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Everything posted by tursi

  1. tursi

    Wolf Pack

    Talia smiled and nudged him. Talia: you know...you do. (coughs) by the way thanks for back there. I feel sorta useless now. CLue: what? Talia: i solved youu're problem. i think...(shakes her head in confuseion.) I think i'll just restt a little. She lays her head in her paws.
  2. Tursi left the bar early and walked to the apartment. She flung her self onto the bed. She looked up at the ceiling. she grabbed a control and made a hologram of the night sky. Then she sat up and started to meditate. During her medatation she saw a vison. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ vong 1: what shall we do with this last [I] jedii [/I] we have? vong 2: put her in tthe embrace of pain, i'd like to she these creatures indurance. Tursi: NO! NOOO! DON'T LET THEM DO THIS TO ME! Tursi was yelling at another jedi friend, she didn't see his face. they started to lock her in. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Tursi snapped out of her meditation with Kyp shakeing her. Kyp: tursi, you all right? tursi? Tursi: Yes master, just a disturbing insight.
  3. tursi

    Wolf Pack

    Talia: one problem down...(sigh) alot more to go. Talia hopped down from the cliff and started to walk back to the river in the feild. when she got there, she heard something. She turned and another wolf attacked her and talia went unconciues(sp?)
  4. tursi

    Wolf Pack

    Talia turned and perked her ears. CLue: did you- Talia didn't listen to clue and dashed off to the plees she had just heard. She stopped under the cliff, looked up and smiled. Talia: Paige, how's the weather up there? Paige: don't tease me. Talia: he wouldn't have wanted it to end this way. Paige: how would you know! Talia: can't you hear him paige! He's saying as plain as day, just stop and listen, not with you're ears, with you soul. Paige stoped for a second. She closed her eyes and seemed to think. CLue had just followed up behind talia. CLue looked up at paige. Clue: what's go- Talia: hush...i'll be right back Talia silently went into the forest to look for a flower, only a certin kind. Then she saw it, it was bright white and seemed to glow, it was lush with petals. Talia: The mooon bloosm.
  5. tursi

    Wolf Pack

    Talia looked over at clue from the river bed. Talia: it is isn't it? mmmmmm...(looking at the flower) Half there... Clue: talia, how did you get here so quickly... Talia: i never left. but i think i'm understanding this now. i was told by a wise wolf to not be the bird who doesn't go with the flock...but the other day she told me that you just need to trust yourself...she also told me.... CLue: what? Talia: best not say that now...
  6. Tursi ran walked down the ramp camly, with kyp at her side. She looked up and saw luke skywalker. She let out a squeel of joy and ran up to hug him. Tursi: I'm so happy to see you... Tursi stopped and felt like she was being immature. stepped a way and bowwed. Tursi: i mean, nice to see you again master skywalker. Luke: no need for formalities here tursi. Kyp: hello Luke: hello kyp, you've been teachiong her well i hope. Kyp: yes i have sir. Luke: good (han and leia decend from the ramp) Han! Leia! Thank you for bring them here, i need to send tursi on a mission. Tursi: (astounded) me, but i'm not a knight. Luke: but you're more innocent, i neeed that for this mission, you'll be traveling with me, kyp will travel alone for a while. Tursi nodded and the walked into a bar to talk some more over drinks.
  7. Celest noticed that time has flied by, she got up to retrive her faithful pup, she turned the hall and surprisingly saw slade still there, breathing..sorta, her dog was gone, but slade was there. Celest: what in the...? Then she heard footsteps, she turned to face the music. she thought no one would still trust her. She looked up to see seth. Celest: um.... She turns around but seth grabs her shoulder. seth: what are you still doing here? Celest: looking for my dog and some food. i figured that you don't trust me, i've done nothing wrong, but that i'd still leave in the morning. seth just looked at her, like he was probing her mind. Celest: um...i'll be on my way now.
  8. tursi

    Wolf Pack

    Talia sat there thining over what clue had said...than it hit her. Talia: (mubbles) he's like me, he has to listen to his heartt or he'll never understand. Right then time froze. Talia got up and turned to she her reflextion again. Talia: why do i get the feeling i'll be seeing more of you? Wolf: Help clue sort his thoughts. Talia: that's something i'm not sure i could do. wolf: you'll find something helpful in doing this. Time unfroze with out talia knowing. Talia: How could something help me by doing this. CLue turned to talia. CLue: by doing what. Talia: nevermind me, thinking with my mouth, that's all. Talia went back to sunbathing, still confused.
  9. Tina had a crowd around her, she still was a panther. [I] no hunter...it's not what it seems.[/I] She got up and shook off her weariness. The people around her moved away. SHe ran out of the castle to freds hut. she changed back too human form. Tina: Fred! Fred! Fred, open up! Fred: can't. Tina: please. Fred: he told me it's for your own good. Tina: nathon! Tina ran past her friends who were fighting and stragiht into the forest. Tina: Nathon! Where are you? Tina stopped running, it was useless now, but then she heard hooves. SHe turned. Tina: Nathon, is that you? But it was just a pegasus. The pegasus nudged her, and lifted her on to his back, they took flight. TIna: this is so cool and not cool at the same time.
  10. tursi

    Wolf Pack

    Talia smiled faded as clue walked back into the cave. He looked puzzled. SHe walked up to him, and forced a smile. Talia: hey clue, you need something? a question answered? some food? Clue just shook his head and walked to the back of the cave. Talia: well, if you need me, i'm going back to the feilds to relax. Talia left the cave, she wasn't as happy as before, but now she had a spring in her step. She was told she need to be in a pack, but she still liked being alone. She went out to the feilds and sunbathed
  11. Tursi sat there in silence, she felt tired. she heard her door open, without turning back she knew who it was. Tursi: Hello master durron. Is there another task i must attend to? Kyp: only dinner Tursi. Tursi now loooked happy. Tursi: what's for dinner. Kyp: whatever's on the table, better hurry, we'll be landing on courescant to see master luke in a few hours. Tursi followed kyp out too the mess hall of the small frighet. She sat down and looked across the table. Tursi: thank you mr. and mrs. solo for letting us ride in you ship. Leia: it was no problem Han muttered uunder his breath as they started to eat a nice corillean meal, Mr. solo had always made the best meals for her, and now she's going to be on her own, and han didn't like it much. But he would understand in due time.
  12. Tina jummped out of her seat. Percy: is something wrong Tina?... Tina: my i use the restroom. Percy: yes make it qu- wait a minute. YOu're up to something. Tina: i'm not....but someone else is, i'm sorry about this percy. SHe Transforms and jumps out through the glass window and runs. Then she stopped. Tina: hunter, where are you? SHe turned to see a large black thing conoring her. Tina: not again. She passed out in her animus form.
  13. tursi

    Wolf Pack

    Talia wallks into the cave dragging a carabuu(sp? you know the large moose elky thing. Talia: let's celebrate the good news over some food. Talia felt pleased with her self, She felt like she had accomplished something. When she really haddn't. [I] i guess this is what it feels lioke to be happy...i like this feeling.[/I]
  14. Tina nodded at bremma, than went up to her room to sleep. Unless she could get this restriction off, this would be a lame year. She'll talk to percy first thing in the morning, but now she was going to send a letter to her first year cousin at a diffrent school. it reads: Dear linda, only been back a few days and you-know-who is at it again. Keep safe at your school. I'll be watching you from afar. keep in touch you cousin, TIna She sighed and put it in an envolope and went to bed.
  15. Katyia felt the constant beat of someone walking, but she couldn't respond, she felt so peaceful. the footsteps and the rain made soothing music in her mind, then she heard a door come shut. She felt herself being but down on something cold. Doctor: what happened... Rev: she came into class wet, dried off, and in the middle of our discussion, passed out. Doctor:mmmmmm She remebered the doctor lifting her arm and check for a pulse and heart rate. Then the doctor opened her eye and shot a light into it. Katyia flinched. Rev: she moved. The doctor stepped away. SHe sat up but quickly laid back down. Rev: Katyia.. Katiya: hi Rev, have any asprin on ya', my head is killing me.
  16. Tina stopped in her tracks. Tina: bloody h-....everyone, back to you dormitories. rokas: why? SHe looked up and saw professor Percy. Tina: because someone has casted a time spell, and they need to find out who did. Percy: That's right, back to your houses. (looks at tina) I know you guys didn't do it, right. Tina: yes sir, i've been with them the whole time, nothings happened sir. Percy: tina can you come with me any way. Tina: (nodds) i'll be right behind you. Percy leaves towards his office. Hunter: uh...are you in trouble? Tina: um, just a little misunderstanding. Now go back to your houses and tell me everything that happens. they nodd then scatter. Tina walks towards percy's office, this had been her fourth time there in the past few years. She opened the door, and saw percy sitting inside. Percy: Tina, Tina, Tina, what am i going to do with you? Tina: what do you mean sir. Percy: I saw you transform out there, i know you and fred are good friends. But i can't have you running out there, escpcialy in day light. I know your uncle has you doing inside scopes on troublesome things. But don't get the others involed. Tina: yes sir. Percy: so as you punishment- Tina: punishment sir? Percy: you are restricted from going off campus unless acopanied by someone. As for you pet dog, you will need a pass from me to see hiim. Tina: isn't that sorta harsh. Percy: not in my eyes.and whatev- Tina:'ever i say goes' I know, i'll go to my common room now. Percy lets her leave and she languidly, walks back to her room.
  17. tursi

    Wolf Pack

    The chanting stopped right when she got in the middle of the feild. everything around her was silent. She sniffed the air, something was wrong. She walked towards the river, in the middle of the feild, bent down and drank from it. She perked her ears, and looked up to see a wolf identical to her. It was like a reflextion, with exception for the eyes. Talia: why have you brought me out here? Her reflextion looked up then looked back down. Talia did the same and saw a beautiful bird come down. It looked at her then passed out. Talia: What does it mean? wolf: it means becareful, leaving the pack wouldn't be good now. Talia:i see, i'm like the bird who doesn't travel with a flock, she's easily targeted. Talia looked back to the wolf, but it was gone. She turned and walked back into the woods. She made a fresh kill, then took it back to the cave.
  18. Katiya sat there listening to mr. wyly go on about school supplies, and as he was going, she started not to feel so good, maybe she should've gone a dried up some more. then she passed out. ooc: sorry about the short post, i don't have much time online today
  19. After class Marina skipped lunch and dissapeared o the roof of the school. She watched some girls gather in front of school, she smiled. [I] it's nice to have friends[/I] Marina listen to their conversations until she heard a door slam. [I] oh no[/I] Mr. Mastura: How many imes do i have to tell you, you're not aloud up here! Marina: (turned and looked at him) sorry sir. i just can't help it. it relaxes me. Mr. Mastura: well, the princapal needs to see you, something happened in the hospital. Marina, in a blink of an eye, dashed down to the hospital.
  20. tursi

    Wolf Pack

    Talia apeared out of the darkness in front of Paige and clue. Talia: Jaz was right. *smirks* the boy has talent. *her face became more serious* this is also a warning. Talia walks over to Hawkeye and examines him. Clue looks at her. Clue: what are you doing? Talia walks around hawkeye. She puts her ear up to hawkeye. CLue: Tali- Talia: His lungs are clear, it's not a lung problem. Jaz walks up to them. Talia: jaz, do you know why this is happening? I need to know. Jaz shook his head. Talia: alright, then we're going to have to wait and see if he wakes up, if he doesn't, then..........*sheperks her ears and turns* I'm going to check outside for something really quick. Jaz: becareful. Talia: *smirks* i will, i'm just going to check out in thee feilds for something. She runs off and listens to everything around her, it sounds like they're chanting and yelling at her. [I] faster [/I] they say to her.[I] Run faster, something a waits, faster, run faster! to keep them safe! [/I]
  21. OOC: this is my last post before i leave IC: Tina smelled another animal, but kept going. SHe followed the snakes into the forest, then they dissapeared. She stoped running to clean her black fur. [I] dang.[/I] Then she heard hooves pounding. Tina: Nathon! She turned to see her centourian friend. then she came out of her animous form. Nathon: Tina, you shouldn't be out here. Tina: I know but Fred is covering me. I need some information, what's been going on lately? Nathon: (steped back involluntairly) WHat do you mean. Tina: we had snakes, cobras to be ewxact in the school. Nathon: (his head drops down) I've been sworn too secercey. I can't tell you anything. PLus i don't know much. Tina: i understand, Centour's have a code to keep. (hugs him) untill next time. Nathon: i'll see you again, you can count on it. (looks away) someone's coming. Nathon leaves and tina reverts to animus form and sits and waits.
  22. OOC: um.. i'll be gone for a while, can some one keep me in?? Thanks in advance
  23. Tina: fred, i need to go to the dark forest, i need youu to cover me once again. Fred: no, no way, you're not doing this again. You've done it to many times. Tina: but this might help us all, there were a massive amount of snakes in the school, and we drove them into the forest. I need to go figure out where they came from, or go tal to some of my links to the out side. Fred looks at her, and sighs. Fred: fine. Tina: Thank you. She hugs him then changes into her aniamus form of a panther and ran out into the dark forest. OOC: keep me going please, i'm going to be away for a while.
  24. Katyia watched the kids get off the bus. Katiya: Newbies come over here! Katyia said while standing next to hagrid, then she saw some of her class mates. Then looked at hagrid. Katiya: I'll see youu inside ok! Hagrid: go and have fun. Katyia ran over to see harry, ron, Cho, and the others. Katiya: hey youu guys. OOC: um...i'm not going to be here for a while, like, not until saterday.
  25. Katyia walked back to hagrids hut. Hagrid had put on a cup of tea and had some cookies ready. Hagrid noticed the disguntled look i had Hagrid: what happpened. Katyia: snape cuaght me, and dumbledor wouldn't answer. Hagrid: Don't worry about it, and sit down and have some tea, i'll need you're help with the newbies. Katyia: ok hagrid. The laughed and drank tea all night untill the fell asleep.
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