Tomiko Moto (å??å¯?å). My name looks so strange to me now. I've read and written it so many times, and it's always been a physical declaration of myself. But, now, I fear it's become only an articulation of my lies.
It doesn't help, of course, that I've gone by many other names. To my prior victims, I was Tengu. I mean, I was called Tengu by those I stole from. Now, with malice on my breath, for this one feat, I call myself Arashi. I wonder what I'll call myself when I have completed my task.
I've made it 22 years, going on 23 without blood on my hands. My conscience could barely take the thefts and here I ask it to accept murder when the time comes.
What would father say?!
"She was such a nice girl! There is no way the crime was hers!"
He'd be a liar, but people might believe him. I don't look like a murder, or a villain for that matter. I'm only 5' 3" after all and not what you might consider imposing or threatening.
Even if I did, at 95lbs I wouldn't be much a threat to anyone. That's what you would think looking at me.
Imagine, being cornered in a dark alley. Trembling, on your knees, mind wondering to your love ones, your regrets and the pain your about to experience. Looking up into my cold ice blue eyes set into my plain face topped by my long black hair, pulled up out of the way into a messy bun. It's always the ones you don't suspect, you think, as your eyes go over my clothes. Plain buttoned shirt, slacks, flats, a jacket and barely, rarely, any jewelry; textbook criminals uniform. Even when I'm suited up, my appearance is spartan at best. Black jumpsuit, with cargo pockets and tech worked throughout it. No markings or even color. You'd never suspect me a criminal, but you'd be wrong.
I rob people blind and trespass wherever I please. Any fortress or loot that catches my attention is mine for the besting. If it needs to be stolen, I will take it, regardless of where it is and what protects it. Even the most intricate, impenetrable, and expensive system fall to my whims. I guess, though, I've got a bit of an unfair advantage.
I am, what is known as electrokinetic. When I was a girl, I was caught in a storm and struck by lightning. I wandered back into town as quite the site. My dress hung, half burned, from my unmarred body, in stark contrast to my perfectly untouched hair. Had my eyes not changed from brown to ice blue, my parents would have probably questioned my story of the lighting strike. That is, until I started having my 'problems' as they called them.
My power started small, with fried electronics and static problems. Soon enough though, I started to gain some more control. When I was 12, I used to stick my hair pins into the sockets in our house. I'd keep the electricity bottled up in my body, like a million hornets under my skin, waiting to sting something. I'd sneak out into the forest and practice making sparks and fireworks. In high-school, I found out that I could charge my phone while holding it, and even affect the flow of electricity through the wires in the walls. It all seems so silly compared to what I can do now. If a guard stands in my way, I can stun him from some distance. If an alarm protects my mark, I can reroute the power to keep it from going off. Anything that can be affected by electricity is prone to me. But, that's cheating.
Special Skills:
The majority of my work is done with the skills I've achieved through my efforts. My resume reads; master in judo, kick-boxing, stealth tactics, acrobatics, etc. Basically, I can get by you or go over you, by force or grace and take what you're guarding before the sun rises again.
The key to it, is to travel light. You and your ingenuity are your best equipment. The only things I carry are specialty tools for certain jobs. If there's a problem, it can be solved with your mind. Just stay calm.
Personality Profile:
I guess that's easy advice for me to give though. I've always been a calm person. My parents used to make fun of me. My face only had two settings, they'd say. Smiling and stone. I can't even remember the last time I lost my temper or acted without thinking everything through. I guess that's why I get along with so many people. It's easy to get along without someone who quietly listens. Even in a large group, I'll do just enough to not fade away. It's much better to watch things play out than lead the way. I'll be doing the same this time.
Writing Sample:
Even though I've only just met the others in my group, I don't need to know anything about them, and them about me. It's better that way. Once I've finished my task, we'll never see each other again and it'll be harder for anyone looking for revenge to find me if nobody knows anything about me. I want to retire as soon and with as few complications as possible. This might be my one chance to shed the weight life has tried to crush me with. I can't pass it up, no matter what they need me to do. Still, I wonder if it will all be worth it. How many hours of my new peace will I loose to my conscience? I've made it this far without blood on my hands, but I can't imagine I will be able to say the same after all this is done. I can't imagine they won't ask me to kill, but how many lives will it take before the cost outweighs my reward? I guess we'll have to wait and see.