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Everything posted by Shinkoru
cool ur chops. now i really don't care if i get in, i was really looking forward to this rpg for 2 reasons, 1 my good,at least i think he is, good friend made it, 2 i love x men. The problem has thus been fixed and all is well.
[color=firebrick] Name: Danni Callsign: Rage Age: 16 Sex: F Height: 5'3 Build: Blood red hair, violet eyes,medium build, not to strong but not to hsabby, and slender, verry agile. Attire: She wears dark blue jeans and a hich cut black tank top. Abilities: Her ability is both a blessing and a curse. When she fights, she cant stop, she is oversome with almost uncontrollable rage and she gets there pretty quickly. Once fighting she can't stop til shes won or is dead. obvously shes always won, so far.Being in a state of rage is dangers to friend and for alike for she cant disgunish friend or foe, anyone who attacks or shows hostility to her in ragestate is subject to death as well. Being in rage hightens her sences makes her faste, stronger, and able to see better. Biography: Obvously seeming like shes on pms 24/7 she has little friends and even littler allies. She made her way cheating at poker and winning brawls. Shes lived alone in her apartment for the past 2 years since escapeing with a few other mutnats. She recived the e-mail last night and set out, selling her apartment and taking just a few valuables, with them a pet cat, seemingly the only one who can put up with her pmsy ness, mainly cuz the cats just as mean as her, cept to her, nautrally.[/color]
[color=indigo][I]Eve sighed and looked to Umeko. She remberd when she herself were so hot tempered. She sat down and looked at the empty kitchen table. She blinked twice and suddenly the table was full of the most delishous fruits and cooked meats. She sighed again and leaned back aginst the wall.[/I] [B]Eve:[/B] Eat up...[/color]
[color=indigo][I]Eves eyes narrowed as she now knew her powers would come in great handy, this Basuka understmated her, she had helped bring down the dreaded Nilothakir..she could handle a halfling. She jumped up and wistled as she was almost fifty feet in the air. A great red dragonn suddenly appeared as if out of no where.[/I] [B]Eve:[/B]Ryuu! calm that dragon while I get Umeko? Ok, you know what to do if you can't get it calm. [I]Ryuu nodded slightly and leveld with the other dragon, Eve jumped to its back as Ryuu took off and faced the dragon, roaring at it as if they were talking to one another... Eve Looked at Basuka. He looked up and laughed, the moment his eyes loced on Eve's he froze, as did Eve. Umeko got up and ran to Ev, standing behind her. Eve telepathically Told Umeko to go ot Ryuu, as his huge wing was within jumping distance. Umeko nodded and jumped to Ryuu's wing quickly scrambling to behind his neck, she frabbed a knobby scale and held on as he jerkced back, the dragon Eve and Basuka were on was getting angrier. Eve's gaze never left Basuka. Her lock on ihm kept his mind walled up, unabling ihm ot move, o magic could be used but this wasnt magic, pure psi..Her eyes narrowed as a scream errupted from what sounded like Basuka..and it did, but not from his mouth, from within his mind. He fell twitching, Eve's gaze broke as she went to jump to Ryuu but he was to far away. Eve cursed as she turned to have her sheek gashed by a ki blast from Basuka. Eve grabbed her sword and jumped at Basuka, he attempted a laugh and dodged but his laugh turned to screams as Eve's blow had missed but the icy blade had toughed his shirt. The ice spred rapidly taking over his body. Eve grabbed his frozen arm and ran up the head of the dragon and lept, landing on Ryuu's back in a kneel position. The other dragon screamed in rage and attacked Ryuu. Ryuu shot upwards like a rocket and arched his long neck, firing a huge blast of flames at the other dragon, the blast connected and the dragons head was coverd in flame. Normally this would kill a creature but not a dragon, obvously scales resistant to flame, it did thou snap the dragon from its rage. It nodded to Ryuu in thanks and flew off. Ryuu hoverd and touched ground, the other running up to them, Umeko fine but badly shaken. Eve bound Basuka in the block of her swords etrnal Ice, only Eve, and nothing else, could melt the ice..one other thing could but only one person possessed that sword..Gensou, her brother and he had dissapeard long ago, he wouldn't free him anyway. Eve smiled, happy at her handy work. Umeko hugged Eve in thanks. Eve smiled as Umeko's still un-named Unicorn came up nuzzling her, Eve patted Ryuu as she knew Uni would come upon calling, she had Ryuu with her for now, she didn't need Uni, she did, after all, perfer wings to running. Eve turned from the others and started a chant, Ryuu shrank rapidly and turned to about the size of a grown horse,(or unicorn) with a pretty big wing span. Eve smiled as he laid next to her. Eve turned then to the block of Basuka..[/I] [B]Eve:[/B] Soo..wht we doign with him? I could un freze just his head for questioning porpouses....[/color]
[color=indigo]OOC: hehehe *huggles Little Serenity* tkz. :) IC:[I]Eve smiled and wiped her tears. [/i] [B]Eve:[/B] Yeah Illy will be back soon ehough..few years maby, whats that to me, I'll live at least another 500... [I]Eve's voice trailed off as Umeko lookd at her, eyes widened.[/I] [b]Umeko:[/B] 500..more?? [b]Eve:[/B]Yeah I'm around 250. I don't know exactly when I was born so give or take a few. I never got to ask my mother before she was killed..by my father then I helped kill my father go figure. Jus the way thigns work out I guess. HEY! I have an idear. [I] Eve smiled and grabbed Umeko's arm and tossed her from the tree. Eve laughed as Umeko yelled out, but suddenly, paused, in mid air. Eve kept eyes on Umeko, making sure not to blink less Umeko fall to what would ultmatly be her death. Umeko was then on the ground and in a flash Eve was at her side. Eve put her two fingers to her lips and wistled. A brilliant stallion unicorn emerged from the tree line, followed by a yougner but almost same sized colt.[/I] [B]Umeko:[/B] Woah..unicorns.. [B]Eve:[/B] What? Youve never seen one? This is my unicorn Uni, and his colt. He dosen't have a name yett I just been callin him Jr. lol Take him, he's yours. [i] Umeko's eyes widened as Eve helped hoist her onto his back. She explained that you should never put a saddle or bridle on a unicorn, their elegant manes are fine for that. Eve jumped up and mounted Uni.[/I] [B]Eve:[/B] HIYA! [I]Umeko mimiched Eve as they took off joy riding through the trees, letting Umeko get the feel of riding. Eve slowed Uni to a gallop and pulled back keeping alonside Umeko.[/I] [B]Eve:[/B] So..sis. What'cha gonna' call him?[/color]
[size=2][color=indigo][I]Eve sat high up in the trees watching this all unfold. "Fools,"she thought, If they had only asked her she could have given Max the power to transform, she wonderd if she was to powerfull for this mission, she may only look 17 but after 256 years of life u tend to gain some power. She wondered if anyone even cared about her. Her eyes followed Umeko, not along since Max and Sakura had gone. She fancied Umeko. She was Innocent, and all mixed up in this. She wondered if any reall even noticed her existence. Her husband surely didn't, he'd left her a long time ago to go "adventuring", her children were god knew where, and all her friends were gone. eve was alone. She pulled her knees up and put her face odwn in them, her eyes watered and spilled with tears. She sat high up in the tree crying, sure nobody even noticed her gone...[/color][/size][/i]
[color=firebrick][size=3]Well it Says Danielle because it was trying ot say Danielle and blood are the same. :) thats y cuz i look kinda like her in certin pictures. but I likez it..*looks again* Maby if it was a diff color....[/color][/size]
[size=3][color=firebrick][center]Vampire?[/color] [color=firebrick]Well I just started making better banners tkz to a lotta help from ym love, and finding a gay but better than paint prog on my comp. hehe Well Its one of my first new ones besides the banner I have on now. Well Tell me what you think! Big long winded comments [b]GREATLY[/b] Appriciated :) And advice u can give me is verry muched thanked for. Well Commetns comments comments! (And [b]Yes[/b] it has a picture, 2 auctually, in it of what I really look like, one is fused with anime char verry nicely thou so I look animated.)[b]Please.[/b] :)[/color][/center][/size]
OOC:O.o no wonder no ones posted.
[color=indigo][I]Manatsu suddelnly appeared as they new "heros" started to leave.[/I] [B]Manatsu:[/B] Not so fast.. [I] They all stared astonished as Manatsu's gaze fell on each one of them in turn.[/i] [B]Manatsu:[/B] I am Manatsu, daughter of the Great Gannondorf. I see you all have gathred. Sakura, daughter of the Great Link, the man who killed my father. Bet you didn't know that..did you. But I am here to take his place. And you, Samantha, Daughter of Saria, and ah Davi, child farie of Navi thegreat one who saved Links life. Daggar, Child of Darunia. And Reei, ruto's succusor, so how is your grandfather. It was a pleasure to watch my father kill him so many years ago. Meteo! You...I thought I had killed you...And you dare cal yourself a thief! Nabooru would have never turned on us if not for your wretchid father! Shame shuch a good thief had to die though. Now, the great hero's risen again? Hah. You shall never make it into my forest, and you will die if you do not find the stones togather, but if you don't split up my spell will have finished and Hyrule will be mine by the time you get back. But you will not leave this tree alive. IT shall be a pleasure killing you all! [I] Manatsu then started glowing a bright purple. Demons and ghouls suddenly appeared all around them, enough for each to have tis own fight, except one. Manatsu glared as Sakura. They drew swords preparing for battle, Manatsu knew she could not be killed, even fi she lost she would gaian be safe in her tower...[/I][/color]
[color=indigo]OOC: I really dunno what I can do except be all evil. (Isn't used to being evil. Is used to being the hero) lol. IC: [I]Manatsu got bored of watching, she had decided to make an appearence. Jumping off her throne she walked down the stairs to the front door. Once outside she paused, looking at the great child of Zelda, shae she had passed, Manatsu would have so liked to kill her herself. Manatsu laughed as Kani struggled at the bars. Unless she held powers excedding Manatsu's own, she wouldn't get far, espically with Manatsu's hounds on her. She patted her bone dog's heads as they yapped and snarled at Kani. Kani cursed and spit on Manatsu, Manatsu glared at her, Manatsu's eyes growing red as the cage shrunk 2 sizes, greatly restricting Kani's movment. Manatsu laughed and dissapeared. She re-appeared in the lost wood's near the kokri's forest. Manatsu sought out the child of Link. And she had a "gift" for the daughter of the mage Saria....[/i][/color]
lol Cute. U seem younger than 15 but i like ur style..normally ide say no but someon just dropped out so u can take his place, out ur first post but dont find us ill find you ok? so go post now. And u better be able to post at least once a day. :) and Add me to ur buddy list! :)
[color=indigo][I]Eve's eyes peered throug the trees below her, watching the girl with red eyes. She closed ehr eyes and channeld herm ind directly ot this girls. ~inside Ayako?s head~ Eve"So, your name is Ayako. I am Eve, one of the legendary 7 hereos. Nice to meet you. You may not speak much but I am sure you won't need to because I can read your mind at will. I am pleased to see you do not mean to harm us, if so you would be dead. And yes I am sure we could use your help, check your pocket. Ayako then reacked to her pocket and withdrew a back full of gold coins. ~Eve"thats 1,000 yen. If your help goes past that payment I shall give you more. The girls face was astonished. She jumped out ready for battle, now glad to aid Sakura and the others.[/i][/color]
[color=indigo]Manatsu laughed out as she watched the petty child of the great Link battle her dog. what fools she thought. this puppy would be the ned of them yett. sat sat upon her fathers thrown in the tower of Gannondorf's castle, once again replaceing the Hyrule castle. Princess Zelda's child was outside being teased be gouls in a cage made of pure iron. The door to the castle had 7 hollow markings of diffrent shapes, if they ever expected to gain entrance to the castle they must find the zeven gems strewn all about Hyrule. But they would be long dead before they even learned the location of the first gem. Manatsu laughed again. Watching through a hovering orb the battle before her. She summoned a Evil Deku scrub and sent it after that girl.samantha, she musn't be allowed to reach the council. Her plans were already in action as the members of the council were slowly being "persuaded" to give in to her demands....[/color][/i]
Yeah tkz Deed, I didn't notice, Well then i'm a make it Saria's ocrania she gave link in legend of zelda ocrania of time. :) cuz it is replaced by the ocrana f time. so i have the one she gave him :-D that workz.
[color=indigo][I]Eve looked behind her, she didn't like leaving Umeko behind.. She wistled for Ryuu and let the others go on she'd catch up. She explained to Ryuu to protect Umeko and keep her in the house. He shrunk down to the size of a pony. Eve teleported to the others and smiled feeling ok now that Umeko was safe. They ran for a while until eve heard swords clashing/ They turned right and ran smack in to some girl and Basuka. They all sprang into action. Eve jumped back letting the others gain skill, she already knew how to fight, but she could use a brush up on her protection spells. she jumped to the high branch of a tree and started chanting, suddenly the air around her new friends started sparkling, the looked up and Eve and nodded, knwing she wa protecting them from ana severe harm..[/color][/I]
[COLOR=FIREBRICK][I] Namida groaned and sat up. Her eyes opened slowly as she yawned. She wiped her eyes and look down at her wristwatch. Her fingers slid to the button on side it, the face of the watch lit up and revealed the time. It was 8:35pm. She kicked her shoes off and jumped up.[/I] [B]Namida:[/B] Dammit I?m late! [I] She jumped up and grabbed her suitcase, she picked it up and set it on her bed. Unzipping it she rummaged through its contents until she withdrew a long full piece black leather suit. She slipped off her tank top and skirt. Unzipping the back of the leather suit she slipped in and pulled up on a string attached to the zipper as it zipped up. She unhooked the string and walked to the mirror. She stood a moment, looking herself over. Nodding in approvement she turned and went through her bag again til she took out a pair of black knee-high boots. She slipped them on and grabbed a pair of black gloves and put them in her purse, she zipped it and grabbed a big black overcoat and put it on, keeping the front closed. She grabbed a hotel key and walked to the door. Namida didn?t think she?d be needing it, she could get back in on her own if need be, but she took it regardless. After closing the hotel room door she turned around quickly. She had the odd sensation someone was watching her? she shuggred it off and walked down the hall to the elevator. Trying to hail a cab was so hard in New York City. She walked to the curb;up next to a business madn who was attempting to get a taxi as well. She finally flagged one down and turned to look at her.[/I] [B]Man:[/B] After you miss. [I] Namida nodded in thanks and slipped in the cab; grinning to herself. The driver looked up in his rear viue mirror.[/I] [B]Driver:[/B] where too Miss? [B]Namida:[/B] Um..do you know of any building that recently um..had an explosion inside it? Its my sisters and I?m supposed to meet her there and help her clean up. [I]He nodded and took off. Lieing to men was so easy. She paid close attention to where they were going, she planned to walk back. A few minutes later the taxi pulled up to a what would be nice house but for the roof caveing in and the rubble surrounding it. She paid the driver and got out. She watched the taxi until the taillights dissapeared around a corner. She turned and looked up at the building, a cigirette bud on the entrance steps caught her eye. It looked like it hadn?t been there more than a few hours, it still smelled bad. She flinched slightly seeing the door slightly ajar. [/I] [B]Namida:[/B] Stupid New York, a house falls down and in come the bums. [I] She knew her babble was just to re-assure herself. She walked up the steps and into the house. She kicked open the front door (for dramatic effect) and walked in. Stoping in the middle of the room she looked around, noting but rubbish. She got the odd feelign again someone was watching her. But this was different than before, like it was a different person.[/I] [B]Namida:[/B] Come on Namida..get it togather. [I] she walked briskly to the sraitway in the back center of the room, once long and elegant now crumbling and worn. She shook her head sadly. Reaching the platform she turned left heading to a far room knowing only slightly where she was headed. She paused and unzipped her purse, rummaging through it momentarlly she pulled out what looked like a calculator. There was a red dot on the light blue screen, the more she walked left the faster it blinked. She enterd a huge room, probly the master bedroom. The light blinked more as she walked towards the closet. She slid in the closet and walked to the back right corner. The light didn?t move now. She slipped off her coat and put it aside. She grinned happily and knelt down, going thru her purse until she pulled out a small crome hammer. She turned and put her ear to the wall and slowly started tapping along the all towards the back until the small ?thumps? of the hammer went ?ting?. She smiled brightly as she marked the place. She reached in her pocket and pulled out a razor blade, she cut a square around where she marked and reached in her purse again grabbing a black suction cup, she sucured it to the suare and tugged, the piece of wall same away eaisly. Grabbing her gloves and slipping them on she looked at the safe that sat before her. She withdrew a small black rectangle, wires coming from the back led to a credit card like piece of metal. She moved closer to the safe and slid the credit card next to the dial. She watched the face of the box turn on to reveal a set of numbers, they started spinning going through random numbers. The first numer stopped on 4. A few moments later the second number stopped on 23, then the third on 12.[/I] [B]Namida:[/B] Bingo. [I] she turned the dial to the right til she hit 4, then left to 23, then right to 12. She tugged on the handle. It didn?t budge. She cursed and did it again. She turned it this time left to right to 23 then left to 12. She tugged the handle again. It opened eaisly. She smiled and took out a red velvet box incased in gold. Her eyes sparkled as she opend the box. Before her eyes sat a pair of sapphire earrings, a huge diamond ring and a necklace, Sapphire and diamond embedded, a huge Ruby heart sat in the center, all lined in 24k gold. She grinned and pulled out a black velvet bag. She slid the contence of the box in the bad and dropped the box, she reached up and pulled back the top of her blouse under her neck. She slipped the velvet bag in, knowing it?d be safe there. She grabbed the box and tossed it back in the safe, slamming the safe door she spun the dial and put back the piece of wall. Namida scooped up all she had taken from her purse and put it back, zipping it closed. She waled out the bedroom smiling happy as can be. She decended the stairs and stopped at the foot. She saw the figure of a man. If he had been in the shadows the whole time he knew her name..she had said it? She walked forward a bit, the man still watching her, cloaked in shadow. [/I] OOC: dunno if u got the message or if im just up late n awake early.:) But if ya did tkz! :)[/color]
[color=blue][b]Danielle:[/B] YOU ****ING IDIOTS! You don't hear the door! [I] I shook my head as I jumped up and ran to the door, a guy, looked kinda young, fell in screaming, just then a few hundred sentenitals appeared in the doorway.[/I] [b]Danielle[/B] UH JOHN!! RON!! MIKE!![/color]
[color=purple][I] I gripped john's hand tightly as he laied on the floor, ciel moving swiftly to him, Stephi already at his other side, he hadn't noticed she was awake. He was out cold, the No. 7 claning his back but mixing his mixing up his head causing him to throw up the blood he had swollowed from his cut lip. Ciel told everyone to stand back as She put her hand over his eyes. A lil droid I hadn't seen before. It was small, bout the size of a cat. It jumped on john and a lil gun looking thing was attached to its arm, a small red lazer shot out from the tip of the lil gun and went over his wounds. John groaned in pain as the lil droid moved from cut to cut, healing then with great ease, I know John would dissaprove but, He said dont let him die. ^_^ He awoke after a few hours and looked up in to my eyes. He smiled. I leaned over n kissed his forhead as he turned over and looked at Stephi. His eyes suddenly poured with tears as he turned and hugged me tighter than ever. "Uh..*choking* bro! *cough* Danni can't breath!!" He laughed and let go giving me one more quick hug before wrapping Stephi up in his arms. I smiled and laid my head on is side, the top of my head under her arm. I sighed and started to doze off. Jaimie came over n curled up in my arms, wantign ot be huggled too. I smiled and passed out, feeling close to the ones I loved....[/I][/color]
Yeah I was told that too thou... The banners r nice but kinda plae yesh. and I do this it'd look cooler if u did sumtin cool wif the both and fading or usmtin, i dunno.:)
The text that says taking message baords to the extreme is ON the otakuboards v.6 banner. Make by Sky3. He just Took it. :-/ Sky3 is my friend, I guess u might say that, but He did make a nice banner and deserve credit 4 it. :)
[color=purple]Well Kiara I think I might have to out do u so I cna be the vilan for once. :-D *evil thoughts* [B]Name:[/B] Manatsu [b]Age:[/B] 16 [B]Race:[/B] Sorceress/human [B]Bio:[/B] Manatsu had already been born before Gannondorf was killed by Link. To prevent his succuors death her and her mother were sent away so Link couldn't find her and destroy her from rising again. Being the daughter of Gannondorf Manatsu has strong magical powers. she has just been granted permission by her mother to re-enter Hyrul and take controll ocne again, folowing in her father footsteps. [B]Description:[/B] Manatsu has long black hair, held in by one long braid going down her back. Her eyes are a deep red, like her fathers. Her clothings is somewhat bikerish (but there arent motorcycles yett:)) She wears a black short sleeved shirt under a long black coat given to her by her father, her pants are flared slightly and black, with red and purple zig-zags going up the sides, her boots are slightly heeled and black, going up to her knees. [B]Weapons:[/B] A Long Katana, a gift from her mother. A ocrana, (the ocrana of time to be exact, stole by her uncle from Hyrule castle 2 years ago). And a long black lether wip. [B]Parent:[/B] Gannondorf. [B]Extra Item:[/B] A hair clip she uses to tie the end of her braid, 2 small red balls connected by a black string, it gives her all her "extra" powers, her father intrusted it to her before he died, the last of his power within it. OOC: Good nough Ohkami? :) Hopefully my efforts will cause Kiara to be a Goron.[/color]
[color=teal][I]I breathed in deep as I threw up, coughing up something that looked like it had been dead for quite some time... The first thing I noticed was Mike sitting next to me, his hand now on my back while I was on all 4's over the garbage can. I as still locked within my mind but his prsence and Jaimies, I just noticed, she was on the other side of me, a bottle in her hand. I just grinned, she was always there to make me feel better. Ron sat across from me ready to change the garbage can once full, Denny was sitting on the counter caddy corner and Ciel was standing next to him, obvously flurting, Flynn was sitting as a computer ocasionally glancing at me. I noticed the guy who we picked up had awoken, he was sitting in a corner crying. I looked closer. [/I] [B]Danielle:[/B] Randy? [I] His head leifted, I guessed he had't tolf anyone his name, he wasnt bald any more either, a thin sporut of hair coverd most his head now. He wiped his eyes and looked closer at me, I wonderd if he reconized me. Seeing I was ok everyone got up and went about their business. Ciel came over n double checked me making sure I was going to recover. I noticed most my mind was still trapped deeply within the aviod void of my fears, but enough remained for me to function semi-normally. Randy stood and walked over to me, sitting in front me and Jaimie. I took one of the 3 bottled and drank, chugging all I could hold in one gulp, (which is a lot, I can hold my liquer). My eyes bugged out as I coughed, commetnting it was some strong ****. Jaimie laughed and drank from her bottle, Randy grabbed the other. I had almost forgotten mike didn't like me drinking, so nautrally I offerd him some. He just looked at me as I turned back to Randy and Jaimie drinking and laughing, feeling some of the stress lift, once Randy realized who I was he pratically lept at me hugging me. I hugged ihm back tightly as the 3 of us chatted and reminised, soon after I pulled Mike up behnd me and sat on his lap, the floor was getting cold. After the drinks ran out Ciel re-filled us. We laughed and drank all night, the convos getting pretty halluraous around bottle 5-6. [/i][/color]
[color=firebrick][I] Namida stepped out the back of the taxi, her heels dropping to the ground in a puddle.[/I] [b]Namida:[/B] Dammit. [I] She grabbed her purse out the back seat and paid the taxi driver as he got out to unlock the trunk. She handed him a 20$ and thanked him, grabbing her suitcase from him she turned and walked in the hotel. She looked around smiling as she felt perfectly at home in the ritzy hotel.[/I] [B]Namida:[/B] Wow. Nice job Namida.. [I] She strolled up to the counter, her walk there having caught the eyes of all the men in the lobby. While she waited for the person behind the counter to get off the phone she looked around, admiring the gold trimmed ceeling and elegant red carpet. The huge fluffy couches caught here eye she figured it'd be nice to come read out here at night. She also noted a sign explaning there were many walk-thru gardens and makeshift (sp?) waterfalls. The lady behind the counter finally hung up the phone and walked over to Namida.[/I] [B]Lady:[/B] Hi how may I help you? Do you have a reservation. [B]Namida:[/B] Yea, I called a week ago and booked the Lexington Suite. [B]Lady:[/B] Ooh, nice choice, thats one of our finest suits. Your aware its a single thou right? [I]Namida nodded as the lady took her credit card and scanned it. Handing Namida her card back and 2 room keys she pressed a button which called the bellboy. The guy was awe struck as he picked up her resonably lage suitcase and carried it with her to her room. Once there she thanked him and slipped a 50$ in his hand. He thanked her gratfully and bows before leaving. She sighed upon entering the room.[/i] [b]Namida:[/B] Ah, I love these japanese style rooms. I wonder why its the Lexington Suit thou.. [I] She walked over and set her suitcase on the bed. The blankets were red silk and the room was a splash of mild orental colors. There were also japanese wirtings on many of the decorations and the pillows. she kicked off her heels and sat down on the bed grabbing the remote. She pressed a button as the doors to the entertainment center slids open and the tv turned on. She flipped throught the channels til she found a good movie. She laid back closing her eyes, the comfy pillow taking her to napping after a long day of traveling..[/i] _____________________ OOC: Well I dunno where we are or what time so I just picked a hotel. and if its kinda far back I'll make the tv black n white. :) [/color]
Ah! *adores Love Hina* :) *loves Kaola Sue* I like shinobu best thou but the pic of Motoko Is asome. I love it, 9/10. :) U chould shade the hair a tad bit and i see what cha mean on the neck but.. It stil looks ok. :) don't beat urself up about it. It looks nice. Honest.:)