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About RachaelT
- Birthday 07/19/1992
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Khaleesi opened her eyes to find that she had fallen asleep in the pilot's seat again. She did a quick stretch as she yawned, her bones popping while she reached up and out. After blinking a few times she noticed a light on her console going off signaling that she had a transmission. Oh **** She quickly hit a few commands and a voice filtered through. "I repeat unknown vessel. Identify yourself or you will be destroyed" The man's voice was far from happy. "Sorry ICARUS this is registered Bounty Hunter Khaleesi Ovaren Sora Trovinma. Id number 422514-vvi requesting permission to dock" "Access granted Khaleesi. Next time answer your comm when we try to contact you" With that he was gone "Next time answer your comm when we try to raise you" She mimicked under her breath as she piloted her ship into one of the small cargo bays of the asteroid. Once securely docked she was impatiently tapping her foot while she waited for the tube so she could disembark. Soon she was outside inhaling the somewhat fresh recycled air of the asteroid as she made her way down the alleys of ICARUS until she reached the Prisoner Processing Facility. She walked through the sliding glass doors and up to the front counter where a nerdy looking Boven was typing away. "Excuse me I need a team to retrieve my cargo" The Boven looked up adjusting his three pairs of glasses. "And what is the name of this cargo?" "Jason Switch" A few keys tapped as she spoke. "Very good we will have a team enroute. Credits will be transferred upon verification. Anything else I can help you with today miss?" "Nope that will be it" With that she turned to leave pondering her next move. Bounty Board or Blazing Comet.... She went back and forth between the two several times. "Aww **** it" She took a quick detour through a service duct before coming to a building where various races of Bounty Hunters could be seen coming and going. She always hated this place as some had no clue what personal hygiene was and others couldn't keep their hands to themselves. As she approached the whistles started. "Hey Khaleesi when you gonna come warm my bed?" "Why don't you team up with me, be sure to pay you what your worth" She sighed inwardly. Such was the norm of this place. She walked inside forcing her way around people towards the bounty board, several times hands reaching in for a quick grab but a little stab from her nails sent them hiding back to whoever they belonged too. After a minute of squeezing through the horde she reached the board and began scrolling through the contacts. That body snatcher one might have been fun but its gone soooo jumper it is then." She attached her name and comm freq to the bounty for whoever else decided to apply for it then turned to leave making her way to the Blazing Comet. As she entered the bar a female voice broke through above the music. "Hey witch how you been?" Khaleesi threw a smile to the voice's owner. A blue haired tattooed and pierced human by the name of Jacqueline Henson, her best friend and info broker. She took a seat at the bar as Jac set a drink down in front of her leaning on the bar as she did. "So how it go?" "Went pretty smooth though I am going to have to scrub and sanitize me ship for a week cause of that guy's smell." The two girls shared a laugh then continued into small talk long enough for Khaleesi to get in several more drinks. "Hey Jac think you can find me some extra information on the Jumper?" Jac nodded as she quickly served another patron. "Of course sweetie. Now any guys you seeing lately....or girls...or its" Khaleesi narrowed her eyes. "Nosy witch" Jac just shrugged at her comment. "Hey just making sure I don't have to share you just yet" They shared another laugh before going back to small talk
Somewhere in the Gamma System Ping....ping.....ping....ping.... "Will you knock that off!!!!" The scruffy Terran dressed in fatigues and holding a energy rifle yelled. Khaleesi looked up as she let her horns hit the metal bars once more. "But I'm borrrreeeedddd" She whined. Scruffy groaned. "Kinda what happens when you get captured doll" Khaleesi sagged against the bars of her cage, her arms dangling outside it. "Then entertain me" Scruffy shook his head. "And how am I supposed to do that...better yet why?" Khaleesi let a seductive smile cross her face as her eyes filled with lust. "I can think of one thing. And as to your why question I could always go back to hitting my horns against the bars." The man shifted his rifle nervously under her gaze. "I don't think so..." A scream and a gunshot went off. "Besides pretty soon its going to be your turn" She smiled turning around and pressing her back to the bars, then let out a moan as she arched her back making one of the bars press between her butt checks pulling the already skin tight white suit tighter. "Your loss. They are going to take advantage of me as well. And you the little prisoner guard is going to miss out. Shame shame" The man swallowed hard as he watched her. "Your attempts to seduce me aren't going to work?" "Really?" Her voice held a note of doubt as she bent her knees sliding down the cell wall slowly before kneeling over and straightening back out her knees forcing her butt to slide back up the bar. "When was the last time you even had some?" The man ran a hand through his hair, his words becoming more and more anxious. "Well.....it hasn't been...." "Thats what I thought hun." Her tail coiled slowly around the bar the spade like end flicking in a come over her motion. "And here I am giving you first dibs before your fellow shipmates get theirs" Again the rifle shifted as well as a pull at the shirt collar. His skin was starting to glisten with sweat. "How....." His voice was hoarse causing him to pause and clear it. "How do you know they are?" She turned around slowly. "Cause I know men. And I know you want me bad. I can feel you stripping me with your eyes" His eyes just stared at her. "Well I am not going to lie I......" She cut him off with a finger to his lips before her nails started trailing around his ear and through his hair then down the back of his head as she whispered. "Its the only thing that has been on your mind. So much so that you didn't even realize you walked all the way over here within my reach" The guard's eyes blinked in realization where he now was. Then came the sickening sound of his neck snapping. She smirked as the dead guard fell ungracefully to the floor with a thud before fishing the keys from his pocket and letting herself out. Her platform boots clinked against the metal grating as she walked over to the locker where she had watched them put her gear. Normally she would have worn it but in order for her to reach her target, a Terran by the name of Jason Switch wanted for murder and piracy, she need to be captured. She had seduced some poor deckhand on the freighter she was on to wear her gear for her. At least the poor soul had been given a swift death. With her armored vest, bracers and leggings secured and all of her equipment in place she took on last look at the dead guard. Little had he known that she had been releasing her pheromones this entire time. As long at it had part of a brain and a sense of smell it would eventually give in. They all did. She drew her energy pistols as she left the little prison bay dropping the pirate outside the door then paused to check her tracer that she and flicked onto Jason when he had passed her. "Let's get this party started" Pirates fell silently as she made her way to the cargo bay. She heard another set of screams followed by a gunshot and laughing. Why are men always such beasts. She holstered her pistols with that thought and loaded a concussion grenade into the bottom of her rifle before slipping unseen into the cargo bay taking shelter behind a stack of crates. Five men where standing around a group of ten people that she had seen on the freighter though only three remained alive now. One more was up on a walkway to the left and two were over to her right side tossing dead bodies into the airlock to the dumped into space. She stepped out of cover taking aim. With a thunk the grenade shot out of her rifle landing perfectly in the center of the group. Before it even exploded stunning all eight people she turned to the left dropping the pirate on the catwalk. In the confusion she dropped the two off to the right and then the four with Jason as they stumbled around. The pirate leader screamed as he held his hands to his ears and squeezed his eyes close unable to see or hear. A stun pulse from her energy pistol silenced him. She reached down and cuffed his arms and then his wrist wrinkling her nose as she did. Damn this guy smells awful. He better not stink up my ship or he just might not reach ICARUS. She began to drag his body over to where on of the pirates shuttles when one of the remaining prisoners grabbed her ankle. "Aren't you gonna take us with you.....you can't just leave us here" She quickly put on a smile but groaned inwardly. "Of course I wasn't" She lied though her teeth. "I was just getting this guy secured first" The man that had grabbed her nodded and began helping the other two towards the shuttle all three still disoriented from her grenade. Great....extra baggage.
Name: Khaleesi Ovaren Sora Trovinma Age: 131 Height: 5' 11" Weight: 148lbs Species: Vul'orcha. An all female species that are mostly humanoid in structure. Horns similar to that of an Earthen ram adorn the sides of their heads growing thicker and curling more over time. The horns are used to determine their position in society a sort of pecking order. Naturally extremely agile and fast they are renowned throughout the galaxy for their amazing acrobats and stunts. Their teeth are almost identical to a human's save that the canines and the two teeth behind it are elongated making a bite from them extremely dangerous. They also have a long leathery tail with a spade on it, this tail helps them with their balance letting them preform maneuvers other species cannot. Due to every member being female, the Vul'orcha can reproduce among each other and are the only species that can mate with any other race They also can choose the race and even gender of the child. They are able to find a mate easily by giving of pheromones in such minute traces that the person affected has no clue. After prolonged exposure they no longer think of anything else but mating. This in turn along with the Vul'orcha's natural beauty has caused many hardships for them. Slavers constantly tried to raid the planet only to be mercilessly killed. Then came the Romarie, a insect like species on the verge of extinction due to a plague causing most of the females to become infertile. While the Romarie were driven back the cost was too high and Slavers quickly took over the planet forcing them to work circuses, brothels, and other degrading jobs. It is a rare sight to see a Vul'orcha without a slave collar. Another unique trait is that a Vul'orcha's skeleton is completely double jointed. This allows them to bend farther and escaped tighter situations. Appearance: Khaleesi just minus the wings. Outfit. She is covered in tattoos similar to the one on her face, all of them tied into each other with only several bare patches of skin showing her and there with he skin being a slightly darker gray. Her horns classify her in the adolescent stage for a Vul'orcha or the working class though in her head she feels that she has gone beyond that due to her past Home Planet: Vul'orcha. Once a beautiful planet covered in lush jungles and sprawling oceans, it is now rubble and smog thanks to the war with the Romarie and the slavers. Slave camps sprawl for miles causing the planet to become their base of operations. Cries of pain, rapes, and death are so common that it has become normal. Even from satellite view, lines of different races can be seen being hoarded back and forth between the camps, the elderly and weak being savagely beat along the way. In the northern hemisphere lies a massive maze like coliseum where death matches are constantly being held for sport and gambling. Equipment: Khaleesi carries rail accelerator rifle that can be set to different penetrating levels though the rate of fire drops as the power level increases with an underslung grenade launcher. She carries a variety of grenades for multiple purposes, anywhere between non lethal gas to incendiary to variable timed shrapnel not too mention several different times of timed explosives for destroying key structures One each hip is a sleek energy pistol with stun and lethal options and a vibranium knife resides in the utility pouches strapped to her thighs. In the small of her back she has a silenced smg with several extended mags. Her boots and gloves are capable or extending spikes to allow her to climb non metal surfaces or cause massive injuries to her opponents. For metal surfaces an electromagnetic field activates allowing her to climb quickly and silently. Her head piece allows her to be immune to flashbangs and still see what going on with detailed readouts of the environment around her as well as play incoming video transmissions. She also has on her person various tools for picking and hacking as well as setting and disarming explosives. Special Skills: Despite being a well versed user of various types of kicking martial and defense styles as she rarely uses her hands for hitting which was taught to her by the man who saved her, and capable of amazing agile feats, Khaleesi's main special skill is using her own looks to lower other's guards and making her job almost ten times easier by using the pheromones secreted in her body. Vehicle: SY-23 Lancer is an upgraded Thrashian fighter with enough weaponry to hold its own and capable of long range warp. It was given to her by a Thrashian of the Royal Defense Fleet named Ricnum as Thrashian's, a species that patrols its borders very aggressively and has a severe dislike in slavery and are very birdlike in their features. Though it is a fighter at heart it has been retrofitted to fit three comfortably and bears a small galley and workout room off of the small cargo bay which carries to prison issue cryopods. While it is not lacking in terms of firepower its true ability is its speed and maneuverability, capable of pulling turns that would normally cause most pilots to pass out and cause hull stress on other ships. Known Allies: Ricum. A Thrashian that looks like a black and white eagle who is the now a Commander in the Royal Defense Fleet. He saved Khaleesi after almost seventy five years of being a slave and has taken her under his wing. Teaching her how to fend for herself, fight, use firearms, and pilot her own spacecraft. Since she was separated from her mother at the age of seven he has been a parental figure to her to the point that she calls him father. She constantly asks his advice on matters and tactics. Jacqueline Henson- bartender at the Blazing Comet at ICARUS and infobroker. A sweet Terran that is known to hustle anyone and everyone but grew a soft spot for Khaleesi when she first arrived the two soon becoming best friends. She supplies Khaleesi with any additional data on her targets that wasn't already released by ICARUS, Reputation-Among the fellow hunters she has been labeled a hustler, a charmer, and ruthless. She goes to no end to achieve her mission and has no problem using someone to complete her goal.