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Ben Holiday

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Everything posted by Ben Holiday

  1. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by AJeh [/i] [B][b][size=1][font=arial] HEY?! What was wrong with MGS2? [/size][/font] [/B][/QUOTE] I'll give it this the gameplay, graphics and controls were awesome. Collecting dog tags, taking pictures and all of the past games features was great too. But the storyline towards the end just got stupid. There was also to much fmv and some of the radio conversations go on for more than 45 minutes thats just overkill to me. That and I bought the game so I could be Snake not some noob agent. The whole Jack and Rose thing was funny for about a 1/4 of a second before it just got on your nerves. Finally the last couple of boss battles were so simple that it's not even a challenge at the highest difficulty.
  2. It wouldn't be too surprising since they changed Bloomer into Bulma. I also thought the tomato soup was a little much but they never show his nosebleeds anyways. Also they'd have to show why he's having the nosebleed it's just like his drunken fighting and how it magically became mad cow technique. You know I bet they must pay a lot of artists to cover up all the nudity that goes on in this show.
  3. Maybe it's just me but I liked Vash more when he was running around eating donuts and crying. Then when the big guns came poping out of his and Knives arms. It just seemed like a greater show when he was blowing bubblegum and rocking out on his walkman or making big deformed faces. I was just surpised at the way it turned out I guess I just liked his regular gun to the freaky arm one.
  4. Jinzouningen17 I haven't watched that many of the DBZ subs yet but their probably as messed up as the first DB saga. I just about bust a gut to see what they where really saying and doing. I can't believe anyone could think this was a kids show. They have way to much editing power at funi. But on the other hand if they didn't edit them within the first dozen episodes of DB they'd be banned from american tv. I hope the DBZ subs are just as funny because there is some really screwed up comedy in DB. [size=1][color=indigo]Let Moderators do the moderating, please. Thank you. - PM[/color][/size]
  5. FF IX was my favorite though I started on VII it just had a good battle system and great characters.
  6. I finally got a hold of a decent set of DB subs and must say damn what's up with that. I always listen to you guys saying how much is removed and edited but I never expected that much. It's seriously disturbing how many changes funi and cn make.
  7. I like most others won't pick this up. I was pissed when after the tanker I was stuck with raiden and couldn't be snake. I mean the whole point of the game is to be snake damnit that's why I played the previous games. Also the storyline didn't stand up to the last games and it had that stupid ending that just totally pissed me off.
  8. I'm still stuck in Big Small Land myself. After a couple unsuccesfull attempts at beating it I moved on. I'm in the magic carpets on rainbows level now.
  9. Where's a good place to get the subs of DB and DBZ? I have them all on vcd but they're just to bright to watch and the subs are to fuzzy to read.
  10. Psst.. severous84 if you double post he will come beware the wrath of Break. Also you should discuss that game in the appropriate forum not the GTA. I think I will still be tooling around with GTA V.C. at this time next year. It's better than GTA III and I still run around creating mayhem in that game all the time.
  11. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Neon Phoenix [/i] [B]Finished already, wasn't that kind of quick? lol :D How long did it take you to complete it? [/B][/QUOTE] Well I was it playing from Wednesday on. Plus it helps that I took sick leave from work till Friday. So pretty much 5 days it's not like I 100% it though I just beat all the norm missions I still have cars, packages, and the vehicle missions.
  12. I just finished the game today and picked up the Hunter. It is very nice you can take out cops and their vehicles easy still waiting to see its performance against a tank though. It only took me about 11 times to beat the last mission but it was well worth it.
  13. What could be better than chasing someone in a golf cart hitting them head on and seeing them do a couple flips through the air into the sea. Then think about racing rc cars on a nice dirt track though a little short still cool and if that doesn't catch your fancy their is the much longer rc plane rce which is completely bad @-$-$. Then I really enjoyed carving cars and people up with my very own chainsaw and katana. I am happy this is much improved over 3 even the car handling seems better. I must get farther in and complete more missions I was very dissapointed that there were no flyable vehicles at the airport besides rc copters. On another note stay away from the militery airfield they don't like company. [size=1][color=crimson]Yes, double posts are [i]not[/i] allowed.- [b]Break[/b][/size][/color]
  14. I thought that was him at the end of todays episode but I wasn't sure. I was just guessing on the tournament part it just resembled that in the flashback he had when he met gohan. I like how Corin actually has a bigger role in this series seeing him fight goku was cool. I can't wait till tomorrow I want to see how mercenary Tao fares against him.
  15. I am a huge fan of this movie the artwork was well done and the spirits of the forest were cool looking. My favorite character was San it was great to see her riding through the woods or into battle on the back of Moro no Kimi or one of her children.
  16. No I was just looking for a straight link I haven't done any banners yet. But it's cool it works now Semjaza told me what I needed and when I do get up to images I'll follow your instructions their D_A. Though that faq link should get fixed since it would help alot of people.
  17. Sounds cool I'll have to see if I can find a copy.
  18. Take that back nothing comes close to being as bad as pilot candidate.
  19. I know it wasn't Dr. Gero because this person was a fighter. I think Goku may have fought him in a tournament but thats probably further into the series.
  20. Actually I don't know about anyone else but whenever I click on the FAQ button at the top of the page it just sends me to a blank page. If it had been working I wouldn't have asked this I'd rather read the instructions myself. It's a lot less embarrassing than asking for help on something that is probably really simple.
  21. Thanks Semjaza that was really bugging me I only had to follow your instructions 9 times before getting it right. For some reason the numbers in the address kept changing but it's all good now.
  22. For my signature how do I turn this address into a clickable link? [url]http://www.angelic-wings.net/~flusec/forums/ikonboard.cgi?[/url] Any help is appreciated since I am code stupid and do not know html. Man that pisses me off it works in my post but not my sig somebody please help. [b][size=1]Please do not double post-- Elite[/size][/b]
  23. I don't know about anybody else but to catch chaotic century in my area I have to get up at 6:30 in the morning. The only good thing about this is the morning run is about five episodes behind the misplaced afternoon run. So I don't have to start getting up that early until next week.
  24. Psst Zidane, we're talking about Dragon Ball not dbz. On another note who was the fighter for the red ribbon army that gohan comes across in dbz? He had a metal skull cap and goggles if I remember correctly. Will he finally show up before this saga is over?
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