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Everything posted by Shinkoru

  1. Shinkoru


    [color=gray]OOC: yesh master. [i] Naryu would have teared, had she not been made of partly water. Nodding she spoke now, not inside Saitsune's head as she'd done before. Her voice was soft and airy, thin and elegant.[/i] [B]Naryu:[/b] It was nothing.. I just couldn't see you discraced so.. [I] she formaed and fitted myself to her acostomed humanoid form. Long pale green hair wisping around, small top and skirt, ankle band clinging slightly as she walks. Blushing and extremely nervous, especially about being only 40% visible. She shakily slid her hand into Saitsune's. a nervous wreck but she worked up the courage to. she also smiled likeing her nickname. Nary, fitting. she could get used to this. While nervous outside as well as in her heart fluttred. She had never been seen by any creature but her kind and animals, shuch as birds ect. She prayed she had finally found an ally, a friend, in her deepest heart of hearts she also prayed in this woamn she might find much, much more.[/i][/color]
  2. Shinkoru


    [color=gray][i] Naryu stayed shapless, not looking human. Her shape altered slowly til she was human haped, her hand slid into Saitsune's ..claw I guess. She altered again and made herself a thin veil of mist surrounding Saitsune. She gripped softly, loving being noticed, and to someone like her, an honor.[/color][/i]
  3. Finally. The last member of our quarry hath arrived. The long forgotten Prince Serenol...yes of course, as an origional member you hath been accepted. You and ur huge plot twist.
  4. Shinkoru


    [color=gray][I] Nary's eyes widened in horror. A elegant gracefull woman should not be succomed to this discrace! Unclothed infront a human who dosen't deserve the privlage of casting eyes upon her. Anger swelled within Naryu, unlike none she'd ever felt. She fled to Saitsune and as air circled her, her density grew. Her misty color deepened and became gray white, unable to see through. She legnthed to Saitsune's ankled, flowing elegantly about them, she smoothed and fitted around her waist and up her sholders making sleevless straps. Once she finished she was a long swaying gown of mists. Thick impeniritable mist. He would never remove her unless Saitsune wished it. she would know if that time came, for a part of her stayed inside her mind, listening to her thoughts. The man looked at Saitsune.[/i] [B]Man:[/b] Witch! I knew not of this type of magic. you kind do not have these powers... [I] Saitsune was as suppried at the man. Some what greatfull thought. She felt the thick cloak of mist. It was as light as air and smooth as silk. It felt like a fine moist fabric. she smiled, now yett knowing what made the garment appear, but semi glad it did...[/i][/color]
  5. [color=firebrick][I] Dragalla's eyes were narrowed the entir time, wishing to destroy all the humans but these two. She wondered if they knew why? It didn't matter, but it did bother her that Indrid thought her a psycho. She knew she wasn't, didn't he see she was just angered? She wanted revenge and an attacker was the closest thing. Or, did he wish her to let the man shoot him? As his bullet would have if her wings hadn't stopped it last minute, miliseconds before her right wing cut his throught. Her wing ached slightly. there was a small hole in her left wing, it throbbed all around it, but did not bleed. The wound would never heal. She frowned. She had hoped the men knew nothing of her kinds ways or laws. Then she would be humilitaed. For her laws stated if anyone spared her life when she would have otherwise been killed she was indebited to he/she or them for life. Until she died her life would be in these two men's hands. She would die for them if she must, she had to. She rathered die than break her kinds laws, for that ment somethign far worse than death. She shook her head as they kept walking...her mind englufed in thought.[/i][/color]
  6. Shinkoru


    [color=gray][I] Naryu had decided to follow Saitsune. She hadn't left her side for one moment, becoming intranced with the woman, as you might say. even as the men lifted her up struggling on one of their hourses she stayed by her side. If any harm came to pass her, and this woman did not transform to save herself, she would make herself known and try to protect her. Nary wondered ta this, how she could become so attached to someone who didn't even know she existed? It was thus a termoil of her existance and caused her a great deal of sorrow and pain, but somehow while she was instent with one person her pain falterd for a moment. She could seep into their minds, she loved feeling a part of something, someone. It didn't matter to her what race or what sex, what age or what class. Everyone was the same to her, because she could be everyone. Yes she could make herself male if need be, but she perfered being a woman, or girl, as he dad still called her, when ever they met. He was lucky, he had her mother for company, they would ever be togather, a love with no bounds til time died and the air soured, and the water dried up. even then the memory of their love would live on. Oh what Nary would do for a love shuch as that..even a friend would more than suffice. She sighed and settled herself down behind the man holding Saitsune on her stomache on top the fast galloping horse. She kicked ocasionally but had basically given up for some...she nodded in understanding. She wished to meet humans. So, she wasn't so much diffrent than Naryu. She too found humans espically, exremely facinateing. So on they rode..[/I][/color]
  7. [color=firebrick][B]Dragalla:[/B] I'm not fighting for humanity. I'm fighting for vengance. It JUST so happend humans tend to be enemies to my enemies and therefor I joined you in your fight. I could care less bout mortals, cept you two, don't ask why you won't like the answer. But after all. Nevermind, shall we move on? I need to kill somethi- [I] Almost the moment the words slipped from her lips a human ran out of the alley behind them, firing a gun at Qyrain, Indrid herself and the other... She flexed her wings and shot up in the air. Raching a high altitude within moments she pulled ehr wings straight back and rocketed twards the man. He fired on her at will but every bullet was deflected by her momentarry barrier. Once she was upon him her right wing wipped out and the hooke claw slit a clean cut across the mans neck, silencing and kiling him all at the same moment. She wiped the blood off her wing's claw with her shirt sleeve. turing to Qyrain.[/I] [B]Dragalla:[/B] Bee what I mean?! Shall we go now?[/color]
  8. Shinkoru


    [color=gray][I] Every place at once but at the same time not there. Shifting through the clouds, her own personal path through the world. Nary sighed to herself, wondering if she owuld ever find a friend, ally, compantion. A eagle's cry echoed through the skys as it flew past her, pipping out another loud shrill wistle. Nary smiled and waves to the bird as it flew past her and away into the bright blue sky. She sighed. To herself " when wil I be like that? I used to be, happy to be able to fly, to be free." She looked down at the world below her. Noticing creatures she made herself as air and floated down, invisible to all eyes. Near a lake. sh settled herslef within the branches of a nearby tree and listend to the two's conversation. After a few moments she pondered. "So..Qyrain? Nice name. And she, one of the water? Saitsune? Pretty name, elegant. She liked the way it rolled off her toung. She nodded and decided to follow them where ever they went for a while. Learning what she could. She often did that with creatures, learning all their secretes, ther every wim. She loved it, closest thing to be companionship she ever had. These two would be her next two. She slipped down and settled herself around them, listening to every word they said, and didn't. she was air, she slipped into their thoughts. she remained unable to be seen not even her faint watery image could be seen now, she was the air, nothing ould suspect the air...[/color][/i]
  9. [color=blue] [I]I shifted in my unchonshousness. My mind drifted in and out of black pools of abyss, I desprately wanted to not wake up, old longings welled within me again, to leave, never wake up, leave this horrid place. Or if I died here this nightmare owuld end and I'd be home typing on my computer and this would all be just...just a dream. I groaned and fought to stay knocked out, but I felt my mind slipping to. uhhh..I slipped back into the darkness. Outside my body was being brought to Yuginocho. Was I in a coma? I could hear, think, but I wasnt awake. I..was this my sub chonshous?(sp?) I...I slipped out again and couldn't think any longer..[/i][/color]
  10. [color=indigo][I] Namida's eyes kept to the fire, she felt herself longing, slipping away slowly in to the flames, the soft embers flickerd from the tips of flaming spires. The orange yellow glow wamred her skin, embraced her as nom an ever had. The warmth, the light. Who said fire wasn't alive? It fed on oxygen, and brethed, like us, it lives and dies, it grows or get smaller. It might even have a mind, for all we know. She sighed softly, mind not flickering from the flame. Her galliant pupils reflected the flames, her amrs tightened around her legs as she gazed deeper, resisting urge to plunge into the fire. Other parts of Namidas mind wandered as half her attention stayed focused on the flickering flames. She had already known why she was here. and what the results would be. A grandfather clock somewhere struck the hour. ..one gong...two gongs..three gongs...four gongs...five gongs...six gongs...seven gongs...eight gongs...nine gongs...ten gongs...eleven....twelve. Midnight darkneddhad taken over the living room, only sub sided by the light of the fire. Namida wondered who would the killer be, maby even if it would be she to destroy another life for money. no..she hd come for the company most of all, she could never take a human life. Trance seemed nice enough, but she had noticed the weapon inside her bra. Prolly for protection. Corey, maby, but dosen't seem the type, less without medicine. The girl she just met? The late comer? Verry suspicious..the man sitting to her right? Maby.. one of the others? She knew not of them...she sat wondering gazing into the burning inferno...[/color][/i]
  11. Its ok oekakiotaku. i'm starting it friday, post when you can. And Kotr...Its not exactly what I'm lookin for. More..mystical, elvish oreiented or human, but spellish and ya get idear by people whom have alreayd posted. Ur welcome to re-do ur sign up but I don't..really like the one u have now.
  12. [color=darkred][I] My eyes flared angrily, My arms tenced. I was mad. Verry..verry..mad. I moved my arm up, no longer defending Ron or John. A small x shaped vein puled over my right eye towards my hair line. My hair was slicked bakc, sweaty and slightly not perfectly smelling good. I sighed deeply and Yelled out, my katana raised as I ran break neck speed, the tenticles flew at me and missed, deflected by some force.[/I] [B]Ron:[/b] Uh oh..... [I] Ron grabbed John and pulled ihm as far back as he could, knowing what was to come was not gonna be pretty... I Yelled out as I stopped dead still and lept up, my katana's tip thrusting into the biggest eye of the massive squiddy. Electricity travled up the blade and to me. I screamed out as it sent over 1000 volts through my body. The big squiddy screached, my ears felt as if they would bust as I screamed more now for my ears than the jolt I recived. I was used to shocking volts, One of Rons speicalties. IT flaired and fell back, taking out half the smaller ones in its wake, unfortnately I went with it, flung forward, hurdled ful speed into the wall of the tunnel. I heard Ron scream out as twenty of the smaller ones went down, the last few turned and fled. Smoke clouded the air. My unchoncous form felt someone tugging at my arms, lifting me up, gradding me from the path of a massive tenticle, the final one, as it fell. A few more moments and id'a been shish cabob. I groaned and winced, the blood dripping from my head and various places over my body ached. [/I] [B]Danielle:[/b] Who?..*groan*..who are you? [B]Adam:[/b] shhh..rest now, I saw all you did. Your verry brve. I'm Adam. [b]Danielle:[/b] A..ah?..*cough* [I] I don't rember what happened next, I heard Ron yelling omg Danni, and John yelled something..then I...darkness...[/I][/color]
  13. Well. oddly I love it, everyones in. If anyon else wants to be in this really badly than post it, if its good enouhg I'll consider...but thats 8. I'm satisfied. It starts this fri at bout 7.pm Us central time.
  14. Oh really? I just noticed ur sig. when I register to vote I'll be the only Pagan in louisiana registerd to vote to date. I checked. Lol Add me to ur BL....
  15. Ya know. U could be a dark elf, like myself. I am dark but definatly not evil. Dark elves are close to Drows but dont look all...drow ish. See? If u like grey elf fine but i neva heard of a grey elf. Dark elves are.. like pirotess from rolw.! but the guys dont look all ugly like thta, thats drows. lol. :) But its fine and ur in. Mainly cuz I like ur sign up and that u show a real intrest in auctually being in the rpg.:) *bows shortly*
  16. [color=green]*tears.* Thanks Flynn and Sam! *huggles them both* I was worried nither of the origional hero's would answer my call..:)Tkz a million u have no idear how much this means to me..btw the origional seige is finally book made, I printed it and binded it for book. My teacher knows a publisher and were working out the detials. Big problem thou its 217 printed pages (in normal book side its twice as thick as the new harry potter) ANd it need to be spell checked..lmao. So I am askign everyone to spell check al your posts before posting. I beg of you. This will hopefully be made a book also. So, it means a lot to me, and btw Flynn, Sam, ya'll are both in, seeign as I summoned u and all, and dmitri, unless Flynn wants another aprentice, like my husband was, U needa change ur sign-up. Only if he agrees can u be a drow. So..ask him. heh if not then change it. BTW Flynn, I have that pic I edited of Lacroix if you wanna use it. And if no oen else signs up the three of us can handle it until other people sign up. This will start this comming friday.[/color]
  17. Um..Mods arent necciclarly bad. Nel never..um..ok he is evil and power hungry but FLynn is asome, hed never be al mean and inforce his opinions on us. He might send a plague of roaches at us, but never inforce sumtin we dont belive. lol. But I like ot HELP I wann help give mods a better name too. Mods oooh scary. I think not. Mods are for HELP not to be dictators. Which is hwat I wanna do, help. And Reiha I have been qual> quan. Trying my damdest. And I started the sparrin tourney, hoping for some attention too..*sigh* I wanna be a mod..lol I trying to talk to james bout it now. :)Also..me Sexy? Peh!
  18. Someones told me sumtin whom hasn't been here in long time. I was wondering than, If I could just pm you about it than? If you don't mind??
  19. [center][color=green][size=5]The Siege Begins Again.[/size] A hundred years ago Eight Hereos Jojned to fight the savage Nilothikir. The succuded and the undead died. For a hundred years his sould has dwelled in hell. And there it remains. But his grandchild has arisen with powers far greater than his grand fathers ever were, or ever hoped to be. He has stricked up aginst his mother, the Dark Sorceress Manatsu No Eve. His sister has been willed to do his bidding. He controlls her mind, as his twin, their bond is strong and if he was to kill her he would die. So he maed her his slave. Their father, Eve's husband. Ilythiirtar Nailo, dissapeared months ago, just after Their 19 year old osn took up his grandfathers throne. Eve currently resides in a room above the Crystal Forest inn. Otik down below keep out all strangers in this time. The world, has again turned to darkness. Old hereos and new must unite. After Prince Serenol, Hunter, dissapeared Mara soon left to adventuring again as well. Nither have been seen for years. Eve sits in her rented room, sending a summoning spell to thoes she belives she can contact. Trying desprately for on inpirtictular. Her old, dear friend. Lacroix. She also sends out a spell calling for ones of pure heart, willing to fight for a cause, to gain knoldege and rid the world again of this blight. Hopefully without killing her son im the process... I ask you Lacroix, aid me please, as you once did. Help me once again, dear friend. Noble elsyan, if you can hear me, come to our aid, help us in this time of need. And dear Aliry, please find it in your heart to come, I apologize for past diffrences, but a bond we still share. Please help me. New hereo's answer my call and help me once again, as my friends did so long ago...And Hunter, if you cna hear me..help me..i'm afraid if you don't this will be the death of me..Dear friends, new allies, come to my aid and heed my call.... ____________________ Name: Age: Eye color: Hair Color: Strengths: Weaknesses: Abilities: Spells: Decription: Bio: Equipment: ____________________ Make it good. I'll be scrrenign them. And please do your best, and do not join this unless you intend to COMPLETELY finish it. I am hopeing this will prove good enough to make the sequal to Siege of the Necromancer, which I have printed and made a book already, its on its way to pennington press, to be reviewed to be published. MAKE this book worthy. Please. If any Noobs sign up you better make it count. That goes for everyone too. Thank you. ~ Danni. ___________________ Here's Mine. Name: Manatsu No Eve (Called as Eve) Age: 643 (looks seventeen) Race: High Dark Elf Class: Dark Sorceress Height: 5"7 Weight: 130lbs Hair: Red w/ Dark purple highlights. Eyes: Deep forest green Short Bio: Has been said above. Spells: Kiseki (calls upon the power of Eve's goddess sending her overwhelming power, gives divine protection to Eve) Namida (Eve can only do when a friend or loved one is hurt, it allows her to blast her opponent with acidic water) Shinzin (allows Eve to gain temporary control over her surrounding environment, meaning she can bend the plants and trees to her will, making them to do her bidding) Eve Chikara (creates a disc that glows neon green around the rim but the rest is black. It has razor sharp edges and self destructs when touches anything but Eve. Making a small explosion) Abilities: Transmutation (just to plain old kitty) Teleportation Invisibility Skilled battle tactics Weaknesses: Light Magic Hell Magic Lack of strength in Kitty form Strengths: Elemental Magic Dark Magic Ice Magic Equipment: A Silver cloak which is able to change colors according to weather or Eve's likeness, she wears a Heathrow undershirt, silver belt of protection, scabbard worn around her waist, and boots with hidden holsters in both sides where she stores very sharp dagger in each. Her pants are made of an almost impenetrable tree bark. Also she carres a staff with the carving of a dragons head upon it top. If anyone but Eve voluntary touches the staff the will be knocked unchoncshous. [/color][/center]
  20. [color=grey] But I wanna be a mod. Its like, no I'm not power hungry, but I see soom any noobs and call me odd but I love helping nobs and giving pointers ect. And i doit a lot espically in sparring. And I wish I could be. I'de love to judge spars too and I know it would be a big help to Neil whom is overworked as it is. And I can be fair regardless if I know the person or not. Ive gone a logn way in the year ive been here. hehe I still wanna be a mod. It would kill ym goal of becomeing an Otaku. ^_^[/color]
  21. Where EXACTLy is the Jobs@Otaku Forum???? I can't find it. Or did you just change the name and this is it. And if u didn;t and its just hard to find, than I suggust u make it eaiser to find. :-/
  22. [color=grey] RRRRRRRRRIIIGGGHHHTTTTTT. LoL I noticed Flynn is a mod, and HOW exactly?? I've been wantin to be a mod for ages.. of something..maby even help Neil out in sparring..I wish...heh[/color]
  23. [color=gray] [B]Danni:[/B] Oh no ya don't! [I] I ran after Ron and swiftly placed myself upon his sholders. John ain't havin all the fun either.[/I] [B]Danni:[/b] Time for some tag team bro! [B]Ron:[/B] Hell yeah! [i] I slipped my katana out and pelted any tenticles that came at Ron and me, as he severd the ones I knocked down. We made a good team but slowly the number of tenticles increased and we couldn't handle them wiht me sitting on his sholders. I paused then stood on his sholders, not worried at all about falling, 100% of my faith and trust in my brother, also, if I fell it could possible mean the end of my life. I severed every tenticle that came at Ron, he grinned up at me. I felt like a human shield, and I sorta was. Motioning to the gun hooked to his side he smiled and pulled it out, putting his katana in its scabbard. He fired at will at the main bodies as I kept to severign the tenticles. I nearly missed a few as they wipped dangerously close to my knees, and Ron's head. But I would never let anything hurt him, I quickly caught up and removed the problems... I almost fell off Ron's sholders as he stopped short. I yelped, because before us stood the biggest squiddy I'de ever seen. Like the size of two super domes. Woah... Ron and I exchanged glances as I felt him tence up and move slowly forward..[/color][/I] ~~~~ OOC: I left ya some "fun" Bro. You handle the big guy, with me as well, of course. ^_^
  24. [color=gray]Hummm..Intresting. Darn shame no elves..I'da like to be Eve again. But no matter. ^_^ I had idear to be a fairy but I no wanna look like a copy cat. um..yeah you'll see. And as u know flynn, as johns sis, he who has a tendency to be Mr. Hero and run off . I od the same but..more...consertive. lol. :) ________________ [B]Name:[/B] Naryu [B]Age:[/B] 17 [B]Race:[/B] Mist Nymph ~ Mist Nymphs do not have any distinct shapr or form. They are in fact mist. Made from the verry fibers of water and air. not entirely air, not fully water, but attains the essence of both. They are most certinly shape shifters. For if they didn't assume a form they would appear a low cloud or a patch of fog. [B]Class:[/B] Shape Shifter ~ Any form the mist takes on is like looking at whatever they turned into, but a black and white form of it, minus the black. More like shades of grey. Naryu's main form is of a girl, long hair and not much clothing. Abel to fly through the air as well as meld with water. [B]Decription:[/b] Her main form is that of a human. Tall and slender, stanfing about 5'9. Tall for a female. She laso likes taking on an ppearence of Nephilim. she finds them facinateing. The clothign her form does have is that of plain stretched across her chest bra/top, strapless and no bottom to it. Stopping just under her bust, tucking under her chest supporting it. the top of it goes just over, so nothing is revealed. Her bottom is a skirt. Tied to one side, it is short, going half way between her knees and hips. If she was not wearing her skirt it would be one single piece, must be tied to make a skirt. [b]Bio:[/b] she rarely interacts with other people, she has spent her life exploring the world above. Terrified of dow below. She quests to find someone else shuch as herself, or she would settle for a friend. Her only companion the air itself. She can also, make herself see through. But not entirely invisible. If you look at her to long when she is invisible you can see how what is on the other side of her looks almost watery. This also makes her an almost unbeatable fighter. Since you can't hurt her, she can certinly hurt you. Physical attacks are useless, but magic, she had little tolerance. She strives to gain magic powers of her own, if even for protection. She hopes, with all her heart, to be able to one day learn to be a solid, colored, form. The closest shes come to color is the slight green tint of her hair and the silver chain about her ankle. A gift from her grandfather, that she may one day find color. [B]Other:[/B] She has an unpeckible attraction to food. Since she can't gain weight or nourishment from food, it goes through her once chewed. She cna still taste verry well. There for she eats like a pig. And she has an almost un controllable desire to find a man, or copanion of some sorts.[/color]
  25. [color=indigo][I]Namida stirred in her sleep, the bed across the room about to be occupied. A verry light sleeper she is, hearing the entire convo. She slowly slipped from her bed un noticed and pulled on a silken yukata. Slowly and silently slipping from a door on her side of the room. Beight a thief and not wishing to disturbe others, a verry good combo. Namida took to taking a stroll through the house. Pulling her yukata tight around her. The cold air nipped at her un sleeved arms. Under her yukata she wore a black tank and grey boxer shorts. Making her way to he main room, rembering there was a fireplace. Started she greeted the man whom had kissed her hand upon their meeting and a..verry wet and verry confused girl. She had heard enough of her rambling to understand. Namida walked over and took the girl, Taini, by the hand. Leading her to sit infront the big fire place, upon a bear skin rug. Sitting next to the girl Namida slipped off her yukata and nodded ot the girl as she removed her wet clothing. Namida glared at Aorashi as he turned around. Namida handed the girl her yukata and turned her head as well. A few moments later she cleared her throught and Aorashi came and sat down next to Namida on the rug.[/i] [b]Namida:[/B] So you do not know why you are here? [B]Taini:[/B] No I don't [B]Namida:[/B] Well Taini, I am Namida, and we have a lot in common. I don't know hwy I'm here either, only that I was invited. [B]Aorashi:[/B] Yea, see what ive been trying ot say? [I] Taini nodded and sighed. the three sat infront the fire chatting like old friends...[/I][/color]
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