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Everything posted by tursi

  1. caytin nodded and smiled. caytin: why don't you come over to my place for today. i'll go grab some stuff from the town in the morning. how about it? (sorry for the shortness.)
  2. Angela smiles at the scenere around her. Angela: this is amazing father. golitah: yes it's quite amazing. but i think we need to find out why we're here. angela: (sighs) ok father. they glide over to the cliff and looked around the land. angela pulls back her hair to feel the cool breeze on her neck. goliath: there, its the castle. angela looked over to see the old castle with banners flying high. she was going tolike it around here.
  3. caytin just smiled, she didn't respond but with a small giggle. Shayleigh: what do you find so funny girl? caytin: i'd just never seen your kind around. caytin felt the illusion was starting to break, decided to introduce her self. caytin: i thought i was the only one who lived out here that had wings. Talia: what do you mean, your just a human girl. Caytin smiled as the illusion wore off and her raven wings glistened in the moon light, her red eyes watched them playfully. caytin: just a simple illusion. (standing up) I'm caytin, i live on the other side of this forest near the glass lake. i felt an unknown presences around and thought to check it out. Caytin smiled as she did a small bow and rose again, this time off the ground. talia: you've got to be kidding me. Shayleigh: that was an illusion? caytin: i thought for sure my cover was blowen when you spotted me, i thought you would be able to see right through it. but i guess i was wrong.
  4. xanthia stabed a bacus through the throat and lept into a tree as she pulled it out. [I] how can we fend off all of them! [/I] she saw as orin as getting more attention from the deamons. Xanthia: well that's no fair, you want to play with him and not me? Xanthia jumped on top of an un sespecting bacu who plumeted to the ground. she smiled and ran up to orin and stood with him back to back. orin: what are you doing? Xanthia: trust me, it's more fun this way. Xanthia pulled out a dagger and was ready for the first deamon to come at her.
  5. arg...i know what you mean... i was mad and sad at the end of trigun.
  6. caytin, knowing she had been spotted and didn't want to be discovered of her true self, walked out from her hideing place,hands up in surrender. the elf and the other fallen were both looking at her. [I] time to put on my act. [/I] caytin: sorry for listening in. just was abit courious. i never saw the likes of you around here before. Shayleigh: and what are you doing out here so late. caytin: admiring the nightsky, and the ancient trees. it's quite peaceful out here. shayleigh: well it's a little late to be out young one. as shayleigh went on. caytin zoned out and looked toward talia. [I] i don't look that young do i? [/I] talia once again locked gazes with her. she could tell talia was supicious. shaleigh: so i think you should go home now child. caytin: (mummbles) i hate being called a child, shaleigh: what did you say caytin: i'm not a child, i'm a young adult and wish to be talked to like one. shaleigh: just leave. caytin: and miss an oppertunity to see to people complain? better then what's happening at home. caytin hopped onto a rock and smiled as she watched to elf and talia.
  7. OOC: sorry, sorry, my bad, my bad. caytin slide her weapons into place, she felt like she was being crtiqued and watched. so she quicklied packed somethings and put on her illusion once more. she walked out of the small cabin thing and walked out side. it was dark, she could stay hidden better this way. she walked into the forest again following the voices of the two, she was silent and swift. then she stopped and looked around, something felt peacefully in this forest, to peaceful for her liking.
  8. xanthia calmed down the horse and sat silent. she got off her horse and orin caught her arm. she looked at him and smiled, he let go and she looked towards the voice. Xanthia: who dare to talk to me in that manner. candor: (whispers) i don'tt think that's wise. xanthia glares at candor and returns tto faceing the voice. [I] demonic voice: such big talk for a woman, especialy a mortal one, did anyone teach you manners [/I] Xanthia: would you like to come and see? orin: xanthia! Xanthia looks at orin with only one intention. [I] read my eyes and run! [/I] xanthia walked towards the voice. Xanthia: well i'm waiting. and it's not polite to keep a woman waiting.
  9. star wars- han: laugh it up fuz ball ----- leia: i'd just as soon kiss a wookie han: that can be arragned.
  10. [I] the elves forest? you've got to be kidding me...all this time i've been living next to the elves forest! [/I] she thought to herself, then she looked at the goddesses little helper. so he was half elf, now this made sence. she decided that her kin could take care of herself. she smiled and decided to take the form of a teenager and backed away. once she was free of the forest she went to her room and opened up her chest box. inside she kept her sword and daggers. she pickde up then sword and swung it around in practice. then she smiled. caytin: it is time to call them my friend. the sword glowed and emited a quick burst of light then inscriptions appeared on the sword. it was of holy words, but it didn't matter in the hands of a fallen, the were still considered holy to this sword. she placed the sword into it's scabbrd and pulled out the daggers each with twin dragons engraved in them. their jeweled eyes shined as she got out a stone, and started to shrpend it.
  11. Character Name: niomi mina - Anime Stereotype: comedy relief/sidekick - Bio: niomi lives in an aparment with her dog and her sister. they both go to the same school. shes the older of the two, shes 16 and her sister's 14. she's a bit clumsy when it comes to helping her friends, but they don't know that she works with the best of the best....or who ever asks her to help. she carries around a staff, because it looks cool, and her dog, yuu, waits out side of the school everyday. - Powers: summon- she summons the spirit of a creature to someones body to help them fight. fang bite- with the help of Yuu, strikes out with a powerfull punch. - Sworn Enemy: who ever doesn't like her. this is my description picture thingy
  12. pippin: they come in pints?!?! i'm getting one! pippin: baggins? i know a baggins. Frodo baggins. second cousin on my mothers side, twiced removed if you know what i mean. (sorry if i did that wrong.)
  13. caytin was almost going to burst out in laughter at talias and the other persons actions. [I] what do they think their're doing? it's like playing cat fight. nothing's going to get done. [/I] she climbed into a tree to get a better veiw of of her friend. the person trying to get her to move looked like an angel, but she could tell that he wasn't. he probably didn't even compare in power. she stayed silent and watched.
  14. after having an emotiional low, a can have an emotional high, wich is the same thing
  15. mmmmlotr, good music, pistures of bishonen, anime conventions, star wars, may i go on?
  16. caytin gets up from near the pond, still holding her illusion, and feels something in the air. she ignored it and went into the village to look for something to do. but then the same feeling came over her, she couldn't figure out what it was, so she decided to investigate it. she followed where the feeling had come from, the forest. as she walked through she heard voices. and stopped to see one that looked like her next to a tree. voice:I mean you no harm if you don't mean any harm to the forest or its inhabitants. Step out of the shadows of the tree so I may see you clearly. caytin fell back into the darkness and waited to see what would happen. if she got caught she still looked like a little girl, she didn't wory about it. silently, she watched the situation unfold before her.
  17. yes. i'll take this one. i really like this one. it's perfect.
  18. i like this one. short quote, not like long ones are bad, i like how it's balanced. coolness. ^_^* so far i've like the first and third
  19. don't worry i've read all the books upp to date...i'm pretty sure. last book i read was destinys way. as much as i like the empire, i prefer light sabers.....sorry...~_~;;; *feels stupid* but it's still a cool banner.
  20. nice. ^_^ i like how you use the quotes in the banner, the collage of pics is cool and pretty well balanced me thinks.
  21. um... no i don't know harry, but i hope he didn't do anything stupid.....
  22. xanthia keeps her sences atuned. she didn't like being unfamiliar with her surroundings. it seemed that her horse felt the same way, feeling his muscles tenseion under her. orin was leading the horse along the forest floor. the trees were old and tall, and there was no real path. but she had confidences that orin knew where he was going. Cador and arikel were following behind her. cador noticed xanthia looked restless. cador: xanthia, what's up? xanthia: i don't like not knowing exactly where i am. when being a theif, you must be familiar with your surroundings to find the best ways to hide. around here i feel vunerable that's all. orin: don't worry, no one really comes through here because they usually lose their way. xanthia: but you do know the way? orin: yes. xanthia sighed and reached down to stroke the stallions mane, then listen for a sighn of up coming trouble.
  23. yes ken, you're right. i'm sorry for my actions, but i just don't like people to kid around about people dieing because it's happen to me to much.
  24. all i have to say is stay strong, and if this is fake, this is nothing to joke about, trust me, i've lost many people very dear to me in the past few years.
  25. caytin sits in the corner of her dark room, reading a book intitled "the complete book of shakeshperes sonets" she fliped the page and scanned it then closed the book. she went to her window, her wings moved gracefully with her. she pulled open the curtians and stared out and into the lake below. she pulled back her wet brown hair and her eyes grew soft. she decided to go down to the lake. she put up an illusion and went down there. her illusion was that of a small girl, green eyes, brown hair in a ponytail, blue shirt and tan pants. she went outside and sat down, and put her feet in the lake. Caytin: what's this feeling? i feel so calm, at peace. i like this feeling. Caytin looked down at her reflection, which reflected her real self, she looked at her self and sighed knowing that this wouldn't last for long, soon she would have to round up her old friends.
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