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Everything posted by tursi

  1. Tina smiled and went to go hug nathon. Tina: i thought you were leaveing, then i saw your tracks the other day and i could belived you stuck around. Nathon: Yes, well i didn't have much of a choice....but i can't speak of it while your friend is here. Fred: and why not. Tina got on nathons back. Tina: it's part of the centaurian code. Fred: but you can't just leave me here. Tina: (sighs) i thought you knew these woods, or i would've sent you back with your brother. Fred: but i don't know where we are. Nathon: (paws the ground) Fine we'll take you closer to the edge, then drop you off there. Tina helped fred you and the rode to the edge just as promised. Tina: i'll be back soon, cover for me. With that nathon took tina into the middle of the forest, to the haven of the centaurs.
  2. Tina smiled and walked out to pick up percy. Tina: if you don't let us off the hook, i'll tell the whole school that a student toook you down. They all laughed and tina put percy up on the pegasus, venna transformed and started to take percy back to the school. Venna: what about you tina? Tina: i need to look for nathon. She nodded and flew back to school. Fred popped out of the bushes. Fred: this is just like the old days. Tina: no it's not, because we're leaveing right now. She grabed freds hand and started through the woods. Then she heard a sound for sore ears. a easy gallop heading towards them. Tina: Nathon! Nathon: Tina where are you? Tina lit her wand as the centaur came into veiw.
  3. Luke: [ but hapes doesn't have a force feild tursi.] Tursi: [yes they do, i'm sending over the info.] Lots of green little numbers race and lukes eyes widen. The number all srop at a certian row. and lights up more than the rest. Tursi: [thats the code to bring it down, and tohack into hapes computer system.] Luke: [Tursi, how did you do that?] Tursi: [ i use to hang around Anikin alot.]
  4. Tina woke up screaming. Tina: What are you doing! Get Away from there! Fred and the nurse ran into the room. Fred: what's wrong? Tina: we need to leave now, they're going to get in trouble, they didn't listen to me. Tina was now runing out of the room faster than ever. Fred: Tina! wait. Tina had now gone outside and started to search the skies. Then she saw it. She whistled and the pegasus came down infront of her. Fred ran outt and jumped on it along with tina. Tina: lets fly. They we're flying fast and watched as Venna and percy looked in shock inside the cave. Tina: lets hide. They hovvered in the trees. Tina: they're in trouble, but we've got to stay put.
  5. tursi

    Wolf Pack

    Talia was breathing hard, her body was going insane, but she must hide her promblems for now. Talia: thank you brother. Talia went and gave him a hug. Then went to paige. Talia: do we need to talk privetly? Paige: yes. Talia and paige walked into the cave. The cave was covered in anceint nomad writings and drawings. Paige looked around in awe. Talia sat at the end of the cave and sifted her weight. Paige stood infront of her. Paige: do you know about the light herd? Talia: yes, i think. Paige: then you know why i'm troubled. Talia: no i do not, please tell me. Then talia fell down, She shook her head and sat back up. Paige looked at her in shock. Paige: Talia! are you ok? Talia: yeah keep going.
  6. tursi

    Wolf Pack

    Talia sighs as she watches the fawns play in the wild flowers. SHe remebered how wonderfulled they smelled. She closed her eyes and listened for her fathers voice. Nightshade: Talia, it's almost time. Talia: a fewmore mnutes, try to get me a few more minutes dad, i need to see him one more time before i go. Nightshade: i'll try talia. HE fades away. Then Talia feels her self lose balance and then regain it. Talia: i'm fading away already!?! (looks to the north) hurry clue.
  7. I'm makeing a booklet of little sinister poems, i've just started. 1) I know youv'e been told, Of days of old, or things that give you a fright. But nothing can be, that cna surpass these, Tales of the night. Vampires and ghost, or those with the most, Can get pretty near. But nothing beat, When you first meet, That thing you most fear. 2) Black roses are hard to find at night, Hiding in the shadows casted by the moon. And when the sun rises over the fading hills, The fade away with the morning dew.
  8. tursi

    Wolf Pack

    Talia: (looking at the land) Bring the pack here, tell them about it, because i won't be around long enough to. I promised that once the pack found a food source that i would return to father and mother. Then keep it hidden, migrateing packs come by here everyonce in a while, it's a safe haven. Clue: yes...but how? Talia: tell paige to listen to the wind, the spirits should guide her, if not already doing so. CLue: talia. Talia: didn't respond but just walked toward the cave. then looked back at clue. Talia: i'll be waiting here, no worries. If i'm gone, you probably won't see me ever again unless you really need help. (sighs) i'll be waiting, it's your choice now clue. And i support what ever you choose. Talia walked inside the cave and laid down. Clue ran to meet the others. Talia: may your heart guide you clue. OOC: i'm going o be gone for two days...keep me in
  9. tursi

    Wolf Pack

    Talia: you must know by now that i'm just a wandering soul, i died protecting you and mother, i felt so bad afterwards that i struggled to keep my body and find you. Once i did, i didn't know what to do. Latly i've been having dreams from nightshade. (looks at him) he's our father. Clue: you mean that wolf that attack you. Talia: (nodds) he knew he couldn't hurt me. He needs me to go back with him and be the sprirt protectors of our lands. Mother has been going insane with out us. Talia walks up over a ridge and clue follows, when he arrives there he sees a large open area, unknown to human kind, a large river went down tthe middle and a cave was a few feet away. There were large herds of deer and carabu, all with younglings. it was so full of life. Talia: clue....this is our fathers land.
  10. Name: Xanthia Santura Gender:female Occupation: theif age:16 Race: Human History: She lives out in the middle of of a large plain where the wild horses live. Her younger sister and the horses are the only things she knows, she has no real family. She goes into town in disguise so the orphanage won't find her and her sister. She has one friend in the city, who helps her out with some food problems, other wise she steals what she can grab, and nobody notices because they don't think of someone of her looks to steal. She knows of the scarring and hopes not to be found when the time comes. She can be friendly, but most of the time she keeps silent. She's very strong willed. Appearence: medium height. Black hair and green eyes. Pale skin, wears a black cloak, red t-shirt, and black pants.
  11. tursi

    Wolf Pack

    Talia sighed, she couldn't take it. Clue was right, it's time. She ran up to clue, clue looked at her. Talia: come with me, we'll catch up with the others later. Clue: are you sure? Talia: fo you wish to know about our lands, and our family? Talia walked west and stoped and waited for clue. Talia: come on
  12. She felt a nudge in the force and turned on her head set. Tursi: [yes master?] Luke: [we're exiting hyper space, get ready.] Tursi: [ok.] Tursi looks around on her control board to make sure everything was fine. then with a jolt they were out of hyper space. She looked around to see nothing. it was unusual. Tursi: [where's the defence master?] Luke: [i don't know, lets check it out.] Tursi: [I don't think that's wise master.] Luke: [Really?] Tursi: [theres a force feild.]
  13. i saw it a 2:20 and i was shakeing because it was so intense and loud. ^_^;; i really like all the horses. and the dwarf was halarious
  14. Katyia woke up from her est and snuck out of the clinic. SHe was restless, even if she was not feeling well. She wanted to explore more, she needed to know if there was something else here she hadn't seen. SHe quickly went down the all and found her self in a new area of the building. SHe went out side to find a little feild. Katyia: what's this? ???: you shouldn't be here. Katyia turned to see the gardener. Gardener: you need to be in your room Katyia: i was just exploring sir. I heard some noises and thought i come see what was out here. Gardener: THoses were just the horses. Katyia: did you say horses sir? Gardener: yes, 2 arabians and a mustang. Katyia: may i see them sir, maybe even ride them. The gardener looks at her then smiles. Gardener: sure why not, just don't tell anyone. Katyia: oh thank you. Katyia runs into the stables to see a black arabian stallion. She opened the stall, feed it, and got on its back. With out a second thought the horse was walking out to the feild. This felt great. Katyia: lets go for a little walk.
  15. tursi

    Wolf Pack

    Talia walked behind the pack. SHe felt weaker then before. She wanted to tell them about her land, but she didn't know where it was. So she kept queit and kept the rear. SHe looked at clue, and smiled. Father was right, but she can't leave yet. CLue looked back at her, and she averted her eyes back to the ground. Talia: (to her self) I can't avoid him forever
  16. isn't the real name weiz cruze (sp?), i like this name better than Knight hunters. my favs are ......all of them...and farfarello
  17. tursi

    Wolf Pack

    ~~~~~Dreaming~~~~~~ Talia stood in the dark, nothing was lit but where she was standing. Then she heard a fimiliar voice. It was nightshade. Nightshade: you almost made it. WHy do you fight so hard to keep on earth? Talia: I have people that i love here, but than again i have people that i love who are in the other pack. Nightshade: (where her stood lit up) Talia, listen, you can't stay here forever. You are part of the past. Your mother is going to go insane if she dosen't see you again. The scenery changed to where she used too live. near a large crystal river, overflowing with fish. Migrating packs would go here for the Winter and spring. There was plenty of room for every one. Talia: but clue... Nightshade: What if he never understand talia, what if he dosen't know that he's special to our pack. Talia: then i'll- Nightshade: you can't stay with him. Talia's eyes started to fill with tears. She walked up to nightshade, feeling like a little kid again, his warmth was comforting. She opened her eyes to see that she had trnsformed into a pup again. SHe jumped on night shade. Talia: papa! Nightshade: i'm glad you remeber talia. ~~~~~~~~~~~~End dream~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Talia felt so peaceful and happy. her sprirts we high and she was ready to wake up.
  18. Fred turned his head. Fred: did you hear that? Tina: leave it be. Lauren is going through some changes at the moment. Fred: tina...are you ok. Tina looked up, her eyes looked souless. her voice once again was cold. Tina: She needs some alone time. Fred: tina...Tina can you hear me? Tina: She'll come back to us, she's strong. Fred: TINA! Tina snapped her head and looked at fred. Her Eyes returned and she looked frightened. THen she fainted. Fred: Tina... What's happened?
  19. Name : tina minona Age: 15 Colonie Name : neo romania Gundam Name : dead gundam Team Member/s : Kristopher Shunt and Winter Gias Crest : queen of spades
  20. Tina looked sternly at lauren on the far side of where they were. Larune's mind tried to cry out to her, but it just brushed her. Tina: (as she turned the pegasus away from lauren.) We can either let her fight her own battle, or get killed in the confusion. We must decide later, i have a mind tracer on her. Tinas voice sounded colder than ice. Hunter: tina...are you- Tina: lets move. They nodded and trancformed, she let hunter and venna go ahead of her. SHe turned to lauren, and smiled. Tina: don't ever give up, the battles far from over. (turns away.) lets ride. The pegasus jumped into the sky and flyed to the hutt, she could see freds face of surprize from in the window. THe pegasus let her down, she thanked it and it fly away. Fred: How? Tina: long story.
  21. tursi

    Wolf Pack

    Talia got up and walked out of the cave. She looked around at the bustling world around her. She walked up the mountian to the very top And scanned the horizine. The wind didn't greet her today, she let her gardian wind be someone elses gardian. Paiges. She thought that she would find more use of it then she would. She listen to the sill air, it was quiet, except for the random buzz of a bug or two. Total silence. She didn't worry about clue, clue knew that she would follow him, not always in solid form. One day she'll tell him all of her family secrets and memories. But until then SHe'd like to stay here forever, so quiet and peaceful, it's the closets place to the spirits that you can be. Talia: a wolf's pride is something to be proud of. they are courageous and strong hearted. Talia just stood there for a couple of hours watching life get to work around her. She felt like she was on top of the world, or even further.
  22. tursi

    Wolf Pack

    Talia plops herself down in the back of the cave and closes her eyes to sleep. She grunts and snorts as her mind races in her dream world, all she can think of is that she can only stay for a little while longer.
  23. tursi

    Wolf Pack

    Jaz: Talia! Wait up talia! Jaz tried to catch up with Talia, but was trailing far behind, he followed her sent to a dead end. Jaz: Talia! Where are you? Talia: Leave me alone Jaz. Jaz: Don't leave! We need you! you can't go back. Jaz looked around franticly for where talia's voice was coming from. But her couldn't find it. Talia: Please Jaz, leave be to my self. Jaz: no... no talia, you can't leave. Talia: (appearing behind him) what if i have no choice! Talia looked like she had been crying, and she was breathing heavely. Talia: What if i told you i can only hold my solid for for a few more day's... or even less! what do you want me to do! Jaz: Talia, just don't leave, please. Talia looked at him, her eyes looked like she was holding in a lot of pain. She looked down, and sighed. Talia: i'm sorry for being like this. I might not be able to stay for a long time. SHe looked up to catch the breeze, and jaz did the same. Talia: but i can stay until we have enough food for everyone. Let's go back to the cave. Talia and jaz walked by the river up to the den, she put on her best smile and walked in.
  24. Celest was haveing a regression. Her mind was falling backwards in time, un disturbed memories aroused. SHe felt lost, and alone. Down a dark ally she sat cring, hopeing some one would pity her and help her find her friends. OOC: sorry about he short post
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