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Ben Holiday

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Everything posted by Ben Holiday

  1. Just wondering how many issues a year? How often do they switch out or introduce new series?
  2. From what I remember Dragon Ball-The Magic Begins was a live action movie with many character and object name changes like dragon pearls (COUGH Ripoff COUGH) but it's supposed to be pretty funny.
  3. Sounds good, I started playing yesterday and was fairly impressed. I just have to get used to the layout. It definitely had differences from square rpg's but they just make it more interesting. The fixed camera threw me off at first but after a few hours you don't even notice it anymore. Plus attacking in pairs was cool and the graphics are nice. I like the anime sequences at the begining hopefully all the fmv is like that. On Persona I haven't finished it yet but I do plan on getting Wild Arms 3 once I finish this.
  4. I just got this today and have no knowledge of this series. Can anybody tell me what this game is like and what kind of replay value it has. It looks cool I just want some basic info before I open it.
  5. Naked People? There's no nudity in this game just some girls in skimpy bikinis about the worst is the strip club. If you do go in there you'll just laugh anyways it's a fairly awful fmv sequence. A little glitchy but overall very playable and fun. All glitches can be overlooked when you look at all you're getting. So much replay value it's not even funny.
  6. I would have to say Gitaroo Man since nobody's mentioned any music games. It has a sweet @-$-$ musical score and is truly difficult to master. Nothing better than getting a bunch of people together and jamming out in deathmatch. Plus it just looks plain cool.
  7. I've seen it and love it. It was a very sad story and the first time I saw it I had to keep pausing the dvd and walking off for a few minutes so I wouldn't cry. One of Studio Ghibli's best real life situation anime.
  8. I'll take a wild guess and say not too many people must have gotten a hold of this since no one is discussing this and a week has past since the deadline. For me no one in my area is carrying it as a rental and I have not found the time to buy it online, sorry. Hopefully I can get a hold of the next one you discuss.
  9. Hmm.. no Pinta quests would be acceptable my vmu's battery was dead so I skipped that part. But for Cupil they should be able to just make the screen beep since the GC doesn't have a vmu. I guess I'll just have to wait until the release then if the reviews are good then I'll go get a GC. If not then I'll just be really dissapointed. Just watched a movie of the japanese version looks interesting saw some new people and what looked to be the Albatross II flying through the whirlwinds on the way to Ixa' Paxa. It looks interesting looks like there was more ships in your armada at the end.
  10. Thats what I thought I mean they even refer to Ioqau as juice in the DC version. Tobacco was pretty much non-existant too only a one or two characters had a cigar. Oh well, as long as they keep the voices to exclamations of surprise, laughter, fighting moves and battle wins it will all be good but more talking would suck. Also I wonder how they plan to do the Pinta and Cupil quests.
  11. Removal of tobacco and alcohol? You're joking right? I don't think they were that big a factor in the game to begin with. Are they really going to cut back on the amount of battling too? I think the mass amounts of random battling were important. They helped you get the money for your base and upgrading the ship. Plus it all felt worth it once you got back from Yufatoma and got the ships extra abilities so you could skip the battles.
  12. Actually if I remember correctly Puar is a dude.
  13. Has anybody been checking this out? If you don't know it's a port of an rpg called Skies Of Arcadia from the Dreamcast. I really hope the GC doesn't mess up one of the best console rpg's of all time. Hopefully Sega keeps as much to the original as possible. I can't remember any other rpg where I had as much fun.
  14. Well I found a copy of Spriggan yesterday and was considering picking it up until I saw the $45.00 price tag which decided me against it. I'm going to call around to the video stores in the next couple days and see if anybody carries it.
  15. Sounds like fun I'll do it. If I can find a copy in my area is it a series or movie?
  16. If you think that you should have seen where he first ran into Krillin and Bulma in the underwater treasure cave. Bulma starts saying he's the man of her dreams when he surprises them then grabs onto his arm and starts licking it up and down. Blue freaks out and tells her to get off because there's nothing he hates more than girls than gets upset when Krillin calls him gay.
  17. Oh it just keeps getting better the farther in you go just wait till Ten Shin Han and Demon Lord Piccolo show up. Truly awesome battles and the last missing characters show up.
  18. Thanks for the info guys, I found a site that has the first 8 chapters so I'll check it out.
  19. Was this from an earlier show or manga? The way they talk about it on DB is like most people will know it. Was it an early creation of Toriyama? Or just a joke for a couple of episodes.
  20. Well my brothers still plays all his other games it just wont play gta:vc or any dvd's. It's very frustrating every game we got before vc works perfectly even gta:3 I'm about ready to just beat it with a hammer.
  21. After the first week my brothers ps2 stopped reading his copy so he took it back to the store and it ran fine on theirs. So we tried it on mine and it ran perfectly on it too. So he's been borrowing my ps2 for the last 3 weeks and I'm slowly going insane from lack of gaming. But before his system stopped reading gta:vc it was doing the same things. You'd fall through the road when driving, once in awhile when you started to get in a car it'd restart the game, when walking youd start losing armor and health, occasionally the sound would go out.
  22. Only if it was a male kid. I'll have to look over the episodes and get back to you tomorrow. Yes, sadly enough he was. In the CN version the kid comes to help him fix his car and Blue says it looks like his lost little brother and gets upset when the kid runs away. In the subbed version the kid comes over to help fix the car and Blue says he's just his type. When the kid finishes fixing the car Blue asks him if he wants to go get something to eat when the boy declines he asks if he can buy him a pretty outfit instead. When the boy declines again and says he has deliveries to make then runs off Blue gets mad and says he had short legs anyways.
  23. I'd have to say the Turks from FFVII or Lavos from CT or the Ghosts from Pac Man or the Queen from FFIX or Psycho Mantis from MGS he could read your mind or Navarose from Drakan: OotF. But the all time greatest villain would have to be Bowser nemisis to Mario and Luigi how many pointless hours I wasted on those games I will never know or want to know (it'd probably make me cry in shame).
  24. Oh it's a great episode it's just depressing for me. I liked Wolfwoods character too me he was the perfect friend for Vash. They totally balanced each other and made an awesome team it just killed me too see him gone.
  25. Well, I guess it's just me then. I still like all the episodes without the freak arm gun though except for the one where Wolfwood dies all the rest are still good.
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