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Everything posted by tursi
Talia looked at paige. Talia: she'll be fine for now. Talia ran up to clue. Talia: clue, you and jaz should go down from the mountian for a while. I'll be fine up here. CLue: are you sure? Talia: yes, plus you guys need some food, i'll be fine for now. CLue: we'll be back as fast a possible. Talia nodded and walked back to paige, she dug a bigger hole and laid as close to paige as possible. Talia: hang in there.
Xanthia wakes up panting, she sits up and tries to catch her breath. [I] why give me this dream [/I] This was the only thing that poped into her mind. She finally calms down, she looks out side, it was still dark out. Then her door creaked open, and a little girl came in. xanthia: go back to bed tina. Tina: i thought you were haveing a bad dream, so i brought you some water. Xanthia: thank you, place it on the table. Tina: i had a bad dream too. Xanthia: and? Tina: can i sleep in your room. Xanthia sighed and looked at her little sister. Xanthia: be quick about it. Tina: ok. Tina left the room and xanthia got up and walked to the window and looked to the plains. She saw the heard of horses were on the move into the forest. She then turned as tina walked back into the room with her blanket and pillow. Xanthia: go ahead on the bed. i won't be sleeping to night. Tina: ok. Xathia went and sat in the chair on the other side of the room, contemplateing what has happen lately, the questionings, dreams and the bacus. These had to link together, she knew they had to, but she dosen't really know how.
Santina ran through the forest with some food in her mouth coming from a near by villiage. Villager: isn't someone going to stop her! She was being chased and jumped up into a tree gracefully, Which eluded her followers. she smiled in content. She walked among the tree branches, that led her back to her little hut.She stopped when she heard some voices. Female: hello! She shifted into her leapord form and continued silently. she saw a girl in a tree looking at a wolf. She smiled understanding the situation and started to continue when she fell, it was odd, she rarely fell. and as she fell she reverted to human form. Santina: now how did that happen? Santina stood up to see the wolf looking at her. She just smiled and dusted off her pants. Santina: i'm not one to be unfriendly with mr.....um...wolf...Just passing through. She transformed back into the black leapord, with out thinking, and started to head throught the clearing and to her hut.
Winter looked at the surrounding area, barren, no life at all. Winter: do you reconize this? Katyia snorted. Winter: thought so, i don't either. but something isn't right. this place wasn't on the map. Katyia started to turn around, but winter stopped her. Winter: we can't go back. if elrond finds out i snuck out, he'll abnsolutely kill me. Katyia laid on the ground, and winter jumped off. Winter: so now you're going to be stubborn, we'll then i'll leave you here. And winter did, she left katyia behind and kept going in search for something to help her. The horse got up adn ran back to riverdell. The guards stopped the horse. Guard 1: where's winter? Katyia snorted and reared, trying o communitcate but to no help. Guard 2: i'll go get someone. The guard ran off to go find some help. Katyia knew there was danger for winter, but she wouldn't listen.
Talia nodded and walked away from jaz and clue. CLue: and where do you think you're going? Talia: i'm not just going to stand around and wait, i'm going back to try to help her out. Clue: that's craziness, you'll freeze. Talia: better than waiting around for no reason. Clue: come back here now. Talia: i'll be back. Talia walked back over to paige, she looked bad. Talia dug out a little spot next to paige and laid beside her. Paige looked over at her in confusion. Talia: I'm going to huddle up with you to keep you warm. don't give in to the weakness, it'll make you tired. Paige nodded and talia smiled.
Talia could see something move further up. She stopped andsniffed the air and smiled. It was paige alright, her sent is all over this place. She hopped up the rocks, slipping every once in a while. [I] how did she do it? [/I] Talia: Paige! Paige can you hear me? All the sudden the wind started blowing hard, almost blinding her then stopped. theres a storm coming. Talia:paige! Please answer me. Talia went up further and found nothing. how far could she had gotten? [I] clue please hear this. [/I] SHe howled, stateing her location and an affirmative. hopefully he would understand it. then she went further up the moutian, wherelots of snow had fallen, and it was getting harder to see.
Talia's head snaped up, as dellora walked in the room. Dellora: Talia... Talia: thank you for your hospitality, but i must be off. i'll be back. Dellora: is somthing wrong? Talia: something's very wrong. Talia ran, ran with the wind at her back, urgeing her one. [I] paige, why are you doing this to us? we can't lose another. [/I] Talia ran past her pack. CLue: talia! wait! Talia didn't hear him, she was focused on paige and energy.
Tina was upon the other man, ripping out it's throat. Then cleaned herself and walked over to venna and reverted to human form. SHe hugged venna. Tina: i'm glad you're not dead. Tina stepped back and looked at her mess. Tina: i guess i got carried away. venna: yeah, just alittle. Tina: follow me, i need to go get something before we go to the castle. Venna: ok. They walked throught the woods and came back to the centaur village. Tina: stay here, they aren't to friendly to strangers. Tina walked into the village and into nathons hut. Grabed her things and walked out. she was stopped by nathon. Nathon: you're back? Tina: yes, but i'm leaveing now. Nathon: i understand. Tina: i'll be back. Tina walked over to venna and smiled as she whistled for her ride. the large pagasus came out from the forest. Tina: lets go. They hopped on and were on their way back to the castle.
Talia: i still feel like i don't belong. Talia caught paiges eye and talia turned away. She walked back into the forest near the reasearchers building. she walked in the dog door and walked up to dellora. Dellora: i didn't hear you come in. Talia: i need some info on my pack. Dellora: i'll see what i can do, if you want to, you can stay here tonight. Talia: thanks. Talia walked over to the corner and fell asleep.
Talia got herself up to the smell of blood. Talia: so there was something wrong. Talia ran up to where clue and paige were. Talia: i knew something was wrong. Clue: why didn't you come? Talia was silent. Clue:what didn't you help. Talia: i'm sorry. Talia ran off, leaveing the others in a bluster.
Winter looked at the map she had taken from elronds room. WInter: so i have to reach mordor. hmmm, that dosen't look that far. she looked outside to see she had some daylight left. Winter: then we leave and ride in the cover of night. She whistled for katiya and the mare troted up to her. She jumped up on katiya. Winter: lets go girl, we've got to get over this mountian now. KAtyia galloped off and she smiled at the delight of eluding her friends.
Talia decided to sleep in the medows that night, just to relive her memorys. She listened to clues howl, and smiled, she thought about answering. Talia: sweet dreams. SHe feel asleep to the crickets songs and the runnong stream. dreaming about mom and dad, and all the others. (ooc: sorry about the short post.....happy new year.)
Winter stopped at a cave in the forest side mountian. WInter: we'll rest here for a little katyia, i haven't eaten in a while. Katyia nodded. They walked inside the small cave, and saw blood on the floor, it was old blood though, nothing to worry about. she looked in her bag and pulled out some bread. Winter: never could remeber these elvish names. But this stuff comes in handy on long trips. She munched away, listening for sighns of trouble and such.
Talia saw clue walking from below, she just smiled and went down to the feilds to go think. Talia: i knew paige would do something, i told you father. If you gave me more time, someone would find a way. and they did. Nightshades voice: we'll all be waiting for you, goodbye talia. Talia: by daddy. Talia went into the stream and started to clean herself. she was happy now, happier then ever, she ddin't want anything to change.
isdor: tursi, you can go in now. She walked in to see a woman and a teenager. The she knew fully well what was going on. Queen: hello tursi. Tursi: hello your highness. Queen: please sit down. Tursi sat down in the closest chair. and the queen stood up and walked towards her, and so did the girl. Queen: luke and i have been discussing things, and we feel that you're alone too much. So i wanted to introduce you to mmy daughter. This is tenel-ka Tenel: nice to meet you tursi. Tursi: (bows) i'd like to thank you for your consideration, and i don't mean to seem rude, but i cannot accept you kindness. i'm sorry. She turns around and exists the room. Isdor: how did it- Tursi: shut up, this was a stupid set up. Tursi stormed out and went to one of the gardens.
Winter Watched and waited in a seat in a corner. [I] a new fellowship? This can only mean one thing, but i need to go see katyia. see if i can get away from here. [/I] Winter moved siilently out of the chair, [I] he's not looking....[/I] and then she sneaked out and when she was far enough she started to run. After she had packed somethings she reached the opening of riverendale. and the guards stoped her. Winter: hello. Guard 1: winter, where are you going? Winter: do we have to go thriugh this everytime? I'm going to the stables to see my horse katyia. the we shall do our daily riding and come back. Guard 2: you may proceed. Winter walked out to the stable. She saw katiya, who started to paw at the ground. The black mare was restless. Winter: come on. Wereing leaveing. Katiya snorted. Winter: where? mmm i dunno, but not here. Katiya shook her mane and made some happy noises. Winter: glad you approve. do you want to be saddled or is that going to be to much weight. Katiya just looked at her. Winter: right, how could i ask such a dumb question. no saddle, but we need the reins. Winter took some apples with her, got on katiya and they started to lothlorien, just to make sure the guards didn't suspect. Winter: were going ahead. and when the new fellowship is made. (smiles) we'll join it. then i can see frodo again! They rode further into the forest then ever before, then changed route. Winter: mountianside or through the plains. Katiya looked up. Winter: moutian. and there they went, with non thoought of what trouble may lie ahead, or behind them.
winter watched elrond's council from a tree over the wall. She watched as the elves talked about frodo and uri-ki, and such. Winter: What exactly are they talkign about. She moved in closer and she lost her balance and fell on legolas and laitina. SHe looked up and smiled. Winter: um.....hi you guys. Elrond: Winter omini! how many times do i have to tell you! it's forbiddin to- Winter: listen to the council of the elves. i know, but it was intriging and i learn this way to. Winter got up. Winter: sorry legolas and laitina. Legolas: winter...Please explain how you get up hear? Winter: i climbed up the side of the little cliff and up the tree. laitina: (sighed) Winter, what are we going to do with you. Winter: um..forgive me and let me go. Elrond: not with out punishment.
Talia smiled. and watched from afar. Talia: paige, you work to hard. Talia jumped down and walked into the building that paige and clue were in. Dellora looked surprized. Talia gave a wolf hug to paige. Talia: thank you for helping me. Then she walked over to clue, clue looked up at her. She smiled. Talia: thanks for listening to me little brother. dellora: little brother? Talia: yes, that's right dellora. Dellora: but he was the only one who survied. Talia: right again, and i thank you for saving him dellora. Dellora: i don't understand. Talia:i don't expect anyone to. Clue: i think i am starting to. Talia : really? CLue: yes...i've learned alot from you and paige. Talia: i'm glad. Talia walked back to paige and nudged her. Talia: you work to hard paige. Then talia walked back to the cave to greet the others in the pack.
Luke: [right, lets call them.] Tursi turned her head set to an open channel. Luke: [hapes air control, this is luke skywalker. I need clerance to land.] air control: [what is your reason for being here.] Luke: [to itroducue young tursi to the queen.] there was a moment of silence as they waited for an aswer. Air control: [ok master skywalker. procede. the feild will be taken down for a few minutes, move quickly.] Luke and tursi moved their ships through the feild and landed in docking bay 12 and 13. A tall man with blond hair came trough the door. Luke : hello prince isdor (sp). isdor: hello master skywalker. who is this that you have brought to see my wife? Luke: someone who can help change the out come of this war. isdor: (looks at tursi) and who are you? Tursi: i'm tursi, jedi padawan, sson to be knight. My master is kyp durron. i have no family and live with the solos and master skywalker. isdor: well tursi, come with me. I'll take you to the queen, (looks at luke.) make your self comfortable. ANd they left.
Tina heard vennas cawing and smiled. [I] she's alive. [/I] Then started to run but was pulled aside. Nathon: what in the seven hells do you think you're doing! Tina: saving my friend, no let me go. Nathon: no. Tina: yes. Nathon: i can't let you go. It's not a good idea. Tina: (scowled) leave me alone! Tina ran and Nathon stood there with his head low. Tina knew she could risk it for now. She transformed and moved into the trees. The she roared. Tina: [ hang in there!] Venna cawed back, answering her call. The two men stoped. Man1: did you hear that? Man 2: yeah, the other one's around. Tina shifted her weight and tried to keep silent. Man2: She's out there. She's going to kill us. Man 1: she's not the same. She can't be like that again. Man2: thats not what the master said. Venna started cawing rapidly warning tina to move out. but she didn't, she just stood there closer than the men knew, ready to pounce, anger flared in her eyes. She was on the edge.
yeah! i wanted to sighn up for the other to, but i was late. This is cool though. Name: Santina, aka loki. Age: 150 Race: Shifter Weapon(s): Daggers, staff, claws and teeth in animal form. Humanoid Appearance: tall, graceful. Black long hair, violet eyes. Wears and emerald cloak and black loose clothing. Personality: She likes to play, eventhough she dosen't look like it. She will defend what she thinks is right, so most people think of her as a rebel, but they don't hate her for it. Bio: Lives in the jungle, and even though she's young, she's a master in the art of healing and sword combat ( She prefers daggers.) She's never had a family, lived alone ever since she can remeber. over the years she has found that being human can be fun for a while, but she likes being her. Jumping from tree limb to limb, she is the black leapord, under the cloak of night.
Tina woke up and stepped outside. She was checked by a centaur then was allowed to wander around the village. She walked up to an elder centaur. Tina: excuse me...have you seen the centaur that goes by the name nathon? Elder: what's it to you? Tina: My father was a friend of his. Elder: yes, i reconize you now. follow me. Tina followed the elder to a metting room area where resided nathon and the herd leader, khan. Khan: Tina, you have awoken. Tina: yes i have, and i'd like to know why i was attacked when i am a friend of this village! Khan: i'm sorry, but we can't trust anyone now. Nathon: i'm sorry tina. I'll understand if you wish to not come back. Tina: why would i do that? You silly fool. A large grumble is heard. Tina: (giggles) um...sorry, i'm just really hungry. Nathon: there's some berrys, freshly picked, by the garden. Tina nodds and walks out to the garden. She hears voices and stops. Man 1: we got her, just like master told us to. Man 2: yup, that stupid bird had it coming. Tina was getting aggravatied and followed the voices silently. She now knew that these men know what they looked like in animus form, so she stayed in human form. [I] venna hold on, i'm coming. [/I]
Name: - Winter Omini Age:17 Race: =( Too many elfs already me thinks....i'll be a human Weapons: - conceled daggers, staff, bow and arrows, broadsword Description: - Tall, dark brown hair, green eyes. Wears loose and comfortable clothing (easier for her to fight in) Bio: - She lived with the elves after an assult on her town, that left none alive. She learned how to listen to the trees, how to use a bow and arrow, and how to use her small use of magic that had been in her family. Elrond had watched over her till she was 15, then elrond had told her that she needed to learn to live by herself. She still lives inside riverdale, and watches the elves do their thing from afar. Other: - Her past time is riding her horse katiya. She usually rides to lothlorien(sp) and back. Personality: Happy-go-lucky! um....but can get down to business when needed. She's good with little children, and children like her.
Nathon stopped at a shack adn tina got off his back. Nathon: well, this is home. Tina: not bad. Tina walked inside and sat down, nathon followed behind her. Tina: so, why couldn't you leave? Nathon: (shifty) There's something sheilding us out. it goes all the way around hogwarts. No one is going to leave school for a while unless we can get it down. But first we have to find out who's doing it. Tina: (sighs) i know who, but she can't help it. Under control you see. Lauren potter. Nathon: another potter? Tina: yeah, any way, she'e being used, draing life as she goes. She's the only one who can break the spell, we can't get near her, it's to strong. Nathon: I'm sorry. Tina: sorry for what? Just then two minions came in and went after tina. Tina: Nathon. Tina transformed and took down one and the other went after nathon. Tina turned to get the other off nathon. But was slammed into the wall. Nathon: TINA! Nathon reared up and kicked the other one in the head. After the minions were down her went over to tina, who had reverted back to human form. Tina: (weraly) nathon... Nathon: why did you do that? i set you up. Tina: because you're my friend. Tina blacked out and nathon laid her on the bed. Nathon: I'm sorry i put you through this, the others needed proof that you weren't evil. He sighed then walked out of the shack to fond some food.