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Ben Holiday

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Everything posted by Ben Holiday

  1. It's nice too see everyone coming up to the same level for the most part at least Ichigo as always is an overachiever but I can't wait to see Chad and Inoue's final forms or next stage in their evolution. Everything seems to be wrapping up here I'm guessing the next arc should be starting soon or that this one will be getting on with it [spoiler]as it has just been training so far.[/spoiler]
  2. Is there any end in sight for the filler? Thank god the manga still is moving forward spooty vampires. :animedepr
  3. That's one thing I do miss from my EQ and EQII days good conversation none of my guilds ever had more then 5 minutes without chatter flowing through the guild lines that's something that bugs me about GW's. I've tried to start up conversations time and again just to hear nothing but static as this is a lot of peoples first mmo I don't think they realise what they're missing out on especially with all the instanced zones as much as I hated all the camping I miss coming across other people in non city zones. As it is hopefully with the latest restructuring of ours we can get a crowd more interested in being a guild/mini-community one can only hope I guess. P.S. I'm glad I wasn't the only one wishing they had been on to get good vendor deals. :D
  4. Eh my old guild just showed back up the other night or at least the few core officers so I bailed from you all Friday night would have sent a message but no one was on at the time, my bad. I'm always willing to join good fun people for anything so if you guys ever want to hook up and play together or do some PvP or GvG give me a whisper I'm usually ready to play around unless I'm all ready grouped. Jorn Wolfgang W/R of the 20th season and trusty wolf Rusalka (though at this level the poor pet doesn't see the light of day but once in a blue moon.) I'll toss you on my friends list and when we get our guild restructured I will give you a whisper. :D
  5. I agree this last chapter is a serious cliff hanger but the story is quite good I finally got caught up on the last few episodes of the anime too and was unimpressed vampires are just not the best way to go in this type of show what next werewolves? Back to the manga 218 [spoiler] was extremely hard to wait for but sadly I read through it too quickly and now no I will be waiting at least another couple weeks before this fight ends. On the plus side I've been waiting for this for a while so it's well worth it hollow Ichigo looks like he's going to put on a show in the real and spiritual realm now we get to see more of the new teams moves.[/spoiler]
  6. For Sanji I think it was about episode 20 or 21 when he first appeared for the manga it was in one of the early to mid 40's chapters. And at the current arc in the manga Nami is quite cool having made her way through some really interesting situations the female characters seem to do well here Nami has quick thinking, cunning and intelligence on her side. I stopped watching the anime after episode 60 or so mainly because I could not find anything after that so tracked down the manga and was hooked I plowed through to the current issue in a couple weeks. I eagerly await each new issue now the character development is coming along nice and I can't wait to see who the next crew member will be. To the haters leave Toni Toni Chopper alone he may be weak but [spoiler] he's a doctor not one of the main fighters he proves his worth over time no matter how silly he seems. [/spoiler]
  7. Looks like I'm in need of a guild again my current has once again drifted apart while I was busy at work the past three weeks for some reason it always seems when I take a vacation or have many days of straight work everything goes to heck. :animesigh My main is Jorn Wolfgang W/R at the moment my job has just moved to a new area so I'm breaking in a heck of a commute so will most likely only be seen on the weekends with an occasional hour or two on during weekdays. I only have three hours available a night with this new commute so most of that is spent cooking and relaxing if you guys don't mind a weekend warrior (pun intended) please send me an invite as all my other online buddies seemed to head off to WoW for some reason and I'm now ready to join, Thanks. :animeswea
  8. You have to make a PvP character to play with the new classes. Can anyone tell me how effective a Nec/Mes or Mes/Nec would be using blood magic or curses and illusion as the main attributes?
  9. The new assasin class is pretty cool I wish they would at least have given us the first one or two skills though so we can really get a feel for it. I hope they have a suit of armor as well without the blades sticking off the sides it seems a little much after looking at the henches in the new area I'm hoping that the female warriors armor is one of the ones that will be availiabe and that the male version is just as impressive.
  10. Well episode 64 is out and for filler it wasn't too bad at least you can tell here that the same team designed the new characters unlike in the Naruto fillers where it's pretty much on whim until they catch up. So no deviation in the art style is definitely the way to go the new story looked interesting but I guess I won't really know until the next couple episodes are shown but it seems believable so far. -edited for spelling- Lol, since new and no aren't the same word. :babble:
  11. Though well over a year late I sat down and watched this series over the weekend I won't compare it to 7 Samurai or the Magnificent Seven as it really is just an updated adaption and that's where the similarities end. By the end I think my favorite character became Katsushirou he shaped up very well and became quite impressive even though many bad mistakes befell him and those around him. [spoiler]I really hoped to see a finale between Kanbei and Kyuuzou that would have been a better way to end it but knowing the story all ready was prepared for it to be like this.[/spoiler] All together a pretty decent show hell it's mecha, guns, swords and plenty of killing what's not to enjoy. :devil:
  12. For a special the first half [spoiler]wasn't that special I was dismayed that after this long a wait that it was just a recap but luckily the second half should please everybody and the preview of the next episode looks quite good.[/spoiler] I came across the manga recently I'm still debating whether or not to read it I just don't want to spoil the show for myself since I enjoy it so much. :animedepr
  13. Guild Wars: Factions :animenose aka chapter 2 is now confirmed on the site the speculation so far is an early March release date we can always hope I guess. From the way it is being described it sounds quite interesting an asian themed area of the world with plenty of new goodies for all confirmed so far bigger storage vaults, a few new armors for each class (though I have hard some look like retextures of existing :animesigh ), new spells, new pets and at least one more additional character slot though I'm hoping for another 4 slots to be honest I hate having to delete my toons to make a fresh one.
  14. Bah, now they give out hats when my connection is down why couldn't they have done that on Christmas. :animesigh Oh well at least I was able to participate in many a snowball fight there's always next year. :animesmil
  15. Well Train really was cool until after episode 5 or 6 I think Dagger was right the complete reversal of all the interesting characters to other more humorous roles or pacifist roles is a bit dissapointing. I thought Sven was going to be the main comic relief but by episode 9 everyone is a comedian Train was a cool character too but at this point I'd rather watch something a bit darker I like a little comedy but this is too much. I may track down the manga and see how it reads the characters did seem cool in the begining so it may be worth a look.
  16. Came across the first 9 episodes of this recently and just finished watching the first 2 it seems fairly interesting and there's enough goofball antics to keep me watching to see where it goes.
  17. Just watched 62 can [spoiler]Aizen[/spoiler] get any cooler? I hear tell that 63 will be a double episode so hopefully it wraps up all the loose ends for this part before jumping on to the next plot.
  18. I missed the Halloween event so I'm glad to see how they went all out for christmas definitely worth doing the quests for some easy xp if you have access to all those areas. Freezie the snowman cracked me up as did battling the humbugs and grenches they definitely went above what I've gotten in most other mmo's during the holidays. -Edit- My god snowball fights are a beautiful thing that has got to be the best holiday effort in any mmo so far. For the majority of my groups we didn't last past 5 consecutive wins but I finally got into a group that made it to the 15th before we were defeated and a close match it was we turned our 5th present in seconds after they did and bowed out gracefully. I sat in the general area giving my team shouts of praise for a few minutes after that it's always fun when you get matched with good people. :D If you still want the gingerbread items I have 1 of each just give Jorn Wolfgang a holler in game.
  19. I wonder how long it will take Aizen and company to realize that [spoiler] the advanced hollow that Urahara created isn't in Rukia but in Ichigo and how they will react?[/spoiler] It should be an interesting scene if my thoughts prove correct I can't wait to see the reactions.
  20. I just got the chance to sit down and watch episodes 60 and 61. :animestun I didn't see that coming this plot twist is shaping up very nicely I'm eagerly awaiting what will happen next.
  21. Episode 59 made my week I was so afraid they would [spoiler] switch back to another fight but they stayed with Ichigo almost the whole way I could not be happier. I too loved seeing the look on Byakuya's face when he thought Ichigo was finished and his hollow side came out and started laughing at how weak he was[/spoiler] this will definitely be one of all time best episodes in my eyes. I am sated and ready to see what happens next episode hopefully we can see the conclusion to Yoruichi and Soi Fong's fight but I guess the old man and the four swords facing him would be nice as well. :animenose
  22. That was everything I hoped for finally an almost full episode just dealing with the main fight. [spoiler]I too liked Ichigo's new threads and the form of Zangetsu in bankai very slick looking with the chain hanging off the end. I'm really expecting Byakuya to pull something off strategy wise next episode even while his attacks were being evaded and countered he seemed to be already on the next move though he was more then surprised this round.[/spoiler] :animenose I'm quite content now even though I'm wondering how Yoruichi and Soi Fong are coming along and what will happen with the other captains?
  23. I was a bit surprised about how the fight between Soi Fong and Yoruichi [spoiler]ended I expected a lot more violence but now they've shown the rivalry for what it's for.[/spoiler] But I was more then happy to finally see a bit of what was going on with Ichigo's fight hopefully even more will be shown next episode as this one just felt too short though I loved every minute of it. :animenose
  24. I've been having a little fun with a War/Ran combo but I have yet to move out of the pre searing area with this toon so sadly I missed out on the Halloween fun hopefully I'll be post searing in time for the Christmas stuff though. I'm really enjoying being able to hack up enemies and sick my wolf on them not quite as defined as the EQ beastlord class but fun none the less. :animesmil
  25. I think Legato Bluesummers from Trigun as well Knives just seemed so lame in comparison. I think the most evil would have to be the military/world leaders from any of the Gundam series always ready to take a loss from their people when necessary and having the most maniacal stubborn streak ever when it comes to decade old grudges.
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