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Everything posted by tursi

  1. tursi

    harry potter

    true, but i thought that there were alot of improvments like the animation on the baslisk
  2. Katiya quickly dodged his puch blocked it then came back with another pucnh that Rev quickly blocked and she fell to the ground. Katiya: wow... Rev: Get back up Katiya. She nodds and gets back up into stance, and smiles. Rev: so you want to try again? (smiles) ok They move into position and start to do puches and blocks, one after another, [I] this is fun..[/I] He throws in a kick and she jumps back wards and comes back with another punch.
  3. Katiya walked out of the book store to find the place a mess, her new puppy followed close behind. She saw Harry and ome other Ravenclaws talking. She walked up to them and leaned in. Katiya: Looks like another great year at hogwarts huh? (smiles) Everyone roll their eyes. Her puppy walks up to Harry and looks at him and the others happily. Katiya: well i have to finish shopping. She turns to see hagrid walking over to the pet shop. SHe runs up to him and starts to talk about taking care of her new puppy. Ka
  4. Katiya squeeled when she got her new pet from the pet store. She Hugged it with al her might. Katiya: Thank you mommy! This will be the best year. She walked out holding a little black puppy. She new that Hagrid would take care of her new puppy during school. She looked down the bustleing street and walked into the book store. She grabbe :THe care of magical creatures book 3" "Advanced potions and charms" and "Herbology 5" She went up to pay then sat down and started to read her creature book.
  5. Katiya, feeling a little embaressed, hung onto everyword of the discussion. Never missing a beat. She looked at the others, jotting down her or there. She made sure not to let her mind wander. But it did, and she drew a small picture of a blooming rose and a black stalion jumping out. Rev: katiya, i hope you're paying attention. Katiya: (looking up) Yes sir.
  6. tursi

    Wolf Pack

    Talia didn't like this, she didn't want to leave moonmask by her self. Shewasn't sure about this. She stayed up siting at the entrance of the cave keeping watch, listening to the sir and trees talk among them selves. She listened to them tell her where the pack was and where the man was. She looked up into the moonless night. The greatest time for moving undetected. She sighed. She wanted everyone to come back alive, then she would leave. She needed to find herself again, she need to take a journey. But not now.
  7. Katiya say Rev walk back in the room, she felt very impacient. Katiya: can we start now? Katiya shifted in her seat, the sooner they started the sooner she could release all this energy. She needed to release it now.
  8. Name: Marina Niomi Sailor Scout Name: super Sailor Celestial Attacks: Staff of of light (sends of random flashes of light blinding and throwing back her oponents.) Mists of avalon (freezes her oppenets) Twilight of night (Sends her opponets into a rsance.) Discription(mental)/Personality: Tall with long white flowing hair and emeralde green eyes. Her suit is white with a little blue trim. When not transformed her hair is usually pulled back into a bun and has a energenic personality. When shes a scout her personality is the total oppisite. Extra Info: She is a scout reperesenting a far off planet, and has a spirit animal of a unicorn. (only seen to those who wish to see her.)
  9. Katiya looks at the new traniee. She smiles, she stands up then sits down next to Demario. Katiya: Hello, i'm Katiya, your room mate. Welcome. Demario: hi
  10. Celest watched in horror as siren walked away. Celest: i thought you understood me siren...I dind't think that anyone would...but then you and slade and the others came, you undersood me and helped me. But know we're against each other because of a superstition...why, why are we like this? She looked back at slade, she leaned down next to him wondering if he would say something, she wished he would speak, he felt like he was burning. She didn't know what to do, she could try to save him, but she didn't want to hurt anyone like last time, when she killed her friend when she was very little when but a damp piece of cloth with a bit of the atidote on his head to slow down his fever. Celest: if you can hear me.. i won't be far i need to find the others before something terrible happens... She gets up and takes only a dagger, it'll be all she needs. She looked at the black dog she has grown to be good friends with. Celest: miki, stay here. make sure nothing happpens around here. She turns and runs down the hall and follows after siren, hopefully she won't be too late when she arrives, the intruders haven't been caught, and are hard to find. She needs to get every to understand.
  11. OOC: when are we going to start training?
  12. tursi

    harry potter

    harry potter and the chamber of secrets was such an awesome movie, i was squeeling for joy even before the move there were a few parts where i screamed though...has any one else seen it?
  13. Name: Tina Gias Age: 16 Year of Hogwarts you are in:6 house: Ravenclaw Looks: Tall with dark brown hari adn Mystiorus looking jade eyes. Personality: Happy but mystrious. What type of wand do you have:willow 9-inch, unicorn hair What type of pet do you have and what is it's name: Dog (new fin lab mix) Name is Noim What is you special gift: animus- Black panther How will this prove usefull: use's her inmstinct to track things down in the dark forest if nesecariy. She works with hagrid when her goes to make sure nothing is going to happen.
  14. Name: Katiya Niomi House:Ravenclaw Year of School: 5 Personality: Happy, but came be very serious and mystirous. Appearance: Tall with Brown hair with red streaks. Green eyes. Type of wand: Willow 9-inches Pheniox feather Subject Mastered: transfiguration Misc: She's an animus that turns into a Pegasus. She can only do this once in a while.
  15. Aria arrives at a town she know not the name of. She dismounts and walks her horse on through, she watches as people give her weird looks, She guesses that her clothes maybe a little diffrent but she didn't mind. She kept walking through feeling nothing in this town she moved on searching for what her mind is telling her to find. She gets back up on kana and rides towards the next town across the Herm river. OOC:sorry about the short post...haveing writers block, it would be nice if some one would randomly find me, then i might have less of a writers block.
  16. Celest bends down to look at both of them. She can't help but start to cry. Celest: i should've never brought you here slade. None of this would have happened. IT CAN'T END THIS WAY! She looks at slade and siren, both in pain. She doesn't know what to do. She looks to slade for help. Celest: Slade...please say something...please...i need to know what i can do... Celest looks at him tears falling like mad from her eyes.
  17. tursi

    Wolf Pack

    Talia walked up silently to a little clear area to look at the sky. She fely the earth below her move below her. She smiled as the wind carresced her. She knew why she didn't want to join. It was in her blood. She was a loner at heart, she loved to run and think by herself, but it's better to stay in a group. She didn't know what to do. Talia: What am i going to do....
  18. Katiya looks up from her restful slumber in her chair to see her calss mates were now ariving. She smiled to her self. Katiya: (mumbles) this is going to be fun. She sits up straight, making sure her uniform wassn't messed up and waited for the rest to get here.
  19. After being in the house and attending her cut she,, eats. Then leaves in the middle of the night Aria: Sorry you guys. Aria jumps onto Kana and starts to ride towards the closest village, hopefully she sould be of some use there. Running with the wind at her back the ran fast, faster than they've gone before. She felt a calling waiting to be answered and she was coming right to it.
  20. Katiya looks around and leans back and closes her eyes. Katiya: tell me when to wake up. Katiya falls a sleep.
  21. tursi

    Wolf Pack

    Talia looked back at te two wolves. blacktail walked up beside her. Blacktail: What's wrong with you? Talia: something doesn't feel right, not about this, but about me being here. Blacktail: you're talking funny again. Talia: sorry, i'm going to take a walk. i'll be careful i promise. She walked off.
  22. Celest looks down the hall and she feels a release of strees on he rmind. [I] they must have stoped, but why? [/I] She didn't spend too much time thinking and ran back down the hall to slade. She looked at him, his head hung low. Celest: slade are you sure you're ok? Slade: yeah... Celest: ok he's some medical supplies. (she sets down a little box.) i'll be down the hall. She looked back worried but then kept walking. She waited at the end of the hall for them to come.
  23. tursi

    Wolf Pack

    Talia stayed quiet, remiding the others from time to time that the hunters were still about. She walked up to their cave. Talia: blacktail, i want you to stay here with moonmask and make sure her wounds are ok. I'm going to go find the others. Blacktail: ok Talia left the cave and followed the sent of the wolves she picked up on it fast and ran through the forest till she founf two wolves one was a pregnat female and the other had a red clothe on him. She walked up to them. Talia: Hello, we have moonmask in our cave. Please come with me. By the way the names Talia. Paige: not much for intros. They followed her into a cave at the bottom of the hill.
  24. Celest: Slade...do you think you could stand. They want to hurt you. I'll bandage you up later. Slade: i can't, not now. we have to stay and fight. Celest: why? why fight them, they're my friends too. (eye start to tear.) Slade: I'm sorry celest, but we have too. Celest looks down, and then stands up and looks and slade. Celest: I'll go make sure you have a fighting chance. I know they'll understand once they know they you've been trying to help. She goes to the end of the hall after leaving her weeapons with slade. She didn't want to fight, frankly she was scared for them, all of them.
  25. Katiya hears a mumble over the com. She looks up, her eyes all red. She stood up and wiped her face with a tissue. She relaxes and sighs, she walked out of the garden with her bag and looked down the hall to see all her class mates walking by. She gathered herself, no one would be able to tell she's been crying, unless they've known her for a while. She walked into the hall, her head hung low. She decided to walk to the training area early. When she got the she sat down and almost started to cry again, but stopped herself. Katiya: I'm going to be fine, nothing's hurting. Why do i want to cry? (sighs) i've really got to get over this. She put her head in her heads and closed her eyes and tried to clear her mind before training started
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