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Everything posted by Empathy
*shrugs* You're fine with spelling and grammar when you put your mind to it...besides, its another great poem, although as a bestfriend's point of view, you should try to revise and edit...*has to start following her own advice* ^_^;;; anyway, it was real great so keep writing Cass!....*has run out of thins to say so decides to sit in a corner*
It's really great cass...you always been an awesome writer, and I think this an awesome poem, like the rest of them, on or off of OB. Whhere'd you get the idea for this one? Ilike it. Keep writing Gurl!
hmm...for me...I'd prolly have to say facades...if that includes masks...I live in them...they're part of me...very few people have ever seen thereal me...only maybe....3 of my friends have ever seen me really upset...mind you...I don't have much for friends...^_^;;; but the ones I do got are the best anyone could have...but that's off topic...so yeah...for me...facades. Just because of the way I live...
Jah...I only tried once...and that was because of a fight with a friend...I actually tried to drown myself in her pool..o.o;;; Which is really hard to do when you know how to swim...it ain't something you can forget...Needless to say, I'm still alive, and I'm quite happy...thanks for your input. I'm glad that there are a few of you who feel the same way I do about suicide....and others that feel different...Either way, its in the past now...so jah...Thanks guys ^_^;;;
I like tht 'un ^_^ keep at it man!!
...4 years later...I change my mind
I'm anything but worried about it...summer's almost over, and its WAY to cold here in Canada any other time of year...and it ain't gonna spread within a month. That's good for me anyway...as for you all...West Nile usually on;y effects the sick, the overy old, and the very young, so jah...so long as you're between the ages of maybe 6-60...you should be fine ^_~
jah...funny^_^ very good poem....I can't write funny stuff...you're lucky for that...so jah....^_~
Friends that are a lot like you are hard to find, unless you go to a REALLY big school, or just get lucky. I don't really call my school friends...well...friends...they're just people I talk to between classes and such, with a mask. I got mebbe 3-4 people I trust....they would be Cassey, Trav, Alex mostly...yeah...and Brittah.....but trusting is real hard sometimes and I don't got a lot of it to go around, so jah.....I don't go to school with any of these people actually.....so jah....and that's all I'll say before I like...dump my life on you so jah...enough said... *shuts up* o.-
me???I'm afraid...of time *shudders*...its scary...what can I say?
this could be interesting.... Name:Jessi Age:15 Weapon:dirk Bio: This girl acts like she don't got a care in the world for anyone. She's cold and calm, and sometimes a litle harsh when talking to thers...although most people don't understand she is trying not to be hurt...and that maybe she's someone different on the inside. She's mercenary, despite her age, and has never presently fought for the Ignos...but sides with her race...so what kind of person is she? where does she stand?...I dunno...ask her...(I haven't got that far yet...^_-) Appearance:Jessi has dark brown hair and ice blue eyes. Her face is pale, yet shadowy at the same time. She wears baggy white pants and a black tank top, covered by a black and white windbreaker.
I agree...this DOES seem kinda girly...but it might turn out ok....you never know....I however...am not gonna be a mermaid....not completely anyway... name:Jekka race:Nyad bra thingy:blue armor:silver shoulder plates and wrist guards hair:dark brown, entwined with a few streaks of blue height:5'6" weight:??? (we're underwater aren't we?) weapons:water magic, electric magic, dark magic, fire magic, dirk bio:Jekka is a nyad...but coonsiders herelf to be a slight screw up because she is capable of using fire and electricity...this could come in handy, it could not. But her specialy for magic is water and dark magic...whenever she decides to USE magic haowever. Jekka would rather use her dirk anyway... Since Jessi is a nyad, she has no tail, but can shape her body for one when she is underwater. One advantage to her being a Nyad is that she is also able to travese on land if the need come... personality:what ever mask she throws at you...she's a mercenary after all.....
k...well...I got a another fishy story...you can take that both ways...no one believes us anyhow....My dad and I went fishing on a Father's Day, it was bright and sunny and so on. Eventually we made our way to the marsh and stopped fishing for a while, and just paddled around the marsh in our canoe. All of a sudden, I had this weird memory of a sesame street episode I had seen about 12 years ago. One of the characters was shouting "here fishy, fishy, fishy...." and catching a bunch of fish. Since I was almost half asleep, sunburned, and we hadn't caught a fish all day...(did I mention I was a little bit hyper to...) I sat there like an idiot, saying "here fishy, fishy, fishy..." not yelling it...but loud enough for my dad to think I was nuts(personally I think its a bit late for that)...but to my surprise...a fish jumped besid e our boat. So I kept it up...each time, a fish jumping alondside our boat. After about the fifth time, I yelled it out, really loudly, then I heard a splash, and my dad sceam and yell in shock, and then another splash, I turned around just in in time to see the tail of a cat fish slipping into the muddy water, and my dad sitting there, dripping wet and muddy....the fish had actually jumped into our boat, and my dad had been so surprised that he had shouted out and threw the fish back in the water.....and to this day, no one believes us...-_-;;;
Sierra and Nekomon had been walking for barely 15 minutes, when they heard a sound coming from a few feet away, it was voices coming from behind some bushes. Quiet as ever, Sierra moved forwards, watching them with interest. 'These two seemed to know what they were doing...'she thought, 'how's that...I didn't even OWN a computer until half an hour ago...' with her thoughts parallel to the actions of her body, Sierra fingered the small black and blue computer that had been beside her after she had awakened. Nekomon had called it a D-Comp. Sierra frowned at no one in particular, mumbling to herself. the digimon and human she had ben watching, wiped from her mind and Nekomon alone, watched them. Sierra:why does everyone seem to know more about me than ME! Sierra had not meant to say that last part out loud...The two beings she and Nekomon were watching turned around. Obie:whose there? Sierra leaned her back against a thin branch of the bush, but, naturally, it snapped, causing her to stumble out of the bush, right in front of the other boy and his digimon. Horizamon:hey...another human...where's YOUR digimon? Sierra looked around her, the boy, Obie, looked at her intensively as Nekomon came into view..the rookie digimon standing beside her. Sierra:ooops...
There's no such thing as a perfect family, mine's pretty good though, compared to some people's. Me and my dad argue abit, but we always make up for it...And everyone's got someone who cares about them. God...this post makes me sound SO naive, but....truthfully, I know how the world works...-_-
Sierra looked upwards, towards what apperared to be green foliage. She was....somewhere....no...she recognised it...it was that place she had seen in her dream...her nightmare...but WHERE was she? Sierra stood up shakily, looking around her, noticing vaguely that she was wearing loose baggy brown skateboard jeans and a black tanktop, covered in a black and white windbreaker. On her head, a black bandana was in place over her dark brown hair, pinching her glasses to the side of her head. As she reajusted her glasses, she reflected on where she was, and tried t figure out how and why. The last thing she reembered was that fight behind her house...only she couldn't remember finishing it...with her own father as well. Sure enough, there was a small stream of red blood sliding down her cheek, and a bruise on her left shoulder. Sierra grimaced as she fingered the purple mark on her shoulder. Sierra:"What happened to me? Where am I" ???:You're here of course...I was wondering if you could talk...you were so quiet....*looks at Sierra's cut and bruise* I didn't know humans came in colours like that... Sierra:*tries to cover the bruise with her windbreaker* "Err...they don't usually...and where's here...and you...I know you to...from somewhere...what's your name?" ???:"What kind of question is that? 'here' is the digital world, and my name is Nekomon, and you are Sierra, and I'm your digimon... Sierra:digimon? Siera's head started to spin with dizziness, but she quickly overcame it, looking for something to say to the little blue and whits fuzz ball with a long tail that told her it was a digimon. Had it ben anyother time, Sierra would have thought she was back in her dream...athat this "place" wasn't eal...but everything Nekomon said seemed to be right...just by the way she said it. Sierra:OK...you're a digimon...and uh...I'm in the digital world...so...do we just stand around...or do we actually do something? Nekomon:hmm...doing something seems more interesting...lets do that.... Sierra:err...ok.... Sierra walked with Nekomon in her hands, not sure of where she was going, or what was going to happen...
I hope I can join...sorry..if its not ok, then just tell me... Name:Sierra Moniko D-Comp:Black and Dark Blue Age:16 Personality:Sierra's personality depends on the mask she's wearing. Her true personality is known only to her closest friends...but to tohers that don't know her so well, she is ever changing...and a complete mystery at that. She doesn't like talking about her past or things she's ben through, and to people that don't know her...she'll seem like a big mouthed, arrogant fighter, wih or withougt a digimon partner. Needless to say, if you want to know more about her, ask her yourself... Appearance:Jessi has dark brown hair and eyes like ice. She'll come across as cold and calm in both personality and appearance. Her body has a few large bruises on it and a few old scars as well. She wears light brown baggy pants a brown a black tank top, with a black and white windbreaker to cover her bruises. She wears a black bandana over her hair, and a pair of glasses to complete the picture. Digimon:Nekomon
I really like your writing Mist...its REALLY good...*remembers that she should point that out to her more often* I really like that one....its really good...by the way...how was your trip?
I agree...it IS short...but its good...haiku isn't it?*interest is piqued*
death is a factor of life...its not so much the art of being dead that scares me...its the fear that I'm GOING to die...and that that day is always coming closer, with every second. Something that was in the future is now in the past, and I will to one day....I guess its time that really scares me...sometimes I'll sit down and think about it...and then I'll start crying...I dunno...I guess we all feel a bit the same way...
*grins* I'd take that as a compliment aswell...I see you're a poet....its really good...^_^
boy...hmm...what do you like?...let me see.....what about Otaku Boards?
me...*thinks for a brief second* I'd wish for the same thing a wish for with or without the dragonballs....for the pain of my friends and I to terminate...but if that happened...there wouldn't be much point to life...we wouldn't need to survive anymore...its a scary wish...but it could turn out ok....*shrugs*hell...what am I saying? It ain't never gonna happen...