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Everything posted by tursi
Katyia arrived at the school and ran straight to dumbledors office. She banged on his door. Katiya: Professor! Prfessor! A figure looms over her. ??: he's not here. She turns to see snape. Snape: and what do you think you're doing here? Katyia: umm....i'm helping hagrid set up before all the others come. Snape: Well then go over there. KAtyia mumbled and walked out to hagrids hutt.
Katiya, sitting in the medical office, closed her eyes and tried to remeber her mothers face, to no avail, she tore out the page folded it up and put it on the counter. She got her self up, and looked around. SHe could hear pattering on the roof. KAtyia: Rain?...Rain...Rain! Katiya left her stuff behind and ran out in to the garden to see the dazzleing display. She ran out into the rain and atarted to laugh, Katyia:it's really raining! She was soaking wet, and didn't care. She twriled and skipped and laughed some more. She hadn't seen rain in the longest time, and it felt so good. She stopped and looked to see Rev and Ariadne talking. SHe smiled, they loooked happy. Then she went back to playing in the rain.
Name: Tursi sola Age: 17 Species: Human home world: Doesn't have one. Description:Tall, brown and blue streaked hair. Green eyes. Lightsaber Color: Silver Vechlie of choice: e-wings Veichles looks: Black with blue flames Rank: Padawan (almost a knight) Specialty: Force awareness (it's very acurate.) and fighting tricks Bio: a loner, no family, no memory of her past. Wondering what life has instore for her. currently is traveling with the solo's and learning from kyp durron. Personality: She almost always happy, but can get down to business when it's needed.
Katyia looked at them and tried to containe her laughter. SHe loked at Rev. Katyia: I think i can find my way from here. Katiya started to walk away and enetered a room. SHe grab some Asprin, took it the sat down and looked at her sketch book. SHe knew very well her the two others were. But she didn't know what they looked like. Katyia: (to herself) Mom, sis and me.
Talia felt the wind come back to her, it was warm and nice feeling. CLue was happy, that's all she wanted. SHe looked up the river. The wind was blowing in that direction. It was time for her to look at something eles for a while. She ran up stream with the wind to guide her. She stopped at the edge of the clearing where the river ran through, she saw clue playing in the middle of it. SHe smiled, the wind urged her on. She walked out into the feild just as clue jumped up at a snowflake. Talia: Clue Clue perked up her ears and looked back at her. Talia: clue, i think i'm going to leave the pack, i'm telling you because you would understand. Clue: what do you mean? Talia: (smiles) I'm looking for an old friend of mine, and you reminded me of him. (walks up and nuzzled her) thanks for everything. Clue: but i didn't- Talia: just trust me. If you need me, the wind will tell you where i am. and with that Talia disappeared into the sky, she would come back when trouble started again. the only thing she left behind was a small white jewel. OOC: i'll be back, i'm just not going to be here all week.
Katiya stirred and opened her eyes. Katiya: wait Rev. Rev looked back and watched as Katiya pulled her self up and rubbed her head. She looked over at him, then picked up her sketch book. Katiya: When i fell off the bench i hurt my head. can you show me where i can get some pain reliver? Rev nodded and they walked out of the garden. She kept her head hung low, she knew Rev saw what she was drawing. But she didn't care right now. SHe just felt so stupid for have fallen asleep in the garden.
Katyia waited inside the leaky cauldron. She saw Hagrid arrive adn came to sit at the table. hagrid: was i late? Katyia: nope, i was early. Hagrid: oh. Hagrid sat down and they ordered a sandwich, and some drinks. Katyia: Hagrid, i need to get to school before the others. Do you think you can do that for me? Hagrid: Is that why i'm here Katyia: Katyia: ummm.....yes it is. Hagrid: Katyia you know the rules- Katyia: it concerns voldermont. Hagrid: Katyia... Katyia: I need to get there ASAP. I know something terrible has happened already. Hagrid nodded and they continued to eat. She would leave to night with Hagrid, and arrive at school before the others. After dinner she grabed her stuff and her puppy, and left via flying motercycle.
Talia heard every word, but all she did was look back and smiles. Talia: (to herself) i know what you mean talia got up and streched she shook off and walked outside for a walk. SHe walked down to the river and looked and the freshly fallen snow and thw leaves in the current. Everrything was so peaceful and beautiful. Talia: (to the wind) Clue, don't ever become like me. The wind embraced her and moved around her, then the wind went to the cave and embraced clue.
Katyia had fallen asleep on the bench in the garden holding open her sketch book with a drawing of 3 people, one was herself but the other two were not finished. She felt peaceful, and started to dream. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Katyia stood on the beach next to her black stallion looking out into the aqua ocean, watching the light glimmer off of it. She smiled and her horse snorted. (Female): Hey Katyia! Lets run. Katyia nodded and got up on her horse and looked over at the girl, but she couldn't see her face. They gallopped down the beach, with each stride, the scene darkened. and then she and her horse were the only ones there, there were sounds coming from all around her. Nonw of them were friendly her horse started to shift under her it reared and she fell to strike something hard, she could taste the blood. Katyia: mommy... She blacked out. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Katyia had fallen off the bench and curled up on the floor.
Katiya got up and left diagon alley and went out to an hotel room that her dad got her till it was time to leave. She enetered the room and found a letter. It read: [I] Dear Katyia, becareful this year. something bad is going to happen, and you won't last. [/I] Katyia: it's un sighned. and pointless. I get the same letter every year. She puts the letter next on the table and lets the puppy sleep on the bed. She changes into some diffrent clothes. Katyia: puppy, i promised hagrid to meet him at the leaky cauldron for the dinner before i leave. i'll be back soon. She put her wand in her pocket and lef tot go meet hagrid.
Talia went over to clue and nudged her. Talia: you can fall asleep if you need, you've also had a long day. I'll be here if you need anything. don't worry about the others. Flash is the only arrogant one. Talia wlaked a few feet away and sat down.
Tina sighed Tina: never mind bremma. (looks around) OK LETS GO BACK TO OUR COMMON ROOMS EVERYONE! Tina walked out of the castle to go visit the game keeper. She knocked and she heard a voice. ???: coming! The door opened to a red haired, freckled face lookign her back in the eyes. ???: tina? Tina: fred.... Fred: What are you doing out here? Tina: invite me in and i'll tell you all about it.
Celest stopped running and slided to the floor. She couldn't stand this, a friend was dying, and her other friends don't trust her. SHe sat there and cried. She hopped something good would come of all this.
Katiya's eyes shot open in terror, she did it again. She watched someone elses dream. She dived under the water and screamed, so no one could hear her. She swam towards the stairs dried off, and put on her uniform. Katiya: I need some serious help. All she could think of to do was go get her sketch book ago to the roses. She walked and opened her door, to see DeMario. Katiya: um...hi... DeMario: Hello, Where's the shower. She pointed to the door on the opposite side of them room. DeMario: Thanks. He walked over and closed the door. Then she grabed her book, and ran to the garden. When she got to the roses she slumped over and cried.
Tina gathered the all the students but Laura. Tina: up on the tables! (to laura) ok i'm going to magnify your voice, you need to thee the snakes off to the dark forest, i'll deal with them in there ok. Laura: ok. Tina put her wand to Lauras neck and it flashed. Tina: ok now. Larua: SSSOOGGGOTTT TTTEHHHHETT SKRADTHES OFRESOTESTSSSS A SITHRESSSS All the snakes turned and looked at Larua. TIna: keep going. [I] this will hold them off for now.[/I]
Talia looked at clue. she was really worried about her. She got up and moved her over to an area next to pagie. Talia: Paige, make sure clue stays warm. i need to go get her some food and some drink. (she looks at crunch) Come with me crunch. Crunch: ok. The go outside and start to hunt. Talia: we need something for everyone, The trees are telling me that the others will be coming soon. Lets get a stag or something. Crunch: right. (he sniffs the ground) This way. They start walk quietly towards a clearing, not far from the den. They see two deer, and a stag. Talia: perfect
Marina looked at the girl coming in late and smiled. Mr. Mastura (teacher): Marina! Pay Attention! don't make me say it again. Marina: sorry sir. But i was just looking at the new girl sir, and was going to offer her the open seat next to me. Mr. Mastura: That's very nice of you marina. Marina smiled as the new girl came in and sat down. Marina: Hi, i'm Marina Niomi. Asuri: Asuki Kuramuri. But every one calls me Asuri. Marina: I'm sure we'll be good friends
Talia sniffs the air she stops in her tracks. Talia: There's another wolf out there. stay here and make your selves hidden Talia hopps up the hill, She looked to see a weakended wolf. She snorted but walked up to him and gave him a push. Talia: WHat's your name? The wolf (blanko) just looked at her. Talia: come with me. The wolf followed her down the hill. Talia: Flash and blacktail. I know you're not going to like this but, we're haveing company. We need to get into shelter quickly. Flash: and why should i listen to you. Talia: I'll leave you guys behind. i know these forest better than any of you.
wall of silence and something glaive are saturn attacks i think
Tina: Chocolate frogs.......DID I MISS THE CART?...I'll be right back. Tina walked out of the cabin and out into the hallway she looked back adn forth she now saw the cart. She walked up to it with a large grin on her face. she looks to the cart lady. Tina: can i have two..no..three chocalate frogs, one bertie botts beans, 2 droobles best blowing gum, 3 licorice wands, 4 cauldren cakes, and lastly, 3 pumpkin pasties. Tina gave her the money and skipped down the hall with her arm full of candy. She opened the door to see that the two girls have gotten aquianted with. Tina: Treats for all! She drops the candy next to lauren and smiles.
there is a reason, i hope you know, that he has black hair.
Talia unwillingly followed flash. She didn't like this, any of this. She watched as blacktail followed right behind flash, Talia trailed behind. She knew they needed to be in a pack now, but she knows she could do better on her own. She would wait, wait until she felt something go wrong, then take it into her own paws. Talia: SO where exactly are we going? Flash: Be quiet talia. Talia: touchy, aren't you? And you have no clue where we're going. We going to just keep walking or running as far away as possible. Never knowing where the other group is, or what's happening. Flash: i said shut up. Blacktail: you should listen talia. Talia: The wind, it speaks to me, it tells me of little ones. Decipher that one big guy. then i'll keep quiet.
Tina walked into a cabin area on the train to see a young girl looking at her. Tina: Terrebliy sorry about this, but there's no where left on the train, or no one really wants me there...can i sit with you? Lauren:um..sure Tina: (sat down on the other side of the cabin.) My names tina, Tina Gias, i'm a 6th year ravenclaw. i don't belive i've seen you around though? Lauren: I'm Lauren Potter. Tina: Oh yes.. know i see. She pulls out a bag of berttie botz. Tina: want some?
Katiya decided not to go back to her room, she didn't feel to grat after class. Not even the garden would make her happy today. SO she decide to rest in the pool. She walked into the pool area and changed into a bathing suit, she dove into the pool and just floated. Remeber her home on neptune and relaxing untill further notice.
Hagird brought Katiya into the leaky couldren. The sat down and Hargid bought her a drink. Hagrid: Katiya, be careful this year, i don't want you and the others getting into trouble, especialy with you-know-who around. Katiya: yes sir, i understand. Hagrid: that's my girl, now about this dog, i'll keep him in my hut, but you're going to have to come feed him. Katiya: yes sir. I'll come and feed him. I'll have to be off, i'll see you at the castle. SHe got up and smiled, and walked back into the distruction. She walked back over to find her friends had scattered. She went and sat down on a un destroyed nemch and sighed.