Hello everybody! I feel as if i'm coming to the party fashionably late, but I am happy to be part of it nonetheless!
To divulge a bit about myself first before I explain why i joined this site, I am an 18 year old dude who likes to spend most of his time reading books of fiction (preferably sci-fi), non-fiction, and manga along the lines of Death Note, Bakuman, Pokemon. Watching anime, and being involved, in a abstract sense, with the adventures of those embark on them has also become an integral part of who I am because of the influential impact OVA(S) have had on my life. To be direct: anime rules!
My main aspirations as a budding individual is to hopefully become a part-time artist; whether it be associated to manga or other dimensions of expression does not matter. It's the journey that counts.
I joined this site in hoping that i can connect to others with the same interests, hobbies, and passions as myself, and i hope that i can make a positive influence in the community by advertising my art in the future--if i can get my lazy butt to be a bit more productive lol!!! -_-