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Everything posted by tursi
Tina ran through the forest, listening to her friends warnings, and having some fun herself. Tina: you'll never catch me you slimeballs. Tina jumped and started to race in the tree branches. She was being followed by mutated monkeys. She laughed at their inconvinence of not being able to climb trees. then she faced forward and ran up and out of the tree tops to land on the pegasus again. SHe went back to human form Tina: are you going to help me this time. It nodded and snorted. Tina: ok, follow that bird!
Celest: i'll deliver it alright. Hopefully he won't kill me in the process. (looks down the hall at slades body.) good-bye slade, my you have happy trails. With that she left and followed seths arua, it was on the total oppisite side from where she was but she was ready for anything now. She dropped all her weapons, but a small gun and dagger, hopefully she won't have to use them. Celest: Heal miki. Her dog troted up to her and the started to walk, hopeing seth would understand, then she could leave peacefully and wake up from this dream.
Talia: how can this be? Faith the wolf of death. (sighs) it never ceases to amaze me. Talia walked over to spirits body, and then looked up at paige and faith. Talia: i don't under stand....when i was alive i was the wolf of the dead. Mother was pregnat and the night she was gving birth, i got killed by another pack, while tring to keep them away from my family. maybe the title leaves you once you die. Faith: you can't do this paige. Paige: watch me. Faith:curse you. Talia heard a scream and saw faith falling towards her. Talia ran out of the way, then stopped to look back. She didn't find this right at all. Faith looked at her in mid-fall Faith: TALIA! YOU FOOL! With that faith landed on her back. Talia: i remeber why i stayed in the living world. To watch over my siblings, it was the least i could do for mother. Talia now walked over to faiths body. She looked at it and sighed. Talia: history repeats it self.
Talia: paige.. Paige: talia. i didn't see you there. Talia: the real thing i needed to tell you... Paige: yes. Talia: i'm...i'm clue's older sister, much older. Paige: but clue's family is mostly dead... Talia: yes i know, that's why i'm the wolf of the dead, that's why the other pack is wanting me, because they're dead. But i can't leave you and clue alone, i feel good here...i don't know what to do. But i don't want clue to know, i'm afriad it might e hurtful. Paige nodded and talia looked at her with sorrowful eyes, she was so confused not even her guideing winds could help her now. OOC: i'm not going to be here tommorrow because i have a concert to preform in, keep me playing
Tina: i don't like the smell of this...and i know i can't tell fred about this mishap. venna: that's for sure. Tina: lets' check the forest. venna: right. OOC: i'm not going to be here tommorrow, i have a concert to preform in.
Talia: (to herslef) if i am the wolf of the dead, then why don't i join them. WHy don't i tell clue...because i'm scared, that's why. He can i tell him that i'm hi si- Talia hears heavy breathing. Talia: nightshade, i can't comeback to you, not yet, not now. (her eyes all sorrowful) i just can't The breathing stops, and talia decides to move down river again. looking for something to do.
Talia dind't look to happy. She did know who tthat wolf was. ANd he was warning her, but she didn't wantt to listen. Troubled Talia went down to the river to watch the leaves float by, she started to talk to her self. Talia: NightShade, you stupid black wolf, i told you i could never go back. I know that time is fleeing, but i can't. I can't leave them, i can't leave clue and paige espacially. In the water she could see the black wolfs spirit, he looked disapointed. Talia: i'm sorry.
Tina: wait a minute....where's laura?!? Hunter: i don't know. Tina looked back at the two cloaked figures. They looked like they were daring here to do something. and she did. She started to walk out into the mess of snakes. Rokas: you idoit! what are you doing. Tina: hush. Tina moved slowly and gracefully. Swipeing her foot in fromt of her, so she wouldn't step on anything. Everything moved out of her path. Then she reached the figures. They were still chanting in parsle tungue. Tina: and what exactly do you think you're doing. The chamber went silent.
Tina dind't know what to do or say, all she could think about is what's been happening. She thought over everything that's happened, then something snapped. SHe looked up. Tina: did you hear that? Lauren: hear what. Tina walked around the room seaching for where the sound came from. Rokas: tina, what do you think you're doing. Tina: hush. Tina walked over to the mirror. then she heard a snap again, this time followed by voices. She signaled lauren to come near the mirror. Tina: (whispers) can you reconise it? Laruen: no.. Tina: (stnading a little bit away from the mirror.) Here's an easy speel for times like this. Alohamora. The mirror disapeared and they saw two people looking at us in shock, you couldn'y see their faces because the were covered under their cloaks hood. Then they ran. Tina: Yahoo! wild goose chase. Tina jumped into the mirror and followed them, the others did as well.
Talia stood up perked her ears and sniffed the air [I] danger...theres fresh death in the air. [/I] Talia looked down at paige and tthe others. Talia: this isn't looking good. Talia then saw a mass of birds fly up from the trees. followed by a loud whack! Talia howled. Talia: (yelling) get out of the clearing! There's another pack coming, and it's not friendly! The others couldn't hear her. she turned from the ledge and started to run when she was cut off from by a large black wolf with blue eyes. Talia: no... this can't be happening, not again. Talia was being backed up to the edge of the cliff. no one seemed to notice. All she could do was wait. Black wolf: so you thought you could leave us forever. Talia: i have no idea what you're talking about. Black wolf: really, you don't remeber your old pack. Talia: my old pack! Ha! i never had one. The black wolf charged and all talia could do was jump.
Talia didn't say anything, she just stood there stareing at fatih, Talia then did something about it then just ranting, she went up to faith. Faith, feeling akward takes a step away. Talia sniffs faith, still unsure she walks around her. Faith: what is she doing? Jaz: it's her way of getting to know someone, i think... Clue: tal- Talia lifted her head and sat right next to faith. Talia: hi faith, my name's talia, and i'm going to tell you this right off the bat, (smiles) i'm not your everyday wolf. Faith: i know. Talia: then you know who i am. Faith: yes i do. (softer) your- Talia: no need to tell me who i am. i'm going to go look for some sighn of food for today. She turns and walks back to the group, and stops infrot of clue. Talia: (softly) becareful, i'm going to watch from afar. Talia trots up to a small cliff above the feild and watches the negatioations.
Tursi: [who were you talking to master luke?] Luke: [no one of your concern tursi, get ready, we shall be entering the hapes system soon, we might not get a happy greeting.] Tursi: (smiles) [i understand master skywalker.] Luuke: [tursi, you don't need to call me that.] Tursi: [sorry luke. i'm going to turn off the comm for a few minutes, i need to think.] Luke:[ok tursi.] Tursi turns off her com and looks out side at the stars and systems flying by, she dosen't know what's instore for her, but she knows it will be great. She ckears her mind of everything and tunes her awearness in the force.
Tina, who haddn't gone o any of her classes, was in freds hut. They were talkign about what's been going on lately. Fred: a pegasus you say? Tina: yes, all black, emerald eyes, gave me a ride then dropped me. Nathon's gone into hiding, and all the others have disapeared. Fred: strange indeed. Tina: yes it is. Fred: lets think about this over dinner and the night, come back to me during lunch tommorrow, we'll discuss more then. Tina nodded and put up the hood on her green cloak and went inside to eat with the others.
Celest now stands up and smiles. She pulls down her sleeve to reveal a machine like arm brace. Elise smirks. Elise: you think a simpile thing like that can hurt me. Celest: maybe. Celest taps the arm brace and all her sences become dead to others. Celest: I've gotten into your base once before undetected. Celest relaxes. Celest: and i'll show you how. Celest's barriers block off any special techniques to any of the fighters. She starts to fight throwing pucnh after punch, and everyonce in a while a kick. Elise was very quick though, and studied Celest's movemments and was able to guess where every blow was going to be. Then celest did something diffrent. She backed off. Elise: what's wrong celest? Can't take the heat? Celest stops and stares past elise back into the corridor behind her. In all this fighting, they had moved to oppisite ends of the hall. Elise: fight why don't ya? Then celest heard a bark. Elise heard it to but wouldn't turn her back. Celest: it's miki. Elise: who in the world is miki? Right then ELise was knock off her feet, by celest's dog. Miki was holding two metal objects. and put them at celest's feet. Celest: these are sirens, but they were in slades body, how did you- Elise: That stupid runt. Celest: (with syths in her hands) I'm going to say this one more time, we can forget this, and not fight. It would make life more intersting, or we can try and finish this now and never know what happens in the end. Elise: what does that mean. Celest: if we fight, we're both going to die, because i'm bring you with me. or you can live and find seth, see if you can work things out. I'm not much of a fight, but i'm a damn good defender. what do you say?
Celest's mind was racing. she had no clue what tthis was about, but she wasn't about to die. she did a flip into the air and landed on the other side of Elise. Celest: This is pointless! Elise: for you maybe. SHe charges again. Celest takes out a small dagger and thrusts it into Elise's hand. Celest was rageing mad. She pinned Elise to the wall. Celest: WHY! WHY! Celest was losing control of her body, not like a berserk, but more getting trapped into her emotions. SHe Slams elise again. Celest: Why do you want to hurt us! Elise: (backing in fear) WHat in hell are you? Celest: (eyes clouding over) Tell me who sent you? WAs it them! Those people in my mind? Or was it some one else? Tell Me NOW!
Talia nodded aiko. Talia: the wolf of guidance.....mmmmmm.... Aiko: what? Talia: nothing, i thought that you would find a way to help clue. aiko: oh... Talia: it's ok. i'm going back up to the mountian top to think, howl if you need me. Aiko: ok. Talia hopped gracefully up the mountain, passing clue with out a glance, hopping he did see her. Once she got to the topp of the mountian shee could see everything. It was one of the most peacful spots besides the feild. SHe sighed and started to talk to herself Talia: so aiko's the wolf of guidance... and i'm a wolf of something. oh my guiding wind, how can i keep all these secrets hidden inside me, what am i to do? The wind jusy let out a sigh and gave her a warm embrace. then went out to comfort others.
Talia went up to clue and gave hiim a wolf like hug. Talia: good boy, now i think i shall try to help. CLue: i don't think you can. Talia: you misjudge me, i'm not who i seem to be. you've probably known me for all of your life clue was confused. Talia went over to aiko. Talia: i need you to follow me. aiko: where are we going? Talia: to a place with things beyond your dreams. but i need you so i can help clue. Talia and aiko leave the cave and go to the open feild. Talia: i need you to step to the edge of the river, and look stright foreward. and listen for guidence. Aiko did as talia said and saw her reflextion start to talk to her, but only she knows what she is saying.
Tursi sat up as kyp walked into to the room. Kyp: sorry for bargeing in, you didn't answer. Tursi: really? Kyp: i'm leaveing now, don't know when we will see each others again. Tursi:i understand. then master skywalker came in. Luke: it's also time for us to go. Tursi: ok. i've been ready. And they all leave. Tursi and luke maned their fighters and flew off corescant. Tursi looked at the coordatents. Tursi: [where are we going master?] Luke: [hapes.] tursi: [are we welcomed there?] Luke: [ i'm not all to sure, but that's why you're here tursi.] tursi: [It's something to my past isn't it.] Luke: [Yes]
Talia was now running with out a worry about the wounds. [I] i'll find her, and i'll tell her my thoughts. [/I] then she stopped and turned to see her reflextion. Talia: i thought you were gone. wolf: you are going the wrong way! talia sniffed the air. Talia: no i'm not. wolf: the problem is not there, it's in your mind. Talia: (sighs) you're right. wolf: no go home befor something happens. Talia: should i? wolf: they need you now talia. Talia nodded and ran to the river and sits in the river and thinks. Then she sighed. Talia: it's time to go home. Jaz: i should tthink so. Talia: jaz, what are you doing out here? Jaz: looking for you, paige and clue are hurt and- Talia: i know, clue won't tell anyone, but i can't do anything till he says something, it's my origanl packs code, and i still follow it. Jaz: please come home. Talia: home...home is where the heart is...my home is everywhere...well then lets go before i do something irrational. Talia follows jaz back to the cave where she sees clue and paige laying next to each other, she quitley moves to the back of the cave and sits and watches.
Talia rushed past lynks with out a passing glance. she stopped when she saw clue on the ground. Talia: Clue. Talia nudged him, but he didn't move. He wad still alive, but she wan't fully healed and not strong enough to pick him up. She let out a plea for help hoping some one would hear. She all of the sudden felt weak, and her wounds started to open again. Talia: i should've taken it easy going down that mountian. But i promise not to let her come pack. She hears a sound from behind her. and turns to see aiko. Talia: oh it's you. aiko: talia! your hurt. Talia: these wounds are from before, they opened up again adter i ran, or tumbled, down the mountain. but right now i need you to get clue away from here. I'm going to make sure lynks is away from here, and i don'y want anyone to follow me. If i don't come back.... aiko: please talia. Talia: no, i'm doing this for the pack, because i had a choice when i was up on the mountain, and i chose the pack. good bye aiko, and if you can hear me.....good bye clue. i'll try my hardest to come back. Aiko: ok.... Talia walked away slowly, making sure nno one followed her, she knew she would come back, she just didn't feel like the problems fixed.
Talia awoke to find her self at the top of the mountain. Talia: hey the... She turns to see the reflextion of her self. Wolf: It's time. Talia: time for what! wolf: to make a decsion, you can leave now, or go and help the pack that is falling apart. Leaveing will make you problem free. Staying means forever. Talia: i have to decide now? The wolf nodded, and talia looked away and sighed. SHe could have her freedom, or her friends. Talia looked at the wolf, and nodded. Talia: i'm...I'm going to help my pack. Her reflextion was shocked and howled, and talia, noticeing her wounds healed, ran like the wind to find out where her pack was. Frankly she didn't know, but she howled all the way down. The calvary was coming to hopefully save the day.
Tina as she walked to care of magical creatures was rubbing her head. Tina: man...my head hurts like the devil. Percy: that's what you get for disobeying me. Tina: oh please. Percy: i'm serious! Tina: yeah...right. I'm going to fred's class...i'll see you later, she waved him off and walked out to the hutt. Fred: tina..i told you to be careful. Tina: leave me alone fred...i'm not in a good mood.
Talia stirred back in the cave. SHe stood up slowly and looked up to the sky, dark clouds encicled the forest. Talia: rain....something is going to change.... Jaz: and start a new. Talia: yeah, you're getting good at this. Talia winced. her wounds were burniong more than ever. Jaz: Talia.... Talia: i'll be fine. SHe lies at the opening to the cave. Talia: (whispers to the wind) make sure they are safe. The wind flows out of the cave and towards clue and paige.