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Ben Holiday

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Everything posted by Ben Holiday

  1. I just finally got a new router up this week having no internet is sucky but I finally got caught up on the last two episodes and I'm now eagerly awaiting the next installment. I as well thought of the DB series when the old master powered up just a touch too much of master Roshi there like when he puts out fire mountain but that's just my opinion. :catgirl: I too am sad that so little attention was paid to Ichigo and Byakuya fighting but am hoping there is a good reason for it. -Edit- Hmmm... I just watched 56 and while it was good [spoiler]it did avoid both the main fights still plus it still didn't finish any of the other fights at all which is a downer I hope we get a little tid bit next episode of what the heck is going on with Ichigo's fight.[/spoiler] The one upside is we were able to see [spoiler]both double sets of sould swords at once[/spoiler] too bad we didn't get to see them do anything though. And it definitely looks like[spoiler] Yoruichi is about to show Soi Fong what real skill is like.[/spoiler] I can't wait to see this if nothing else hopefully this fight has a conlcusion next episode.
  2. I remember watching Akira in the late eighties and the scene were Tetsuo was pushing his insides back in freaked me out. Up to this point this was the first animated feature I had seen that hadn't been edited for tv.
  3. They played the first four episodes back to back today it seems like a Harry Potter type deal for duelists and the little blue haired height challenged Yugi look a like really creeps me out. New cards, new story but it seems like the same characters in different roles I may change my mind if I find a subbed copy but for now I'll just watch an episode occasionally to see if it improves.
  4. They did some serious work for that and to think he didn't think it was good enough to release yet. :animestun Hands down I wish that was the one piece opening sequence now :animesmil I don't think I've seen a better remix then right there.
  5. Well hopefully the 3 years training starts within the next 6 episodes or so as fun as some of the side stories have been good I enjoyed the development of Hinata but would be much more pleased to see ther series move foward some. Though it is doubtful that that it will anytime soon as the manga hasn't made it out of the next part for the anime to use yet.
  6. Well hopefully we will finally find out the reason in the next episode or two that is if they don't do another flashback episode it has been a good series so far hopefully it doesn't turn into just another basic fighting show. As I have my favorite in that area all ready and have no use for another it would be better to end the series at the current spot then turn it into a everyone come challenge Ichigo bit. Though they have kept the storyline pretty good so I have no reason to think that just a personal nightmare I guess, heh. I am wondering how long it will take Rukia being outside the prison for her powers to return? Since they have been free a while now and how much more powerfull they will be since they were mixed with some of Ichigo's lesser power. -Edit- Ah a double episode quite good too by the middle to end of the next episode I bet Ichigo will finish training or give up on it and head to save Rukia time is begining to run out now. :animedepr [spoiler]The fight between Renji and Captain Kuchiki was good I wished it had lasted a little longer but Byakuya seemed in a hurry to end it before heading on to the execution seeing Renji's swords final transformation was well worth it. Though I am a bit surprised that he was left alive in the series I truly expected this to be his finale at the end of the fight and that makes me wonder if Kuchiki Byakuya has anything to do with the current situation or if he is just following rules? :animestun I really thought he was one of the more serious bad guys but that's the third time he has fought and left his opponet alive. [/spoiler]
  7. Ben Holiday


    Now that is a good looking attachement I would definitely pick one up.
  8. Simply gorgeous that is the highest quality I have seen to date. I too would have liked to see more of the old group in action namely Vincent, Yuffie, Cait Sith and the Turks of course but was more then pleased with what was here. The Sephiroth theme playing certainly brought back great memories as did the ringtone in the church from an old fans perspective I don't think they did the game that much wrong doing here.
  9. Ben Holiday


    I must say I don't like it I don't like it at all. :animesigh I don't know what it is but the style just throws me off I think I will have problems with keeping the analog plug in plugged in being seperated the way it is I'm going to have a hard time holding the two pieces level without jerking them apart. So I will wait and see if they release a classic style controller first. :D
  10. Well the battles look like they're still going to be the same as the Game Boy versions but with cooler graphics at least which is a plus. :p I just hope the world is as big or bigger then the GB versions as well it looks pretty big in the videos clips but I notice a lot of paths as well so hopefully it will be a bit more free roaming then what I've seen.
  11. I saw the first three episodes on Starz tonight and started to pick up what was going on sorta halfway through episode two but when watching the first episode I was completely stumped. Not having any dialogue and jumping the story back and forth between the characters in the first episode left me trying to figure out whether I liked it or not but the style looked cool and I'm glad I kept watching I may have to track this series down now.
  12. If the price ever drops a bit I'll pick up the import dvd's but for now $150 to $200 is out of my league but someday I shall see the show the way it was meant to be. Tonight was the first episode of Roguetown at least that's what it sounded like to me when they said it all in all not bad I liked how he went into a bar and shared a glass of milk with the owner they could have at least gone with juice or something like most do, Lol. :animestun
  13. Ben Holiday


    Did a search and came up with nothing so decided to start a new topic for this title. I just saw the preview for it tonight and was quite surprised as I had heard no word of this game before and it should be out around Oct/Nov all I can think is it's about time they did a rpg for more then just the handhelds. I really hope combat is a bit more advanced here too but I'm willing to take what I can get as it is a whole new storyline. If this all ready has a topic I apologise just merge it and I'll head there. :catgirl:
  14. I was going to say how much I enjoyed the show even if it was a bit kiddified but after reading the posts here I now know why it is that way. :animedepr Now I'm sad to know out there somewhere is a whole portion of the show and side of the characters I've missed out on I can't wait to rewatch up to the current point and see how the show differs in it's true form.
  15. For some reason the original DB show is still a good guilty pleasure for me it still makes me laugh and smile. It's been awhile since I watched the series but I came across the first 9 sagas recently for dirt cheap so decided to pick them up and see how I would find the show to be after all this time. I was quite surprised that I still enjoyed it to be honest I've tried watching other series from around the same time frame as when I started watching anime but they no longer held any interest for me I still loved the characters themselves but the shows were boring to me now (namely: Yu Yu Hakusho, GundamW and Outlaw Star). I can never bring myself to watch DBZ again I tried believe me I can't watch it again but I think I'll be hanging on to the DB sagas for a good bit the characters and meager storyline still keep me entertained so will be a good way to pass time while waiting for new episodes of the shows that have come out recently.
  16. My favorites were Armored Core , AC: Project Phantasma and AC: Master of Arena though the game never really evolved staying with a working formula is not always a bad thing. The controls were a bit strange at first but once you have them down your completely set up for the next games and the ability to build your own machine was nice. I built more then one big dud that could barely move though the defense was quite good usually as was attack power but not being able to get away from the start point after 5 minutes was a drawback, Lol. Another good mecha game was on the pc and will always have a place in my dreams it was called SHOGO Mobile Armor Division by Monolith. It had a great anime theme and was also a mean fps out of your armor I had a good deal of fun playing this game running through cities and peering around buildings to sneak up on opponets. It was too bad a sequel for this game was never made but I will always have my memories of it's pure mecha goodness.
  17. Though I'm a little late to this discussion I just felt like adding my 2 cents when it's online and there is any type of communication ability there will always be someone to ruin a good time though thankfully it doesn't happen every game. When I was in my BF1942:DC clan we kept a good reign on the trash talking especially against other teams if you wanted to shout something onto Ventrillo about so and so player it was cool but everyone knew you'd suffer the wrath if you went and typed the same thing in open chat. Luckily enough my clan was a 21 and up only we didn't have a bunch of jerks or people shouting aim bots we took our lumps and occasionally dished them out in clan matches but because we all were old enough to realise it was just a game there were very few nights we didn't have fun. But there are so many people that just trashed talk or used racial slurs against mates online that it finally came to the 3 strikes rule not all of us had full server access so it was pretty much taking names and locking 'em out later but once we started that we had a lot more fun. Even now while I'm playing Everquest II there is a lot of trash which makes me thank the developers for putting in a way to block every word that comes out of certain players mouths on your end the Ignore Player button is a beautiful thing. Believe me when I say the trash talk gets just as bad in MMORPG's as it does in any online FPS game and sometimes much worse. :devil:
  18. I knew better but I just couldn't resist picking a copy up and hoping for the best. Well to be honest best can truly only be used to describe the menu it's the best looking part of the game and feels great as you choose pilots, zoids and parts but the fun soon ends once you start a battle or mission. When you are out in the open on a battlefield it's not bad but if you do a battle near buildings or such the AI really shows its limitation as the enemy zoids get stuck or repeatedly run into a wall. The controls are nothing to get excited about either I had less trouble piloting mechs on any of the Armored Core games for the PS/2. :eek: Half the battles you just end up circling eachother trying to get a shot off I much prefer AI that understands both close combat and far ranging attacks. The menu graphics nice the in game graphics come out kinda shoddy you can see the potential but looking at how much the zoids just look like badly painted model kits leaves something to be desired there's just a general plastic look to a lot of the parts. As for the missions what can I say they start out with Zoids Fuzors leaving the rest to be unlocked too bad the third show was one that I actually disliked more then the first if they would have just started out with the first or second shows it would've been no problem but I will play through them just so I can get to the CC missions. As much as I dislike certain aspects of the game I will most likely play through just so I can unlock all the character and zoids and you never know maybe multiplayer will have some potential. :rolleyes:
  19. Well after talking about it since '02 I finally broke down picked a GC and a copy of Legends up. Now I just have to wait to get some time to try it out and see how it compares to my lovely memorries of the original DC version (crosses fingers). :D
  20. I have been a fan of the series since GTAII and though III and Vice City evolved well beyod the first two games it was a nice change. After the quality of voice actors in VC and the superb soundtrack I truly hope they can make SA take the next step in the evolution process and it rises above the first four like it's predecessors before it. I must say it's the missions that have always held me enthralled with this series more so then the whole violence factor though that does play a big part of my fascination for the game it's stands completely overshadowed by the various missions and their givers. To be perfectly honest it's a sad gamer that gets enjoyment out of picking up the women of the night beyond the few humorous lines they say which were quite funny in the last game. The whole issue with children playing the game does upset me a bit but mostly at their parents and relatives that buy them the games ignoring the ratings then coming back later stating they didn't know it was this type of game. Especially now that pretty much every video game store or store that carries games has the rating system posted right there. As the old adage says would you buy your child a mature movie then why would you buy them a mature game!
  21. I only wish I could get my hands on a copy of I and II but their current market value prevents that from happening. :laugh: Since III is the only one in the series I've played it is all that I can comment on but I agree with your statement while linear it still feels very free and I think a big part of that was the choices it allowed you to make. It was a definite breath of fresh air for me it really made you enjoy the characters and want to track all 108 stars down they all had their little side stories which were all very cool and they had returns of people from older games. That is something I noticed in the new trailer as well at least one character from the previous games will return a poor lost and confused teleporter I'm sure there will be others as well. I wonder if they will release it like III so you can choose whose eye's to play through during the majority of the time. It would be cool if they could but one storyline would be interesting as well I guess. The one thing that I really have been thinking about though is since this is going to be ocean based this time around is if they will have the castle/town system. I would truly miss that it made the game so much fun but I suppose they could always do it like Skies of Arcadia and give you an island port to return to.
  22. Watched the trailer for this just a few minutes back and came away feeling quite pleased hopefully this will be another I'll actually enjoy X, X-2 and XI were not the great games I had hoped. So I pray that this plays as good as it looks cause I am certainly ready to try my hand at a new installment with a different pace in gameplay and different battle system.
  23. Came across the trailer for this today and was very impressed it looks every bit as good as III did. It also seemed (though this is just my personal hope) that it was still text based which would make me very happy as well. This one deals with The Rune of Punishment and seems to be ocean based more then land so a definite change over the last I have some very high hopes after watching this. Has anyone else seen it? If so what did you think of it and pick up on?
  24. I just started watching this a few days back and so far have enjoyed it been watching between 5 to 10 episodes a night and just finished watching #30. When I first heard about this show it didn't sound as if it'd be my cup of tea from what I heard it was very perverted but after my sister recommended it I decided to give it a shot and must say I'm happy that I did. The perverse side of the show is very little and more in the joking then serious department as much as Onizuka is a perv he is like the title says a great teacher who does anything he can for his students. All the different costumes he wears is great as well they truly make me laugh especially the video game outfits. -Edit- Just finished watching the last 13 episodes and found the final episode to be a fitting conclusion for this series. I particularly like the fact that he ended up in America at the end and what his new class looked like. Llike all my favorite shows I wish there was more but I'm satisfied with the way this show ended and how it was all wrapped up. (Hope this doesn't read too confusing but it's 5a.m. here and time to pass out) :sleep:
  25. Oh no someone's not a Tolkien Fanboy/girl I hate you so pffft. :devil: Nothing worse the Tolkienites trying to impress you in the book store with their immense knowledge of all things fantasy unless you of course ask them a non-Tolkien questioin then they have the sudden urge to leave. I must agree with statement a few posts back if you like any of the Star Wars movies or books then Zahn's series can't be beat very well written sci-fi. Unlike the dissapointment of a lot of the books that came afterwards by various other authors not to say they were all bad just a few. I shall toss in a few of my favorites here though no one usually agrees with my choices. :p -Fantasy- Rusalka by C.J. Cherryh The Flight Of Michael McBride by Midori Snyder The Worm Ouroboros by E.R. Eddison Dark Crusade by Karl Edward Wagner God Stalk by P.C. Hodgell Running With The Demon by Terry Brooks -Science Fiction- The Shadow Of The Torturer by Gene Wolfe A Talent for War by Jack McDevitt The Martian Chronicles by Ray Bradbury Chocky by John Wyndham The Memory of Earth by Orson Scott Card Breakfast in the Ruins by Michael Moorcock
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