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Everything posted by tursi
Katiya walked out to the garden to check the roses again before classes started, she looked at a new one blooming, it was white and pink. She's seen ones like these before, but they usually don't last long. She sighs and then picks up her bag again and walks over to a bench and sits down to recollect her thoughts about todays upcoming events. She took out a bottle of juice and drank it down as qucikly as possible. She put the bottle down and started to cry to hersel. Katiya: i can't do this...i'm scared out of my whits... She lays on the bench crying to herself, and forrgets everything around her.
Talia didn't like the looks of this, she started to rock her cage forward. Blacktail: What are you doing? Talia: escaping...what are you doing? Talia's cage inched closer and closer to falling off the edge. Then she ramed to cage and it fell and busted open. She got up and jumped into the van. Talia: you comin'? (she said as she stared to help out the fallen moonmask.) Blacktail: Right.
Aria looks to see that she was flaoting towards some rapids. She whitled for Kana and the black and brown mare ran up beside her in the river. Aria: Follow me down river, i'm going to go down the rapids met me on the other side. you got that Kana? The horse whinnied and started to trot down the river ahead of her. She started to swim towards the rapids and the water surged under her, pushing her forwards, urgeing her tomove quicker. The current swept her off her feet and the rip current tried to bring her under. This was fun for her. Fighting in the waves and being tossed around, it also helped her train. By the time she was done she came out with a large cut on her leg and nothing more. Kana walked over to her, Aria hopped on. Aria: lets go back to the house, i can smell somethin' cooking.
"Aria! come back here!" Aria hears her adoptive mothers voice, but ignored it and got on her horse to go to the river in the middle of the forest. "Come on Kana, lets go faster." The horses hoves punded on the ground like earth drums, she felt so free, the air through her hair made chills go down her spine. She loved this. She saw the river ahead and slowed Kana to a stop and the waded into the water kana splahed around and Aria Relaxed and stared to float down river.
Talia looks in horror as she looks up from her resting postition to see blacktail next to her. Talia: what the.. Blacktial: WHat are you doing in here!?! Talia: i was tring to get these guys away from everyone. i thought if the got me, or if i lead them away, they would leave the others alone.(she growled then howled) Now i'm mad. Blacktail: so that's why you weren't there this morning. Talia looked at the hunter infront of her, her stare sent shivers down the hunters spine.
Katiya wakes up. She looks at the blossom she picked up from the garden. It was just starting to bloom, its deep red colors absorbing everything in sight. The she sighed. Katiya: First day of training. She went into the bathroom and took a short hot shower. She came out and dressed in her uniform. The dark purple matched her mood right now, Dark. She really wasn't in a good mood, but what happened in the garden makes her smile. But she quickly got rid of that memory. Katiya: ok, lets get to work. She eats a power bar and then grabs her bag, and starts to go find her first place of training.
Katiya stands breathless right under Rev's nose. She felt the fear of being caught, her body felt warm inside. She watched him siting there remebering, she knew he had been through alot, should could tell from his eyes. [I] if i sit like this any longer, i'm going to be hurting in the morning. [/I] She finally couldn't take the presure on her ankle from kneling for so long and fell backwards with a slient thump. Rev looked up from what he was doing. Rev: who's there? Katiya: (stood up slowly) um...sorry about that sir.. i didn't mean to listen. You just looked so calm, i didn't want disturb you sir...
Tursi stoped running when she noticed it was day light, she also saw two other wolves comeing. she left quickly hoping not to make a sound and retreat to go see if blacktail has waken up yet. it was a new day, and she wwan't to get an early start.
Katiya sits up as she heard somoeone enter the garden, but then just smiled. Katiya: why should i care who's here, i guess i'm just gittery......(laughs) i just noticed that i'm talking to my self again. Katiya looks back at the roses and gets up. Katiya: i wonder what he rest of the garden looks like. She starts to walk around when then she saw who had entered the garden, and she knelt down behind a bunch of flowers. Katiya: (whispers) Why do i always run into this guy? Rev was looking at a newly added section of the garden. He looked so calm. She smiled, and decided to stay put till he was gone, or he found her, whatever comes first.
Celest sits there alone. once again she is alone and waiting. She feels likee she's being watched. she looks up to see miki, who walks up and licks her face. Celest: hey boy, what's up? Miki barked and pulled at her pant leg. She got up and followed miki down the oppisite hall that siren and seth went down, she goes down, it was dimly lit and she hears a person breathing hard. Celest: hello? Who's there? Slade: it's me. Celest: (runs over to him and looks at him, he's been hurt.) good thing the others went down the other hall. what happened? i thought you were right behind me? Slade: i found someone following us so...i went after him, he caught me surprise. Celest: are you hurt bad? slade: kinda. Celest: let me see. Slade picks up his arm to show a large gash across his belly area.
Tursi looks up at the moon and leaves blacktail to sleep as she went out for a run. the air was so crisp and cool, the wind felt good against her. She stopped on yop of a large rock and howled. then looks at the moon. Tursi: i feel so alive to night. She heard a few other howls and ignored them as she raced through the forest with great energy.
Tursi waits out side the resturant paceintly. nibbleing on the grass and watching from the shadows. to be sure no one sees her. She sees everyone laughing and talking. Shes happy for them, these are one of those times she could be like them and go inside. But she rather be herself. She lays down and relaxs till the others are done.
Katiya gets up and streches. She grabed her journal this time and went back to the garden, back to the roses. She looked at all the diffrent colors till she found a dark red one and a brught white one next to each other. Katiya: wow, that's cool. She lays on the bench next to the roses and writes in her journal about getting lost and running into people. She also writes about how pretty the garden is, and that she'd probably spemd most of her time here. Katiya: I wonder where everyone is?
Celest runs after seth, she runs up beside him. Celest: Seth! stop for a sec. won't ya. Seth: (stops) what? Celest: don't do this he can't be bad, he helped me out a lot. Please give him achance, (seth galres at her.) i haven't done anything wrong, seth, please stop. Seth: No. He runs off and leaves celest behind. She walks back over to siren. Celest: Siren, did i really screw up big time? or is it just me.
Celest goes down the hall to find seth and siren talking about something. Siren looked a little confused and seth looked very stern. Celest smiled and felt all giddy inside, she knew they were getting fustrated, but she also knew that should couldn't wait to kick butt. She walked up to her twwo friends Salde stayed behind. Celest: hey siren, seth. What's going on? Seth: Rea is down. Celest: oh really? Siren: yeah. Celest walks towards them. Celest: do you need any help? I think i could help, if you let me. I know you guys don't trust me all to much though.
Katiya once again found herself in her room. She grabbed her C.D. player and put on some soothing music to try to get rid of her headache. Then she looked around, her room mate still hasn't arrived there. Katiya: i guess he's not coming...oh well. She pulls out a sandwich and starts to much on it and puts the rest of her food in a little refridgerator. She takes off her shoes and feels the soft carpet beneth her. The she lays on the ground and looks at the ceiling. Daydreaming her time away till something is need to be done, or is wanting to be done.
Katiya sat there wondering exactly where she was when she heard footsteps coming. she looked up and saw Rev. She got up and walked towards him. Katiya: Hey Rev...um...i know this sounds stupid, but, i kinda got los. Rev: how could you get lost in a place like this? Katiya: i have no clue, but are you going back to the rooms? Rev: yeah. Katiya: coolness! i'll just follow you till i find out where i am! Rev sighed, and contiuned to walk, and katiya stayed a few lengths behind, feeling kinda stupid and embaressed for getting lost so quickly.
name: Aria Muska age: 16 alliance (good or evil): good Appearence: Tall with meduim length brown hair. Green eyes and wears mainly blue blacks and reds. personality: Happy, and always on the go. She can be a comedy relief, but also can take thing seriously. Weapons (no guns 3 is the maximum): Daggers, crossbow, and staff. magic(three max): staff of flames (staff emits fire) , Fire arrow, Flaring soul (sends out fire balls that she controls.) magic elemental: fire new age person or revived person: New age Bio: She loves to collect old weapons and charms. She lived with another family for all over her life, and knows how to defend her self when time comes. Starting Point(city): forest area.
Tursi feels a tug on her mind. she looks up at the horse, the had finsihed off the apples, and she felt refreshed. Tursi:~Thank you...what was your name, i don't think i caught that?~ Horse:~They call me kyp.~ Tursi:~well thank you kyp for the meal. Now i must be off, i'll make sure to come back and vist to repay the deed.~ Kyp: ~sounds great.~ Tursi walks out of the stable and towards the hermit house, she has a bit more lift in her step, and her spirit had been lifted by meeting someone a little more like her. She walked up to the house and pushed open the door. Tursi:~time to go you guys.~
Katiya finished off her picture, closed the book and got up to go find some food to eat. She always felt like eating. She walke dout of the garden holding her sketchbook close to her and started to find her way to the kitchen, but found herself lost. she sits near a wall and pouts. Katiya: Why does this always happen to me. everwhere i go, everytime! I can never find my way back to the place i started...exccept when i'm tired of course. She sighed and found nothing better to do then draw in her sketch book again. This time she drew a black kitten with wings, walking along a fence.
Katiya walks out of her room once more, restless and wanting to go do something enjoyable with her time. She grabs her sketch book and pencil. She goes dowwn into the garden and heads to the rose bushes. She sighed. Katiya: roses are such a wonderful flower. Delicate, yet hurtful. She opens to a fresh page and starts to sketch a newly open bud. Diverging from her drawing she wrote on the side: "Darkness is a rose, so tempting to touch, so beatuiful to hold. But if not handled properly, darkness holds you in bloom, a seedling waiting to grow, into a dark pool." She gose back to do more detail on the petals. and smiles at the thought of roses.
Talia jumps upon the deer and it falls to the ground and blacktail starts to chew at it's neck. soon, the deer stoped moving and the had their meal for the next few days, or more, depend on what they will find. Talia: you wanna go back now? Blacktail: Sure, i'm full. Talia:(yawns) i need a nap. They start to walk back to theirr cave and then they lay down on the warm herth.
Celest sits there in the kitchen waiting. She always finds herself waiting, but for what...She hears the voices in her head again and she pushes them to the side and gets up. Celest: i'm tired of waiting, it's time for me to do something. Celest takes out the divices she had given everyone and put it on, sll her scences went dead so no one could detect her if she didn't want them to and she started towards slade first. She knelt down beside him, and got out s sent pad and put it under his nose. Slade came to. Celest: slade, we're in trouble, and i need your help. Can you stand? Slade sat up and rubbed the back of his head. Slade: yeah, i think i can. Celest helps him up and she tells him to put on the divices she gave him. She could wait to see what happened next. Slade dissapearred from sight, the reappeared. Celest: nice, that works as a cloaking device for the human eyes. Slade: wow... Then they started to walk towards the area she last saw siren. [I] once again i say becareful about everything. I know what's happening and i cna't prevent it from going on.[/I]
Tursi gets up and wades in the water, her body cools down even further. Her power back and she opens her eyes and sees another horse, a regular horse. She walks up to the other horse and stops infront of it. Tursi:~hello there.~ Horse:~....you can understand me...~ Tursi:~yes...is that surpriseing?~ Horse:~no one's ever talked to me before.~ The horses brown hair shines, and he walks up closer to her. The stood 15 feet apart. Tursi:~so, what are you doing out here.~ horse:~i help out the hermit.~ Tursi: ~oh...(her stomach grumbles) Do you have any food by chance?~ Horse:~yeah follow me.~ They walk over to a barn where some fresh apples and oats lay. they look at each other then start to eat.