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Everything posted by tursi

  1. Niomi walks across the barren feild. Niomi: this isn't right. She runs back to her hole and looks at her computer and types in Devious Plan
  2. Celest sits there as seth talks about their mission. She sits there and her eye lids grow heavy and she falls over asleep and dreams about the future
  3. Tursi wanders around out side, keeping close attention on everyones mind. She tunes to her mind and her cloak of night comes on and she phases out. She streaches her wings and does some fling around and notices something gleaming on the ground, she cuts off contact with her group.
  4. Reiana smiles at heidi and grbs miko and silently jump out the window. They run along the roof tops. Miko: what are we doing? Reiana: going after mara. I know she not that weak. Miko:What! Reiana: just trust me on this, mara doesn't think i'm good, and neither do i.
  5. Tursi gives a sigh. Tursi: ~i don't know, but i picked it up from his mind when talking to him. I don't know if he set it up or not, put i found it there.~
  6. Celest pulls back a little and sighs. Celest: you guys don't blame him, it's my fault. I got lost being the person i am. Seth gave her a stern look. She lowers her head. Celest: I'm sorry.
  7. Tursi stepped in and looked them all in the eye. Tursi:~i know him, i know him all to well. He's the second person i'm looking for. while being cornered, i had a little conversation. He's grown stronger, new tecnniques and such. One way to deal with him is mind games and mind power.~
  8. ooc: Mara's supposed to be evil
  9. Reiana sits on the bed and thinks. Reiana: maybe shes more then a sailor scout, or she has underdeveloped powers. We all sit and think, Reiana gets aggravated. Reiana: ok, i know i can't be a scout, eventhough they say i am, but Mara is coming to take you guys on and we aren't ready yet!
  10. Niomi sits in a barrier with a laptop and a cereal bar, tracking all statisctics of her colleages and statistics on her brother, soon to be aused from his sleep. [I] screw this[/I] she looks to make sure the coast was clear, it was clear allreight, but to silent. She stands up with every nerve at attention. She steps out on to the hard land and looks for her friends. Niomi: where the hell are they?
  11. Tursi looks at the others. Tursi:~Something's going wrong up there. Eslyan what's going on?~ Tursi feels irrataton from her. Tursi:~They can't see the boy........i can fix that.~ Something flares ravishly in her mind. Tursi invoulentaraly takes steps backwards winceing in pain. Neighing crazily. kris tries to get her to quiet. Tursi: ~HE WON'T LET ME BE!~
  12. Slade walks ahead a little, celest tries to behind him. She knows nothing about him, and doesn't want to get into a mess. Celest: where are we going? Slade doesn't answer but waits for her to catch up, miki stands infron of them and a big statune. Celest: oh.....
  13. Tursi trots up to Elsyan, She turns to look at tursi. Tursi's eyes went from black to violet then to brown. Tursi: ~Eslyan, i think your the one i'm looking for, i need to talk to you later. But right now i need you to let you mind be open when you're in the boys room. I need to know what's going on in there, nd you'll know whats going on out here. I think i know who did this, but i need you're help. What do you say?~
  14. tursi


    Thanks! I like your poem too.
  15. Reiana stops her parading and a terror comes to her. Miko looks at her with confusion. Miko: Rey what's wrong? Reiana: Remeber those people that we're going to rain on my parade? Miko: yeah. Reiana: they're coming Miko: WHAT! You could of said something sooner! Reiana: I wasn't a scout then!!!! girl: Stop yelling Reiana looks down to the window. [I] its her.[/I] Girl: It's you! Reiana looks at miko and they both jump onto the balcony and inside. Reiana: sorry about that. Girl: who are you? Reiana: Reiana, you can call me rei. Girl: I'm sam, and this is heidi. A girl appears from behind sam. Reiana: hi, um.... by chance did you see a light come from here? Becasue my friend and i saw it and then lost it. Sam: yup it was from here.
  16. Reiana looked to the sky and pinned point the location. She nods to miko and he starts to the door. Reiana: wait miko. i can get us there faster. Miko nods, she grabs his hands and says something in the language of the sun. In a flash they apear on the roof of the house. Miko looks at the stunning veiw of the moon. Miko: how could you see the light? I thought you were a bad guy, er, i mean girl? Reiana: I don't really know.
  17. tursi


    thanks, no i'm not that kind, i just want to make sure it's good. so i want to get peoples ideas first.
  18. Reiana: Miko, i'm not what i seem, but i have um..... friends who want to hurt people here, and i need your support. i understand if you don't want to fight for evil, i was forced to it, but.... Miko clamped his hands over her mouth. Reiana's eyes widen in terror. Miko: rey, i don't want to hear about it. i know what's going on, i need you to help me first. Reiana nods. Miko: help me find the others, i'm good, and so are you i know it. Help me find the scouts.
  19. tursi


    I'm decideing if i want to send this into our literary magazine or not. Red Deep colors dripping, dripping from your pale lips. Blood on your beatuiful pale skin, you don't notice. The red engulfs me, and you make me drink. I try to resist, but lust takes over. My lips touches a neck, not his but anothers, slowly i drink. The blood taste bitter sweet, soft, like rose petals. Warm going down my throat, I see memories of kids playing, a wife and hot meals. i pull away from the painful memories, and warmth returns to my body. Never again will this heart beat. I smile at my maker, then sigh. The first feeding's over, next time won't be so hard.
  20. Niomi grabs her gun and makes sure nothings going to happen. Ryan makes it safely over to laim. she looks at craig who Niomi: you're next craig. I'll cover you easily. Craig: are you sure? Niomi: (smiles) of course, i'm a trained professinal. Craig nods and jumps and makes a run for it.
  21. Reiana walks up to the front of apartment number 14. [I] this is it ...[/I] She knocks on the door. she hears someone come to the door. Miko: who is i.....oh Rey it's you. Reiana: sorry about this, may i come in? Miko: sure. Reiana comes in and looks around the dimly lit room. Miko was dressed in a black t-shirt and blue pajama bottoms. She sits down on the couch. Miko: Rey, is there something wrong? Reiana: i need to tell you something important, and i hope it doesn't effect us.
  22. Tursi Shakes a little, then looks up at the group around her. She gives a smile, if you call it a smile. Tursi:~listen i'm looking for a friend. Shes an elf, but thats all they told me~ Aiden: Who's they. Tursi:~Others like me, we're in a group of the night. Nothing major, just a little fun. But still i can't seem to find an energy arua from her.~ Her eyes go from blue to black. Silvia: wow. Tursi's mind flares. Tursi:~Things are coming, someone isn't helping.~
  23. Celest stops running aftter she runs into a metal pole and falls down. Rubbing her head she looks up to find the dog licking her forehead were something scraped her. She looks at the dog. Celest: we've gotta' find the others, but i don't know where i am....Miki do you know where we are? Miki barked. Celest: good, help me out by getting me to the others. Miki whimpered. celest: so you really don't know. Oh well, looks like they'll be fine with out us for now. Lets explore.
  24. OOC: oops. sorry sam. _________________________________________ Reiana hids back into the shadows, and thinks about what has happened. The palace, two girls, sailor rainbow? I think its making sence. She decided to think on it with a nice cup of coffee, hopefuly Miko's still there. She walks up to the window that says closed. She sighs and pulls out a gadget with a blinking spot. Reiana: mara's coming even quicker, i have to find miko. Reiana looks for his energy aura and follows it as fast as she can.
  25. Under her cloak of night, she walks around the dimly street lights and looks at the people talking, an occacional vampire and such. Nothing to diffrent. She reaches out with her mind and tries to contact someone. tursi (telepathicly = ~) ~Is anyone out there tonight? i'm looking for someone. A friend.
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