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Everything posted by tursi
Celestial knocks her from her feet and grab the tailisman back. SCelestial: She intened it for good. (kicks her in the stomach.) She makes a run for it, and mara is close behind. SCelestial: i need to get this to the others. Mara: Reiana! I'll get you! Scelestial: not! She jumps into the portal that she made to get here and mara follows. [I] great just great.[/I] She falls from the sky and lands gracefuly next to sam and the others. SCelestial: sorry got to run. (throws the tailisman to sam.) Get it somewhere safe. Mara falls and runs towards sailor celestial. She runs into the forest and stars jumping from treee to tree with Mara tailing her.
Celestial buts the tailisman in her staff and her staff glowed. the but her trnasformation stick in the air. Celestial: Sun celestial power! In a big flash of light, she transformed into a higher form of sailor scout. Now she was super sailor celestial
Tursi sits there feeling helpless to aiden. [I] hold on aiden[/I] Tursi knows that he has to fight this, help from her could be dentramental. She could only nudge him along in the right direction.
Sailor Celestial had transported herslef to Mara's chariot. celestial: well isn't this familiar. Mara: Who are you? You're on of those scouts aren't you? Celestial: tsk, tsk, you don't reconize me mara. (her lion ears popout.) Thats so depressing. Mara: (smiles) dear reiana, i never thought you would go back to this. Celestial: i have something to fight for. (her staff comes to her hand.) My pride, and friends. Mara: Ha! You call those your friends. those humans! Celestial: Why wouldn't I. CLESTIAL STAFF OF FLAMES....IGNITE! A large flame comes at mara but she uses the time staff to block it. Mara: thoses powers arre useless. Celestial: Sun flare..... Mara: what?.... A huge lick of fire hits mara from behind knocking her sencesless. Celestial: she stay like that for long. i was just lucky. She runs down from the chariot room and into her former room from when she was working for mara. She goes through her dresser. Celestial: where is it? She continues to rumage till she found it in her clump of dolls. Celestial: My wand and my tailsman.
Celest continues down the road and into the bar. Celest: bartender, i need the cheapest drink you got. Bartender: coming right up. Celest walks and sits on a stool and ponders. she knows they are looking for her, both of them. Bartender: rum, on the house. Celest: why? Bartender: because you look so sad, drown your sorrows kid. Celest: right. Celest drinks it in one gulp and sighs. She takes out her gun and looks at it. then looks at what she had given the boys. It was like a soda can. but when fixed with emotion becomes what it needs to be, a gun, posion gas, grenade, anything. She puts back into her pocket. ~~~~~~~~~~ Miki jogs up to slade and starts barking and whimpering. Miki walks towards the street and back. then barks at slade again.
Tursi listens to everyones mind, but more importantly aidens. She twitches and feels a cold wave flow over her. Being cautious she broke off her link to everyone. Tursi grunts. Draconus: Nice room they put you in. Tursi: leave me alone. Draconus: What's wrong my friend. You scared. Tursi: why? should i be? You nothing compared to what i've seen looking for you. Draconus: how about we talk somewhere privite. (he opens the stall.) Tursi: i could use a nice walk. Draconus: Follow me. Tursi nudge elysans mind, telling her not to worry about loseing connection. Then followed the vampire down to a near by clearing. She unflods her wings in a great streach. Tursi: so tell me why you didn't do it? Draconus: simple. you were powerful because you had an pure mind. But now you are weaker than before. Tursi: ok, well i'm done. Draconus: (blocks tursi) I'm not. i have a question. Tursi: what would a vampire want with little old me. Draconus: how did you block me. Tursi: easy, skill. I'll be seeing you. Tursi phases out before he could jump her. She flies back to the stable and keeps gaurd while reconnecting everyone.
Reiana: this is my fault. i know it is. I'll go and get her out. Heidi: you sure? Reiana: never had any regrets in my life. Reiana didn't wait for a responce as she walked out to sam. As Reiana pulled ruble away she began to glow, so did sam. Sam rose from the ruble and floated off the ground. Reiana smiled. Reiana: i'm sorry for causing you trouble sam. i'll leave you guys be and fight mara on my own. Its my fault anyway because of coming to earth. sam: no.... Reiana: yes, now i have people to fight for. Reiana feels waves of heat inside of her. she glows red and transforms into sailor celestial. then with out goodbyes she vanished into thin air.
Celest walks out from the base and strolls down the street. Celest: it won't be long now, they'll know we were up to something. They know everthing.
Reiana opened her eyes to find her self in her room. Reiana: well how did i get here. Reiana sits up and sees clothes(baggy pants and a short red t-shirt) laid out for her. She knows something is wrong but follows anyway. Mara walks in. Mara: Come with me reiana. Reiana: whatever She follows her around the evil palace she knows all to well. The went to the cells. The cells were blue tubes, everyone was suspenced in time. Reiana: What did you want to sho me this for. Mara: you know why they're here. Reiana: yes, to draw the others and defeat them all at once. Mara: correct. I will be reforming you. you WILL fight with me. We'll be unstoppable Reiana: (flicks back her hair and starts to walk off.) yeah, like in another century.
Name:asashi marine Age:16 Race:....um...i guess i'l be a hobbit since there aren't any yet. Weapons: dagger and cross bow. Bio: Was brought up with a wise old man, but not with other hobbits. she was trained to fight and defend. but really likes to play jokes and have fun. When it comes down to work, she'll get it done. She never had a real family and a few friends. Never seen another hobit in her life. Description:wears long pants and a blue t-shirt. always wears sandels. Personality:Happy-go-lucky. Never misses a beat in life.
um....trigun kicks *****! um...it's one of my favorties. same guy did the soundtrack for cowboy bebop. and i highly recomend watching all of it before making any judgements.
Reiana walks down past the bakery. she hears a hiss and a slither. Reiana: what do you want viper. viper: mara has been asking for you. Reiana: (smiles) tell her i'm busy at the moment, and it's going to cost her. Viper: oooo, she won't like that one bit. Reianas solar staff appears in her hand and she points at viper. Reiana: Don't mess with me....i can still transform. Viper: you don't have the will power.....all you had is lost! Reiana: (slams viper) Don't mess with me!!! I'll kill you.... Viper: He's gone! You have nothing to avenge. Reiana: (voice changes.) Leave me alone!!! voice: Viper stop taunting her! Viper: your messing up my fun.
ooc: of corse not., you were just very detailed. ic: Tursi looks to the sky and her mind wanders. [I] Draconus...i know him....he tried tp kill me when i was a foal...but why?[/I] Aiden: tursi....tursi...lets go tursi.... Tursi: ~oh, sorry~ Tursi closed her eyes and then she was wearing a saddle and reins. Tursi:~aiden, i'm going to zone out so i can heal you to your max. you're going to have to treat me like a real horse. pull back on the reins twice to back me fly or go backwards. from there you'll get used to it.~ Tursi snorts and her eyes go to a normal brown. she nods and starts to walk.
Reiana watches from below as sam and heidi have a pillow fight. She looks at miko and they both nod and slowly walk back to his apartment. When they reached the door reiana looked at him and smiled. Reiana: well, i guess i'll be leaving now. Miko:Right Reiana: bye. Miko: bye She walks down the hall and back into the street. She looks up as his light goes, she sighs and moves along the dimly lighted street.
Silvia and tursi hear aiden shout. Tursi:~Their already there!~ Silvia: ok, well run faster. Tursi:~right~ Tursi runs like the wind in time to run into something. she runs into the room. Tursi lets silvia down. she relaxs and spreads her mind open. Tursi:~I'm making n escape for you, take it or leave it.~ Tursi interlocks everyones minds and makes it so they can see what they're fighting. Tursi:~i can't leave this spot, but i have nights cloak on my side. So go!~
Celest:You'll find out later, i know they were useful when i got them. Lets say that they make you sneakier (sp).well i'm going to go get use some drinks. She smiles and leaves.
Winter sighs... Winter: nevermind. i talk to my self to sometimes. Then a large boom sound came. Winter: not again... She turns to start heaading in the direction the sound came from.
tursi stands up and looks at everyone. she smiles. Tursi:~anyone want a ride, i'm going to fly ahead, but not to far.~
Celest walks back into the room to go grab her jacket and finds slade and seth staring at each other. Then they look at her.She lowers her head. Celest:sorry about that i should've knocked first. she walks over to the couch and picks up her jacket, and takes something out. Celest: here (she tosses something at the both of them) You're going to need these more than i do.
Tursi found her self lying on the floor. She wobbled as she got up, she winced. Aiden: tursi what happened. Tursi:~he wants the map, and me dead. I don't know who. but i'm a threat.~ She shakes out her mane andflattens the feathers on her wings. Tursi:~i'm sorry about back there. Who ever that was, he found my mind open and attacked it. i should probably just use telepathy from now on instead of linking our minds. i'm sorry you guys, i feel like i'm responcible for all of this.~ Tursi sighed and kneeled back down upon the floor and looked at the others.
Reiana uses he weight to pin down viper. She growls and smiles at the same time. Reiana: Grrr(who sent you here viper.) Viper: well look who we have here. Reiana: Roar (shut up viper, or die.)
Tursi closes her eyes and felt it again. she focused on her group. Tursi:~someones here, and i can't pin point him. be on your...~ Tursi flinched and whinnied. She reared, her eyes went red, and she went insane.
Reiana nods and jumps down silently from the roof top and into the alley. She lays low, and purs softly. The girl screams and Heidi jumps out infront of the monster. Reiana: Roar! (lets Go) Reiana punces on the monster.
Tursi nudged him with her mind, reminding him that she could hear his thoughts. Tursi:~ try moving your arm.~ Aiden moved him arm up, down, and around. Aiden: wow.... Tursi: ~ok, can we blow this joint now.
Reiana ran like te wind, memories flooded her mind. She used to do this, along time ago. She juped to the roof tops and hopped across the buildings, and saw the moon glowing red. Reiana: um....you guys....