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Everything posted by tursi

  1. yay! more people! when are we gonna start?
  2. I got my name from a dolphin that i swam with at the dolphin research center.....
  3. Name: Melee Leliana Gender: female Age: 19 Appearance: 5'9", blue skin, violet eyes. usually wears black ribbon around her twin tails, a black tank top, and loosely fitted tan pants. Species: Twi'lek Class: smuggler Team: Rebel Disadvantages: Stubborn Advantages: graceful because she used to be a dancer for some hutts Homeworld: Ryloth Bio: Four years after being born on Ryloth, she was taken to Tatooine where she learned to dance for and preform for the Hutts. At the age of six, she escaped the Hutts and was found by a band of smugglers, who took her in and taught her how to do things and not get caught. She then accelled in the art of smuggleing and soon opened up her own smuggleing company. Equipment: Pistol and cross-bow gun. Skills that need points: Ranged Combat: +2 Melee: +2 Stealth: +3 Grace: +7 Health: +5 Strength of Body: +3 Strength of Mind: +2 Piloting: +3 People-Skills: +1 (tell me if the points are too much or not, still getting used to this system.)
  4. just though i would post some of these up, see it anyone would want to use them or comment on them. Most of these are lotr based because of the LJ community i'm in. [img]http://img8.photobucket.com/albums/v26/tursi/icons/dracooragami.gif[/img] ...[img]http://img8.photobucket.com/albums/v26/tursi/icons/journey.gif[/img] ... [img]http://img8.photobucket.com/albums/v26/tursi/icons/bloomagent.gif[/img] ... [img]http://img8.photobucket.com/albums/v26/tursi/icons/food.gif[/img] ... [img]http://img8.photobucket.com/albums/v26/tursi/icons/elijah.gif[/img] ... [img]http://img8.photobucket.com/albums/v26/tursi/icons/hobbit_love.gif[/img] ... [img]http://img8.photobucket.com/albums/v26/tursi/icons/pipicon.gif[/img] ... [img]http://img8.photobucket.com/albums/v26/tursi/icons/home.gif[/img] ... [img]http://img8.photobucket.com/albums/v26/tursi/icons/The_west.gif[/img] ... [img]http://img8.photobucket.com/albums/v26/tursi/icons/pan.gif[/img] theres more, but i don't want to clutter the post PS: the icon in my siggy is one i made as well [color=teal]EDIT:[/color] here be more [img]http://img8.photobucket.com/albums/v26/tursi/icons/ligang.gif[/img] [img]http://img8.photobucket.com/albums/v26/tursi/icons/clever.gif[/img] [img]http://img8.photobucket.com/albums/v26/tursi/tursi.jpg[/img] [img]http://img8.photobucket.com/albums/v26/tursi/icons/yup.gif[/img] I'm gonna try working on some more this week. [color=teal]Double posting is not acceptable on these boards. Please use the Edit button to add what you need. -Syk3[/color]
  5. w00t! it works! thank you! *hugs*
  6. lol, don't worry, i just now credited you in my siggy. still says its too big, needs to be 150x80
  7. thank you much ^^ also it says the Avi is too big....
  8. w00t! sold to you! i'll take it!. can you send me the full picture? i might make it for my Livejournal Icon
  9. hola todo el mundo! i'm back, hopefully for a long time, and would like a banner. right now you can see *points at siggy* i am using icons i have made for a subsitute. notice it lotr....and i'm on an anime site....this would be a problem, lol. j/k. its all good. If someone could make a banner of either lotr and/or harry potter doujinshi. or something elf like. i would be very thankful. thanks in advance! ^-^*
  10. oooo, lets see. either a band director, or a marine biologist (something in marine science...) Thats becuase being a fisherman..woman..person doesn't really qualify as a job unless you fish for other people...^^; i love fish. that why i'm going to study them. i also love band, and my tuba. thus the band director part.
  11. w00t! thats so awesome! i've been waiting for a long time for parakiss 5 to come out! *dances for joy* now to go to a book store for some quality reading time. ^-^
  12. can't see anyone, can't touch anyone, can't hear anyone, but i hear the music and it brings back the memories, of the people i left behind. Running in the dark, i feel alone and the music gets louder, as it ends. I'm lost in a wolrd where no ones there i am alone no one else is here. please review
  13. Tursi opened her eyes and noticed that she had fallen asleep. She sat up quickly and and looked out the window. she say the the sun was low in the sky. her eyes had widen and she looked at her class list. Tursi: i can't belive i slept through one of my classes. professor weasly won't be very happy with me. She got up picking up her stuff and slinging her bag over her shoulder. She then made her way down the stairs and across the moving stairs. she quickly went into her common room. She ploped herself on on of the large couches in front of the fire. she looked at the time. Tursi: one hour till dinner. that means one hour of time to make an excuse for missing class. She sat up on the couch and pulled out her long list of excuses and reviewed them a bit.
  14. my school is an arts school. so we have alsorts of peole go there, thats what makes my friends so great. they're a hoot to be around. you guys would like them. most of them are on the OrangeAnime boards if anyones been there.
  15. tursi

    Par Ninkil

    Tursi hooved the ground as if tapping her foot. Tursi: i don't know where he is at the moment, they always scater about, the move so quickly too. Tursi looked across the camp in search for Soahc, she pounded at the ground, alittle stressed. She mummbled something about 'those cursed elves.' she looked back a gaul. Tursi: follow me to the office, he might still be in there, and if he says yes, i'll show you to your bunk. she said and started to gallop in the direction of the office.
  16. tursi

    Par Ninkil

    Tursi heard a voice and troted out of the bunk she saw the stranger and trited up to him with a smile. Tursi: hello there, can i help you? (sorry about the short post, i'm multitasking ~_~ homework))
  17. tursi

    Par Ninkil

    ((oh, ok thats what i was confused on. ^_^ thanks for explaining.))
  18. tursi

    Par Ninkil

    ((never mind i get it now. i'll delete my last posty thingy))
  19. Tursi set her stuff down and walked over to an arched window she could see everything. The astronomy tower was the largest tower in hogwarts, and one of the most unused rooms there were. She leaned over the edge of the window and looked down into the courtyard. she then moved to the middle of the room. Tursi: you can fit 15 people in her comfortably. She looked at the round room. and up into the large sky light. Tursi: a few good coshins and you would have a great planetarium. SHe laid down and rest looking up at the sky.
  20. Tursi looked at her nexted class. she blinked noticing she didn't have one. [i] this must be like a seinor privlage at a muggle school, or a misprint.[/i] she thought to herself. she shruged and wandered around, talking to random painting of one of the older headmasters who had found himself in the stair cases. Tursi paused for a second and looked up the stairs. Tursi: i wonder whats up there? Tursi started to walked up the stairs, watching her step as they moved, the paintings watched her move with weariness. SHe then got to the top to find more stairs. She sighed. Tursi: what is this. Tursi then saw a plaque. SHe walked towards it and dusted it off. it read astronomy tower. SHe grinned with delight and ran up the stairs tofind a huge empty room with lots of windows. Tursi: wow, this is great.
  21. Tursi opened her eyes and slowly rolled over and looked at her muggle clock. She rubbed her eyes and looked at the time. Tursi's eyes widened as she noticed she over slept. she quickly got out of her bed, made it, and ran into the shower to freshen up. When she came back out in her towel she noticed something moving under her covers, she had accidently buried her crup under her bed. Tursi: oh, sorry baby. She got scumpy out from under the covers and quickly made her bed again. Walking to her trunk she pulled out her clothes for today and slipped them on. After she straightened her tie she grabed a banana from the bowl of fruit down in the common room and walked into the hallways. She looked at her schedual and smiled. tursi: care of magical creatures, funfun, i don't even know why i'm still takeing this class. As she was walking toward Professor olivers class she ran into someone and fell down. Tursi: oh sorry sorry, i'm running a bit late. looking up she noticed it was her friend from last night. Tursi smiled. Aioni: oh hi tursi. Tursi: hey aioni, sorry about last night, i wasn't in a very good mood and all, but we have to get to class, we'll talk then. SHe said grabbing Aionis hand and dragging her to her class.
  22. TUrsi got up languidly and answered the door. she rubbed her eyes to see who it was. tursi: oh, hello Aioni, whats up? Tursi said inviting her in as she sat back down next to scrumpy.
  23. tursi walked into the common room and looked around at the people. Tursi: i don't remeber it being so blue. SHe then shrugged walking up into the dorms. Tursi sat on her bed and didn't even bother to change. Her pet, scrumpy the crup, jumped up with her, she laid down and looked at the ceiling. Scurmpy came and licked her face. Tursi: come on scurmpy time for bed. Scumpy then curled up on the pillow next to tursi and they fell alseep, waiting for the next day.
  24. tursi

    Par Ninkil

    Tursi stayed late into the night caring for the wounded. she didn't mind it much, acctually she liked helping out. she quietly hummed a calm tune that was passed through her family for centuries. she moved over to leigon and smiled. Tursi: atleast your still breathing my friend. She then went back to humming and cleanning everyones wounds.
  25. details, details details, some more details on my character. clases she likes: DADA and Care of magical creatures. classes she does good in: astronomy. classes she doesn't like: history of magic and divinations. classes she does bad in: arithmicy
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