilo's...oh god no. [B]Lacroix:[/b] What is it? [B]Eve:[/B] You don't think, by taking in Nilo's sprit, Nilo is working through Illy? [B]Lacroix:[/b] No, he's too controlled for that. [B]Eve:[/B] I hope your right. [I] They walked on in silence, eve heard some of Lacroix's louder thoughts as he wondered if Illy was to blame, it was all to convient...timing...[/I][/color]
  15. [color=green][I]Eve's ears perked up a bit. She teared slightly wishing to tell her sister that Hunter is not himself. HE disen't wish ot be. As for now he has lost his memories. Eve also wished desprately to ask Raven if she had seen Illy. She longed to see him and wished to not make this journey without him. Lacroix would have to answer her later. She turned to tell him so but he was gone. In the woods most likely looking at Twinkle. Wondering what he has to say eve shuggred slightly and walked to Raven.[/i] [B]Eve:[/B] Don't bother. He is not himself any longer nor does he wish to be. I'll never have my brother back, so don't bother. Come on lets go. The decision can be made on the road. And It is not Irrilevent. For which one we go to first may verry well decide our fates, for if we chose correctly we might not have to go to both. And as for you Serena. God and angels are most certinly not gracefull and elegant once they try to kill you. Inner appearances matter much much more. Ive been up there and served in Avalon as a goddess.Verry few were, in my opinion, were either of the qualities you think they possess. hunter..was one of thoe ones who did though. Hid name as a god was cloud runner, and there he was given the profecy that has been fufillied about Alaris. The sword is with us, and we must help it reconize itslf, and its owner himself. Come on. [I]Eve wistled and Ryuu nodded. He jumped up into the air and transforem into his normal large sized dragon.[/I] [B]Eve:[/B] I'll lead the wya, for the entrances to heaven and hell are one in the same. Raven, come with me. Ryth, lead them on foot. Follow me. [I] Eve slipped her hand into Raven's as everyone, Elsyan, Lacroix appeared then, Serena, Nolth, Bast, Vondaex. One more would enter their ranks soon. Eve wondered where he was. Ryuu took off, heading north.[/i][/color]
  16. [color=green][I]Eve stood, waiting for Lacroix to answer her she she heard a faint and fimillar voice. She turned and almost fainted. Auctually she did fall. Herback hit the ground as she busted out in fits of giggled. Raven turned her head hearing Eve laughing upon her appearence. Little did Raven know it was in fact her saving of Eve the first go-round that caused her to lose her memories. Eve got up and walked to her a moment. Leaving Lacroix to explain to her what she wished to know, the drow could be so fickle at times.[/I] [B]Raven:[/B] What is so funny? [B]Eve:[/B] You, dearest sister. Ya know, I thought we had been donw with you the last 100 years. I apologize for what I did back then, but MAra was jelous and, Hunter made me! [B]Raven:[/B] What are you talking about? [B]Eve:[/B] Oh, thats right. I'm sorry, I forgot after you dissapeared out sent out a memory charm to you and Raven[size=1](m).(Eve has a brother and sister by the same name)[/size] And well, I figured all aould be well until I saw you next... AH! [I] Eve had to duck a swift jab to the face from Raven. Eve stepped forward laughing. then swiftly wrapped her arms about Raven hugging her tightly. Eve then withdrew a small seed from her pouch. She forced Raven to eat it. The young, but in reality old, girls eyes bugged out as she coughed, trying to spit out the seed, it felt loged in her throught.[/I] [b]Raven:[/B] Trying to kill me?! [B]Eve:[/B] If I wanted to kill you, you would be dead. Just wait for it... [B]Raven:[/B] AH!!! [B]Eve:[/B] There it is. [I] Raven coughed and out the seed came. IT landed on her palm. The seed cracked and a small piece of parchment was left. Raven read it. IT said the one word that could bring her back to herself. Eve knew it well, for if Raven had heard it from anyone else it would be as a normal word. .:: Sparring. ::. Suddenly Ravens memories came roshing back, starting they day Eve started to help train Raven at sparring. Her hitting the tree, the woods, then her killing Eve almost ah undered years ago. Raven teared and jumped to Eve hugging her. Eve smiled and turned to go back to LAcroix.[/I] [B]Eve:[/B] Answer me please! ______ OOC: Yes Stephi you were in Siege 1. Its towards the end. Go find it so your refreshed.[/color]
  17. [color=green]OOC: Looks like I'll be makineg a slight interruption. IC; Eve walked briskly after Lacroix. She stumbled backwards. She accidenly bumped into an Elven man whom she rembered had helped them fight.[/I] [B]EvE:[/B] I'm sorry..um..excuse me..um? [B]Nolth:[/B] I'm not supprised you didn't catch my name before. I came in at an aquard time. Nolith is my name. Eve is it? [B]Eve:[/b] Yes. Pleased to meet you Nolith. Please aquaint yourself with everyone else. I..I'll be back in a moment... [I] Eve walked off briskly after LAcroix. After tired of trying to catch up with him she dissapeared in thin air. She re-appeared next to Lacroix. He stopped walking.[/I] [B]Eve:[/b] I know you knew I was commeing. Look, Lacroix. Your one of my oldest and dearest friends, you know htis. I'm the first person who ever got you to consider anyone, any other mortal or immortal being, as friend. Allie. Please rember that? I can't stop you if you don't wish to go after..my..son. But I beg you to. I need you, just as I did over a hundred years ago in that cabbin deep in the woods, when I asked you to stay because you knew what you were doing. I've had many battled since then, made many allies as well an enmies, as I'm sure you have been through much, but my feeling towards you hasen't changed. I am your friend Lacroix, I don't know if you've forgotton that in these past 100 years. I love you as I love my best friends. You mean a great deal to me, and you know it. Also..I found something many years ago...I wish to give to you. You know it well. [I]Eve flung her satchel infront of her as LAcroix looked down slightly curious. After a moments rummageing Eve withdrew a verry small pouch. But Lacroix knew this to be deciveing, an entire person or more could fit in the small black velvite bag. It was magicked. Eve untied the strings and handed the bag to Lacroix. He opened it slowly and slipped his hand in, when he pulled it out his fingers were wrapped tightly around the hilt of a sashmir. One dubbed long ago as Twinkle. Eve looked up at him as his gaze met hers. She couldn;t decpier the emotion in his eyes, she wasen't even sure if there was any. She hated not being able to tell if her cared. So she did as she had once before when awaiting an answer from him. She stood there, watching his eyes and waiting...[/I] [center].:: Meanwhile ::.[/center] Nolth was makeing good on aquanting himself with everyone. He had met and talked to everyone so far but Ryth, who was deep in thought sitting upon the ground. HE was currently deep in conversation with the dryad, Vondeux.[/I][/color]
  18. Yeah you forgot ur name.. But YOUR IN. And I'm wondering if ur name will be Raven..or one of your facnateing chars uve drawn. I love thoes. But I'm knowing shes an elf, by her age. Dearest Stephi. Yes read all of what seige 2 has so far and join. But right now add a piccie, if u haven't drawn one doit, i know u can in like 20 min and itll be asome. And put her name..lol :) Silly goose. *huggles stephi* I wuv u sissy and use the earth fairy for ur avitar, maby? So we match. ^_^ And I am sooo makeing u a banner for ur signature ill upload it 4 you. Now, reply, with name & pic, then read seiege so far, then POST.
  19. [color=teal][I] Eve screamed.[/I] [B]Eve:[/B] EEEENNNOOOUUUGGGGHHH!!!!!!!! [I] The moment the echo of her ear splitting scream ended she looked around. everything appeared frozen. Ryth lay frozen on the ground, the wind was gone, everyone else stood, frosen, in time. Eve looked around, everyone stnading as they were, just not breathing, not moveing, some in mid move stood aquardly. Eve slowly walked to Ryth. She placed her palm on Jaida's forhead. Wispering something..[/I] [B]Eve:[/B] *wispering* Awaken... [I] Jaida opened her eyes from the blink and cried softly still, wining scared her worst fear true.[/I] [B]Eve:[/B] Shh, calm now young one... You wish to save him don't you? [b]Jaida:[/B] *choking* Yes...please..can you help?? [b]Eve:[/B] No. I cannot, but you can. Only the one here who loves him most can save him from this darkness. You must understand. I can not explain more. [I] Jaida sat, thinking for a moment. She moved her arms over Ryth'b body. She hugged him tightly crying, asking him for her helf, bawling her eyes out.[/I] [B]Jaida:[/B] Oh please come back, I need you!...I need your help, you can't leave me all alone..YOU PROMISED! DARN YOU, YOU PROMISED ME! You promised...to protect me...you promise...you.. [I] A bright light flashed, lighting up the darkness for a fraction of a second. Eve nodded. Jaida looked up, still crying, and badly shaken.[/I] [B]Eve:[/B] Jaida..I shall explain somethign to you. And you alone. Ryth must never hear of this. You understand? Good. See.. I would have saved him myself. Only theo ne who loves him most could overcome that damage. I love his body more than you. I love who he once was. Serenol, hunter, my brother. I miss him, seeing him as Ryth, void of memories of how we were kills me to no end. No one knows of my sorrow but Ryuu. Nice guy, Ryuu, you might find him to be your favroite. Unless you go for people like your faster-father here. Then you would look to Lacroix for youe likeing. As for the woman who resembles a tree in every way, or Well elsyan, has many great qualities. Strong woman she is. The others I know little of. And this new girl and the man there. One day soon, Ryth shall rember his former self, and then must make a choice. Of who to be. Ryth, or Fox. I can't speak any longer. MY spell is waring thin. Now help me with somethng then quickly return as you are now, it us crucial for you to be in the exact same position. [I] Jaida nodded and stood walking to Eve, wrapping her arms tightly about her for a moment. Eve teared.She then grabbed Jaida's arm and pulled her to the Nightogre. she grabbed her satchel and withdrew a rrope. She put it around its neck and gave the rope to Jaida. she nodded, understanding and walked back ot where she was, exactly. She drew Shinkoru, the anchient legendary sword that helped defeat Nilothikir the first go round. She desprately hoped their wouldn't be a thrid time. Jumping up on its face, kneeling on its nose. She closed her eyes, and the fraction of a second they were closed the world moved into motion again. Moved were compleated, rowars finished, and every startled, looking at where Eve was.[/i] [b]Eve:[/B] Give a message to my son for me, you'll be seeing him in hell sooner than I. Tell him Manatsu No Eve, Daughter of Darkness, Last child of the wind, and holder of the anchient sword Shinkoru, WILL DESTROY HIM....now.. YOU DIE!!! [I] The moment Die escaped her lips she plunged her sword downinto its head, between the eyes. A normal blade would have broken, but old and blessed make for hard breakin'. The ogre roared in pain and anger. One of its massive arms went up, like swiping a fly from your face Eve was suddenly hurled into the nearest building. She felt bones crush on impact, her sword still imbedded within its forhead. He slowlys screamed, realizeing her glowing icy blue sword was that color for a reason. Ice slowly started to cover him, in moments he was a solid brick. The others fled. Leaving the huge frozen statue alone. Jaida stood and walked to it, looking up at its massiveness. She picked up a stick and hummed it at its head. A small crick was heard, and then the entire thing broke down ,crumbling into thousands of pieces. Jaida smiled bright and big as Ryth stood and hugged her. Eve smiled weakly as Ryuu ran over to her, ready to heal her wounds. [B]Eve:[/B] *choking out blood* Sorry..to *cough* Sopil, your fun...[/I][/color] _____________________ *Direst order* Do not make any more monsters appear, or dangers, no flash backs only answers. Everyone NOW voice ur opinion and reason of where to go, heaven or hell. NOW! No interruptions. Nun ya.
  20. [color=green]OOC: No, I wasn't ready for moorning. You did nothing wrong. It is perfectly fine. :) But now I AM ready for moorning. __________ [I] Eve awoke in Ryuu's arms. Without the sun to wake her she relyed on her..what did he call it again? Watch? Meh, she relied on her electronic sun dial. She had kept this and only a few more items when she travled into the fututr long while pasy. Fifty years maby? She shuggred, pulling the watch out of her pocket. It read 7:46am. Good moorning. She had noticed a few people must have found ways of time, because their was slight commotion in the streets. She sighed softly and jumped to the floor.[/I] [B]Eve:[/B] Ok WAKE UP!!!!! [I] She giggled slightly as Ryth fell out of bed. Thinking to himself Hunter might return yett, Ryth was so much like him. At least, she had him last night, for just a moment. The full moon shone high as it had the past hours, same place, never moveing. Constant darkness.. But she rembered..something Hunter said... Matthew was a puppe..Alaris, the..kae? She knew they must find Alaris. And she knew where to look. Only one place of two could hold it. Heaven or Hell. They would have to travel to both, unless they got lucky and picked the right one. She would take a vote.[/I] [B]Eve:[/B] Okay everyone. Now that your up. We have a decision to make. Yes I notice I seem like the lil ring leader of this group, but TRUST me I'm not..*looking to Ryth* HE always was.. [I]Lacroix and Elsyan nodded, understanding, the rest looked bewildered, includng Ryth.[/I] [B]Eve:[/B] But he isn't..in his right mind, so we are a group, a leader will eventually immerge, but not me, definately not.[/I] [I]Ryuu jumped up, still in human form.[/I] [B]Ryuu:[/B] How bout me? [I] Eve looked at him and stomped down on his foot.[/I] [B]Eve:[/B] Shush up you, you belong to me. And by the way, thoes of you first seeing him, this is my dragin Ryuu, long ago he was made able to transform to a human form, by an anchient way of dragon clans, shuch as Hunter..and I...*Eve's voice cracked as she sopke* Well yes, anyway. We must find the legendary sword Alaris. Without it, all hope is lost. We cannot defeat the dark mage without theo nly blade able to pierce his defences. And the one whom shalt weild it is Ryth. Don't look alarmed, two of you already know why, I am hopeing certin thigns shall come back upon holding the blade, hopefully. But for now we must find it. Only one of two places is powerfull enough to keep the sword captive. Heaven or Hell. Both are BAD. Hell we face deamon, and thigns you wouldn't dream of, horrors so gruesom...but heaven, we face gods and goddesses, angels and saints, weilders of light, not ugly, but powerfull and deadly. Its a big crime to "break in" to heaven. I can get us there though, to either. The choice is yours, I leave it in your hands. Lets take a vote now. Voice your reply, and give a short decription why you perfer what we do, maby you can sway others to you likeing. EVERYONE. Must vote. [I] Eve sat on the floor and looked to everyone as they considered the ultamatems.[/I ______________ OOC: And if anyone wants to "run in to" or "find" us up here, doit now, so you can help in the vote. Tkz.[/color]
  21. Shinkoru


    [color=gray][i] Naryu's eyes widened further. She steped back a bit, her heart raced. Naryu was hard to trust, but this woman won her over instantly. Naryu's defenced fell and she literally fell into Saitsune, wrapping her arms tightly about her. Intent on not letting go. She cried. Letting her tears and min tell all, letting a small part of herself stay within Saitsune's mind. Letting Nary read her every thought, and at the same time allowing Saitsune access to every part of Naryu's mind she wished. Naryu had short doubts but her fathers words echoed in her head.."Find your one, and once you do never let go." Naryu didn't intend to do so, unless Saitsune wished it. And she prayed she would never...[/I] [b]Naryu:[/B] Saitsune, you, how do you feel, about me? [I] Naryu awaited an answer, nervously, hopefully, still a small pang of doubt twinged her heart.[/i][/color]
  22. [color=green][I] Eve's eyes watered, her heart constricted. She walked to Elsyan and hugged her tightly. Then turning to Lacroix she nodded. Her gaze shifted to the now knocked out man on the floor. Her heart tugged at her. She knew Lacroix reconized him. She also knew why he left Mara... But she did not understand why he had left her. She heard him mumble something..Murin...Nilothikir..She knew her own brother. She teared and motioned for Lacroix to help her help him into a bed. Lacroix nodded and without Eve's help picked up Hunter..er..Ryth. He dropped on his back in a bed near the door, across from the window. Eve turned to elsyan and LAcroix.[/i] [B]Eve:[/B] *thought speaking* You know it as I do. It is him. Let me explain. After Alaris defeated Nilo, it was no longer needed, and Hunter was put into a deep sleep. Sadly the sleep caused his memory to be hidden from him. I am afraid we have little hope to make him rember. His memory does come ocasionally, in flashes, and in dreams.. [I] Only Elsyan and LAcroix heard this. They then noticed the woman in the corner.[/I] [B]Lacroix/Elsyan:[/b] A dryad. [I] The woman nodded.[/I] [B]Eve:[/B] Yes. We should all sleep. We have a long journey ahead of us. I will explain everyhting in the moorning. Sleep now. Everyone. [I] Eve went again to the window. She seated herself in the windowcil and brought her flute to her lips. she played a diffrent song. A song Hunter had thought her long ago. The soft dreary noted seemed to swim inside your head, makeing you dreary, causeing you to drift off into a peacfull slumber. Eve's eyes watered as she played, soft glowing green orbs reflected the moonlight as her gaze shifted to Hunter. Her mood somehow effected her song as it turned to a sad lullably, sad and deep, as if explaning her soul within every note. It stayed just as soothing and soft. Eve attempted to blink away the tears. Elsyan slepy on an upper bunk over where Ryth slepy. Lacroix had chosen a bottom bunk just across from Ryth. Vondeu had settled herself upon the top bunk over Laxroic. All the beds but one was taken. It was parallel the window across the room. Eve turned looking out to the pale moon. The moon hung high as it had the past sevral moths. Eve could no longer hold back her tears. She heard Ryth mumbling in his sleep, something about Eve no, and grandson. Eve bawled silently, letting the tears flow, the soft saddend melody floating into everyones heads, lulling them to sleep. Eve sat and silently let the tears flow, the pale moon her only companion. Deeper into the night, the moon still in the same position. It wouldn't move until somethign was done. Eve still sat piping her song. A fustling in the trees caught her ears. They twitched upwards a bit. A small red horned nose appeared from a nearby bush. Eve lowered the flute from her lips. Her eyes widened and her heart jumped. Ryuu, in his small form, hopped from the bush and planted his small lab, size body into her lap. She cried out softly and wrapped her slender arms about his red scaly body. Her winned softly as she hugged, not iwshing to release. He backed up after a moment and sniffed the air. Hopping into the room he went right to Ryth's bed. Sniffing his arm he cried out softly, seemingly joyously.[/I] [B]Ryuu:[/B] *wispering* Its hunter Eve! I know his sent, you found him! Good work!..Why is he asleep? He never slept when you couldn't..he always stayed up and held you while you cried, until you fell asleep or he played u a tune.... [I] Eve's eyes swelled with tears as her hands went up to her fac. One knee up, other dangling out the second story window Eve wept. Face in hands. Ryuu wimpered, sorry he had stirred thoes memories. She looked ta the moon and stood up on his back legs. A pale glow imitated around him as he grew rapidly until he stood, a man. Red straggly hair getting in his eyes, brimming his ears. His purple eyes shone oval and sad. He was clothed in a white pants, a red mussel shirt, and a black short sleeves cloak, hooded, strewn about his sholders. He waled to Eve and picked her up, setting her in his lap, sideways, faceing outwards. Her short red hair settled about his chest as he wrapped his musssled arms about her small soft body. He brought his face to her hair, her tears soaking his shirt. He softly wispered to her.[/I] [B]Ryuu:[/B] Shh Eve..I promise love, It will be okay. IT will be. Rember when we were in hell togather? I promised then, I didn't lie. Everything was ok, until now. I held your hand and I refuse to ever let anythign hurt you. I wish I could stop this pain now but I can't. hunter will come to himself, but only you can doit. You must show ihm, open his mind and his heart. He will realize. It was you Eve, it was only ever you. He loved you. He never wished to be married, just to live his days with his sister in their forest. He loves you still and he will come to realize that. I love you Eve, I hope you don;t forget it. [B]Eve:[/B] But Illy... [B]Ryuu:[/B] Shhh, you husband left. And I am sorry, If we cna save Matthew to all means we will. And I sware I shalt do everthing in my power to save Emily. I saw you when I looked into her eyes. She is truly your daughter, As Matt is your son. Twins, one isn't much good without the other, don't blame yourself for her leaving. She needed to try. She needed her brother as you need yours. And deep down, Hunter needes his sister. He will rember. Eventually. I swate it to you Manatsu No Eve. On my honor and my love for you, I sware it. [I] Eve said nothing but cry, letting his arms confort her, certinly not Hunter, nor Illy, but he would do. She nestled her head softly into his chest as he leaned back, resting his head upon hers. The temporary security allowed Eve a small fitfull sleep.[/I][/color] _______________________ OOC: Do not make it morning well..time to be moorning, the moon shall still be up, but don't make everyone get up ect until I say. Someone could have overhaerd, be having a dream ect. Just no wake everyone up with everything. Please. Thank You.
  23. Excuse me. Oh witty one. A noob keeping up a smart allelic attitude like that won't get far on these forums. You needa sit back n take a chill pill. And it?s called OTAKU boards. Otaku meaning fan. Fan of what? ANIME. It?s mostly anime board! DUAH so naturally everyone or a lot of people would have anime avatars, don't you think? Hummm??? I'm a noobie lover but its smart alicks like u who really get under my skin. And btw you?re not all that funny.
  24. [color=green]Dmitri_Dragoon as Nolth Dlae The Harlequin as Lacroix s'Xalerian Deedlit as Elsyan Eglaannûn Lan21013 as Meo Imil Raiha as Vondaex Megelani Sevenstar sweetreyes as Fenris Irine oekakiotaku as Bast Legacy as the former Serenol/ Fox hunter, now Ryth Lethraina Let the Siege begin. ________ [I]Eve sat in a room atop Otik's bar/inn. The crystal Forest Inn. She sat infront the windo, her haunting spell leaving her flut as she played the saddening melody. Her heart weeped as she played, the soft sad note floated out the window and across Ashrenia. Hopefull to the deepest darkness and across AshenHyre. Throught the forests and trees, to any willing elf, prince, drow or creature that is brave enough to rise up aginst her only son... The pale moonlight flitted down on her, the full moon hung high. IT has been a full moon for the past month, The New Necromacer, Nilo's heir, cursed the sky, plungeing the world into eternal darkness. Eve's short hair flitterd behind her sullenly , her flute raised to her lips as she continued to play the melody. the wooden hand carved flute he had carved her oh so long ago...Her heart ached.[/i][/color]
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