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Everything posted by tursi

  1. Tursi slowly walks to see the group, Tursi: ~what happened here? (looking at aiden) Damn, i knew i should have made you guys leave.~ She flopped to the ground, her legs were still woblely and her mind was throbing. She felt very weak and tried to keep her vison stable. Kris: Do yo think you can help tursi? Tursi: ~i don't know. i might be able to. I'm going to have to get closer to him though~ She stood up and then laid next to him. She nuzzled his wound and reached into his mind. She found his conscience and started healing him iternaly and externaly.
  2. Tursi looked at the other down there fighting her visoned blurred as she noticed a needle in her back. She looked at her friends. Tursi: ~be careful...~ Tursi fell from the sky and landed with a thump.
  3. celest: I feel something. Somethings not right. They know we're here, and i don't know how i know, but i do. I wsure about telling the others. But they told e to tell you that they know. I'm probably not making sence but try to make sence of it. Some how they know. Slade nods and she sighs.
  4. Tursi stood up and snickered she looked at the other mare. Tursi:~Nice. now tell me who you are?~ mare:~Sona. Do you have a death wish?~ Tursi: ~Maybe., you wanna find out~ Sona started to charge at tursi. Tursi lanched sona into the air when she was only 20 feet away. Tursi was now floating and her eyes were red. She neighed and snorted. Aiden watched as tursi taunted them, sona was down for the count and draconus was ready to kill. Tursi:(to aiden)~ok...this is no longer just my fight. But i do need you to be careful, in this state i'm no longer in control.~ Tursi charged at the vampire and the vampire jumped and landed on heer back. she reared and whinnied and stared to buck< trying to get him off
  5. Celest sighed she couldn't sleep, she didn't eat, she felt no emotion. This wasn't like her, and she knew it. [I]they're coming[/I] her mind told her. [I] they know you better than you know yourself, but it's not what everyone thinks.[/I] Celest:not what we think. She sits up and walks over to where slade was. Celest: can we talk?
  6. Reiana stood there confused. [I] what am i saying[/I] She steped backwards and then she went back to being a lionness and ran as fast as she could away from everything, she tore open a portal and she ran through it. She needs to get away, what if she did hurt them. she can't risk it. the portal landed her back in mikos apartment and the portal closed off as she returned to human form.
  7. Reiana slashes Mara across the face and the chest. Mara faints from loss of blood. She Walks over, still in lionness form, to miki and growls. She strolls of to madison and licks her face clean from dirt and blood. Then walks back over to her room, then a light burst. And she comes back out as Super sailor celestial. Celestial:We need to get madison out of here. Miko i need you to go back to earth and watch her. I'll be back in the palace reading the emnscriptions. (looks at madison who's still crying) Don't worry sam will be back in no time. She strong. now leave before mara wakes up. She won't find us for a while. She dissapears and goes back to the under water palace, and miko takes madison and teleports back home.
  8. Reianas eyes glowed with anger, she was now floating above her bed glowing a burning red color. She heard sam scream and she broke down the door. With out noticing she had turned into a lionness, she dashed down the hall and turned and punced on top of mara and bit her arm. She growled as shee pinned mara down. Sam: Reiana... are you o- Reiana growled and roared at sam. She bared her teeth and went back to staring at mara.
  9. celest: i know some info that i picked up in the bar, the know where we are and how we think. we have to pull something clever, out of the ordanariy. (She pulls out someting from her jacket.) i found this when i was little. Its a scrabbler and a cloaking device, but only certin people can use it. Thats why i gave one to seth and slade. I have one extra besides mine. The adjust to your body so you can wear them. (She trows the extra on the table.) Now i need you guys to try it.
  10. Tursi stood tall and watched the vampire snicker.[I] He has another thing coming if he thought that she was useing all shes got. He'll be surprised alright right after....[/I] He charged once again. tursi side steped and kicked him with her rear legs and then lifted him up with her mind. Draconus: Now your still being a child. Tursi:~So are you...what are you hiding?~ Draconus: you think to much. Tursi:~you talk to much~ Draconus winces as tursi drops him. She stood back and reared up to show her size. Tursi: ~I know i'm not intimanating! Come at me!~
  11. Tursi looked up at the vampire and jumped up in the air and took flight. She looked at aiden, she saw him looking at her, she could feel his every emotion with out having to listen to his mind. The otherr pegasus jumped up to meet her. She flew at the mare and kicked her straight in the chest and she went falling from the sky. Tursi smiled. then landed next to the vampire. she smiled. Tursi: ~That was childs play draconus.~ Draconus: i know. Ready to play withh the big boys? Choose the fight. She looked at aiden and smiled. Tursi: ~Mind games. Someting fun for the both of us.~ He nodded and made the first move. He sent out his arua and tursi pushed it awat and knocked him down. Tursi: ~Thats nothing draconus, wheres the real power.~
  12. tursi

    Wolf Pack

    i'm in, i could go somewhere. i'v always wanted to be a wolf.
  13. Tursi's mane was drippinf in her eyes, she walked towards the vampire and the other pegasus. She saw them clearer. The other one was also a black mare, who looked just like her. She snorted. Tursi:~You guys stay out of this...i don't know what will happen. Especialy you aiden.~ Tursi: broke of her mind link to her friends. she reared up at the vampire and gave a threatening neigh and snorted. She gurnted and the vampire similed. Draconus: Are you afriad! I'm here to answer your question, about why i didn't kill you before. Tursi stepped forewards and snorted. The other pegasus, whinied and walked up to her to laughed. Draconus:yeah thats what i thought.
  14. celest sits down and looksst everyone. Celest: so what's goin on? what's our next move.
  15. Reiana sits there pouting. Mara: well dear sister. How about this, i have cought you ten times. So does that mean you'll be on my side. No, you say, over my dead body you say. You now fight for your "friends" Reiana: Leave me be mara. Mara: but theres something wrong, the tailisman. where is it? Not on you or sam. Reiana: i lost it when being chased by you. Mara: (smiles) ok then, i'll just lock you up in here till you remeber. Mara locked reiana in her old bed room. no windows, very little light, all alone. She goes into an fetus postion and tries to illuminate the room. [I] i blew it agian, didn't i sam. just lke last time. when i tried to be he hero. i'm sorry. [/I] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Mara walks down the hall towards when she was keeping sam and madison. Madisons crying could be heard and sma tring to clam her from the room next door. Mara: play time.
  16. Tursi feels the others in trouble, but she can't pin point where they are or know how to get there. She heard something in the distance. She turned and looked towards the end of the fields. First she saw another horse, then a person appeared. Then she knew what was happening, the vampire was back, with one from her herd. She knew that it was n't dark enough to phase out. She stood her ground and waited for a diversion or a noble fight.
  17. Celest hears laughter and walks down the stairs from thee satune and into the Kitchen. Miki runs past her and over to a bowl of dog food. Everyone stops and looks at her. Celest: um...hi everyone....(smiles) i'm a late? Or did you save me something to eat? Turns and sees Valentyne and runs up and gives her a friendly hug. Celest: Tini! When did you get here? Valentyne: nevermind that.
  18. Reiana sighed. Reiana: I THOUGHT I GOT RID OF YOU! YOU'RE SO STUBBORN! Mara: (snickers) Thats for sure. Reiana: Guys, get madison out of here. Celestial! Cosmic! POWER! In a ball of fire She turns into Super Sailor Celestial, she summons her staff and gets ready to face off with mara once again.
  19. Reiana looked at mara, she was tiredless. she ran towards the lake at the middle of the forest. she dove towards the ground and jumped into the lake. Mara still pursued. They swam and reiana spotted something big. Then she found a small castle, nothing like the one she saw before. She swm into it for a hiding space. When she got inside, she was able to breath. Reiana: there's no water here and mara had to go get air. so she won't find me. She looks at the engravings, they are in a diffrent language. but it's all familiar.
  20. Celest now stands in front of the base. Miki is siting there, waiting. She bends down and miki trots up to her and licks her face. She smiles. Celest: where's everyone miki? Miki barks and walks into the base. She follows, and arrives down in the hall wway. She looks around silently. Then walks and sits on the couch and pulls out a ginger ale.
  21. Back in the forest: SCelestial untransfromed. Mara: Reiana give it back! Don't make me hurt you. Reiana: Yeah right. She goes up to the top of the trees and flies as quickly as possible. [I]Sam! Please take care of the tailisman.It dentrmental to everyones future.[/I]
  22. Tursi walks shiftly in her stable. She snorts and looks at the riseing sun. Tursi:~WE got to leave soon, the sun is riseing.~
  23. Celest hears a distant barking. Celest: silly boy. She checks her gun one morre time making sure it has all her bullets, then stands up, and starts walking back to base. She starts whitleing a song she made up last night.
  24. celest walks to a bench out side of the bar and looks up at the sky. [I] why am i doing this. I should go back to the group. But the day is young.[/I]
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