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Everything posted by Shinkoru
[Color=Blue][I] MY eyes finally opend, I had been lying there for hours, or minutes? I didn't know. I wasn't where I had been I suddenly noticed. I was back someplace I..where was I? My eyes hurt so bad but I forced them open. A girl leaned over me with a cloth wiping somethign red off my arm. I kepy my eyes squinted, she hadn't yett noticed I was awake. She looked oddly, like me? I opend my eyes fully and sat up, people came running. I was startled. Who were these people? I backed up twards the wall looking scared as hell. I saw weapons on these people, who were they? Did the intend to hurt me?? I jumped up and ran, bolting for the open "door" or what lookedl ike one. All I knew was there was outside out there. A few of the people followed me, but the girl who looked like me stopped them. I heard her say she needs to find herself? Why would I need to do that? I didn't question it. I just ran flat out as fast as I could. "oww!" I yelled out as I fell face first on the ground. The cold rugged earth cutting up my legs. I sat up and examined my legs blowing on the wiping the dirt off. I just then noticed my attire. I was in a pair of cutoff shorts and a black tank top. *i shiverd. It was sure cold out here. My ears perked up as I heard a noise. I breathed in sharply and held the breath. My eyes darting around like I was a scared rat or something. I thought it over.. Well I am scared, and I am really pweny. I shuggred and stood up, not havng taken note of the direction I came from. That ship or whatever was warm... maby I should..but I don't rember where it is.. I sighed having ruined thigns again. Probly my only chance fo- I saw something. A..person? I looked closer... ducking behind a piece of metal I wastched the man. I was sure he was human..almost..sure. He was wearing..i leaned closer. A trench coat? and.. he was talking to himself about something..boots? I lifted one eyebrow. Sniffing the air I was 100% sure he was human. I didn't sence any machienes..so maby.. I stood and approached him slwoly. He turned his eyes to me, then his head. He looked at me like I was some sorta ghost. I wonderd if I was. He walked over to me. I looked at him. He poked me. "Ow!" "Are you real?" "Yes I'm real! Who are you to go around pokeing people?!" "Truth is I havent seen another person in a long time.." "Oh. I'm sorry..." "Why should you be? I'm Flynn." I looked at him. I hadn't realised it til now. I didn't know my name.I looked at the ground for a moment... "I..don't know my name." He looked at me curuosly. Then he nodded. I sat down on the cold ground and thought about it. Why didn't I know who I was? And who were thoes people on the ship? I shuggred. AAH! I helled out and fell over. Sitting up I held my head, it hurt so badly! The pain stopped And I looked up at him. "Danielle. My name is Danielle." "You..um..nevermind." He helped me up as we walked, me trying to recall the directon I came from. I heard a loud screeching sound, and suddenly what seemed like a hundred orange beams were all around us. He looked up and cured. "Dammit!" He looked at me and yelled to run. I noticed he held no weapons. A little ways away I noticed a fissure in the ground, pipes were leading far far down. I looked at him. He returned the gaze. "Do we have any choice?" Shaking my head I gulped. "nope, guess not." I grabbed on to his arm and we jumped down. WE slid down the pipe for what seemed like hours, but in reality was probly baout a minute. We landed on someting squishy and wet. I screamed realizing what it was. "Its dead people!!" He didn't say anything. Just pilled the decaying flesh off him and steped off the floating mound of carcauses. I looked down at the murky water. I jumped, glad it wasnt to seep, knee height at most, for him it was up ot his shin. I turned looking once more at the pile of carcuses. I looked closer.. "It looksl ike one isnt decomposing!" He looked startled and turned to the pile. "****! That guys still alive. Or living but almost dead." "Help me pick him up. Wait eww o. you doit, hes naked..." The guy laughed as he lifted the man, looked to be somewhere near 20-24 years old. He took off his trench coat, revealing a old tatterd **** and moth eaten jeans. He..Flynn, slipped his coat on the guy. The man was breathing, but barely. His eyes opend from time to time as we walked through the murky sewers. "We need to get back to where I was, the sip I was at might help you." "Great I dear but do you have any idear how to get back up?" "yeah, climb." "Climb what? Up slick slimy pipes with dead weight??" "Oh.." I thought as we walked back to the pipe we had fallen down..oh! I called out showing the stairs that followed the pipe upwards. I went to Flynn and put the guys other arm around my sholder as I tried to help Flynn carry him up the stairs. As we trugged up flight after flight of neverending stairs my mind raced. I went over my thoughts of this Flynn guy. He seemed odd. But oddly calm. The guy we held moaned ocasionally, with pain I supposed, the holes on his arms were bleeding.. When I couldn't walk and carry anymore Flynn told me not to worry about it, he could handle it. I gave thanks as I walked ahead. We finally reached the top of the stairs. The scorched sky spanned on forever as we breathed in the icky plouted air. I noticed lights in the distance. We walked towards them. I noticed tracks in the soft earth. Looking to my bare feet I noted they were mine.. "This way!" I ran back to Flynn and lifted the guys arm over my solder again as we walked fast to the craft I was at. Upon reaching some guy exclaimed "FLYNN!" And Flynn looked at him like he was an idiot. "You are.." "Michael. You know me" Flynn's eyes widened a bit as he sighed loudly, sounding like relife. He walked with this Michael guy and started rambling on about Boots again. I didn't Get it. The girl who looked like me took the guy. She put him on a bed and started tending his wounds. A girl with a teddy slept in the corner. I hadn't noticed her before. She stirred and rose comming to me talkign about drinks and wanting to know if I wanted any. She..knew my name? "Who are you?" She looked puzzled.. [center].:: Press play NOW! ::.[/center] [center][/center] "I'm Jaimie, one of your best firends?? Sister almost?? You..Danni what are you playing around for?" "I..honestly I don't know what you mean. I don't know you.. or any of these people. I know Flynn, the guy I ran into but I had only just met him." "No! You knew Flynn in the Matrix he was on ob.." I cut her off screaming as my brain was fileld with images of people and thigns, an internet site? Otaku Boards? Flynn, ! Ron, Jaimie! Denny? I screamed as the pain intensified. Mike!!! Stephi I Saving her flashed before my eyes, was she alive? did I get to her in time?! Everythign rushed back to me as I screamed out.. I ran again, out Yuginocho's doors. I again was my sub chonsous, my mind had walled away everythign for me to find people and do what must be one, but again my sub chounshos took over. I was again myself. Lost and alone inside my own mind. No one followed as I walked outside.. I walked on, not caring where I was going, or in whence direction I headed. I just walked, the shadows of doubt and confusion bubbled and weleld within my own mind. I hated the pain, I wished it would stop, would jaimie save me this time? Or this she did? Would she comfort me, would she let me cry? Would Mike carry me from the darkness? Would John, come to my rescuse? Would stephi comfort me? Would ron smack me and tell me to snap outta it? Would Flynn..be here? Would Ciel heal me? Or try to..? Would Denny be concered? Would he care? I cryed as I walked doubting everything, espically myself. The darkness within my own head pulled at me, wanting ALL of me cousumed within the darkness? Could I do that? Forget everything? ~Flash~ I sat in my bed watchign a movie, an anime. A gut, Kietche, was asking Celestene about Beldandy. "Rember Belldandy? Rember the feelings you felt? Rember the world you love and the dreans you fosterd there? Would you throw them away? Celestene?!" "Hah. My gola is to open a world that has been shut tight!" Why.. I looked around. I was home? But I.. ~Flash~ I was back in nothing ness. What just happend? Was that th matrix I was just in, or was itj ust a flashback? Or something I was supposed to know? Was that real? Or did I imigne it?! I screamed cryign harder, not knowing If allthis wa a dream, just a dream..son ide be home in my bed...home all safe and warm I'll finally be Otaku on ob and everything would be fine, It'd all be OK. ~Flash~ "The same movie... "Morgan! Why? A faerie princess?! You of all people should udnerstand this isnt right! Get out of your self centerd mindset and realize your not the only one who is suffering!" "But thats exactly what I'm hoping for!" "Hope! Your about to open a pandoras box! A place devoid of the light of hope!" ~Flash~ I..dreaming.. maby? I..I started crying as I lost it completely,.. I pulled my knees up and sat in the middle of no where crying and rocking back and fourth. Back and fourth..back and fourth..to and fro..to and fro.. Rocking....Mindlees..sad..and alone....[/i] ____________________________________ OOC: .:: Let the sonf fnish and then my post is thus over. But only when the songs finished. ::. BTW. NO ONE DARE pull me out of my psycotic vegitable like state. U can try, you can beg pleade comfort do whatever but dont pull me out of it, I must do that.[/color]
Your a good photographer n i love the thingy looking lik a face in the top right side. :) I love it. 10/10
Oh I love Shinobu!! *steals it* Nice job! keep up the great work!!!
Ah #2 looks muzh bettaz:) 8/10. For paint a 10/10 but overall 10/10. :) I used to have only paint :)like..a 2 weeks ago.
I agre with AJeh. it looks like O_o. once i noticed it i cant stop looking ta it hehe but the pic itself is asome. 9/10 on the grey 10/10 on dark blue. Nice work.
[color=blue][I] Rhe rocking slowly ceased as my brain stayed bairly alert to the chaos unfolding around me. More machienes had appeared swarming around me and Stephi. She had gotten extremly warm and came to often, my mental state not being much of anything couldn't respond ot her crying and passing out from time to time. She was alive, John would live, having his stephi back, the map frozen to ym hand would show her the way to Yuginocho. She couldn't seem to get from my deathly cold grasp. She started crying upon her next awakening, my eyes barely open looked into her sad sullen terrified eyes. She pushed up, seeming to be stronger from resting. Grabbing my arms and making me walk. I knew if she didn't play dead she'd die, knowing she'd rather die than leave my side I considered her dead. My mental state was none to even bother talking to, her crying and pleading for me to come back ot her killed my heart, wanting to answer her desprate pleas so badly, but my mind was gone, lost amidsts the avid void, only 2 people had ever been there and back, only one ever literally carried me out and I figured he had long forgotten about me. Althou he did make his little creation in my image. In a desprate attempt to make a run for it she grabbed my arms ad hoisted my now sickly think body up, tossing one of my arms over her sholder, my sub chnshous taking over a bit and hlping me walk. She half dragged m as she made her way through the constantly annoying bots, firing small blasts at us,not really caring knowing we'd be dead soon. Maby they weren't as dumb as I thought. Logical computation, nice tecnology..verry, If only I hadn't given up then ide be able to tell Mike my findings..meh he prolly already knew. She tried dragging me completely once my legs gave out, I was somewhat lighter. Maby 50 lbs or so lighter. She was strong but the mussle diteration..had gotten the best of her. She tried as hard as she could, and the bot, she didn't see it comming up behind us, but I heard it. With the last ounce of what was me I grabbed hold of her wrists, Looking in her eyes I choked out.. "run.." She looked at me in disbelief as I wreched the map from my hand, it also showed someone heading toward us, I figured it was john. I pointed for her to run to that dot. she tried to protest but I collapsed and she took off, hualing *** probly attempting to get help to save me, if she only knew I was as good as dead. I laid there as the droid ignored her and looked over me, counting me as dead or close to it, the machiene picked me up and tossed me in a pile of rubble. I laid there pulling my knees up I laid in a fetal position waiting for death to take me...[/I][/color]
[color=blue][I]I sat there sunken so deeply within myself I wasn't aware of anything around me. My life might as well have been ended by the many bots surrounding the compound I had made my way into. I still sat alone in my corner of my mind, my bout about to die. Along with my mind. The frigid temptures had iced over my skin. I was hardly aware when a bot passed in front of me, pausing to look over my frozen form. It detected life, but no brain activty. It turned and kept moving. I don't know how I mnaged to stand, still deep within my own mind, I was still lost, but something inside of me forced my body to press on. My attempts to save her woul not be in vain. My life will have ment osmething if it killed me. And it probly would. The map, now frozen to my palm, showed she was only about a block away. I truged on, moving but undure of how. I wasn't even sure what part of me was thinking. Maby my subchouncous had taken over and my own will to save her life had taken controll. My red dot on the screen finally reached hers. My eyes moved, but I didn't know how. It wasn't me moving them. I looked around searching for her. It said she was right he- I noticed a small clump of blond amist the brown rubble everywhere. I bent down and with my free hand pulled. Her face then after more pulling, body apared from the debris. She was alive, but barely, my map told me. unable to let go of my map I pulled her in my arms. I held on to her, rocking slowly. Her eyes opend a bit, just a tiny bit. The words were raspy and cold when she spoke. I could barely make it out before she passed out again.."Danni" had been what she said. I closed my eyes. I sat there for what felt like hours, holding the most imporitant person in the world to me. Holding her til she or or I died. Knowing the other would soon follow. After a while I felt warmth return ot her body, and mine a tiny bit. Hoping I was warming her by my slow constant rocking. All I knew was if she died, her last word would have been Danni i understand.. My name. Not John. At least I had the satisfaction of knowing she still loved me more than him. Still knowing I was her most imporitant person. I sat, eyes barely open, gazing ta her. A single lowly tear fround its way from my almost frozen eyes. The tear fell on her cheek and rolled down to the non deserving ground. Sadness welled within me as I knew I feared death more than anything. I held her and continued rocking. My eyes shut, probly never to open again as my mind, what was left free, raced with sadness, guilt and pain. I felt as if I betrayed her, knowing I never intended to. I didn't mean to let her come ot this, If only I had run faster..if I had left sooner. If I hadn't been so self asorbed with Ron and I's fight we might both be alive. Defeat overwelmed me as I completely lost all hope for my own life. Keeping my eyes closed I pulled her more into my arms, bending her knees and pullig her still small body into my arms, I kept rocking. Hoping I kept her warm til someone, probly John, found us. Then she would live, and my attempts would not have been in vain. I looked upon her one more time, leaning over I kissed her forhead. Then leaning my forhead to hers I closed my eyes again. Holding her my rocking never stopped, but slowed the colder I got. It seemed the colder I was, the warmer she felt. So my slow rocking continued as I completely let go of myself, only letting enough of me remain to sustain my constant, ever vigliant rocking..[/I][/color]
[color=indigo][I]Eve's ears perked up as she heard the scream. Closing her eyes, re-opening them she was next to Umeko. Eve grabbed the girl and tilted her head back. Taking a vile from her pocket the bit the cork with her teeth and spit it out. Drinking the liquid she put her lips to Umeko's forcking her to drink, knowing she couldn't on her own. Umeko coughed and opend her eyes.[/I] [B]Eve:[/B] Your lucky I have shuch good hearing. [I]Umeko:[/b] *coughing* Tha..you... [I] Umeko passed out as Max appeared behind Eve.[/I] [B]Max:[/B] WHAT HAPPEND??! [B]Eve:[/B] I don't know I heard her scream. we'll have to wait itl she comes to. [i] Max nodded and walked to Eve, offering to carry Umeko. Eve smiled and hande her to him. Eve could have saved them a walk by teleporting them all but she needed to pick a few more flowers. As they walked Eve paused often to pick a floewr or two, the odd red pollen making her htink back to when she sent her husband out to pick the verry same flower.. The finally reached Eve's tree top cabbin. Upon entering Max laid Umeko on Eve's bed as They went about their own business waiting for her to wake up and tell them what happend. Eve however already had her suspisions..[/i][/color]
(I was asked to Join by one of your "mortals" :)) [B] Fallen Angel[/B] [B]Name:[/B] Namida A'mano [B]Age:[/B] 23 [B]Height:[/B] 5'6 [B]Hair:[/B] Long, waist legnth, straight and light brown [B]Eyes:[/B] Deep Green [B]Appearence:[/B] Tall and verry slim, but not white favorably nice uh.."equipment" Namida is extremly ttrictive. Usually wearing flared hip huger blue jeans and a sleeve/strapless white tank top. Adorned by a see thru elbow legnth black slip over, buttoning in the front. [B]Personality:[/B] Normally Having a "Get outta my way" outlook her Strong willed I can take care of my self appearence is only an alure hiding her rather childlike and lonly nature. Acting tough but really being weak helps her make her way. [B]Bio:[/B] Namida's looks constantly caused her trouble and having many boyfriends who took advantage of her sex and looks. Attempting to think that ecause she was a girl and acted tough she was in need of "saving" Every guy she dated found them selves bloodied and brushed after trying to push them selves on her. She often has been in trouble with the law and a major superority compley. Making her wya now as a ighly skilled thief and knife'ma shes also not to shabby with a sword. Hope that suits you. :) I'd love to be in.
Serendity....*shakes head* Don't forget, Your never alone. *nods& sk Valen what I mean. But poem, yes verry good 9/10 only 1 error. But I know you me to say "I'm sorry" ^ ^ which one? he besides that i love it.
[color=blue][I] I sat back away from everyone. Watching them talking, my eyes narrowing every time Ciel came into my viue, as with Jaimie and john. Seeing everyones new appearences I thought of the irony of it all. Wonderying why couldn't thigns be as they used to. my mind slipped from reality again as my thoughts drifted to her, the one person I knew I didn't wanna live without, and damed to hell if I was gonna let John forget it. I stood brisly walking past everyone, making certin to brush by John's sholder on my way outside. He watched me leave and slam the hull door behind me, that got everyones attention. I noticed Ciel follow me outsid,e probly to inquire my mood.[/I] [b]Ciel:[/B] Is something the matter? [I] Turning to look at her my eyes showing all I needed to say.[/I] [B]Danielle:[/B] And what do you care? Your supposed to be a michene. A tool as some might say. Its human kind's fualt AI's got out of conrtoll. You don't think I didn't see?!? I saw everythign you showed me! WHY ME! Why didn't you show Mike or john! Stronger people!! Why a weakling likem e, howcome I alone mustb are the burdon of knowing the trusth?? Is it because I.... [/I] My head dropped looking at the dirt as I started feeling the freezing temptures of the barren earth. I kicked a nearby rock with my shoe.[/i] [B]Ciel:[/B] You, and you alone know hwy I choes to show you. You want to find her. The one hwo is most preashous to you. And I alone know where she now dewls. [B]Danielle:[/B] YOU ****ING PICE OF TIN! WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME!! YOU KNEW ALL ALONG..why make me suffer!!! if shes dead tel me now and you'll be rid of me forever. [B]Ciel:[/B] She is not dead. but alive barely. If you wish to save her you will need me. And to save her life, I do not think Yuginocho can provide enough heat to break the bitter cold she feels. I heard her calling for you. Before she passed out. [I] Anger welled within me at this..creation of Mike's. I felt like destroying her, but I knew I could never come ot that. I needed her. If I was ever gonna find my..Osema. I smiled inwardly rembering that phrase. The joyous phrase rang in my heart as I looked up at Ciel.[/I] [B]Danielle:[/B] Ciel, give me her cordnates, please. I have to save her. [B]Ciel:[/B] Here, we all can go- [B]Danielle:[/B] *cutting her off* No. I will, must go alone, not even John, can come.. [I] She nodded and handed me a calculator looking thing. It was a map of sorts, showing all the energy around me, I was shone on it by a red dot, and machines were blue. my ocnema would be red also. I nodded. Before I walked off I turned to Ciel and hugged her tightly, tears streaming from my eyes. I wiped them away and stepped back.[/I] [B]Danielle:[/B] Ciel..I wish I wouldn't have to be alone on this journey but..I know, no one in there... [B]Ciel:[/B] I would acompany you, but I am needed here, and I know you would not allow me to. Take Yuginocho and go, he is after all, yours. [I] Nodding I noticed for the first time htou we could talk to Yugi from inside where we were, it was not him we were in. Yuginocho's smaller round "porche" form came around from the side of this ship. The door opend and I hopped him. Waving fare well to Ciel we took off. I held on to my "map" As Yuginocho sped across the barren wastelands to where she was. I wonderd if anyone notced my absence yett, I knew I shoulda asked Jaimie to come but, no. I was fine with Yuginocho. I yelled out as I pitched forward, Yuginocho tumbling in midair. He righted himself and opend the door, showing me what had attacked us. I huge ship stood before my eyes. I slipped out my pistols and fired through the open door, the bullets bounded off like i was throwing rocks. I jumped you yelling to Yugi.[/i] [B]Danielle:[/B] Yuginocho! Go get Ciel and tell her to hurry! We need weapons, GO NOW before this gets to her!! [I] He tried to protest but I manually shut the door and kicked the outside of the ship pushing it back toward the direction we came, the negines light up as he took off, going faster than i'de seen him go yett. I turned to the Sip before me, I realized it wasn't a ship, but a huge machiene, I stod near the edge of a cliff, running to it I almost screamed as I saw what lied before me. Rows and rows of small capsules, machines looking like people in crop fields, harvesting the small capsules which I knew held babies. I shook my head I was now serously pissed off. I fired again at the top ofthe ship this time, hitting one of the tenticles that wipped towards me, The firing severd the tenticle, it wipped around as it fell, the tip, I didn't see lash towards me, cutting me across the face, from over my right eye to my lip, i tasted the bloodand felt the sting of the gash it made. I tossed the pistols as I ran out of ammo. Slipping my Katana from across my back I charged towards it, attempting to sever another tenticle. Forgetting there were almost a dozen and dismissing the fact it could use more than one at a time, I ran towards one, another swinging out and connecting with my stomach throwing me backwards towards the cliff. I cried out hitting the ground, feeling my skin being shredded by the ground as I slid. Realizing I couldnt win I grabbed my Katana and ran, following the clodd I bolted. After about an hour of blind running my run was now a staggering walk. I knew I was far from the machiene and the felid of human crops. I staggerd a few more feet then fell to my knees. My hands comming up over my face as I sat crying. I don't really know why, but I did, the release felt good, like I was helping to let go of something. My mind drifting back to her I foced my weak tired mussles to mak me stand. Slipping out the map I still carried I saw the other red dot, mine moving, hers..not. I Mesured the distance, seeing she was a good days walk off. Even if I didn't sleep still a good 13 hours, 12 if I ran. I set off walking fast.. I walked what felt like days but I knew wasn't more than 4 or 5 hours. The lil red dot growing ever so lcoser. I also noticed sevral other dots moving about, using my map to steer clear of them. when I absloutly could not walk anymore I colapsed, making myself crawl to a big, what seemed like a shell, and I curled up in a ball, hugging my knees I nestled my head dow and slept, my dreams however, preventing much rest. ___ I was awake I belived, walking at home, having run into many of my older friends, none seing me for some odd reason. I heard something chaseing me, but I did not run. The constant clanging of keys haunting my memories. I turned to face nothing but darkness, in a flash I was on the ship, lookign at everyone talking, but oddly they didn't see me either, I wonderd if I was dead or.. I don't know. I walked over by Jaimie and tried to make out their convo, I couldn'tmake any words out, I felt as if I was watching tv on volume 1. Walking over to Mike I peared over his sholder as he typed away doing..something, on his computer. I then walked by Ron, his head perked up, as if he senced me but shrugging he went back to talking with Denny. I yelled out, but no one even glanced around, no one heard me. I was nothing... ___________ I woke up cryign and pale purple, my skin deathly cold. I forced my aching self to stand as I continued my treck to Stephanie. She lil red dot still growing ever so closer. 6 hours later my map showed her dot nearby, but my surrounding showed me it would be hell finding her without getting myself killed. My map also showed a bunch of machienes around me. I prayed for her safty, but then kicked myself wondering who I was praying to. I shrugged. Slipping low, the walking having gained some of my sgrenth. I snuck around corners od what lookedl ike it used ot be a city, now duminshed to piles of rubble. I kept trying to find paths ot her, but oddly everyone was guarded by something, and my map couldn't tell me what. I sat aginst what was part of a wall. I rested my head on my knees as I slipped into thoght. My eyes slipped shut as I stumbled towards unconchoness. My mind raced, thinking of everyhting but nothing, my thoughts drifting to a place I used to live, I went when I couldnt take the world, I burrowed deeper into my mind, burying within my self, digging my mental hole deeper. I walked alone now, thought the streets of my mind, I wonderd if New York looked like this now. I walked through the fog, looking for the street lamp I had on last time I left. Noting the dim light in the distance. I walked towards it, knowing what awaited me there. I kept walking, knowing if I did, I might never come back. I reached the street lamp, I glanced at the shdow of someone standing aginst the wall, cloaked in shadow. He nodded his head as I walked down the aley and say in the corner, wondering when he would show, as if on cue, my gargoyle came padding up next to my, still thin and sickly, I patted his head welcoming myself home.. knowing my happiness was just a figment of my imignation. In a flash I saw evertyhing, like in a strobel ight I saw 2 thigns at one, flashing back and fourth, someone, a figure slowing getting in a pool, to me sitting in the alley, the flashed oncinted as the seconed flash of the pool the person was almost fully, in, the flashes ocntiuned, growing slower, flickering back every 10 or so seconds. Then the images stayed on the person by the pool, she was fully in now, almost her head under. I wastched asshe let herself slip in, then go under, at the same time I felt my mind slip to full unconshosness. I sat there, shakign and alone, trapped within my self, machienes swarming around, but my brain sending them no signals now, as because I was asorbed in a cloak of darkness...[/I][/color] ______________________________ OOC: Don't Ask. Look close to see the girl in the picture.
[color=indigo]OOC: Sorry guys, as well don't forget it is MY home your all in *smiles* IC: [I] Eve smiled at everyone. Pulling out a vial of dark red luqid she walked over to Umeko.[/I] [B]Eve:[/B] Drink this you'll no longer fear blood. [B]Umeko:[/B] Wha..What is it? [B]Eve:[/B] Red Gatoraid. [I] She smiled and chugged it. Upon swallong she knew I was lieing. Spitting she looked at me wide eyed.[/I] [B]Eve:[/B] Sorry. Thats Dragon blood. You'll no longer squrim at the sight of blood. If Ida told ja what it was you wouldn't have drank it. [B]Umeko:[/B] *coughing* Ewww Uh.. thanks I guess [I] Eve grinned to herself. She wonderd if her husband would be home this year at all. She hadn't been much. She also noticed her 2 children were out adventureing again. Smiling inwardly she set about getting potions and weaponry togather as well as food for their journeying.[/I] [B]Eve:[/B] Yo Aiko. You and DFX Go get food. Theres a few fruit bearing trees close by. Not hard to see but stay away from any purple fruit. TRUST me its not fruit. [I] Aiko yelled out when she reached the door.[/I] [B]Eve:[/B] What? [B]Aiko:[/B] Were SOO high up!! Dodn't we enter down there?? [B]Eve:[/B] Ah. Yes you did. That wasnt my home up here is, auto teleportation, Elven magic you'll get used to it, just step out you'll be on the ground. [B]Aiko:[/B] Uh...if you..say so.... [I] She hesistantly stepped out and dissapeared, She yelled oh cool from down below. DFX followed her. Turning to the rest of them Eve set them baout helping her with tasks and fetching items..[/i][/color]
[color=Red]OOC: First of all, Nice job Darkness. *nods* I think me and Ron aka Valen needa have a talk with you. *giggles*[/color] [color=indigo] IC: [B]Danielle:[/B] Ron, C'm here. [B]Ron:[/B] Yeah Danni? [B]Danielle:[/B] I think 2 people we both know and love need make an appearence, or John's gonna be the hero and get all the credit for everything as usual. Well Valen? [B]Ron:[/B] *grinning* I agree... Manatsu [I]I laughed as I felt that spark inside myself I missed so much. Breathing deeply I walked over and ploped myself in a chair, Ron sitting odwn next to me.[/I] [B]Ron:[/B] Mother, Hook me and Danni up. [I] Instantly we could both feel the... AH!!!! I screamed and jerked up. Ron was sitting on the floor a few feet away.[/I] [B]Ron:[/B] Wha the **** was that?? [B]Danielle:[/B] I dunno. WAIT I dont think we needa be hooked up to hack in. Come wit me. [I] I led him outside explaning him my suspicions. He grinned as I showed him something ide been dieing to tell someone. I led him a ways away from Yuginocho. Stepping back I Closed my eyes, opening my arms I felt the world spinning around me, I heard Ron gasph as I opend my eyes. We stood in a huge arena. It oddly resembled a arena from the Gym Leader Castle on my old Pokemon stadum. Minus the pokeballs and gay logo's of course. I smiled as he looked around awe'd. I was kinda in shock myself. I knew what I had in mind but I didn't know I could do as mother and data can do and creat my own programs with just the thought of it. good imignation?? I looked arond. Ron noticed the weaponry surrounding us, no guns only thousands of swords and blades. He grabbed a longsword, oddly resembling Alaris we used to talk about with John. I laughed n tossed away my pistols and slipped out my Cobra Katana. I backed up and brought the blade in front me, holding it with both hands. ron stood, swrod drawn posed ready to fight.[/I] [center].:: PRESS PLAY NOW OR ELSE!! ::.[/center] [center].::::.[/center] [center] .::Read Slow::.[/center] [I]We circled each other, pairing up our new abilities.[/I] [B]Ron:[/B] Manatsu. Long time no see, I was wondering when You'd let you be a part of you old self Danni. [B]Danielle:[/B] Don't forget Ron. There are no rules here. [I] He grinned and jumped up in the air. pausing in in mid air he rockted towards me. turning sideways letting him hit nothing but air I noted our clothing had changed. I stood in an older time Japanese robing, something like Motko wore in Love Hina, Ron was in the same type garments, kinda like Inu from Inuyasha. I smiled noting my hair was again long and pulled up in a bun held by two sticks and his hair was long and black flowing freely. I also noted my hair was still blond. I Pulled back and lept forward, jumping at him. He doged eaisly as the assults commenced. Ron flew towards me once again defying "gravity". I laughed as I jumped up, doing a swift blackflip as he Ran smack into the pillar behind me brushing it. Shooting back out in an unexpected counter attack. His sword gashed my right cheek as he flew by me at lighting speed. [/I] [B]Danielle:[/B] Aa! [I] I grinned seeing him out the corner of my eye. He sot at me in a flash trying to hurt me. I grutned as if and eaisly doged. I droped my katana as he dropped his sword. I ran at him Jumping up inthe air, comming down in a flying Ne-Kick. My Foot connected with his stomach sending him backwards. I laughed, not noticing him behind me, He did a roundhouse and sent me spralingo n the floor, I jumped up and jabbed with my right fist repidly as he kept dodging, I came up un-expecidly with a left hook and barely nicked his jaw. Ke punched forward hard, his fist connected with my ribs and sent me into the nearest pillar. I jumped up running to him, my bare foot nearly missed his head as he grabbed my leg and twisted it spinning mei n the air, i kicked hard with my other leg knocking the wind out of him enough to get free, he lunged at me fitst and feet going, I doged and took aim missing we fought for what felt like hours. Tireing slowly we steped back and Picked up our weapons. He grinned as I noted also he had gained some more skills from Data. Mumbling cheater, I remberd I had also learnd from Data. I Closed my eyes and listend as he wizzed by me trying to confuse me. I opened my eyes and turned to face him, Sword ready and in front me, I switched hands with it, holding it in just my right hand. I shot at him, my sword cut thru the air as well as his solder, he cried out and attacked our weapons clashed as We flew backwards. My back hit the wall making an indent in it as he put all his might into the blow. I yelled out and pushed back un-tangling our swords and leeting mine free to strike. Shooting up i kicked off the ceeling and flew at him, hoping he wasnt quick enough to move because I knew I couldnt stop. He moved slightly out theway but not enough for my sholder and hilt of my Katana to knock him back into the wall, crumbling it. We stood back staggering. Both bleeding in a few places. l I grinned seeing we were perfectly matcheduv ya, no one could ever win this fight. Unless.... I drew my Katana again and rocketd towards him, in a flash he had his sword ready and was speeding towards me. We met in the center of the room, both about 6 feet off the ground, our swords barely touched as time frose, spinning around us the room exploded, we both flew back.[/I] [center].:: press stop on the music. ::.[/center] [I] We were back out of the Matrix. Both bleeding as we were inside. But minus the new clothing and hair ect, in our regular garments and normal weapons. I smiled still holding my Katana, my pistols tucked safely in my belt. I stood as did Ron, walking towards each other we cracked up laughing, meeting in a long embrack, still cracking up. We walked back to Yuginocho laughing and talking. Everyone was kinda unnerved wondering why we were bloody and brused. "mother" came over to heal us but we both refused.[/I] [b]Danielle:[/B] No Ciel. We fight and wel both won and lost. Our wounds will heal on their own. [I] Ron nodded in agreement as we sat down chatting.[/I][/color] __________________ [color=red]OOC: That was for you Ron. *smiles and bows* or should I say Valen. Btw, I know you can't hear the song Ron, Its Bring me to life- Evervasence (sp?) ~ Love Always, Manatsu ~[/color]
[color=indigo][I] I turned away from my sister as I tried to find the words to tell her. So I turned again to face her and just spit it out as she put it.[/I] [b]Danielle:[/B] Jaimie. John's here. He went out a while ago but he'll be back and I'm sorry I didn't tel you but I didn't know if you'd still come with me and I..I'm sorry. [I] She stood, jaw ajar, eyes wide open. Ron glared at her grinning, glad to see her in pain. I shot him a mean glance and he wiped the smirk off his face. I wasn't in the mood to be messed with. I shook my head and turned, walking from the ship.[/I] [B]Danielle:[/b] Yuginocho. Gimme John's cordnates. [B]Yuginocho:[/B] He is currently twenty miles from here. Northwest, appears to be in combat. I have been given strict orders to not come to his aid. But I cannot stop you. [I] I took out a compass from my belt and jogged/walked fast to where it said John was. I wonderd why he had gone off alone, maby he was in deial of it all. after all, he had lost Stephi, but I did too. All I could do was pray she was alive and somehow we would find her. Looking back onnce before proceeding I hoped Ron wouldn't kill Jaimie while I was away. My thought drifted to home. Not a home anyone but john and Mike knew of. But my true home where I belonged. -Blackout- I looked around me, stunned. A gigantic old time castle stood before me, upon a hill. Great waterfalls produced the dence mist surrounding the castle and myself. I walked towards the castle, unsure of my own seeings.[/I] [b]Danielle:[/B] Avalon?...no...*wispering* Can't be... [I]I broke out in a run, hoping everyhtign was intact. I almost screamed seeing row upon row of crosses at the front of the castle. I walked slowly, looking over each one. Falling to my knees I cried. Walking along in pain, going over each one in turn, bawling for my friends mentors, brothers,sister,companions... I came to and open grave. But it was marked. I stumbeld and fell back, the name upon the grave causing me to go into slight shock. It read "Star Keeper". I noted no grave held the name Cloud Runner. I was glad. But.. My own grave?? Why?.... -Blackout- I opend my eyes slowly to find myself in homeworld hell again. I smiled seeing John's Dark brown eyes looking down at me. He was holding me, obvously I had tripped again and blacked out.[/I] [B]Danielle:[/B] I saw..my own..grave.. Everyone Avalon is?? [B]John:[/B] Yes. Fox is alive but as for the rest... [B]Danielle:[/B] What of God?! And The Goddess??! [B]John:[/B] If Avalon still exists, they still exist. But If we can not project ourselfs there as we could do in the martix, it was all a lie. [B]Danielle:[/B] BUT NO! It HAS to be real or..I kow you can doit, I saw you. We, can enter and exit the matrix at will... I suppose the rest can. Were all unique, thats y after a said time we were expelled from the program. "Flushed" [B]John:[/B] Shhh...Don't lose hope sister. We know home is real, We just need to find it.. [I] I teared and nodded. He leaned over and pressed his lips to the corner of my mouth. He helped me to my feet as we headed back to the ship. [/I] [B]John:[/B] Yuginocho. Go to England. [B]Yuginocho:[/B] Yes Sir. [I] We enter the ship as John;s jaw dropped upon seeing Jaimie. He glared menacingly at me for not telling him. I laughed and Walked to Mike, Settling down comfortably in his lap I watched seeing what their reactions would be.[/I][/color]
[color=indigo][I] You can look into my eyes, Doorways to my soul. If you could you would see, Exactly what you mean to me. Youre not here, Your to far away. Look into my eyes you cannot, Peer into my soul you canot do. Since you cannot Listen here, And I, My love, Shall give you a clue. Not a moment goes by that my mind does not drift to you. Not a Second passes that my heart does not long for you. Lost and confused, you show me the way. Everything I do I see how you change me. You make me better than I could be alone, Yett your not here for real. Having you with me life this I would guess, Is no compare to having you really here. But I'm still confused, lost, and afraid. My heart is in teromil about the decisions I've made. He stands before me, You stand beside me. What choice to make, My heart shows its clear, My head disagrees. What do I do? I hope you will wait, Til a gap can be reached, And final decision made.[/I] ___________ You know who its for, you know whos its about, you know who you are. Everyone else, comment, show me any corrections u think hsould be made, I'd appricate. Thanks. -Danni[/color]
[color=indigo][i] Rousing in my sleep my eyelids flutters, my ears perkes as I kept my eyes glued shut, it was kinda quiet, I could head Yuginocho talking to Denny about something and Ron's un-mistakeable snoring. I shifted, keeping the appearence of me being asleep. I felt odd, trying to understand the idiocy yett ironicy of life. Going over in my mind the new cards life has delt me. Wondering what to do withthem I went over the only ace in my hand, and looked at the queen of hearts in dismay. Wondering why things such as these had presented them selves when they did. I saw the Jack of clubs, going over it and then notied the Jack of spades as well. All these things but where was my queen of spades? Where'd my other ace go to? My mind wanderd inchoherently as I sat there mumbling in my half choncousness. I stirred sitting in his lap, The king of hearts in my hand as well. But glancing at the queen of hearts I held as well. I shuggred. Decideing to "wake up" I shifted and hopped from Mikes lap. *looking at his troubled sleep a thought occured to me. I heard "Mother" in my head.[/I] "Mother" Would you venture out such as your "Jack of spades" has? "Danielle" John left? um, sure, but if you havent noticed, I'm still in self made cloths... do you have anything?? "Mother" I can gave you ANY cloths you wish. I was about to "plug-in" everyone else and give them their choice of clothes "Danielle" Sure hook me up. [I] I walked to one of the chairs farthest from everyone, not to disturb the sleepers and not get Denny's attention. I laid down in the chair and felt the odd sensation of being hooked up. Instantly I was in a white room. All white forever and forever. A guy appeared. "Danielle" Data I presume? "Data" Yes. Now what would you like? Cloths you are acustomed to or "futureistic?" "Danielle" Animish. Suddenly rows and rows of asome clothing sppeared before me. After rummaging through lines of laungrie I finally picked out comfortable undergarments and slipped em on, then rummaged around the clothing before finding a matching outfit logn white pants with brown stripes down the side and a sleevless top. A metal utility belt went with it. "Danielle" Weapons. Rows and rows of Swords guns and kinfes spanned everywhere. "Danielle" Make it east, gimme 2 handheld pistols and 6 bullet refills for this belt, a cobra katana and 2 of the sharpest daggers, a box of throwing stars and um.... Can u change my appearence? "data" In any way you wish "Sweet" I thought As he asked what changes I would like. "Danielle" I want to be a bit more muscular, still skinny but not sick starved bony. And um. Looking down at my chest I grinned. "Danielle" Make my chest a lot smaller, not nothing but flatter, they just get in the way and make me more imobile. so I'll need a new bra too. My chest amost completely flatten so now I had the bust size of..*I thought* Sandra Bollick. I nodded to myself this was ok. I picked out a new bra and slipped it on udner my shirt. Lookign over myself and slipping my weapons in my pockets and belt I smiled, holding both my pistols. "Danielle" I can have this outside the Matrix? "Data" Until before now no. But the data orbsorbed by mother has now given us the tecnology to do so. "Danielle" Un plug me. In a flash I was out the chair and jumping from the stopped Yuginocho.[/I] [B]Danielle:[/b] Yugi! Keep A tracer on me, I'll be back, I think... [I] Mumbling the last part I knew he heard. I ran, sliding my guns in holsters at the back of my belt. I ran blindly letting everything I was lost and confused about run off, I noticed how much stronger I felt and I looked over myself as I ran, satisfied with my appearence I ran on, mussles pounding to stop I noticed the needle aproaching in the distance. My world stoped as I pitched forward, falling flat on my face. Spitting out the dirt I laughed out.[/I] [b]Danielle:[/B] Just cuz I'm better can't take away from nautral clumsyness. [I]I shook my head and stood, dusting off. I wandred around walking looking for John. I ducked behind a huge piece of rubble as I saw a figure in the distance. I looked closer. Sniffing the air.[/I] [B]Danielle:[/B] Human. [I] MY mind wanderss to how it was. Stephi?! Could it possibly be?? Shakign my head no I dismissed thoes hopless thoughts. Jaimie?? Samantha?? Kurs? Give meo ne sister! I'm the only girl here... Not like I mind. Grinning I laughed. No I don't. I haven't been myself lately, I don't know y. I snuck closer to it..Pearing in I saw longer hair. Her probly. The build, almost sickly thin. Walking to her I Almost cried. Tunning up behind her she turned and screamed, mistaking me for a bot obvously. I grabbed her and hugged her tightly. Reconizing my hug she hugged back crying out. Danni! omg Danni. I Hugged my sister with all I had. Oh sister.. I cried holding on to her. My ears lifted as I jerked us back, rolling then sitting up. The blast hit the ground and dissipated.[/I] [B]Danielle:[/B] Jaimie RUN! [I] She refused stepping out to protect me. As always she never changed. Shaking my head I jumped out, pistols ready, Firing at the bots neck it exploded on contact. She looked oddly not suppried. Smiling I grabbed her hand and walked back to Yuginocho with her, explaining everyone who was here and wondering hwo to tell her baout John, and wondering how to stop ron from killing her...[/I][/color] ____________________ OOC: Thats my new outfit n equipnet ect, and body style. :) just more realistic. :)
No. you don't need to ask. nice song..what band???
sure thing jamie sissy u can join, just watch out 4 john...
Art A question about this avitar and banner..
Shinkoru replied to Kaola Su's topic in Creative Works
Well I have only mspain ive masterd it, insteada reziseing it press crtl W and slowly shrink it by percent, thats what I do. Its a much more effient nd it dosent get fuzzy stays crystal clear. honest. :) And as for using aniem pics dont bother askign anyone almost everyone here has a banner of avitar taken from some pic somewhere, one u crop it theres no way of knowing where u got the pic and where so u think anime wall papers got the aiem chars for their pics?? taken from other sites ect, its one big sharing hoo ha! :) lol hope i helped. -
Stupid noobs. Doubling posting. Anit~Drugs are bad.*giggles* MY anti~drug is.. Oh lol I dont have one.. O.o :-D *nod nod* Nice banner thou. 10/10 its cute :-D
Yeha some odd reason I saw sesamie street as well. lol. I know what ya mean by pure sugar and good times.. hehe I like him, kinda resembles rapa the rapper. lol don't ask. But hs cute and u do needa smoth out the edges. :) 7/10 nice job
[color=indigo][b]Eve:[/B] ENOUGH OF THIS! BAKC UP ALL OF YOU! [I] It was obvious Eve was verry verry pissed. It wasn't her style to run, she was through. Her arms shot out infront her.[/I] [B]Eve:[/B] CHICKARA!!!! [I] Thousands of Jet black neon green rimmed discs emerged from her palms heading straight for the riders. some exploded on contact many severd the heads of the riders, allowing th horses to run off free. Whne her attack ended the smoke cleard, one horse ha been hit the riderd all falled dead. The rest of the orses had run off scared.[/I] B]Eve:[/B] Ya know, I could prolly kill all of you with one blast. *sigh* being over 200 yrs old had its advantages. But I wanna warn you, never expect me to run again. I always stand and fight. We should rest now I see your all tired. [I] Eve turned and wistled a loud shrill wistle. A huge red draon emerge from the treeline. Hop on. Thats Ryuu. My compnion. She looked up smiling as everyone climed aboard.[/I] [B]Eve:[/B] Ryuu! take them to my home! I'll follow you! *pausing* UNI HIYAH! [I] A Brillant Pure white unicorn with a elegant silvery mane and wip like tail emerged from the trees. Its cloven hoofs made it stand out somewhat. Eve jumped upon his unsadled back as Ryuu flew towards Eve's home, Uni and Eve running on ground as fast as the floying Unicorn followed in his shadow as they headed miles from there to a cottage in the trees...[/I][/color]
[color=indigo][I] I couldn't take it. I let go of John and fled "Mother" I came across Yuginocho...[/I] [B]Danielle:[/B] Yugi..no..cho.... Get me outta here...well wait. no nevermind, just keep a tracker on me and if I'm not back in a while, come to get me.. Bye. [I] I could hear him trying to call after me but I just ran blindly ahead, I knew we were somewhere tear Troronto Canada because I ran until I saw a tall metal building, looking like it used ot be mostly glass, there were glinting dusty broken shards everywhere.. I looked up at it, seeing the remaints of an elevator and a big oval thing atop it.[/I] [B]Danielle:[/B] Oh... this is that restruant and..glass bottom elevator..I rmber Mike had...told me he would take m here..Since I'm afraid of heights..he said he'd make me ride up the glass elevat.... [I] I screamed rembering to many thigns ta once, images flodded my head, I screamed again grabbing my head, knowing anyhting for miles could hear my scream, the windless empty earth echoing the sound, I didn't care, let them kill me, I'm just a girl, what use am I now, this is reality, nothngs real anymore..none of this! Its a dream I'm going to wake up I have to, my mind swriled in a insane chatoic rable of pain and terror, All I felt and had expirenced? Lies, illusion?!? I screamed out Shinkoru repididly, the only word in my mind raceing around the memories flashes of lies flashes of Shinkoru, Illusions, nothingness, my life, everyone said I was always a lie, guess its true more than I ever knew, but everyone I loved..love is real, emotions can't be created by machines, thats y they "plugged us up.. because the power of the human mind is far greater than that of a machine, no machiene could EVER perfectly re-create the human mind..nothing ever... SO that means all these are controlled by something, Ai is just a program, an "atrifically" Intelligent life forem based upon a program that adds more options to its data bank every second allowing it to "learn". It "thinks" on its own but the machines thought is still all based upon that program, all these robots ar running on the same programs...the see the world around them and pending the surstimance the take the most logical action based upon the data they have obsorbed throught time.. AI yes, but they still can't think.....They cant htink! They can't controll our thought thats y they must tap in to us and ..The Matrix...I have it..but all my life, Humans have known this..how..someone must have created the program to make them chose to be infiror...was all this..just a glitch? A random occurence making one computer ai make the wrong choice thus setting thousans of actions in to motion leading up to this??? My mind raced obsorbing all I had just thought of... I opend my eyes and screamed again. (I was becoming used to my paranoia and habititual screaming, It was releaving). I was home! MY fish..my room! Everyhting intact just as I left. I heard sobbing from the next room... I turned seeing my Mawmaw... sitting on her bed crying Pawpaw trying to sooth her.. I walked in..[/I] [B]Danielle:[/B] Whats wrong? [I]The looked up hearing my voice and started yelling.[/I] [B]Mawmaw:[/B] GHOST!! DEMON!!DEVIL!!! [B]Pawpaw:[/B] What do you want here?! Y do you torment us! GET OUT! OUR GIRL DIED!! Your not real!!! [I] I was in shock, alwaying being religous I figured Mawmaw might accept angels... I show my head slolumnly and walked on.. Looking for a piticular something. I noticed her and ran, Scooping up my darling kitty and holding her tightly, My eyes waterd and spilled, I had my baby girl back, my love, my life, my lil girl, I didn't care if they thought I was a ghost, I had my Tanya.... I screamed as she faded then dissapeared, I was lying on the ground in the middle of nowhere, a guge tower needle thing looming in front me...[/I] [B]Danielle:[/B] NO!!!!!!!!! I HAD IT!! I WAS HAPPY!!!! Y!! [I] I sat up on my knees and cried, Weeping for everything I lost, MY beloved Stephi dead.. I thought again of Chris, wondeing if I should go back... to "mother" and ask to be re-loaded. I wanted to see him more than anything.. but only one person here knew.. I couldn't risk that.. not yett. I just sat crying, not knowing what to do. My ears pearked up as I heard a faint, verry light crunch of footsteps, or a machiene... I stood and botled behind the broken elevator, crouching down I peered around it, watching watching, my ears ever-alert. I suddenly realised I could see.. I needed contacts or glasses in the matrix.. humm guess it was a figment of my imignation. I saw a shadow... my body tenced as i Grabbed the nearest thing to me, a sharp piece of jagged glass, part of thw window pane was still on it making for an ok handle. A figure immerge, a...a machiene?? I leaned closer..it was..a...a man?... A man!! A guy another person!! Could I be sure??....Or was it one of those robots John found... I waited til he walked closer, he paused, looking up at the needle/tower.[/I] [B]Guy yelling:[/B] MOTHER ******S! DAMN MACHIENES!! [I] I slowly stood, oddly reconzing the voice. He noticed my movment and backed up, holding a metal rod preparing to fight I guessed. I walked out into the faint light of the day, given by some far off star I guessed. He looked at me and dropped his weapon. I called out to him.[/i] [B]Danielle:[/B] Who are you??.... [I] He looked at me curiously for a moment. I walked closer, getting a good look at his face. I cried out and ran to him, he didn't see my face well, my hair being a mess hid it well, I stopped right infront him, pushign my blond hair out of my eyes.[/I] [B]Guy:[/B] ...DANNI?!?!? [I] I nodded and jumped up into his arms, tears flowing from my eyes and his, I hugged him for all it was worth, my mind raced, having never met him in the matrix, how ironic for me to see him now. After all this. Why? We finally ended the hug and he looked at me in astonishment. Noting my now slim figure I looked at myself as well. I hadn't noticed I was so slim. I smiled up looking at him again, brushing a strand of hair out his eyes.[/I] [b]Danielle:[/B] Well Mike..we finally meet. [b] Mike:[/B] Yeah..Ironic isn't it? [I] I nodded, still in shock. Something moved behind us and we heard a cry for help. Then blasting of tasers.[/i] [B]Danielle:[/B] BOTS!! [i] mike nodded and pulled me behind him protectivly. I smile, he never changed.. Grabbing up my "dagger" of glass and he picked up his pipe we ran to the sound, not bother to run from it needing to save whatever or whoever it was chaseing. We came upon a horrifying scene. A person..a guy, being chased by 3 humaniods. How despicible. Then we noticed he was firing back. I cocked my head to the side.[/I] [B]Danielle:[/B] Uh Mikey... I din't know we could use weapons... [B]Mike:[/B] No ****, I didn't even know we HAD weapons!!! [I] I laughed as we ran to aid the guy in any way possible. I yelled out reconizing the dirty bloodied figure any where..[/I] [b]Danielle:[/B] ITS RON!!!! [B]Mike:[/B] ***k ya don't say, cool [I] Ron turned to look at us.[/I] [B]Ron:[/B] Aww **** not more!! [I] I was confused.. OH! He didn't see us clearly, thinking were bots.[/I] [B]Danielle:[/B] RON!!!! WE NOT ROBOTS!! [I] He yelled out DANNI as we reached him, The 3 bots came upon us, ron blasting one to bits, Mike humming his pipe at ones head, severing it.[/i] [B]Ron:[/B] Nice one ..um who r u? [B]Danni:[/B]ITs Mike!!! [B]Mike:[/B] I can answer for myself. And Hi Ron. [I] Ron's jaw dropped. He laughed and commented how ****ing Ironic it was. Turning I notied there was one left. Wanting to test some skills "mom" gave me I lunged at it, it fired, I doged, lightning speed I fought it, hacking at it with my glass dagger, noting its weak point I back away then spring at it, thrusting my glass shard in its neck joint, It sparked and I was thrown back as it exploded.[/I] [B]Ron:[/B] Go Danni... [I] Mike just looked mistified. We all turned as a semi-big circular object came rushign at us, stoping inces from my face.[/I] [B]Ron:[/B] Uh oh.... [B]Danni:[/B] DONT SHOOT! ITs Yuginocho!! My..ug Our ship.. Johns here!!! And Denny from ob! [I] Ron fell over anime style upon hearing what I named it, we enterd the ship, everyone not there, still with mother, ron mumbled on how I was to into anime but was now a ditzy blond so Yuginocho fit, cuz now I was Mihoshi. I kicked him, hard. He laughed and sat down relaxing as did Mike. I assured them they were safe as Yuginocho headed back to "Mother".[/I][/color]
Tkz. I like #1 cuz her ears better seen, but i think I'm a go with #5. Tkz for helping me narrow it down :) *bows*
[color=indigo]Which one!! And rate the banner but.. which one?? I like the girl in all but 4, but which pose and usahe shows off my fav girl best?? *is in need of help* Plz respond![/color]