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Everything posted by tursi

  1. tursi

    jaina solo

    hey i need some help looking for some good pictures of jaina solo, i'm going to cosplay as her at megacon, so i need some good references for clothing. please help. thanks in advance.
  2. Goliath, the Noble Leader Which Gargoyles character are you? brought to you by Quizilla ~_~;;;; i wanted bronx
  3. name: caytin sortata age: unknown race: fallen weapons: broadsword and throwing daggers spells: dark mist- surronds the area in a thick mist and basicly temporaily blinds them. black ice- creates an orb of ice cycles around the enemy, if they move, they shot at them and if they're hit, are poisioned. illusion- allows her to look like a human when walking the streets. apperance: female standing around 5'8". eyes are blood red, and has raven wings. she wears loose black pants, for quick movements, and purple short sleeve t-shirt. her sword hangs and her hip and her daggers are hidden beneath her clothes. Description: She was one of the three leaders leading the rebelion with her friends by her side, she only did it because, she was presuaded to. the air goddess showed her no mercy, and banished her to be one of the fallen. Ever since her hatred has grown stronger for the goddess. When alone she draws in a sketch pad she had found hile walking in the human park. mostly they contain pictures of memories and the past. She can be nice and cruel at the same time, something she learned along the way.
  4. luke blobrunner jumps into his space ship banging his lamp shaped extirior on the top of the ship. blobrunner: damn. he pulls down his top and adjusts his seat. then he pulls out his walkie takie thingy. blobrunner: this is blob, everything's working. scooby do: oh shut up. blobrunner: well that's rude. OOC: (sorry sorry, bad post, sorry)
  5. 1: self defence 2: marksman ship 3: something using kicking or punching....
  6. Xanthia kept her eyes in front of her till the opening widened to three other caves, she grabed orins hand and went to the left one, hoping everyone follows. Xanthia: hurry, the rope leads this way. All she got was an affirmative noise from orins as he grabed cadors hand who grabed arikels hand. She felt thiis to be very elementry. but she had no choice. right when everyone entered the cave, the boulder blocked off the pasages. Xantthia: everyone alright? THey all nodded and continued down the path.
  7. As they entered they cave, it was dark and damp, she took the reins away from orin. Xanthia: we walk from here. Just because it's hidden doesn't mean it's not bobby trapped. They nodded and got off the horses, she grabed two torches from the wall, lit them and gave on to cador. Xanthia: cador, we're looking for a thin, but strong, string on the floor, it will guide us through the many diffrent paths. cador: ok The put the torch to the floor and started to look, cador found it first. Cador: this it? Xanthia: yeah, let me see it. Cador hands it to xanthia and she tugs on it to make sure it's still tight. Xanthia: ok follow me and watch your step.
  8. Ok, i haven't ever been on a date before, but consider this "women insinct." I agree with transic, that young ones may not know love, and it's all infatuations. but girls do like the comfort of knowing someone cares for them. Even if some look like they want to be independet, it's not always true. That doesn't mean you shouldn't ask her out, because dating is how we find out what kind of a person we want to be with for life. So if it doesn't work out find the characteristocs that you liked in her and find someone with thoses characteristics in the next person you "fall head over heals" for, and maybe something good will happen. so be her knight in shinig armor for a few days and see what happens.
  9. it's true that most of the time long distance relationships don't work, but tthat doesn't mean you shouldn't try it. I've had one mmy self, unseccesfully because we didn't really know each other and he lived in indiana. I'm in on, i think, right now. and it's going just fine, we talk, and help eachothe with problems and make each other happy when were down. And if it didn't work, you can still be good friends.
  10. nice, i like it. it's tells the story well.
  11. Xanthia: right. Xanthia hops onto her faithful steed, and offers orin a hand up. Cador: shouldn't we take something with us. Xanthia: only what you go on your back. no time to waste. Orin: lets hurry. Orin hopped on infonrt of Xanthia, which startled her because she usually rode infornt. Then they started into a fast gallop, with cador and arikel close behind. She held on tight to orin as they flew past the town. Xanthia: Orin, they aren't far behind, how'll we get out of this one? orin: do youu know the back routes? Xanthia: what? here? i know the sighns of one, but they're risky. Orin: can you see one up ahead? theres tales of one up there. Xanthia peered ahead and pointed to a mark in a tree. Xanthia: turn left behind thie tree. there should be a well hiden cave behind the waterfall. there's passages into a cave system that ends up to the next town. Orin: all that from a tree. Xanthia: you can only imagine. Orin turned the horse ahead and cador followed. Xanthia: we'll need to hid the horses tracks, or we'll be easily followed.
  12. hardest thing i've ever done is move on from my fathers death.
  13. All i have to say is that history repeats its self.
  14. Winter moved her horse as close as possible to ril's. She could tell something was wrong. She could feel it, but why didn't it effect her? She was about to jump on ril's horse, but the she noticed the she couldn't move from her seat. [I] damn. [/I] She felt dead from the waist down. Winter: Ril, if you can here me, somethings gone terribly wrong. once again ril ddin't respond. She looked ahead of her as her horse moved faster, this time ril's horse didn't catch up. She could feel the tenceing of the horses moucles, she wasn't used to being pushed so hard. Then she felt something, it felt like her body was freezeing from the inside out. Whatever was happenning it was bad. She now griped the horse reins and tried despritly to bring her to a halt. winter: Katyia, please stop! She looked backwards, Ril was a few horselengths behind. Winter: RIL! STOP! PLEASE TRY TO STOP! But nothign seemed to effect him, this wild goose chase wasn't going to end, if they went any faster they wouldn't beable to stop with out falling and getting crushed by the horses.
  15. hey if you were waiting for me, i can't join, sorry...i've got some issues goin' on with my parent. untill i settle it i won't be able to.
  16. The sound of her horses hooves reminded her of war drums, constant and steady, but fast, oh so very fast. She closed her eyes and tried to focus, she tried to listen further than where she was, then there were two diffrent patterns, tow war drums, on was hers, the other... Winter: katyia! Slow down! We need to wait. he horse didn't listen soon the two patterns of hooves were moving simotaniously, each one of them moveing at the same time. She looked behind her, to see the rider in the distance. it was Ril. But he seemed diffrent, like katyia. then she felt it, and knew what was going on better. She slammed her horse in the oppisite direction and was heading full on at ril. they were moving at the same speed, ril didn't stammer, when she was ten feet away, she slammed the horse back to the direction they were going. Winter: Ril! Did you hear it to? Ril didn't answer, but looked straight foreward and speed up, as her did, so did she, it was a constant race to the end, where ever the end would be.
  17. Winter drove her horse hard, pushing her to her limits. Winter didn't feel like she'd belong back there. she saw lorien ahead of her and she sped off. winter: maybe they can help me. Then she felt a sudden change in the air and pulled her horse to a halt. everything was silent, and she felt vanurable out in the open. Winter: something comes, something...big. lets get out of here. She urged her horse forward but she wouldn't move. Winter: katyia, lets move. Katyia turned and started to go the other way. winter: katyia, that's not the right way. we have to go to lorien then to fanghorn. The horse snorted and moved into a gallop, she could feel the uneasiness of the horse beneath her. The horse was dragging her in the direction mordor. Her horse was moving so dast that everything was a blurr. She didn't know what her horse was up to, but she trusted her, and she was hopfully leading her away from danger.
  18. Xanthia rose from her spot on the ground and walked to orin. Xanthia: what happened? orin: cador had a bad dream, so he went into the forest, do you think he'll be alright Xanthia: well he shouldn't have gone in there alone in the dark. but besides that i'm sure he'll be ok. Orin: right. Xanthia placed her hand on his shoulder and smiled. Xanthia: don't worry, if something happens to him, we'll be able to feel a change in the air, trust me on this. Orin: ok. She sat next to him and looked to the sky. Orin: xan? you ok? Xanthia: yeah, just feeling a little lame. (pauses) listen orin, i feel bad for how i acted the other night. makeing you feel rejected and all. i just haven't been touched by anyone before, unless i touch them first. so it's just an odd feeling. orin: oh, sorry. Xanthia: it's ok, i should've told you. (holds out her hand) friends? Orin: (taking her hand) friends. Xanthia smiled and they sat watching the stars and waiting for cador.
  19. Xanthia was so overwelmed with glee that she went and gave everyone a hug. Then she stepped back and smiled. Xanthia:um..sorry about that. Arikel: it's ok xanthia. Xanthia: right, but now's the time to ride. cador: how come you always tell us when to leave. Xanthia: would you like to stay around to find out? (silence) didn't think so. well lets get a move on, the less things we carry the better for now, until we get more horse, they won't be able to carry us all. Orin: ok. They quickly disasembled camp and grabbed some vital things and placed them in small bags on the horses. Xanthia and orin got on their horse, and arikel and cador on the mare. Xanthia: orin, you're going to have to lead lead us, cause i have no clue where we're off to. She hands him the reins. Orin: fine, lets go. He nudged the horse and they went into a qucik trot north, hopefully to find what they were looking for.
  20. Xanthia heard the conversation going on in her sleep. She wished she wouldn't be left out of these things. she forced her eyes open and stood up. She walked over and leaned on cadors shoulder. Xanthia: aw, come on orin. you know you need us. Cador: you know what's going on? Xanthia: you guys talk louder then you think. listen, i want revenge for my sister, cador wants revenge for everyone, and arikel shares a wish for all of us, to have the greatestt adventure of our lives. Plus, i would be very upset if you got captured again, or even killed, you are our friend, and lets fight side by side as friends, till the end. what do you say? (pause) to the end? Xanthia places her hand into the little circle they had made. and waits for everyones answers.
  21. Your OtakuBoards name :tursi 2. Your favorite character: vash and neko-sama 3. Your favorite episode: diablo 4. Your favorite song : rems theme 5. Your favorite scene of Trigun: when vash sings rems song (towards the end of the seires.) 6. Something that you want to say about Trigun: it's truely a great sires.
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