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Everything posted by tursi

  1. Winter woke up and found the others still resting, she stood up and quietly gathered her stuff and put them in the little space she had in her horses saddle bags. [I] i can't stay, this pace is to slow for me...[/I] She grabed her horses reins and started to walk away when she was grabed on the shoulder. Strider: and where do you thiink you're going? Winter: leave me alone strider, i need to go find someone. Strider: i can't let you leave young one. Winter: well, you're going to have to have confidence in me. i'll join up soon. Strider: no. we can't let anyone leave the fellowship. Winter: (snorts) i'm not technicly part of the fellowship, so you're not losing anyone. SHe shrugs him of and mounts her horse. Winter: i'm just riding ahead. i won't be long, i just need to get out some energy. Strider: winter! But she didn't hear him over the pounding hooves of the horse, She couldn't stand just sitting around. she needed to be on the move all the time. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Strider: drat. Aerow: what is it? Strider: winter. she just rode off. she's not going to find anything welcoming for a while. aerow: well if it's true that she's been trained by the best, She should be fine. Strider: she'll probably head to lorien, we'll meet her there.
  2. ok calumon. i did it, it was hard, and i got some help, but i did it. 5) The black wolf. Black as the moonless night, he awaits in the dark of the aging woods, nothing escapes his glare, timeless, always, never he stood. Orbs of glowing silver, a pair of stars earth bound, never a look of love he bestoed, his padded feet make not a sound. wild howls to him an oath, ruler of the forest deep, he is the silent god, tyrant of the dark, when he protects his keep. this poem is dedicated to calumon, written by tursi, proofed edited and help from my friend frenchska (SP?). now i have another poem that has been requsted of me, so expect this one soon, it's title is "a mild case of death."
  3. Xanthia: yeah, i guess, when i'm around you i feel something that i've never felt before, i can't really describe. Orin: then i'll- Xanthia: please, stay, no need to go off, especialy before dark. I'll be fine. Orin: you sure. Xanthia: (smiles) i'm positive. now lets get this stuff off the fire before it burns. They grabed the cooked meat off the sticks and let them cool before the others came. Xanthia sat the trunk of a tree and relaxed and orin sat across from her, as they waited in silence.
  4. Winter was upon her horse, her head throbed from where she got hit with a rock, but she shook it off. She looked at the ent. She had never seen one before, and she was amazed by how tall he was. She looked forward now at the back of the group. then she saw ril fall back to her. Ril: here's you daggers back. Winter: thanks, so where are we going? Ril: have you not been paying attention. Winter: not to what we were talking about, but to the wound on my head. Making sure i didn't need attention to it. Ril: well we're going to lorien, then to fanghorn forest. Winter: right....fanghorn... Ril: you ok? Winter: yeah, just dazed, go ahead to the front of the group with lantina. i'll be fine back here. i can move at my own pace.
  5. i'd like to join but does it have to marvel? i don't know the stats on many marvel characters. can i use a manga charater?
  6. If i died i would want to be a unisus (half unicorn half pegasus, refrenced from "dream a little dream by peirs anthony, highly recomened for dreamers.) or a fallen angel. Flying is my specialty.
  7. WHo am in my own mind? I'm a loner, but an adventurer. I go to manny places in my mind that most people will never see. to others? I'm the crazy, happy-go-lucky, will do almost anything for some food girl. I'm supposed to be happy and make others happy. how would you like others to see you? I'd like them to see how i am alone in my room. because we are never truly ourselves until we are around no influences.
  8. here's my pic, i forgot to put it on last time.
  9. Xanthia hopped in her speeder, it was getting late out and she needed her beauty sleep. beeps and whistles came into her headset. Xanthia: d7, don't worry, i'll park her down soon. i'm not going to get far anyway. Some affirmative beeps came from behind her and she smiled as she took her twin tails and un wraped them. then she went to a small motel and placed her speeder down. She walked in with her R2 unit following her. Xanthia: hey mara, need to stay he night. The hostess looked up from her desk. Mara: i have the usually ready to go. Xanthia: thanks, and i'll be needing a morning call. Mara: got it. Xanthia went up into her room and closed the door, took out her personal data pad and started more research.
  10. (i might get killed for this) you going to drive the guy insane!
  11. um... i'm haveing more writers block, anyone have any ideas?
  12. when i listen to anything by aaron copeland or john williams sends me into my own little world, hours can pass, but they're only minutes in my mind.
  13. Xanthia sat there thinking, she sighed. She didn't like it when it was so quiet. She felt antsy, she wasn't used to staying in one place so long, to her it was bad luck. She looked at orin. Xanthia: Did anyone tell you you're really pretty? orin: pretty? is that the right term when adressing a boy. Xanthia: i don't know, i think you're pretty. orin: well then, no, no ones told me that. Xanthia: and your wings are pretty too. How does it feel to have wings? do you feel free when you use them? Orin: what do you mean? Xanthia: i've always wanted to fly away. Orin: intresting. Xanthia: yeah...interesting... Xanthia got up feeling confused, and walked towards the fire. she felt a hand on her shoulder and then felt her body shiver. Orin: you ok? Xanthia: yeah, i'll be fine.
  14. ok, i love gargoyles, but i have forgotten alot and will be needing a tad bit of help along the way, alos tell me if i've left anything out for my character. Name: Angela Race:gargoyle Picture: Strength/Power: SHe's very clever and intelligent and they say that she's more like her mother, demona, then anyone else. Favorite Weapon: Background info:(sorry this is going to be a quick cut and paste from a web site. i'll do more with it later.) Goliath and Demona's daughter. Angela was raised by Katharine, Tom and the Magus in Avalon, with the rest of her rookery brothers and sisters. After the Archmage was defeated, Angela returned with Goliath to Manhattan. . She nicely compliments Goliath's naivety.
  15. Xanthia: (thinks for a moment.) i don't know about the others, but i helped because you asked me to....and because i was drawn to you for some reason. why do you ask? orin: (shrugs)no reason really. Xanthia: oh... are you hungrey? orin: huh? Xanthia: i can make something for when the others get back. Orin: sounds good. Xanthia: do you eat meat? because i've heard that angels aren'tt alound to eat meat, sometimes they don't eat anything at all, but that was from a tale i heard a long time ago. plus you look real skinny. Orin pondered on this for a moment. Orin: yes i think i will. Xanthia: if you don't we have some fruit to in the bag. (she paused) i'll be back soon, watch the horse. Xanthia grabed her dagger and walked into the forest. She scouted around for ten minutes or so and got tree rabbits. [I] that should be good for now. [/I] She took them back to camp and laid them out to be skinned. Xanthia:(to orin) don't worry, i took some of the older rabbits, their lives were soon to be done in by a wolf or something. orin: right. Xanthia skinned the rabbits and placed them on some sticks to slowly cook over a small fire. she smiled as the warmth of the fire brushed against her face. Then she got up and sat next to orin. Xanthia: they should be back soon, it's getting dark.
  16. ummm not sure if many people will know this one "captin and the kid." by jimmy buffet. because it's reminds me oof me and my dad. "plan b" by five iorn frenzey. it discribes me pretty well, it's an upbeat ska song all about chooseing plan b over plan a.
  17. Winter turned around and sliced off a goblins head. She smiled, content with her self. She loooked over to see how the others were doing, they were doing fine. She looked around to see the goblins that were around her had disappeared. She made a confused face. Winter: this can't be good. She looked up and from the wall top she saw a nice sized rock falling towards her. She doged it, and tried to find out where it came from. then another fell towards her. the goblins were throwing stuff at her. She picked up one of the rocks and threw it back up at them, then she got struck in the head with one and blacked out. (sorry about the short post.)
  18. "stuff happens" "yeah sure...what was the question again?"
  19. i like the little celtic theme in the two towers cd, and i wished they had put the hobbit drinking song on a c.d. because merry and pippin did it wonderfully.
  20. i've had many dreams of dying, most by being trampled or stabbed. and have woken up with pains and purple marks all over my body, lasted for a week, then disapear. but last night i had another encounter with my father, i saw him at the dock staring up at mr through the window. then i turned and he was right there infront of me, i guess this explains me being torchered this week.
  21. winter got off the horse and let lantina ride her around, she liked to fight on lond better anyway. she ran over to legolas and handed him her bow and a extra arrows. legolas: don't you need these? winter: no, i've got other tools. she showed him her hidden short sword. winter: it comes in handy. Legolas nodded and started to fight. she pulled out her sword and took off a goblins head, she let out a cry of joy, this is what she loved to do best. she turned around to see the new comer and she smiled, he reminded her of someone she knew. She kept fighting. Winter: theres no end to them. strider: do you know where our weapons are? Winter: i think they should be but the armory area, but it'll take to long, take the goblins up and fight. strider: yes i know that. winter: then do it.
  22. Xanthia: money or life...hmmm. let me think...neither since i'm a theif as well. but it seems you don't reconize me, my friends. (gives a short bow) Bandit leader: and whom are you? Xanthia: xan of the wild horses. Badit leader: prove it. Xanthia smiles and lets out a seires of whistles and her stallion comes running towards her. She smiles and gives it an embrace. she whispers into the horses ear and the horse turns and stomps towards the badit leader. the followers ready their weapons. Xanthia: put those down, he's not going to hurt him. The horse rears up and then bows. The bandit smiles. Bandit leader: so indeed you are her. we've heard about you from the other forest bandits. you are good with your gift, for your age. orin: xanthia, who are these people. Xanthia: these are the lead group of forest bandits, they don't even trust their own kind. now all of you, out.(to bandits.) we have no money, i haven't been into town yet to get any. Bandit leader: right, if you do, you must split the loot, your in our territory now. Xanthia: deal. The bandits leave. She sighs and goes back to washing up. Orin: are you sure that was a good idea. Xanthia: you can never be sure of anything around here. but when my parents were around they were famous for their art of stealing. they died when i was young, they were cought doing a big stunt. Orin: oh i see. Xanthia had to smile, he somethimes looked like a kid just exploreing the world. She got up and brushed her self down. Xanthia: lets go back to camp. Orin: ok. SHe got up on her horse and orin got up behind her, and the rode back to camp.
  23. Winter sighed with inticapation. Winter: now? Ril: ok. Winter armed her bow and shot two arrows at one of the goblins as it fell, she armed her bow again and and shot down the oother one. Winter: i'll leave some for you to play with ril. Ril: (smiled) thanks Winter nudged her horse foreward and lantina hopped on and grabed winters extra bow and started shooting one the other side.
  24. Winter: this is it. The goblins were too baffled to noticed the gate still open and she rode in bow handy and readied. she saw her friends were no longer chained, and someone stood alittle away from them. the goblins all had drawn their swords at the man. her horse moved to the group. Winter: what's going on? Ril: i don't really know. Winter: need weapons? Ril: yeah. She gave him her daggers and watched as a goblin aproached her she pulled back her arrow and was about to shoot when ril held her back, he wanted her to wait for a minute to see what would happen. She nodded and put down her arrow.
  25. Winter watched from above as the trees creeked from the wind, any more of it and she'd fall out. then she heard hooves coming up behind her. it was her horse. Winter: katyia, stay quiet. The horse nodded. winter watched as they enetered the city, she could do nothing but wait. She moved further inot the forest, away from the city until she heard something she looked up and it was gone. Winter: i thought i heard wings.... SHe went back to what she was doing and quitely waited for a rucus to start. then she would ride in and help. OOC: having problems at home, might not be on a while, keep me in.
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