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Everything posted by tursi
Katiya looks back at the instructor, then decides to go back to her room for some more munchies. On the way up she pulled out a book from her pocket and started to write in it: Hey you guys, it's really nice here. hope to hear from you soon. ~katiya. She pulled out the piece of paper and folded in and put it in an envalope and in a mail box, then retreated to her room.
Reiana sits alone i space, trying to take long breaths, and relax. her mother was back in the other world and her older sister just beat her up. She consentrates on her breathing and healing. Reiana: ok mother....i'm ready. Mother: (from beyond.) If you say so dear, just becareful. Reiana felt ghostly arms embrace her, a warmth filled her heart. she glowed and then she disappeared and fell from the earths sky and into mikos bed, in princess form. She laid there unconsious.
Talia and blacktail run through the forest raceing to see who gets back to their cave first. Talias leading fro awhile for the count she has longer legs, but blacktail comes up from behind her, he's more cunning and quicker. Talia stops and sniffs the air. Talia: Food... blacktail: Yup...lets go get it. Talia and blacktail move silently along the forest floor, listening to the steading breathing of a near by deer. Talia and black tail move to oppisite sides of the deer. Blacktail:now...
Reiana got up and moved infront of her mother. Reiana: lets stop this here. Not matter what she still my mother. Heidi: Move reiana. Reiana: no, i've got a better plan. (turns towards her mother.) Mom...Lets do this right. (she grabs mara away from heidi.) I;m sending all of us back. Sam, heidi and miko: WHAT!!!!! Reiana: it's for the best, i'll still be here in spirit. Reiana interlocks fingers with her mother and her sister. She starts to chant a song in her lanuage. they start to glow and gusts of wind surround them. She starts phaseing in and out then she opens her eyes and smiles. Reiana: lets go home. In a flash of light they dissapear, leaveing behind a chain necklace with a ring on it, inscribed says "friends never say good-bye." Miko goes and picks up the neckalce and puts it in his pocket. Miko: It was the only way where no one would die. Sam and heidi nod. Miko: but these danger ahead, and something tells me she'll be coming back.
Katyia left her bed room to see who else had arrived. scanning the hall, she saw no one. So she walk down the hall and to then entrance to sit and wait. Katiya: i wonder when everyone else is coming.
Celest laid on the floor in horror as siren tried to bring her to. Siren found it no use and ran out to go tell the others. While she was out celest's eyes went back to normal, she stood up and looked around to try to locate a familiar face finding none, she sat at the table, waiting, she knew they would find her, and it's easier not to run. Celest: siren.....if you can hear me...becareful...
Name: talia Color: mottled grey and white Gender: female Age: 2 Talia is a friendly wolf. she loves to play like a pup, she still hasn't learned to grow up, so she gets pushed around a bit. She dosen't have a mate, but is looking for one.
katiya silver walked down the hall way after a couple of trips from the plane to the bus and then here. she opened her room down and jumped onto her bed and sprwaled out. She laughed as she read a letter that a friend of hers put in her bag before leaving. then she started to put some of her stuff away. She changes her clothes and puts on a baggy pair of pants and a compfertable long sleeved, black t-shirt that said twisted on it. She looked around. Katiya: I wonder where everyone else is....oh well. she pulls out a snack bar and starts to munch wonderign when her roommate was going to come.
ooc: thanks ^_^*
Reiana's eyes blazed with fury. she stood up flameing and stood next to atlantia and turned towards her mother and sister. Reiana:why? Mara why did we do this in the first place? WE should have never gotten involed with the humans. Now i'm turning against you. (She takes her staff of flames and it turns into the staff of the suns) you still have a chance, come back to me mara. i thought this was a game, but it's not. come back. Mother: she won't come reiana
Reiana:....mother..... Mara: that's right.....shes back Reiana falls to her knees, confused and shocked. Reiana: you can't do this mara. the person comes out form the shadows. she was a tall slender woman with black cat ears and a blue dress.
Tursi lands gracefully and lets the others get off. She walks up to aiden and the hermit who seem to be discussing something, and neighs. She bows her head to the hermit. Aiden: it's safe to talk her tursi. Tursi: (nodds) ~Hello hermit, thank you for taking the time to talk with us.~ Hermit: (smiles) it's nothing, if you need a place to lie down tursi, is that what youre called, theres a shady creek behind the house. Tursi: ~Thank you hermit, thats very kind of you. i'll still keep in contact, don't worry about me~ Tursi walks off to the creek and lays down with part of her body in the creek to cool off.
Name: katiya silver Age: 16 Sex: female Height:5'8" Weight:160 Planet:neptune Appearance: Black and red hair, brown eyes and pale skin Bio: dosen't have a family, but lived with a bunch of friends for most of her life. Uniform color: um...dark purple Persona: hyper and happy, but can get down to business
Celest takes siren into the kitchen and sits down. then looks down at the ground. Celest:i justed wanted to tell you something.....but i don't know how to say this... Siren: go one... Celest:....well.....things aren't what they seem and........and....(her eyes cloud over and she falls off the chair and starts to tremble.she starts to talk lifelessly) They're coming....Warn someone...they're coming.....They want to hurt us......They're coming! They found us out!!! Celest starts to twitch and scream. Celest: leave me!!!!!! Siren: Celest...Celest...stop this!
Reiana sighed and looked at the two fighting. then stands up and smiles. Reiana: lets talk later, we need to kick butt right now. Sam nodded and they both tranasformed into a higher form of scouts.
Tursi was standing out side of the cave when sylvia and aiden returned. She looks at sylvia with a hint of saddness in her eyes. Tursi: (just to sylvia) ~I'm sorry~ (To everyone) ~i'm going to get some water~ Tursi starts to the river.
Celest looks up at her two guests. Celest: hello slade, hello Rygar. Get a drink. it's on me. Rygar: Thats nicee of you celest. Celest: not a problem. So, slade, my guesses were correct. I knew you'd follow me. (Smiles) Slade: i can't be that predictable. Celest: you can't even imagine some times. So, why do you think i'm here? Slade: info? Celest: (smiles) your good at this game to!^_^* Yes i'm here for information and to see someone who hasn't arrived yet. He's supposed to help me be able to block these voices. (She calls for a waiter.) Three drinks please! we'll be here a while.
Tursi was able to keep in touch with aidens mind they walked through each others dreams and were able to talk about their ideas with out anyone knowing. The scenery of the dream changed from time to time. Now they were at the ocean side. Tursi: ~so what do you think's going to happen, the next move and such.~ Aiden didn't seem to be listening, he was to busy watching the dolphins off the shore. She nudged him. Tursi:~ What do you think's going to happen to sylvia?~
Reiana slides down the wall in pain, she looks at mara then the queen and sighs. Reiana: I'm sorry i couldn't do any thing, to help. But i can do something right now. Reiana goes next to sam and smiles. Reiana: This is a gift of my kind. Reiana starts to chant and they both start to glow she chants louder. Reiana: Physic transfer. Reiana restores sams energy and loses some of her own in the process, she helps sam up and Smiles. Reiana: lets get this over with.
Celestial (reiana) feels something stiring in her mind. She ignors it and takes her staff and looks at Sailor Sol (miko). Celestial: Lets do this. Sol nodds and runs up with sailor luna to help fight off mara. But something pushes her back again, and she stops. The others keep moving not noticeing she stopped. She looks at mara who then looks at her. They stand there staring at each other, they feeel each others feelings and emotions. Celestial tries to come back to consouisness btu just stands therre as a new force takes over her body along with maras. She feels the fire with in her soul blazeing and she goes into full attack mode. As for mara, she has the samethign going on. Celestial: Get out of my head. Mara: only if you do first. Neon: Reiana....are you- Celestial: STop it!!!! Leave me alone. Celestial charges at mara who has regained her strength and are locked in combat.
Celest finally decides to get dressed. She decides to skip breakfast and walks out. Miki followed her and she started to walk back to the bar she was at the other night. When she got there she gave miki a chew toy and walked inside. Celest: lets get started. She sat at the table, booth nuber 12, used for meetings and such. No one stoped her, no one will try to. She ordered some coffee and waited.
Tursi felt the dripping rain and her back. it felt so cool and relaxing, but she tried to focus on walking instead sleeping. They walked ito the near by forest untill the found a little cave. Tursi: ~I can't walk much further, i need to rest a little bit.~ They nodded and the walked into the cave. Kris started a fire and tursi laid next to the wall and listen to the pattering rain outside.
Reiana just looked at madison. Reiana: well here we go again. oh by the way(she turns and throws the tailisman to miko) i now notice this is yours. Miko looks into the tailisman and a birght light glows over him as he transforms into a male form of a sailor scout. Just as he does that Reiana transforms ito Super sailor Celestial and gets ready to fight with her new staff of flames.
Reiana looks around the apartment, she finds some pictures of miko. Then she finds one that has been thrown on the floor. She picks it up to see a picture of a boy next to him was a girl in a black and red dress. Reiana stares in shock, more memories pour into her mind. Reiana: This girl is me....and that boy....that boy was the one i was fighting for....that is miru. Why would he have this? She put down the picture and focuses. She picks up mikos arua and teleports to the castle. where she starts to run down the halls. Reiana: Miko! Madison! Where are you?
Celest lays in her bed staring at the ceiling. she could hear th others out in the kitchen. But she didn't care, all she could think about was what went on in her mind last night. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~flash back~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Slade:Yes I know but what they dont know is everything else and that is why you should remain calm and now that I think of it you cant know either since I dont remember your name. You should know much better to keep quick then talk so I must now ask. How do you know anything? and why are you here? Celest diverted herself but slade just kept waiting. Celest: um....i hear things in my head....and ..... Slade: and? Celest: And they are involed with the crin.....they tell me information about them when they try to learn from me. I tell them nothing!But i go into these periods of time where i don't control my body, and what i say. But the told me that i can tell you because you would understand. Now the part why i'm here? I guess i just ended up here. Slade: is that all? Celest: i don't know....(She bows her head.) i'm sorry.... She quickly moves past him and runs to her room and locks the door. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~end flashback~~~~~~~~~~~~ Celest sighs and sits up in her dimly lit room. Celest: I can't do anything right.