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Everything posted by tioxi

  1. The Pokémon that you listed..... You started catching them in the Wrath of Mewtwo RPG, is that the Mewtwo you are talking about?
  2. tioxi


    What about those two birds in the 5th movie? What are their names and why do they look so similar?
  3. I think the only thing about the Anime that is the same is that they are both dubbed by the same people, and are both under the 4Kids Entertainment thing.
  4. [COLOR=indigo][I]A fiery white aurora engulfed Tokaji Kokan as he hovered above a small round mat in his Gym the doors were locked and his mine was wandering around the world.[/I][/COLOR] [B]Espeon:[/B][COLOR=indigo] Eon......... [I]The Espeon flicked his tail back and forth looking up to his master.[/I][/COLOR] [B]Tokaji:[/B][COLOR=indigo] I see it chance..... He is there..... [I]He uncrossed his legs and floated down to the ground.[/I][/COLOR] [B]Tokaji:[/B][COLOR=indigo] I don't know how we could talk to them.... All we can do is hope for their safety. [I]He sighed and turned his back on his six Pokémon.[/I][/COLOR] [B]Tokaji:[/B][COLOR=indigo] We are the farthest town away from them, and by far the hardest opponent, We could never make it to them..... But I know what we can do with the time that we have till they arrive. [I]He turned back to his Pokémon, the large purple pendent swung around and bounced against his chest. He then pulled his hand into the air and five Pokéballs all floated up and returned his other Pokémon.[/I][/COLOR] [B]Espeon:[/B][COLOR=indigo] Espeon! [I]He stood up on all fours ready to go.[/I][/COLOR] [B]Tokaji:[/B][COLOR=indigo] Come Chance, we have a job at hand. [I]He slipped on a dark purple cloak and exited via the back entrance.[/I][/COLOR]
  5. [COLOR=purple]You sound Enthralled about joining. x.x;[/COLOR]
  6. I would like to be a gym leader too. [B]Name:[/B] [COLOR=purple]Tokaji Kokan[/COLOR] [B]Age:[/B] [COLOR=purple]15[/COLOR] [B]Height:[/B] [COLOR=purple]5 Foot 9 Inches[/COLOR] [B]Desription:[/B] [COLOR=purple](See Pic)[/COLOR] [B]Pokemon: [/B] [COLOR=purple]Espeon, Xatu, Exeggutor, Starmie, Girafarig, and Wobbuffet[/COLOR] [B]Badge:[/B] [COLOR=purple]Ancient Fusion Badge[/COLOR] [B]Bio:[/B] [COLOR=purple]Tokaji started out when he was ten like the rest of the trainers and worked his way through gathering badges. When he was 12 he made it to the league championship but lost in the battle to make the top 2. Before he had time to weep his grandfather had called for him to be a trainer at his Gym, when his grandfather passed away he won the competition for Gym Leader.[/COLOR]
  7. tioxi


    When did the 5th Anime series start in Japan, normally the game with new Pokémon comes out before the games. Or they could release it when the movie comes out. Are they making 1 or 2 Versions?
  8. If They are not going to show the episodes in America they could at least tell us what happens so that we are not in the dark about how ash got all of those tauros or something like that. >.<
  9. I know but they are always trying to make the game more life like, and when the Pokémon are in there natural habitat they tend to do better, Just like if you use Sunny day or Rain Dance It makes attacks stronger, or more accurate.
  10. Bah I don't care how desperate Pokémon gets, I love it always. Yu-Gi-Oh is a cool show though. I watch it. =P They should make a version of Pokémon on GBA but instead of making 2 of them, make a sweet 3D version for the Cube. Now that is a good idea!
  11. No, Pokémon is weak if it is Properly Trained.
  12. I think that they should add a feature on future games that Pokémon of specific elements could get a power bonus from battling in a specific area Kinda like on Yu-Gi-Oh! how the cards on a specific field get a bonus, Any thoughts on this? :)
  13. I named my Zubat - Tiobat, Mostly because my Korbat on Neopets is names Tiobat. ^_^
  14. Don't you have to beat Falkner before you can get mudslap? Get a Beedrill, and use Fury Attack!
  15. I have seen pics of that, Brock was kneeling down talking to a green one and a pink one..... I have seen 7 new Pokémon so far, I downloaded the preview for the 5th movie and it shows the 2 birds that look the same but have different names. It also shows misty with a Corsola, Interesting.
  16. tioxi

    Gym Leaders

    Sabrina was easy for me..... I just used my Alakazam and my Venamoth.....
  17. I downloaded the clip onto my computer too, They should just slow it down like that a dub it, Ashes voice is really cool in the Japanese version. And about the Safari Zone episode, I was really glad to learn about that because I had no idea where ash caught all those tauros. Wasn't there another episode that was taken off because James was wearing a tight wetsuit? Wouldn't that be easy to edit?
  18. tioxi


    I think that they need to make a Legendary Poison Pokémon, and a Poison Eon. ^_^ But ya they need to even out the number of Pokémon in each type for sure. I wonder what the 3 new Beginners will be like and what the 3 new legendary Pokémon will be like. Maybe the Legendary Fish! LoL ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ When does PKMN:A come out in Japan? It doesn't look that bad, on the other screen shots the character has foot prints, ripples when they walk over water a long with a reflection and a shadow on a bridge.....
  19. I prefer to train one type over a mix even though balance is the key, I don't like to do what everyone else does. I started out Training all Electric on Yellow because Pikachu could Surf and Zapdos could fly so I had all the HMs that I needed. Then I fell in love with Espeon and I became a psychic trainer on my silver version. I even tried to form an Eon alliance with my friends that we all trained one of the eons and only it's type, but no one wanted to. =P Now I am a poison trainer, I just started my crystal version with a shiny Zubat as my beginner. It is really hard at first because all it knows is leach life and supersonic. This is how I want my team to look: - Crobat - Gengar - Nidoqueen(or King ) - Tentacruel - Vileplume( Venusaur, or Victreebel I CAN'T DECIDE x.x; ) - Muk or Ariados or Venomoth depending on what I am doing
  20. You Should get PKMN Stadium 1 so that Pikachu can learn Surf, some times it comes in handy in battles and the surf mini game ish fun. ^_^
  21. This Mewtwo you want to battle, what attacks does it know?
  22. I have a Shiney Zubat. He is like Grayish, but I know that Crobat is Pink and it looks real cool!
  23. [B]Name:[/B] [COLOR=purple]Danny Hikari[/COLOR] [B]Age:[/B] [COLOR=purple]15[/COLOR] [B]Gender:[/B] [COLOR=purple]Male[/COLOR] [B]Description:[/B] [COLOR=purple]Danny is about 6 foot and 130 pounds, he commonly wears a visor with his brown hair and blond highlights sticking out over top of it. He was naturally tan from his native Indian origin. He mostly wears khaki pants with many pockets, a long sleeve cream shirt with basic colour T-shirts over top of it. His eyes are hazel but he wears green and blue contacts interchangeably. For shoes he normally wears basic tennis... but he some times wears moccasins as sandals. Danny is known to keep to himself a lot and not talk much. He has 1 best friend and 1 lover. Other then that no one knows much about him.[/COLOR] [B]How you got your ring:[/B] [COLOR=purple]Danny's ring was passed on to him by his father who got it from his father, the ring is passed down generation to generation from the tribe leader to his son. From what he knows the ring was acquired by his tribe from another that was defeated in war...[/COLOR] [B]Psychic Ability:[/B] [COLOR=purple]Various Psychokinesis, Most specifically his favorite is Levitating.[/COLOR] [B]Weapon:[/B] [COLOR=purple]A tribal bow that was collected the same time as the ring. It was marked with Atlantean writings and has mystical powers.[/COLOR]
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