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Everything posted by tursi

  1. Winter walked next to ril in silence, she looked over at him and then stopped. Winter: we're not going to make it at this pace. Ril:then we'll run. Winter: won't work, we need to be faster. Ril: what then? Winter smiled to the sound of pounding hooves. Ril looked in the direction of the sound. Her horse came out of the shadows with another bay horse with her. she walked up to her horse and rubbed its forehead. Winter: katyia is my horse, i guess she didn't leave me after all. Now lets ride fast so we can get there in time, i regret going back, but i hope their understanding. Ril: right. Winter got upon her mare and ril upon the bay stallion, they gallopped through the forest, the horses were useing their full ability, then they heard the screaching wraiths, they were really close now. Winter rode ahead of ril and enetered first, she lit her arrow aflame and aimed it at the first ring wriath she saw.
  2. winter stopped in her steps, her face filled with anger. ril walked over to her. Ril: winter. what's wrong? Winter: listen. Ril stopped and listened, there was no sound then they heard the loud shreiking. Winter: black rider, ringwraits, nazgul, whatever you call them. Ril: how far? winter: not far, and they're heading towards riverdell... Ril: how can you tell? Winter: the trees talk to much. lets move. Ril: should we go help? winter looked towards the mountians, and smiled. Winter: you make the decision... i'll follow you this time.
  3. i've only read the first 2 volumes. i've fallen in love with the series. and since in don't know how to do the black out aprt for spoilers...i agree with you guys. ^_^
  4. tursi

    Wolf Pack

    Talia stood at the edge of the forest. Talia: clue...( a tear streams down her fur.) just belive him, take this chance, it's what you've wanted to know. rengo is erginf me to come too... help me out... The winds carry her voice out into the trees, the trees creak as the wind moves past them. then talia goes down to the river to think. Talia: CLue will be able to take care of himself, i'll only leave if things get sticky.
  5. xanthia wakes up short of breath and runs out of their hiding spot. She runs to a near by pond and sits by it crying. She usually doesn't cry, so she felt embarrased for doing so. She curls up looking into the pond, she tries to dry her arm from feeling wet but it won't go away. Xanthia: why does he want me to help? I'm no good at anything. She stands up looking into the heavens, tears streaming down her face. Xanthia: What do you want me to do? flash backs of the dream fill her mind. [I] ???: please help. [/I] his sad face is the only thing she can remeber, especially his eyes. those sad eyes. Xanthia: what am i going to do?
  6. tursi

    Wolf Pack

    Talia sighed, she can't help her brother now. he's on his own, just like in the begining, he has to ask for help. Talia: living with no rules, it's just a phrase. you can'y live with out some rules. Clue be patient, you'll understand in due time. Paige: who are you talking to. Talia: (smiles) the wind. Paige: does it talk back. Talia: if you ask it the right questions. now lets get some sleep, this will blow over soon.
  7. tursi

    Wolf Pack

    Talia: ( to no one inpaticular.) find your self again. learn to live with no rules, you'll always come back. Talia looked out into the storm Talia: carry my message to him, please. The wind ruffled her fur and headed out to find clue. he would understand. (sorry about the short post.)
  8. yeah it's fine...i'm, haveing a momentary writers block, but i'll get some done. ^_^* thanks for your comments
  9. tursi

    Gundam X

    Tina sat in the bar across from her room. kris and winter went to go check dead gundam. she looked around the bar, it was pretty empty, it was the middle of the day, it only gets crowded at night. Tina: when will i get to see some action? Bartender: this place is pretty dull now, but you should come back later. Tina: all i wanna do is fight, this really sucks. Bartender: don't know what to tell ya' Tina: it's ok. SHe places some money one the table and leaves for her room.
  10. tursi

    Wolf Pack

    Paige stops and looks around nervously. Paige: wheres clue? Talia walked by calmly. Talia: don't worry he's fine, he just need some alone time. Paige: but the storm. Talia: he'll be safe where he's going, nothing will hurt him. Paige: did you know about this? Talia: just call it sisters intuition. now get inside the cave, the storm is going to hit hard soon.
  11. Xanthia tells him about the dream and the boy she saw, and how sad it was. It scared her to see someone so nice, look so sad for some reason. Cador: mmm, interesting. Xanthia: yeah....so... Cador: huh? Xanthia: was it the same? Cador: yeah....yeah...it was. Xanthia: oh.... A fire was flickering in the back where tins was cooking. Tina looked over at them. Tina: wanna hear my dream. Cador: thia might be a little diff- Xanthia covered his mouth. xanthia: sure. Tina: it was about the future. Xanthia: you can't always belive in nightmares. Tina: it was real i'm sure, i saw mommy and daddy, looking at us from somewhere, then i looked over at you and you were being taken away by something. i called your name and you didn't respond. Xanthia: oh tina, i'm sure nothing of the sort will happen, it's all in you head. Tina: ok. She turn to cador. Cador: what if shes right? Xanthia: then we're in trouble
  12. winter: thanks, trained by the best, forgot it, and relearned my way. She cleaned her daggers and looked at him. Winter: you really think i'm good? ril: sure Winter: cool. we better get moving again. the fellowship might leave soon, i want to be ahead of them. ril: why? Winter: if they found me, they would send me back. elrond wouldn't be pleased.
  13. OOC: does this mean that she's still at the house? if it doesn't carren, please tell me so i can change this post. IC: Xanthia stopped the cart, and was looking at the ground. Cador: sam, what is it. Xanthia: other tracks, no one comes here but me, my sis, and a couple of farmers. but these are not of those kind. cador: speak plainly! Xanthia: somethings not right. (she thinks for a moment.) get off the cart. Cador: what?!? Xanthia: get off the cart, take anything thats worth taking and get off the cart. Cador: you can't abandon me here. Xanthia: i'm not, just trust me. Cador did as he was told, took some food and a small satchel of money. Xanthia got off the cart and walked up to the horse, she looked into it's eyes, this horse wanted to see some action. She smiled, and whispered some commmands to it, nothing elaborte, just to not stop walking, famers use this when they need to sleep on the way back from town. then she sent the horse off. Cador: what's going on? Xanthia: my home isn't far from here, just over the hill to be exact. I've had people out for me before, but it just doesn't feel right. i haven't done anything in a while. Cador: what do you mean by th- Xanthia:listen. They sat there in silence, they heard the horse troting through in front of the house. Then there was a large bang and a whinney, the hooves started to pound harder, the horse was scared. then other sounds came into the mix as the intruders went after it, thinking someone was in here. Xanthia: i think it's safe to move. Cador: right. He followed her up to a house, there on the ground was her little sister. she ran up to her. Xanthia: tina, are you ok? Tina: i told them exactly what i tell them everytime xan. Cador: xan? Xanthia: she means sam, (whispers) speech problem. Tina: the recked everthing in the house, they were looking for something. Xanthia: you'er not hurt bad are you? Tina: no. Xathia: that's my lil' sis. now lets go find new shelter. Tina: why a new one? Xanthia: because you sisters going to get in trouble again if she stays. Tina: can i go grab my doll? Xanthia: quickly. Tina ran back into the run down house. Cador: where are you going to go? Xanthia: in to the woods, there's a secret place i go to when i need to be alone, a small cave hidden in the brush. the horses live around there. they are like an alarm. Cador: are you sure it will be safe? Xanthia: no, but nothings safe any more. (sighs) sorry for dragging you into to this cador, here, take this in my aprecceation. She hands him some money. Cador: are you sure? Xanthia: yeah, don't need it now that you grrabbed that food off the cart. Tina came running out and jumped onto xanthias back. She smiled at cador and started to head towards the forest, then turnned around. Xanthia: it's going to get dark soon, if you follow us, i'll show you back home tommorrow. what do you say?
  14. She grabed two arrows and put them in her bow and shot them, one got shot through the eye and up the brain, the other hit it in the throat. She smiled, [I] this is fun [/I]. Winter: i'll be right back. she jumped into the trees to get better shots. SHe started a rapid fire assult on the orcs, it's like the didn't know where they were coming from. then she would move to the next tree, making it seem like there were lots of things shooting at them. Ril: winter, get down. Winter didn't notice and kept fireing until somrthing spoted her. she lept down from the tree and put her bow away. then took out her daggers. Ril: i told you- Winter: just having fun. THen she threw a dagger into the head of the orc leader.
  15. Xanthia: this is when i love to be me. (grabs cadors arm) follow me, don't leave a trace able trail. cador: what? Xanthia lept over the wall of the alley and started to run towards the moving cart. Cador followed close behind, along with the bacus struggleing with the wall. Xanthia: into the cart. Cador: are you sure? Xanthia tossed him in the cart and threw a stone at the horse holding it. The cart started to move fast. Xanthia hopped on pulling her hood over her head. She crawled up to the front and grabed the reins. Xanthia: hold on thight. Cador: what do you think io going to happen o all those kids? Xanthia: i can't even begin to imagine, which is why i have o get home to my sister. She whipped the horses lightly and she started for her house, no one could find them there, hopefully.
  16. Winter hopped down behind him, he turned and winter had taken his arrows away. He muttered under his breath and she smiled. Winter: i'm looking for my friend. But my horse ran away from me, she was to scared to go past the barren area. by the way, my name's winter. Ril: nice to meet you. Winter: well aren't you going to tell me yours? Ril: maybe, if you know anything about thia fellowship. Winter looked into his eyes, tring to see if his intentions are good, then smiled. Winter: follow me, the trees around here talk to much. Ril: fine. Winter lead him near a lake, she went down a drank from it to refresh herself. Winter: The trees are deaf to us here. Ril: really... Winter: this fellowship you want to know about, is going to start in riverdell, but don't meet them there, they'll suspect too much, ecpecially some of the elves. Ril: ok...what are they off to do? Winter: that's one thing i'm not all to sure about, but we're trying to do the same thing, but i'm going at it from a diffrent approach. Ril: they're looking for your friend too? Winter nodded then she sat down with her feet in the lake. Winter: so what's your name? Ril: my names ril. Winter: ril, do you know where the orcs were heading? Ril: you can't go towards them, plus aren't you a little young. Winter: that's never stopped me before. well, we all have diffrent paths. see-ya. With that winter walked out of the forest and followed the tracks the orcs made.
  17. Winter ran out of the forest into open area, at this time she had lost her map and didn't know where she was. Then she stopped when she saw another man running out to. then she heard it, it sounded like thunder runnning in the woods. Winter: ORCS! out here?!? Winter started to run faster, this is where her small bit of elvish influence came in. She was running faster than usual. SHe was running right up along the man, but she didn't like the looks on his face, the man was looking back at her. SHe smiled and raced up ahead and into some trees. The man tried to follow, but lost her. She heard him talking. Man: those Orcs want me to do their dirty work, this is confuseing. Winter: (mummbles) yeah...right. Man: (looks up) who's there?
  18. tursi

    Wolf Pack

    Talia lifted her head, and perked her ears. Talia:(whispers as to not alarm) clue, you hear that? CLue: hear what? the wind? Talia: listen to what the wind is carrying. Clue: it sounds like whimpering. Talia: and the smell is like the one that was on you CLue: and you're saying. Talia: your friend's lose in the storm. CLue looked at her in surprise as she got up. Talia: you comin?
  19. Xanthia walked out the door leaveing a note for her little sis saying she was out to find some food. She put up the hood on her cloak and hitched a ride on the back of a cart into town. When arriveing there she jumped off at the town center and looked for a place to watch the people go by. Then she saw a boy entering that she hadden't seen hin this section of town before. She hide in the shadows, he was the perfect victim. As he walked by he was mumbleing about a dream, she hesetated but went for it anyway. she walked behind him like a shadow. then quickly reached into his pocket and grabbed his money and put it in her pocket. The boy didn't notice, he was still mubleing about the dream. then she lowered her hood and decided to talk to him. she tapped his shoulder. Xanthia: hi. boy: um...hi. Xanthia: my name is ...sam, what's yours? boy: my names cador. Xanthia: follow me, i need to talk to you. Cador: um..is this goimg to be quick, i really need to be back at work soon. Xanthia: just trust me. And she started for a dark alley, one of her favorite alleys in the town.
  20. tursi

    Wolf Pack

    Talia: that was nice of you clue. we'll check up on her in the morning, you know how you were when you first arrived in our pack, she might feel the same. Clue: i was little then. Talia: does it realy make a diffrence clue? think about it. CLue: no, i guess not. Talia went up and hugged clue. Then she went over and talked to paige. Talia: how are you doing? Paige: i'm doing better then before. Talia: that's good. you look a little weak though. When the storm dies down, i'll go hunt. Paige: you should probably wait. Talia: i know this area like the back of my paw. Paige: (smiles) talia. Talia: now get some rest and bulid up some warmth. i'll be not far from here.
  21. tursi


    Santina arrived at her hut, she reverted to being human and walked inside. She placed the food on the table and walked over to the window. her hut overlooked a waterfall that came into the animals watering pond. she smiled at her success. Santina: those towns people will never be able to catch me, especially if they think of me as loki. She heard a knock on the door and walked over and opened it. SHe saw a mother and a kid. Santina: hello Sam. Did you come for more medicine for the little ones. Sam: yes santina. Santina: i already have it made. She went over to her shelf and pulled out a leaf shaped bottle. she handded it to the little girl. Santina: you can keep the bottle this time little one. (to sam) there will be no charge, bringing you children has given me great joy. Sam: but i must be able to repay you. Santina: well, if you really wanted to help me, can you bring me some bread or foodnext time. Sam: having troubles again? Santina: i guess you can look at it that way, or you can look at it in the way that i really like your cooking. Sam smiled and led the children back up on the cart they had taken here, and they left. Santina went to gazeing out the window.
  22. tursi

    Wolf Pack

    Talia saw clue exiting from delloras cabin, she looked at flash then he nodded. SHe ran down to clue. Talia: we got paige out but we need to get back into the cave. Clue: why? Talia: a storm is brewing. Clue: what kind of a storm. Talia: a big one, we need everyone inside a shelter. CLue: right. They ran up together to the cave, they shook off the cold and went inside. Talia: by the way, who was that you were helping. Clue:.... Talia: i can smell him on ya.
  23. Katyia stopped the stallion and got off its back at the far end of the school where there was a large tree. Katyia: You're a beautiful horse, young stallion, but i don't know your name. The horses black coat gleamed in the sun as he came up and nudged her shoulder. Katyia: you don't have a name do you. well, how about ... mmmm .... luke, luke's a nice name. The horse just looked at her. Katyia: just trust me, and i should probably take you back now or else that gardener is going to get mad at me. THe horse knelt down and she got up on him, the he started to walk back to the stables.
  24. Katyia was going crazy with this horse. It was great. Katyia: WHOOT! She yelled in joy. she galloped passed the garden and then passed a window with rev and Ariadne.Katyia stopped and walked the horse up to the window and knocked on it. Katyia: hi you guys. The two looked at her in surpirse. Rev: Katiya! get back in here! Katyia just smiled as she galloped back around the other side of the building. SHe was haveing the time of her life.
  25. tursi

    Wolf Pack

    Talia sniffed the air and smiled. She nudged paige. Talia: helps on the way. Paige:how can you tell? Talia: theres new scents in the wind. They should be here in a few minutes so just relax. The storm started to slow down and 3 shadows were coming towards them. Two of them were very large, the other she could reconize was flash. Talia:(mummbles) so he got those bears to help...whatever works. (to paige) I'll be right back. Paige: ok... She walked over to flash adn the two bears. Flash: how's she doing? Talia: she'll make it if we quit stalling. now follow me. They walked back up the mountian to paige, who looked up at them and smiled. then the bears started to dig them out.
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