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Everything posted by Shinkoru

  1. [color=indigo][I]Namida sighed softly and walked into the bedroom, sitting down on the edge of one of the huge cnopy beds. She sat for a moment rummageing through her purse. She finally pulled out a a small powder compact and opened it. She stood and walked ot the corner of the room and placed the mirror side to the wall, Trance stuck out her head from inside the big closet and eyes Namida. Namida knelt looking at the back of the compact as if it was a small window. She slowly moved along the wal til she mumbled something and took to rummageing in her purse again. She withdrew a tube of lipstick, only when she opened it there was no lipstick, a small razor blade pshed up inbetween two plastick lipstick looking pieces. Namida leaned over carefully and cut a small hole in the sheet rock. She withdrew gaain from her purse a credit card with a series od red 0's on it. placeing it in the hole a odd sound started as the numbers went through til the red glowing numbers read 564432667. Namida smiled to herself and turned the dial. Trance couldn't see but came over slowly to investigate. Namida opened the door to the huge safe with a verry small door, hidden within the wall, she withdrew several boxes. Handing one to Trance, whom had just sat down infront Namida. Opening one Trance almost screamed giddily as she stared down at the most beutiful diamon necklace she had ever seen, the jewl was almost as big as the hope diamond, but instead of blue it was as clear as glass. Namida gasphed and peered down at a a pair of Sapphire ear rings, pretty and dangley. The two awe struck woemn sat going through all the jewlery...[/I][/color]
  2. [color=indigo][I]Namida pointed over to a shelf half hidden by clothing then pointed to her diamond studded white 3inch heels.[/I] [B]Namida:[/b] Ya like? [B]Trance:[/B] Yes verry stunning. [i]Namida blushed and twirled around in the mirror as Trance went to rummageing through the shoes..[/I][/color]
  3. [color=indigo]Namida smiled. Her eyes slightly bugged out at the thousands of dresses, shirts, skirts and tops, all amazingly stunning and all about the same size. Namida looked Trance over. She realized they were both pretty much the same size. the were both very skinny as well, but not for a lack of food no Namida part, she ate like a pig, and oddly stayed small. Maybe it was because burglary takes so much energy? She giggled and went through the clothing with Trance. Occasionally she looked back to the bedroom that this wardrobe was in. The room was elegant with two canopy beds, she figured if they were allowed to pick their rooms she and Trance might be roomies. She hoped as she tossed Trance a gorgeous evening gown. It was long and black, studded with what looked like diamonds. Namida quickly ran to Trances side as she examined them, taking a small eye glass from her purse she looked them over closely.[/I] [B]Namida:[/B] Wow..their..REAL. [I] They exchanged gazes and grinned. Both went back to rummaging through the clothing, Trance had slipped on the dress and was now looking herself over in the huge semi circle of mirrors at the other side of the wardrobe. Namida wenr through the rack until she came upon a rather nice looking evening gown. Its long white silken over pieces fell elegantly over Namidas slender legs once she had it on. It ended just under her knees. The dress's sleevelessness showed off her arms and the neck cut off high but had a diamond shape n the middle of the chest. Namida looked around finding matching white shoes and a small silk white shawl. She walked up next to trance and looked herself, as well as Trance, over. She half smiled as she wasn't sure she would continue wearing this dress, she preferred "snazzier" outfits, her taste was classy not plane, but maybe it was the smooth silk on her legs, or the was it made her look almost fluid as she twirled, she oddly enough liked the dress..[/i][/color]
  4. [color=firebrick][I] Dragalla Looked at the two.[/I] [B]Dragalla:[/B] Intresting eh? Told you I would prove to be a nice lil' ally. [I] She flexed her leathery wings, they glinted in the sun as she tried to take off. Dragalla hovered for a moment before her feet touched the ground.[/I] [B]Dragalla:[/B] Darrnit. Not strong enough yett.. Oh cool. [I] She walked into the store she just got the clothing out of. Grabbing a scrunchie she pulled back her lng wavey hair and her think slender fingers quickly began to brais her long hair. In 3 minutes time she had finished and pulled off another scrunchie tieing the bottom off. Her hair was perfectly normal but for the long braided pony tail and the few straggles of crimson hair in her eyes. She looked in the broken glass and nodded, obvously satisified with her appearence.[/I] [B]Dragalla:[/B] Well, where to. Some place to get weapons maby? I could use one, not like I NEED it. But It would be nice to weild a blade again. I am a weapon thou, as you noticed a shield as well... [I] She smirked as her eye glinted, ger gaze shifting from Indrid to Qyrain.[/I][/color]
  5. [color=indigo][I]"It better not stain", Namida thought as they walked in the creepy house. She shivered head to toe wishing she could get to a warm bath or shower soon. She looked to Trance, then to Isiona. she hoped she would become friends with these two espically. Looking around she wondered if she would be avlie by moorning, then laughing to herslef rembering this wasn't a horror movie, or her favroite childhood game clue, this was real life. People don't just invite people to a house to die. Nonsence. She shuggred off the strange feeling she was being watched..[/I][/color]
  6. [color=firebrick][I] Dragalla looked up, eyes full of thanks to the man whom patched her wounds. She stood and her face flusterd slightly. She was after all not wearing anything.[/I] [B]Dragalla:[/B] Um..do you know of any place I could attain..some..clothing? [I]She blushed slightly again and flexed her leathery wings, happy for them ot be mobile, but she would need a bit of rest before she could fly again. She looked to Qyrain, then to Indrid. They exchanged glances, and slightly lifted brows.[/I] [B]Indrid:[/B] Um..yeah. Of course. [I] Dragalla followed as Indrid started walking. She had no clue where they were going, she was staying out of their minds for the time being. Dragalla made sure and kept in between Qyrain and Indrid, incase they were attacked she could produce a barrier to protect them and herself, but still allowing them to attack. She would repay these men by keeping them alive through this..whatever it was, war, she guessed.[/I][/color]
  7. [color=firebrick][I] Dragalla knelt in a pool of black liquid; her own blood. She clutched her side as it seeped the black colorless liquid. Her hand and much of her hair was drenched in it. She looked up as two men were about to turn the corner. Being psi was a perk of being a deamon, but she couldn't be sure if these men would believe her. She sat staringi n the direction they were about to ocme from, her wavy red hair falling in front and behind her, as she wasn't wearing clothes. Her bat-like leathery red wings flexed behind her. She has lost to much blood to fly.. The two men rounded the corner and instantly took aim at her. she looked ta them with pleading eyes.[/I] [B]Dragalla:[/B] Sir Indrid! Sir Qyrain! Please do not harm me! [I] She pleaded as they looked to one another gund raised.[/I] [B]Dragalla:[/B] I know your names because I can read most of your thoughts. I am on your side, please believe me! I speak the truth! How else owuld I know your names? I was attacked be a human thinking me evil! Honest I have come to help human kind! I hate evil! They killed my brother! My faimly! Please believe me!! [I] Dragalla stared at them, her eyes pleading and watery. To no ones knoledge, Deamons couldn't have emotion...[/i] [B]Dragalla:[/B] I leave myself at your mercy..masters.[/color]
  8. Yea well whos rpg is it? Uh hem and im BASEING this rpg on the books and if you don't want to be the Merlin I want then don't use a pre-scribed char. I'm sure someone else owuld be MORE than happy to comply with my wishes. And no I do not need a lecture on Merlin, but I also know Melin never ever carried a spear and never wore aurmor. I had to do a 1000 word report on him. And besides the fact stands it MY rpg nad I want the Merlin whom was prevously in T.A.Barrons The lost years of Merlin. If you don't like it don't sign up. Brother dearest. Ron would be more than happy being ihm, in fact I todl him bout this b4 I called u and he was quite adigitated U were prolly gonna get the part of Merlin..
  9. [color=indigo][I] Namida didn't know what to think of these people.. She sat on the oppsite end of the man steering. Her eyes flitted from person to person, then back at the water. She watched the waster when she didn't want people to know she was ease dropping. She sighed softly to herself. she shifted green frilly coat and looked at her feet, mumbleing something about horrible but matching. her eyes scanned the water as the slowly neared the castle. It was getting dark, the sun was about ready to set, the rays of orange and red streaked the sky putting on a dazzling display, the reds melding into the light blue that still spanned some of the eastern sky. Her eyes turned to the water again, she looked down at her own reflection and the refliction of the dazzeling sky. She lifted her head yett again. This woman Trance, she thought she heard. A Dr., caught her intrest quickly, although she would keep quiet, not wanting to come off as a big mouth, which she usually was, though these people wouldn't know that. She sighed softly again and turned back to the water.[/color][/i]
  10. Uh.. yeah its asome BUt for a few minor Details,, MERLIN ISNT A WARRIOR!. Grr He carries His sword, whos name he cannot tell anyone but he knows tis Excalabur, and his staff, touched by the wizard Tunnetha his grand dad and I'll give u a pivture of him, i scanned the book cover. :-D IT his a like 20 yr old him on ocver so appearence cant have changed much. :-D I'll give u piccie l8er n u can edit, plus that pic isn't Merlin ,its Hunter and u know it bro :) other than that I grant u the part of Merlin, as long as u fix thoes lil details.
  11. [color=indigo][I][B]Danielle:[/B] "URG! That Idiot, he knows I won't let him do this on his own.. Stephi, Jaimie, I know this is a lot to ask but...help me out! Ciel I need Gun's and a smaller Cannon for Stephi, gimme 4 hand held pistols with holdters for her also, and one of thoes blaster thinga ma bobs john had earlie,r for Jaimie gimme a z13550 double barreld blast ki cannon, smaller modle, also 3 9mm pistols with holsters as well and for fun, a katana. Me I'll take mt two pistols and hook em up so wiht I run out extra bullets are eaislt accessable. Also Give my my Cobra Kayana, it got mangled last fight, and...a smaller hand helf ki cannon."[/I] [I]Everyone looked at me like I was crazy. Steph and Jaimie just nodded and suited up, making their weapons eaisly accessable. I knew why Stephi agreed, she hates being helpless, and I know I can make her usefull, but..Jaimie prolly just helped cuz I asked.. And to save my asss if I get in a jam.. I Looked at Ciel as Stephi and Jaimie now had magnetic boots, like jon, I didn't. I perfer danger and mobility thna being weighted down. We went up the way John did and he had a fit of curses seeing Stephi prepared to fight, his curses were short lived thou as amist his protective rambling a smaller squiddy came up behind it, I noticed it a second to late.. It then blew up before my eyes. We both looked at Stephi and laughed, she was standing there arm out, she had hit it. "What? No bastard machiene messes with my man." We all had a short laugh before going to work. Being more mobile I jumped up into a smaller swarm of squids, gun in one hand Katana in both, the gun wedged between my fingers as i fired and lsashed. I laughed my *** off as i noticed once your past the big huge head you can stand on them. Jumping from squid to squid elimnateing them as I went, my eyes ocasionally turned to Stephi and Jaimie, making sure nither of them are in trouble..[/I][/color]
  12. Name: Manatsu Age 16 Sex F Bio Manatsu knows verry little but has heard rumors of an aproaching darkness, and answers shes searched for her whole life, an orpahn, abandoned and alone. She is on her way to some odd mansion.. Spell Kesiki~ Grants Manatsu protection for a short peroid of time from all attacks. Alignment I'm still kinda confused on what that means...
  13. Ok Well JJRiddler Heres troubles Bio: Name:Trouble Age:He's a bird, age unknown. Decription. Once a tan brown with red bans strewn across his tails and wings, since dieing his feathers are pure silvery, the once red bands now a rusty brown. Bio: Trouble came to know Merlin when he was saved by him, when Merlin was called Emrys, from two huge rats, ever since Trouble adored Merlin, once thought as a burdon then a blessing by Merlin ,the birds life ended when he scarificed himseld to save Merlin's life. ever since he has flown through the mists free and happy. He enjoys flying above all wishes desprately to return to Merins left sholder. Yes i got the idear from the 5 book series by T.A.Barron. And i have a picture of him, I'll post it l8er.
  14. [color=gray][size=3][B]Name:[/B] Dragalla [B]Age:[/B] 2,379 [B]Alignment:[/B] Former Evil turned good by whitnesing her brother killed by a fello deamon. [B]Race:[/B] Deamon [B]Short Bio:[/B] From the depth of hell she flew on batlike wings, no clothign and deep blood red hair flowing behind her, a scream traling in her wake. Her scream. Her brother had just been murderd, consider a "reasonable scrafice". They would pay, she would help the humans...even thou it ment turning on her own kind and turning from her own nature.. [B]Weapons: [/B] Spells. [B]Spells: [/B] [b]Kiseki[/b] (calls upon the power of Evil sending her overwhelming power, gives divine protection to her and anoyone she touches.) [b]Shinzin[/b] (allows her to gain temporary control over her surrounding environment, meaning she can bend the plants and trees to her will, making them to do her bidding, also caling upon any elements she wishes at any time.) [b]Eve Chikara[/b] (creates a disc that glows neon green around the rim but the rest is black. It has razor sharp edges and self destructs when touches anything but her, Making a small explosion) [b]Ruuu Dakada[/b] (Dragon rage, allows her to go into a fit of rage, friend and for tremble for she cannot disgunish the two. This is her strongest attack and most lethal. Limited use.)[/size][/color]
  15. [color=gray][size=3] Over 8,000 years ago, the world dirfted in to a dark era... ..these dark ages, a time of magic and mystrey, a era when history was made. Through the years history became legend, legend became myth, and now we have the story of King Authur and Merlin. What if it wasn't just a story? Lets go back over 8.000 years, to the year 1158... *~Flash~* A catle looms in the distance, you find yourself standing on a wide open feild womewhere in what would be whales, but is now known as the farest reaches of Gwynned, not far from the busy trade city of Cear Myddrid. You are currently somewhere in between, looking at a tall looming brick castle. A gust of wind rises up playing through your hair, the grass sways gently as the sun is blocked out momenterally by a threatning gray cloud. You make your way over the plne, away from the castle heading for the coast. Finally after hours walk you reach the beach, dark salty waves splash up on shore as your eyes flutter to a old oak. It looked as if lightning had struck it and someone cut off most of it for some reason. You walk over to the tree, three deep gashes gorge the dead trees trunk. You step back startled as you notice someone..or osmething in the dead, leafless branches of the old tree. The figure stands and jumps down, you realise its a girl, wearing a outfit of leaves and tightly woven vines. Her brown hair falling loosley about her sholder as a odd creature pops its head out of her pocket. The creature looks at you, as does the girl. "Silly persondedda you are! wanderingwandering aloneallalone dumbeyfool of a person." The girl looks at you smiling brought, just before she braks out in the moust uplifintg hearty laugh ever. You grin slightly but are still taken back at the speaking of the creature. "Oh don't mind Scully, he's just not used to strangers." She spreds her arms out and u suddenly notice an odd feature. The girl has wings, beautifull, elegant wngs, just like an eagles protruding from her sholderblades. You take another step back awed. "I am Rhia. Sister of Merlin, have you seen him? Do you know where he is? Avalon is in trouble, this mists are angry for some reason. I belive Rita Gwar has returned, and we havent seen Dagada in over 9 years since Merlin left. Do you know of a boy names Arthur?" You look at her puzzled for a moment. You wonder if the Merlin of whom she speaks is THE MERLIN, of the legend. Merlin, Avalon, it all fits. If she needs your help, with your knoldge of history you must help her, how cna oyu resist what looks like an angel? *~Flash~* Now heres the thing, everyhting is as Rhia (ree-ah) said. Avalon is in trouble and Dagada is missing. I Rhia, Merlins sister, need your help. I am in need of some new heros as well as Merlin (now 25) and his love, whom he hasen't seen in 9 years Hillia (now 24). (hill-lay-ah). Also it would be nice if an old friends, Shim (no age needed, but mid 20's), a giant, once a dwarf. A Merlin, a type of hawk, named Trouble. And a curious half grown dragon named Gwynnia (12 years old), named after the queen of dragons. If no one picks up their chars I'll play them as needed. (all the creatures but Trouble can talk normal) This is what I need from you: Name: Age: Decription: Background: (If using on of the set chars, Merlin Hillia, Trouble, Shim or Gwinnia I'll provide the decription) My entry. Name: Rhia Age: 25 Decription: Already given in entry. Background: Merlin's twin sister, non identicle, had lived in Finicyara all my life, after a series of events over 5 years the land i loved melded with the mist, the "Lost Isle" now known as Avalon, is surrounded in mists. The mists are a gateway to our world and Avalon, like Fincyara was, is not wholly of heaven, nor wholy of earth, but a gateway between the two. [I]An In between place[/i]. Have fun and thank you for signing up![/color][/size]
  16. I wonder where he wentded.. I haven't seen Randy on lately..
  17. O.O *nods* lot nicer and much more.."approiate" for "mischief" :-D BTW Randy Randy brofer brofer! Whos murderderded? U said ude tell when u chose everyone..
  18. *bows* yes Sensai. lol. I know I hate her shoes as well but i LOVEE that dress. And errors are fixded.
  19. [color=indigo][B]Name:[/B] Namida Amano [B]Age:[/B] 23 [B]Appearance:[/b] See piccie. (Changes clothes often) [B]Personality:[/b] The typical sweet and innocent love totally passes over, though a innocent appearance deep "evil" lurks behind those Hazel eyes. The mind and heart of a thief. She gets a great thrill from slipping in and out of residences, knowing shes the best and has never been caught, surely not able to pass up a chance for this much cash, and even if she doesn?t win..Maby she can still come out with money.... [B]Possessions:[/B] She carries a purse always matching whatever outfit, it carres a small pouch, looking like a change purse, but really a set of lock pics, also many other "decretely" disguised objects. Among them a lipstick container hiding a small laser light, a compact which is secretly a body heat censor. And many other "nifty" contraptions. [B]Background:[/B] She comes from a very loving family, oddly enough all the love was just what she needed to be noticed more, stuck as there loved "first born" negative attention is asome, especially when one smile and she even got away with stealing her principals car at the age of 12. She graduated high school and took courses in computer Tec and computer programming. She also the whole time took tai-quan-doe, not for fighting ability but because of its slow majestic ways, helping her become more limber and stronger, incase a window won't open of course.. not like she doesn?t have a glass cutter. She currently lives alone, just passed a messy break up, her X was cheating and, well the "other woman" is now bankrupt. [B]Outstanding Qualities:[/B] She is sweet adorable and the best liar. No one suspects her of anything wrong, shes just to adorable. Girls and guys alike trust her without question, for some odd reason, [B]Other Notes:[/B] Shes also looking for that special someone...[/color]
  20. Ok in refrence to Supermax sonic, I love it, ur in and um..i guess u don't needa find a buddy but my senario has one 4 each char and it will prolly be the final showcase. G.D. Ryoko, cool beans u cna doit on ur own. G/B/S Master, Personally I don't like ur origional senario. BUt I do like the others..I have a cool idear 4 ya, Y don't u intertwine animes? Like do the t.k./davis and KAri but cari is secretely in love with Ash and brough ihm to the show to confess then misty comes out and "CAT FIGHT" then tk and davis come out and thoes 3 get in an all out brawl? Teeheehee, sound cool? (_)itryneo, good idear but when ya doit make sure its really detailed n "played out"..if uve ever seen tha show u know what ot do. Well, Ive adressed everyone and so far there are 5 senarios. That sounds cool to me. Well plus Dayday's for 6. Okliedokelie. I'll start it this weekend cuz currently I only have 1 hour a day on net but this weeken im unltd time and i gotta get MY people to sign up. If anyone else wants to join go head and sign up, but its gotta be asome for me to let ne one else in. Plus Jerry hasen't signed up yett. And how it is gonna fully work is, Jerry will post, ask ur question, (Jerry will be prolly played by Neil, aka Chaos, sparring moderator), he'll ask y ur here blah blah and then u explane ur story nad hwo ur bringing out and why then hell post agan n say well lets bring em out and stuff then u have at it n finish it off.:) Well happy brawling :-D
  21. ~ It is time ~ I pronuced it to everyone as I grabbed Ciel by the arm and dragged her with me outside, my eyes seemingly flusterd with anger raidated with fear as well. The others fearing a fight followed, everyone, even the elusive Randy whom had dissapeared hours earlier, avoiding the fight, along with Ron. I waited til everyone was outside and I pushed Ciel back, she stumbled and tripped backwards, but was caught by Mike's hand on her arm, bringing herb back up. I was frozen arm outstreched as to grab her, but having failed. I sighed relived. ~ Ciel, I apologized, but if I ad grabbed any other they would have all dismissed it, but you, thinking I had some hidden toil and expecatant of a fight, they persued. I apologize and and deeply sorry, please forgive me, dear Ciel.~ She reluctantly nodded as I again sighed relived, my eyes gazed to Mike's as they showed all the thanks for catchng her they needed to. I wondered if h-..no, I stopped my thoughts. Another task was ta hand. ~I have gatherd you all now to tell you we must go to Zion. don't ask how I know but I know.. YUGINOCHO!~ As I yelled for the ship he came, split second after my call finished. ~Yes Ma'dam?~ I smiled feeling respected by at least someone, having swiftly becomeing my verry dear friend, a machiene, somehting thta I longed to bring down, a friend, well this friend I longed to not destroy but fellows of its kind. ~Yuginocho, we must go to Zion, I trust you know the way...~ ~Yes mam I do.~ His hull opened and I stepped inside greatfull for the smallness compared to "Mothers" Shell. WE all boarded and I walked with Mike as he sat behind what would be the "operators" chair but for it was not centerd but aginst a far wall and sculded, almost hidden in a mangle of wires and computer screnes, I knew my lo-..Michael would be quite at home. I walked to the front by the big screen which allowed us to see infrnont us and other small screnes allowing us to see aside and behind us. Yuginocho took off as we headed for a way to a deep underground rut I knew to well. We headed straight down as we decended what once was great cities.. The voyage ahead would be rocky, sentinitals still romaed these pipes..
  22. Oh U can be in just let me pick it back up n dust it off, i forgot to post the next step..lol *goes to doit now*
  23. ok that sounds cool but you must find partners to play the other person, at least one, if more than 2 is involved u may play and char u need but the once ur confroting on confessing to MUST be played by someone else. if u abloutely cannot find someone then pm me and ill try to get one of my verry favor oweing friends to doit. :)
  24. [color=blue] [center][img]http://www.firerender.com/misc/Jerry.JPG[/img][/center] "Jerry, Jerry, Jerry" Jerry Springer, a popular trash tv show, no one knowing if its real or paid to be that way. Well this it Jerry Springer, anime style. Pic ur fav anime char or anime couple and find a partner, u can hook up with partners via pm or via this thred. I think Neil aka Chaos is going to be springer, but if he decides to he needs to post his sign up regardless. if anyone else wants to be body guards, (which i think is pointless) or jerry go ahead but i doubt youll get in, im going for the orignalism of idears and odd senarios. So far i know 4 sure Phantom will be in this, with me of coruse but we still needa post our own sign up's. No one use her OR deedlit, parn or lord ashram, Thoes charctars are already taken for. *bows* Thkz and hope u sign up. (thinks this will be a riot even thou quality of this sign up um..whats the word, bited, im pressed for time and will fix it out l8er just wannted to get it out here so people cna be signing up. Well have fun! Requiremnts: Here's Mine: Anime Char: Pirotess What anime is char from:Record Of Lodoss War Picture of char:*connected* Senario: I'm working on it but so far i belive I will be with my husband/boyfriend Lord Ashram and I will confess I have been cheating with Deedlit. Then she coms out, and obvously Parn didn't know about this. Then Lord Ashram and Parn Will confess theyve been secretly in love and..u get the point. Anime Char: What anime char is from: Picture of char:(attaches or will attach l8er) Senario:[/color]
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