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Everything posted by tursi
Xanthia slowed as she came to the library, it seems that they were searching for something from the look of the command vehicles. She muttered something under her breath and raced down to the "bad" side of town, they always seem to have better fun there. She parked her vehicle, pulled over her hood, and walked inside. she sat down at the bar table and watched as someone sat beside her. Man: there's trouble brewing... Xanthia: and we get to stir the pot. The man smiled and looked at her as she pulled down her hood. Man: it's good to see you again. Xanthia: same to you mike. so what is the news from the front. Mike: they're having trouble in the senate, everyone's in danger, and it's like a living hell. Xanthia: sounds fun. Mike: you haven't decided yet have you. Xanthia: geez, why does everyone bug me about that, no i haven't, i just don't have any intrest yet. Mike: better have some soon, or you'll be out of the picture according to the plans being made. Xanthia: oh yeah?, well what side or you on? Mike: the senators. Xanthia smiled and shook her head. Xanthia: how about it? drinks on me. Mike: sounds good. She smiled at her old friend and the bartender gave them their drinks. Xanthia: to live past today... Mike: and into tommorrow. The touched their galsses together and drank, forgetting about politics and such, because this might be the last time they would meet like this.
um...i think the horn freak is cool to.
i've seen my dead father staring back at me in the computer screen, he reached out for me and i freaked out and broke down. i've had so many occurances with the "supernatural" that it scares me. like at night when something cold brushes agianst you face and no one's in the room kind of thing.
Winter stopped and turned, she heard a familiar sound. [I] not again. [/I] She hid in the bushes using leaves to cover her scent. then listened. as she heard feet marching. Goblin1: i thought i smelt another, but i guess i was wrong. goblin2: you and your stupid scenses, crazy old goblin. goblin1: hush, maybe we can find more still and have a snack. the 3 goblins nodded and continued down the path. she waited till they were out of hearing distance and stood up. Winter: that was too close. She climbed up a tree and into the shadows. she'll be safer there. she moved swiftly trough the tangled bracnhes. She smiled, she knew all that climbing and sneaking around the council was good for something. She stoped as she heard marching and bickering. Her friends were ahead of her by a mile or so. She wanted to let them know she was ok, but had to wait. she moved closer to the group and heard ril talking about and escape. she smiled, he was a quick thinker. then she got close enough to see the group, when she saw where they were she stoped dead in her tracks, she couldn't help them from in there. Winter:(mumbles.) what am i to do now? She silently climbs down the tree and moves close enough to the group. they stopped to open the gates, she moved in the bushes and looked at ril fidgiting with his lock. she made a whistle, a bird whistle, made by a bird only in riverdell. but the goblins didn't know that. ril heard it along with some of the others. the didn't resopnd but with a change in posture. then she moved back into the shdows and crept away from the goblin city.
Winter heard the distress of the group, and was going to go towards the group but thought diffrent. She couldn't take all those goblins by her self, but where was she going to find help. she went downwards towards a lighter part of the forest to think. Winter: what to do, what to do? ok don't panic. think...they can do it. but they can't get past those archers. what in all of middle-earth can i do? SHe tried to calm herself, and pulled herself together. Winter: i can't go back to riverdell, it would alrm to many people, plus the nazgul are still around. I can't follow the goblins, because he forest is infested with them, and orcs. i can't think! she sighed and pulled out her dagger, and looked at it. Winter: i can't run away, it'll prove that i'm to young to be here. and i' certinly not. She kicked her horse and the horse went back up the trail. half way up she got off her horse and walked trough the trial the goblins took. Winter: they came through here two hours ago. well, i'll just have to catch up.
Winter stopped her horse, she sighed. [I] i knew i should've gone on my own, but i have to have respect...up to a point. [/I] Winter: (whispers to herself.) if we don't leave now we're going to be ambushed. Winter turned her horse and carefully started beck the way we came. She whispered into her horses ear, trying to keep her calm. Ril rode up to her. Ril: winter, why aren't you waiting for the rest of the group. Winter: because i'm impacient when it comes to big groups. so i'm going to scout up ahead, i'll give a signal if i see anything to warn about. Ril: ok, be careful. He rode back up to the group. Winter slowed her horse down and rubbed her neck. then walked her down the mountian side. she listened carfully to everything around her. she could feel things moveing in the forest, hopefully the others could to, she wasn't that far away from them yet. Then her horse stopped. Winter: (whispers) what is it girl? The horse was quivering under her. she wouldn't move one more step ahead. she sighed and armed her self with her bow and arrows. then waited for the others to catch up. She now was under the pressure of the eyes in the forest, waiting for something to make its move. she was in a bad position. if she alarmed the fellowship, she'd be killed. she lifted her bow and readied her arrow and turned around, the shot it as close as possible to her friends, hopefully they'd understand the signal. then she armed another arrow and waited, she hated to wait.
no it's the second time it's snowed in florida. but it's only little flurries at the momment.
Winter walked her horse over to lantinas. winter: we must move out. Lantina: right, but why are you here. isn't elrond worried. Winter: no, i said my good-byes to him. plus frodo's my friend too, he would come after me if i were in his position. Lantina nodded and moved her horse ahead of the group. Winter held up the rear. OOC: sorry about the short post, i couldn't think of anything else to say.
Xanthia walked towards him and sat next to him. Xanthia: you ok? Orin: i'm sorry. Xanthia looked at him worried, and placed her arm around him. Xanthia: what are you sorry about? orin: (shakes his head) it's nothing. Xanthia: if you're sure. She stands up and looks around the spot where they had settled down. She smiled and started to walk off. orin: where are you going? Xanthia: to explore, i wanna get to know this place in case we run into trouble. orin: why? Xanthia: i dunno, i guess i makes me feel more confident....you wanna come? i have a felling that theres a pond near by where we can wash up a bit. i know i have to clean some of my wounds. orin: ok i guess. She started to walk further into the forest. orin: shouldn't we take the horse. Xanthia: it's ok to leave him here. he's wild, if anything happens he'll run. orin: ok. They walked into the forest and around some old trees. it was an old forest, the oldest xanthia's seen for a while. she walked further and just like she said, there was a small pond. Xanthia: these forest are so pradictable. She went over and rolled up her sleeves and started to wash them in the water. orin sat near the water and soaked his feet.
this is amazing! not to far from my house it's snowing! it's only snowed once in florida. I can't believe it! this is to cool.:D
OOC: ok, fixed it juu. ^_^*
Xanthia senced something happening out in the force. she sat up tring to home in on it, but she could find it. she looked around. this place was sending chills up her spine from all the dark energy. she sighed. Xanthia: i hope celestine comes soon, she knows i won't stay in one place for long. She sat around for a while. [I] r2-d7 will be coming soon. [/I] she might as well tell her, plus, she needed to go do more research while she has the time. she placed a holo cam up on the table and set it to record. Xanthia: listen, i can't stay, i need to go back to the library for more research. i knoww you told me to stay here but you know me better than that, i can't sit in one place for long, that's why i'm a bad jedi. i'll be back soon, when you're not so busy. (she turned around) oh, by the way, i did a little rearanging, maybe you'll find the room more...(shrugs) enlightening. She turned off the cam and left the message on the table. Then she ran out to go meet r2-d7 and get out of this place.
Xanthia feels somewhat uncomfortable around orin. so she goes and lays on her back, in a tree to keep her mind at bay. She starts to hum a song. she smiles and starts to sing quietly. the song was a lallaby she used to sing to tina when she got sad, it told a story of unicorns a dragons and how together they made the night stars. when she stoped she turned to look orin, its seems that he had fallen asleep again. feeling better she jumped down from the tree and let the young stallion graze. Xanthia: (to the stallion) i'm sorry i took you away from you home, but i promise to make it up. The stallion shook his head and snorted. Xanthia: yeah, it's to late now. (she pauses.) what do you think orin wa talking about back there? someone was calling my name? The stallion shook his head and nudged her. Xanthia: you didn't hear anything? Xanthia sighs. The stallion pushes her to get her attention. Xanthia: no....i'm no sad, i just think that orin is one of the most beautiful things i have ever seen. (the horse snrots) next to you of corse. here. She hands the stallion an apple, and goes and lays on the ground. Xanthia: i hope the others will be ok.
Xanthia walked around the room, paceing back and forth. bored out of her mind. she sat on top of the table and started to see how many things she could levatate at one time, she started with her data pad, then a small bust of palpatine, and then a chair. soon enough she had everything floating except the table she was sitting on. Xanthia: wow, this is lame. She droped everything after rearanging the room, and opened her data pad. she typed into her pad. [I] r2-d7, FLY SHIP TO BAR, PICK UP MORE ALE FROM JOHN. BE BACK IN 3 HOURS. [/I] then she laid pack on the table and stared up at the ceiling.
Xanthia noticed that she had been staring at him the whole time, and moved her gaze to something else. then she straightened up, it was no time to feel like this. Xanthia: yes we do have many questions, but if we don't move soon, they army will be on our tails. Cador: and how would you know this. Xanthia: while resting i encountered a disturbing dream....(her eyes start to sadden) Angel: xanthia...what happened. Xanthia: they aren't far behind, a day or two... Arikel: but something else happened. Xanthia: they went to a cave, smelling smoke...and...they found her. Arikel: her? who is she talking about. Cador: xan, was it tina? Xanthia's eyes filled with rage, and she looked behind her. Xanthia: forget it, but we must move, and we aren't going to get far walking. arikel: what other way is there. Xanthia: riding, i'll be right back, cador come with me. Cador nodded as the rushed into the forest, xanthia grabbed her stallion, and cador grabbed the mare. Xanthia: lets go. cador: right. they rode out of the forest and troted up to the others. Xanthia: get on, we only have two, but we'll find more later. the angel looked sckeptical, put procceded onto xanthias horse, and arikel got on cadors. Cador: alright angel, lead the way.
Xanthia: (sighs) well do what you like with it celestine. Celestine: have you made a decsion yet? Xanthia: about what side i'm takeing? no, but i need work so i'm leaning towards your side. plus, i've done my homework. celestine: right, make it soon. Xanthia: why are you being pacient with me? aren't you supposed to be all dark and say. (in low voice) it's either us or death. (goes bac to normal) huh? Celestine: because theres something about you that can be useful. xanthia: besides the fact that i'ma jedi hacker? (smiles) i don't really see anything. well, i'll be back soon, i need to go back to listening in the bar. Celestine: no. you will wait here for palpatine. Xanthia: ok....it might be nice to meet him. Xanthia sat back down and looked for the ale she had gotten at the bar. she pulled it out and took a sip. Xanthia: want some? its corrilean.
freaks are the coolest kind of people, you never know what to expect, and that's what makes them fun to be around....but thats what i think, plus i think everyone i go to school with is a freak, and most of them take that as a compliment(sp? i can't spell for beans. ~_~;;;) i know i'm a freak and a band geek. i'm a female tuba player and proud of it! ^_^* and that's what makes me diffrent, and i guess thats what makes some guys intimanated by me, becuase i'm hyper and i lose my temper easily and i'm getting off subject so i'll stop now. ^_^;;;
i don't worry about it. i've never been asked out, and sometimes i think about what they look at to. but then i say to my self, they'll reilize it one day. a few people i know think that it's crazy that no ones asked me out, they say i'm fuuny, nice, caring, can light up a room when i walk in it, out going and such. one person said i was cute. i know this sounded really lame but it's what i think. if you get yourself worked up about, you'll never be able to be your self around them, that's another thing thati've reilized....
i thought #3 was funny to. it was wired when i wrote it, because i wanted it to be dark, but it came out humorous, in sme way....oh well, i still thought it was pretty good. #4 i wrote in world history history class. as i do with most of my work,. then i make sure it sounds right when i get home.
she walked into the jedi library, when an elder came up to her. Libraian: xan, you not supposed to be in here. Xanthia: it's important, kana, i need to find something. it won't take long. Kana: but xan, that's not the point, your old master is coming today to look up something, i already have the file up. Xanthia: can i take a look? it might be what i need. kana: no i can't allow you to do that. Xanthia: then can i get what i need on a disc and take it with me. Kana: fine, just hurry. Xanthia went over to a computer. she put in a small disk, she hacked into the system and got some data. then put it in her pocket. she went over and did a small bow to kana. Xanthia: thank you, i'll be on my way now. She walked out and hopped into her speeder and drove around, but then she decided to go to the senate building. something drew her near it, she put on her cloak and covered her head, making sure her head tails were covered. she placed down the speeder and guards came to greet her. Guard 1: what is your business? Xanthia: i got a call. guard 2: that's no answer. Xanthia: from in there. Guard 1: no one's made a call all day. Xanthia: don't make me force you. Guard 2: we warning you miss. Xanthia smiled and put her hand out and used the force to push them all, they went flying. then she walked into the building where a girl was there to meet her. girl: welcome. Xanthia: well, i'm here. (she pulled down her hood.) might as well show me around celestine.
she pulled her blue headtails back and listens to the comotion in the bar. she smiled as she listen to someone trying to find a speeder, and the hunters looking for their prey. she sighed. Xanthia: corrilean ale please. bartender: coming right up xan. She thanked him and took it to go. she hopped into her speeder and headed off to the library. she needed to do her research on the upcoming war her friends were talking about. (sorry for the short post, i'm short on time today.)
thanks for makeing my card. i like it alot. she's not strong, but has spunk. ^_^*
Winter saw that they had conered the wariths and turned her horse around to head back to the forest. she looked back to see elrond watching her leave. he knew that he couldn't keep her here forever. She walked her horse to ril. Winter: so, do we go with the fellowship, or go up ahead and wait? Ril: you're bleeding. Winter looked down at her arm. Winter: so i am, it isn't deep. it wasn't done by a nazgul. Ril nodded. Winter: so what shall we do? Ril: why do you ask me? Winter: because you're older than me, i respect people who are older than me, and i listen to what they have to say because they have lived her longer than i.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Queen Asuka [/i] [B][color=hotpink][size=1]*Wonders exactly how many of those people actually attend high school...* Anywho, it's pretty much the same scene is high school, but everyone, as they mature, just seem to look past barriers such as clothing and activities and music and accept each other for who they are. At least that's what I do. Look at me: I dress prep, I listen to hard rock music, and I'm a dancer, people think I'm on drugs, and I hang out with a wide variety of people. I hate stereotypes.[/color][/size] [/B][/QUOTE] *nods* yup, yup. i agree. sterotypes are what made people against our school... they think just because we're an arts school, we make others feel inferior and such, which is crap. the only person who is inferior are those who let them fell like they are...i don't think i said that right...~_~;;