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Everything posted by tursi
lol, that would be alot of fun, i hope i will see you on tv one day. i also hope to watch boxing one day.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by IloveBebop [/i] [B]Okay, to answer the question you originally asked, Vash is a genetically altered plant. The series ended way too soon.I WANNA SEE WHAT HAPPENS AFTER VASH DEFEATED KNIVES!! Sorry, that's just how I feel about the show. I think Knives decided that he hated humans after he ate an apple, cannibal.So, Knives is a psycotic freak. [/B][/QUOTE] i love knives. FUZZY! *hugs* he's not psycotic, hes just haven't been loved.
Tursi troted up her hands were covered in blood, she laid legion on a cot and covered him in a blanket to keep him warm. she put a cup of water on a stand next to him, in case he comes to. she troted over to Linwe and soahc. tursi: leigon isn't doing to well, and i'm guessing thats why linwe is here. but... wheres Theondell? and whats happening out side? i didn't get to see much Tursi knelt by linwe and preformed the same two spells that she had preformed on the others to stop bleeding/help wounds heal, and to stop any pain.
it think blood tastes really good, i've tasted my own. i usually stare at it because its pretty, and if i'm not in pain when seeing blood, i really don't mind it.
doughnuts are vashs comfort food, along with acohol. it also helps with expressing his character. ^_^ plus who cares, he's cute. *huggles vash*
Tursi had a bad feeling about something, she grabed her bow and arrows and galloped out of the tent. She pulled her hair back and stopped when she saw leigon who was the closest to the tent. SHe knelt down next to him. Tursi: Leigon, please don't be dead already She examined the wound and chanted a quick spell to stop any bleeding. then another spell to stop any pain. Tursi: leigon, can you hear me?
oh ok, well then i'll just have my crup, i can always use the schools owls.
Name: Tursi Monou Age: 17 Year: 7 Gender: female House Preference: ravenclaw Good/Evil: undecided Wand: oak, 11 inches, dragonheart string Pet: crup named scrumpy (a crup is a wizard dog that looks like a jack russel but it has a forked tail) Personality: Tursi is most of the time a happy-go-lucky person, but when shes threaten, you don't wanna be the one on the other side of her wand. Shes been wanting to be a quidditch beater for most of her time at hogwarts but hasn't ever had the time to try out. Biography: Tursi has been going to this school for a long time, from the time her mom was a teacher there till she went there her self. Once she was in her second year, she started to work on an animagus form, which she completed later her 3rd year. Her animagus form is that of a red hawk. in her free time she is usually reading and drawing, or climbing a tree somewhere on campus. Most teachers and students know her for her close bond to animals, almost like she could understand them. Appearance:5'8" with thick shoulderlength dark brown hair, chocolate eyes and one hell of a temper.
((sorry about the short post, i'm having family problems and its getting alittle hard to concentrate.)) Tursi galloped into the medical tent staff and arrows in hand, she looked down at Soahc, who was still unconsious. she looked at the near by solider Tursi: what happened? do you know? Solider: yes, he was tring to get to Teondell, when he was struck by an arrow. Tursi: thats quite obvious. She knelt her horse body next to the cot that soahc. She chanted a small spell that eased the pain, she then carefully pulled out the arrow, she set it on the ground next to her. Tursi took a cloth and cleaned the wound up, and then took some bandages and wraped it up tightly. Tursi: hmmmm, what else...oh yes. Then she chanted another spell that would help with the loss of blood and helping the wound heal faster. Tursi: now we just wait till he wakes up. Tursi looked back at the solider and smiled. Tursi: thanks for your help, and is there anyone else that needs some attention? The solider nodded and pointed to the boy elf solider a few beds away. She got up and walked over to the other wounded warrior and started to take a look at his wounds.
((sorry about the metora, i was only half awake, )) Tursi galloped off back to the base wondering exactly what she was looking for. she stoped and pulled back her long black hair into a tie. she then troted up to the base and then into the barracks. she rested her bow and arrows down in her area of the barrack, she then picked up her staff and practiced concetrating her power to it.
Tursi heard someone running and saw meteora dashing across the way. she stood up and troted along beside him. "WHere are you going? and do you want a lift?"
gloria estefan, she my cousin
i'm related to my family.............^_^ but no one on here
Tursi had troted out of the barrack to get a good look at the sky, she felt like she was one of the more peaceful of the soilders. SHe didn't feel like eating, and knelt down on the ground she pulled out her bow and strung it, moving her fingres over the bow while she did so. "I wonder what everyones doing right now." tursi said grinning as she pulled out an arrow and used a knot in a tree for target practice.
meteora, if you think my centaur needs to be revised i can do so.
Name: tursi Age: 100 Race: centaur Position in the Ravites: healer and scout Weapons: staff and bow & arrows Weapons names: aria (staff), Fairways bow Magic attacks(Max 3): Healing light, Serenas (moon goddes) arrows, tritons fury. Appearence: top half- a regular built female, short black hair, pireceing green eyes. Wears a dark green tanktop like shirt. looks no less then 20 bottom half- basicly a black arabian mares body. Bio: Has lived in the forests with her herd of centaurs, she was daughter of a warrior and was taught by him to use a bow and arrow. Then her mother sent her to study a few years with a mystic human healer, the deal made was he would teach her healing magic, and she would tell him how to read the stars, and tell prophecys. she left her forest to travel for a few years at the age of 30, (pretty young for a centaur) and that leads up to now.
i have a cuban temper. that should basicly explain things, i can get angred easily, and get happy easily. but i get really low points (sometimes caused by my meds) that makes me have rage. or really high points where i can't tell whats real or not. ^_^ this is my life.
lol, well your room sounds a bit more fun than mine. at the moment its just blank walls with random anime posters, a parasal, and a picture of dolphins, i'm missing a door to my closet, and nothing really matches. but my mom said i'm aloud to draw on my walls, so i'm doing elvish vines on the door and closet borders and a dragon behind my front door. fun, but its heck to try to erase if you mess up.
Talia walked right up behind spike and turned him to look at her. Talia: it's almost light out. what the hell are you doing in here? Spike:(mummbled)taking in the bloody scenery. talia: what? SPike: nothing lets get out of here. Spike grabed talias hand and drug her into the tomb/mosulium where spiked lived. talia: spike i need to no something, is there anything you need to tell me before i suddenly meet some of you friends? spike: no, why do you ask? talia: nevermind. talia sat down on the ground and played with the lighter in the ground
Talia looked outside, it was still dark dawn wasn't going to be here for an hour at least. so she walked out of her room and went out side, she wanted to go to one of those clubs before she had to go. as she was walking she could feel someone watch her. Voice: you will betray them. Talia: i haven't found a reason why yet, you said i would with in the first night. well you were wrong. voice: theres still an hour talia, you will side with me. Talia: (while turning around) and who are you anyway. why do i even listen to you. Voice: because you live for these kind of things talia. Talia: so your trying to use me, why you little... talia charged towards the voice but found nothing. Voice: you stupid vampire. do you think that you can kill me? Talia: i can kill anyone! you hear me! anyone! Voice: pathetic. Talia was griping her fists together so tightly that she had made holes in them, the voice was gone and she can't even see who it is. she sighed and shruged her jacket back on her shoulder and went toward spikes house, she needed to know if there really is someone she should be hateing here.
talia was in her room watching the tv when a knocking came upon her door. ????:room service. Talia: didn't order any. ????: its a letter mam. Talia opened the door and grabed the letter and closed the door. the letter read: "talia, the time draws nearer for your return. make haste. your clan member, nat." Talia: damn her. this letter is stupid. talia ripped the letter and threw it in the trash.
Talia had lured a nice looking teenage boy to feed on when she was finished she walked over to spike who had finished as well. Talia: you sure do have a werid group of friends you have. spike: thats not even the start of it. talia: really? spike: yeah, some of them could kill you. talia: too late for that. spike just smirked and they started to go their seperate ways before dawn
Talia followed willow. Talia: so what exactly did you do to this xander person? Willow: i don't know, i did a spell to freeze some vamps and a little while after xander went crazy. Talia ran ahead of willow then stoped Wilow: what are you doing? Talia: he's going to wear himself out soon, we don't want to use all our energy on trying to follow him till he calms down. willow: makes sence. so who are you? Talia: my names talia, i'm an old friend of spikes. willow: that means... Talia: i'm a vampire as well, but if your a friend of spikes then i guess i can be a good guy for tonight. willow feeling a little uncertian waited, then talia smiled. talia: no worries, xander must have worn himself out by now or have run into something that would stop him. lets go. willow: right.
i have on of their CDs, listen to it almost constantly. my favortie song (i don't know if this is what its called.) i think its called "too long" or something like that, and i like the sequnce music videos.