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  1. My hobbie are writing, art, vidoe games,anime, manga,and I like hello kitty. I aslo like other cute plushies incduling my two gloomy bears and my pink octopus. My username was me simply filpping pages in my japanese-english dictionary because pinku,murasaki,and hasu where taken already. Hoso really just means broadcast. I singed up to ask a question of the community. Does any one know any good cosplay accessories shops that are turstworthy? I ask beacsue one I am cosplaying for the first time as konan from akastuki the next anime convention I go to and I am missing the ring. Two I bought one ring on amazoan and it ended up being the collectors ring not what I needed. Than I bought a ring from animeshop101 in September which I have yet to recieve.   ~ Thanks, Hoso
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