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Everything posted by tursi

  1. Name: Mara Hair color:brown Eye color:brown Characteristics: happy and hyper. Serious only when needed. loves to eat and play. weapons:rifel and two hand guns. skills:cooking, musical, and defenceive skill. other: Lives with no one, all her family has died. Roams around until someone takes her in for a while. shes only 16.
  2. Niomi lays back in her chair and sighs. Niomi: so ryan, what do you think will happen next in our little adventure.
  3. tursi


    Winter pulls her daggers back and nods. Winter: sorry about that. this city isn't the greatest nowadays. Winter pulls back her hair in to a bun, and smiles. Winter: my name is winter. Skee: skee Winter: skee....have i met you before?
  4. Celest gets up and looks to the door way. Slade looks up at her. She walks over and opens the door. Celest: i'll be right back, miki stay here. Celest walks into another room and looks at siren. Celest: what's going on?
  5. Tursi looks around. she feels the others coming closer. Tursi: ~Watch out you guys, keep heading my way, the river this way leads out, i'm sure, it's the oppisite the way i ran.
  6. Reiana looks at the wolf and foxs and smiles. She punces on the wolf. Reiana: nice to see you agian! Sam: same here. could you get off me? Reiana steps down. Heidi: well if your the lionness, who's the tiger? Miko: it's me you silly girl. Heidi: oh.... Reiana streches. Reiana: i've still got alot of energy, anyone want to talk a run down main street? i heard its alot of fun in a pack.
  7. tursi


    Winter walks down the street. and someone walks out in front of her. ??: what is a person like you doing here. Winter: who wants to know? Winter gets her daggers ready
  8. Tursi watched as the creature walked out. Tursi didn't move, didn't panic, just stood there in the river. Wounds still open from running last night. She slowly moved forward. The wolf like creature, started to shift. Tursi: ~Be careful you guys, i'm in the river. and cant do anything but run at the moment, there's to many trees for me to get around. i don't know how fast they can run though.~ Elysan: (mentaly replied) ~right ~. Tursi slowly pushed outward with her mind pushing the creature back. Then mad e a run for it. She run out from the river and into the forest three of the cursed stalkers tailed her snaping at her hooves. Moving quicker she moved back into the river, hopping the current would slow them down.
  9. tursi


    Winter watches from an alley looking to the night sky in wonder as the four winged beasts came and started to distroy. She thinks to her self, -They're so graceful in the sky, beautiful winged dancers. But tonight they won't distroy this town.- She picks up her staff and moves into the open. Wondering if anyone else is in paris.
  10. Reiana felt like she was in heaven. Her friend who found out she wasn't who she was, is now one of her. The being a lioness was totaly awesome. Running in the streets was great, put in a pride/pack was eve n cooler. Reiana: Roar! (Lets run like the wind miko) Miko: Grrrrr( right.) Off they went down banyan street, off to find the others eager to figure out what they looked like.
  11. Niomi sits up as she sees adam walk by. Adam: gert your stuff, we're leaveing. As he walks by she scoffs. Niomi: right leaveing. We won't last long against those pilots. They'll be on us in no time. She gets up and streches. Niomi: so much for my nap. She walks over and grabs her little bit of belongings and walks over to ryan. Niomi: Say your prayers ryan, this trip might be a short one.
  12. Niomi sits, moving sand inbetween her toes. Its nice and cool, and everyones starting to wake up. She lay in the sand and watches the sky and sighs. Niomi: i wish more nights were like this.
  13. Tursi lying near the river heard a bloodcurtling scream. She opens her eyes lazily. She gets up and notices some of the wounds have healed. Some of the blood wasn't hers.[I] So he got his kill, i knew i shouldn't have let my gaurd down.[/I] She hobbles over to the river and gives a whinny. [I] cold....[/I] She gentle lays down and splahes a little. She hears some voices. Reconzes them as her team. [I] they got here fast.[/I] She shakes off the excess water and stars to walk down river, against the current when something moved in the bushes. She stoped. she treid to make contact. Tursi: ~you guys watch your backs, this forest isn't right, i'm just up stream. I'm going to walk away from you but try to keep in contact, we'll be able to hear what people are thinking. Or else we'll all get killed.~ Tursi felt some aknoledgement and started to walk up stream.she watched as the thing followed. [I] well it's not a vampire.[/I] she moves faster. and it moves with her. Tursi: ~Aiden this creature smells blood, don't touch the girl. there's more of them, and they smell me.~
  14. Celest turned to him and smiled. Celest: you sure your alright? Slade coughs, and say emotionlessly. Slade: i'm fine Celest just looks at him and sighs. Celest: your stubborn
  15. tursi


    Name: Winter Kona Gender:female Age:16 Dragon Guardian: Yes, for anyone who needs or wants one. Weapons:crossbow, hidden daggers, walking stick/staff. Description: Tall, red hair with black streaks. Green eyes. Wears black tank tops, and blue jeans. Past: She had amnesia when she was little and was brought up with her "father", luke, at the age of 10. Learned combat skills with him.
  16. Reiana looks down i shame, but the looks up at him and starts to laugh. Miko: what? Reiana: i guess, in some way, we're both scouts. Miko feels around and notices a long striped tail. Miko: a tiger. Reiana: yup, lets see, lion, leo, I'm a leo. Leo's rule the sun........i'm a sun scout????? hmmmm, well i guess that stinks for mara.
  17. Reiana feels movement she tries fo open her eyes but she can't move. The movment stops and she feels the ground again. She hears a familiar voice. Miko: Rei! Rei! Please wake up rei. please wake up. Reiana opens her eyes a little. Reiana: what happened? Miko: i don't know i saw you falling so i caught you and you weren't moving. Reiana sits herself up. Reiana: don't worry about me. Reiana touches his face and feels blood. Reiana: you're hurt. Miko: i'll be fine. Reiana stands up and looks miko in the eye and smiles. Reiana: right, and i'm then queen of enlgand. Miko looks at her in shock. Reiana feels for her hat, and only finds her lion ears. Reiana: uh-oh
  18. Niomi looked out at the stars and saw siren and Jaudiar spar. She sighed. Niomi: I didn't think we were this close, i wouldn't have made that explosion. I've screwed up big time. Niomi walks out and sits on the ground and hums a song to her self. I little didy she heard a long time ago.
  19. Niomi pops out a hidden dagger from her wrist and shoves it towards the mans chest, he dodged but She quickly recovered and hit a presure point to knock him out. Niomi: Now that that's over. She hops into her hole and grabs some supplies. Niomi: now to get rid of the eveidnce she lights some TNT, and walks away carelessly. She watches as the man wakes up in time to watch and feel the explosion. She grins as she knows she also lit a signal in the sky at the same time.
  20. Tursi stoped to rest on the grassy area. [I] suns up, can't use my cloak. Better try to tell them that somethings not right.[/I] Tursi tried for the 3rd time to contact them, but it was painful. Her eyes went red with anger. She forced her self to make a mind link for a few minutes. Tursi:~ you guys....i'm already ahead of you.....someones trying to listen in, i'll try to make sure everythings safe, can't hold contact,....force driving ME OUT!~ Tursi's vision blured. she collected her thoughts,[I] i can't stay near the main road like this, and he won't come after me now. I hope Elysan knows what to do with that charm, because i can't contact till i gather some strength.[/I] She sees a stream and starts to trot towards it.
  21. Niomi stnads up and faces this man. ??: come along. Niomi: this is stupid. ??: Don't make me hurt you. Niomi: You can't hurt me you idiot! Don't judge me so quickly.
  22. Celest shifts a little. trying to regain control. She slows comes to and finds her self on the couch, and hears the others talking, but it only comes as mummbles. She feels something licking her face. Celest: miki stop. Miki barks and celest sits up and sees slade over in the conor of the rom siting and thinking. Celest hears a grumble. Celest: i'm starved, but i'm so tired.....oh well. Celest lays down to go back to sleep, but.. Slade: Don't beleive what you see. Celest: what? Slade: never mind, just something someone told me.
  23. Niomi searches the screen, and her eyes widen with delight. She grins and types some more on her computer. [I] I found this here?!?![/I] Niomi: (mumble) E-mail.....siren.....stuff......enormous....send! Niomi closes her laptop and finds someone standing of her. Aiming a gun at her. Niomi: i knew it to good to be true. She took her lap top and shmashed it. ???: come with me. She grins. Niomi: whatever.
  24. Tursi looked at this object. it was a charm. She picked it up and flew and threw it in Elysan room. Tursi them sent her mind with the others. A wave of emotions hit here all at once. she thought to her self [I] what in the seven hells[/I] she immediatly withdrew. She sent a link only and directly to Aiden, she found her problem but that wasn't all, she saw his dream, she drew back and sent a thought to Kris Tursi:~ Kris, i'm being called out, i don't know what for, please tell the others if i'm not back before day break.~ Kris:~but..~ Tursi: ~please, this is important to my herd.~ Tursi breaks off connection and concentrates on keeping an open mind for her "Friend". She was making contact to night. She moved along the path from the map that she remebered. [I] i'm doing this for more than my herd, but for friends.[/I] She disappears under her night cloak.
  25. Reiana jumps down into an alley and miko keeps going. Reiana looks around. Reiana: Mara, i know you here, please come out and tell me what's going on. Mara appears from the shadows. Mara: you know exactly what's going on, i'm here to distroy the sailor scouts and miko, with you at my side. Reiana grins, and looks her straight in the eye. her hands start to glow red then are flameing. Mara grins and pulls out her time staff. Reiana: Sun flare! out of Reianas hands comes a lash of flames and mara blocks it with her staff. She points it at reiana s chest and a dark smoke starts to arise. Reiana: nice lets try this. Maras suddenly knocked away as Reianas sun staff comes to her. She points it at mara. Reiana: Clelestial staff of flames! A ring of fire cover mara, but before totaly covering her she disappears. Reiana: oh, i have rotten luck. Reiana floats up to the roof top with evil glareing in her eyes. she holds her staff high and mighty. A flash back comes to her and her eyes widen in terror as she rilives her moment of distruction, the last day she was a scout. She goes into shock and starts to fall. Someone comes and catches her.
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