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Everything posted by tursi

  1. tursi

    Buffy: All Alone

    talia and spike walked down the street heading towards the area with all the bars and clubs. Spike: this is where i come around alot. talia: (spying a group of guys) i see why, nice pickings, music, drinks wish i found this place before you did, spike: and whys that? talia: don't know, just seems like fun. spike muttered something as they walked into the club that angel had just walked out of.
  2. tursi

    Buffy: All Alone

    talia was sitting on a tombstone looking up at the moon. Talia: so, this is where you've been all this time. spike: yeah talia: quaint isn't it, it dosen't suit your personality. spike: well doll, i've changed alot over the years. talia: i could tell by the way you didn't strikee back at me when in your house. spike: oh really? talia: your getting rusty spike, i should show you some new things i've learned sometime. spike: whatever. talia hops down from the tombstone and looks at spikes eyes. spike: what? talia: your in love, aren't ya. spike: i don't know what your talking about. talia: yup yup, i can see it.....i think i'm going to go check out the town some more. wanna show me around? spike: i don't know doll.... talia: please?
  3. tursi

    Buffy: All Alone

    it was night and talia smiled. talia: time to go roaming. she walked down the street and hummed a song, smiling. she walked right into the cemetary and looked at all the old tomb stones. then came across a mosalium/catacomb thing. she walked in. Talia: anyone home? she walked further until shefelt something behind her. she turned quickly and grabed the person by the arm and flung to the ground. ???: bloody hell, what was that for, your the one who came in my home. Talia: spike? spike: duh.
  4. tursi

    Buffy: All Alone

    talia waited paciently in her appartment, shades and curtins pulled down. she heard spiked lived in this city, she couldn't wait to see him again, they could hunt together, like they did in their earlier years as vampires. she hoped he hadn't changed, too much. she smiled at her tracking skills. Talia: oh spike, i found you, and i hope you will remeber me.
  5. yeah!!! now theres a spike!!! *dances around in circles.*
  6. caytin and maru stoped at the lake that was by her "home". she threw maru a cloak. caytin: put it on to cover you wings. maru: what about you. caytin: i have illusions. she made herdelf look like a yong woman. she grabbed marus hand and walked into the apartment area. keeper: welcome back tina. caytin: thanks, but i'm going to be moving out tonight, i'll bring down the key when i'm done. keeper: ok she and maru walked up the stairs to the second floor where she walked into her room. caytin: look in the chest to see what weapons we'll be needing. The other fallen will rely on their powers alone, but we'll beat them with strength and power. maru: are you sure we can beat them caytin. caytin: no, not really, but i've seen so many things that tell me anything's possible.
  7. i've only seen the first volume and love it to death. hail lord empalazo! (i hope i didn't spell it wrong.)
  8. i'd like to be a new character, and is spike going to be in this? Name:talia Age: 299 Gender: female Apperence: tall, sleek, short brown hair, deep green eyes. Personality: extremly happy, for a vampire. she has a taste for danger and fighting. don't want to get on her bad side. Relationship to main characters: one of spikes old friends
  9. caytin glided across the tree tops scanning the forest.she stopped in a clearing caytin: Abury. Maru. what have yuo found out about the oncomeing fallen. two fallen came out of the shadows. Abury: well their not our friends, you can ask maru about that. Maru snorted at abury and walked closer to caytin. Maru: caytin, they outnumber us by three times! how will we defeat them? caytin: i'm not worried about that, whos leading them? abury: the same person who led them last time against the goddess, spike. caytin: that's not his name.... abury: he changed it as his power grew. we are not ready caytin, we need to retreat. caytin: i don't know. but first we find the others. maru come with me, abury meet us back at camp in one hour with the other fallen that you find. abury: right. and with that they flew off.
  10. caytin sighed, she wasn't expecting this, now she did know what to do. she was confused, she was so focused on them coming later and training that she didn't even have a back up plan. she slid down the trunk of the tree till she was siting down. shayleigh: caytin? caytin: i didn't expect this.....what am i going to do...i don't even have a back up plan.....help me..... rosetta: well you should've thought of that alittle earlier. caytin nodded and sighed. caytin: your right, i'm going to leave the group to you and shayleigh. shayleigh: WHAT! caytin: i'm going to gather my scouts and fly to distract them, it's the only thing i can think of to do, if they act up kris and talia will help. she got up and spred her wings, she nodded and leaped into the air and started to look for the 5 other fallen.
  11. caytin: you're so smart, yes but we're a small bunch. we're going to need all the help we can get. to tell you the truth, i wasn't supposed to be a fallen, she suspected me because i knew them.... shayleigh: and? caytin: the trainees are coming. we'll talk later. caytin flew over to meet the first five (nickolas, rain, kyoto, abury, and maru.) she sent them off to scout and then sent the rest to spar against each other.
  12. caytin, looked down on the group from the tree she was sitting in. caytin: i wanna see how they are physically with out their powers. if they're good with out their powers, then they are even better with them. the first 5 here get to go scouting as the others are pushed harder into getting ready. Shayleigh: but why? caytin: can't you sence it, a war's brewing, we need to be ready for everything it tosses at us.
  13. caytin hovered over the valconoe. she seemed to have lost track of the fallen that she was following. she saw that away from the forest was a desert area she saw someone there and used her illusion to look like a little girl as she landed there. she made a confused face and walked over to what seemed to be another half and half. she purposly stumbled and fell down right behind her. caytin: ouch. the girl turned around and helped her up. ???: what are you doing out here. caytin: i got lost while exploring. she quickly got up and quickly bowed. caytin: um sorry. my name is.... is kira. ??: my name is rosetta. Caytin: thank-you ms. rosetta. rosetta: don't worry about it little kira, just get home safly. caytin nodded and quickly ran off. she quickly ran over the mountian side and pulled down her illusion. she went down to meet Shayleigh and pulled her over as she saw all the fallen lined up and ready for instruction. caytin: we might have a problem, but i know if i went to her in my normal form she wouldn't trust me. Shayleigh: what? what's going on? caytin: go over the mountian side and you'll see someone waiting on the other side for something. she'll trust you, i know it. shayleigh: if your wrong. caytin: just trust me, now go. shayleigh flew off as caytin walked over to the group of fallen. caytin: today we shall do cross-country race. the winner gets to take off early and explore. fallen: that should be easy. caytin: no wings, no powers, no nothing but your feet. if you use any of you abilities, you will be doing guppie work. now go. first one to go around the primeter of the forest wins. the fallen ran off. caytin goes up to kris and sighs. caytin: they won't listen to me for long. kris: i know, so work them hard now. caytin: right.
  14. caytin:(smirks) can't be pacient? i thought that's what elves and angels do best. Shayleigh: yeah. caytin became alert and flew up above the forest, shayleigh followed her. caytin looks around and sees another fallen flying away from a mountian. shayleigh: who's that? caytin: don't know, but he's looking for something. stay here, i'm going o check this out. shayleigh: right. caytin flew off and went to the smoking mountian/volcano.
  15. x/1999 : the tv series, is quite good.
  16. (ok this is going to sound stupid.) what i love about life is the journey through it, the people you meet, the time you spend, the new things you can try.
  17. that morning, by an open feild, caytin was playing a pipe flute and watching kris practice his sword play. she stop as the first light came throught the trees. kris put his sword away. caytin:go wake up the others. kris: right. kris walked into the forest nearby to wake the others which left caytin to think.
  18. caytin turned to the other fallen, she whistled for their attention. Caytin: ok, listen you brainless birds! you're under my command now. my name is caytin. remebr that name, call me by anything else and you'll be in trouble. (pauses) now put you weapons away and get some sleep. training starts at dawn. the fallen obeyed and all started to lay down. With that she walked to kris and glared at him. Kris: what? caytin: be careful around here, most inhabatants here aren't going to be thrilled to see you. kris: yeah. so? caytin: i'm not going to save you again kristohper, just because we were close back then, means nothing now. kris: same goes for you. caytin nodded and climbed a tree to rest in.
  19. ii just was going to do this kind of a thread. i went to megacon last saterday and had a blast, i dressed up as a jedi, and everyone else was an anime character.
  20. caytin put her hand on kris' chest telling him to wait as she walked over to Shayleigh. caytin: i've stopped them, but with a concenqunce for their leader and me. Their punishment is to be under my command. talia: and yours? caytin: that will come later, now lets get some rest. it's going to be a long day tommorrow.
  21. caytin flew high in the sky, looking down upon the battle. she was scanning the fallen. [I] where is he? [/I] then she heard wings flap behind her as she turned and deflected the on coming blow. caytin: hello kris. Kris: long time no see. He went fro another attacked which caytin parried. Caytin: what are you doing on my grounds? kris: doing exactly what you should've done before. caytin: kris, i told you, i don't follow orders given by cocky fallen. plus, did you get the message? kris stopped fighting and put his sword away. he looked at her and smiled. Kris: i knew you wouldn't leave us. caytin: be hind every good man, is a strong woman, and you seem to be missing her. it's time, are you ready? kris nodded and gave a signal and all the fallen stopped fighting and put their weapons away as kris and caytin flew down together and landed infront of her friends.
  22. Caytin landed in the tree and grabed her daggers, in the corner of her eye she saw her elf like friend running after the group of fallen. she growled and jumped into the sky and flew to the lake. (it's faster that way.) She landed at the lake and met talia. Caytin: the fallen group are moving towards us. be on your guard. do you need weapons? taliia: yes. caytin: quickly. then flew to her window and opened the window. she flew in and grabed her extra sword and handed it to talia. Caytin : go back to the lake. our elf friend is going to need some help. plus we have some drafting to do.
  23. caytin looked at talia and sighed. caytin: lets leave before we're blamed for something thoses idiots do. talia nodded. they turned as caytin put on her illusion. she handed talia a cloak. Caytin: put it on. we don't want to attract the others attention. talia: ok. she put it on so that i covered her wings. caytin stopped and smacked her forehead. caytin: oh man! talia: what? caytin: i left my dagger up in the tree. meet me by the lake, i'll be right back. caytin jumped into the trees and raced along the branches back to where they left the elves.
  24. winter opened her eyes slowly. Winter: huh? (tries to get up.) Ril: lay still winter, you hurt. winter: where are we? ril was silent for a moment and just looked around. winter took this moment to sit up and saw the were by the edge of a forest. she scaned the area for the horses. winter: where are the horses? ril: i think they ran off or were killed. do you remeber anything? winter: no, the last i remeber was yelling for you. winter got up and braced herself againt the tree and grabed her bag and threw it at ril. winter: medicine and stuff. always be prepared i say.
  25. winter opened her eyes, she felt numb. she tried to move her body, but it hurt so much just to move her eyes. [I] ril....where am i. [/I] the only thing she could see were stones and fallen leaves. once again she tried to move puting herself in a position the helped her lean against one of the stones. she self examined herself and found out she was badly brusied and scraped up, also she had a rib or two broken. winter: ril....where are you?.... she didn't get a response and blacked out on the rock.
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