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Everything posted by Parabola-

  1. I only listen to Eminem and 2Pac. I didn't like Eminem's 'The Eminem Show' that much. Disappointed with Eminem's last album. Fly-T :D
  2. Parabola-


    I only read magazines, Empire movie magazine. And sometimes I read biographies on actors/artists.
  3. Ok, my bad, I should of said, "Some ignorant American people". It's not only that, that they're mad about, it's because I have different opinions.
  4. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by SuperSayian [/i] [B] That right there proves my theory that you're just an uneducated idiot who thinks America is nothing but a bunch of hillbillies or some ****. Put some damn thought in your posts. I'm positive that there are a good million people that're smarter than you in this STATE alone. [/B][/QUOTE] Your posts are just as intelligent as George Bush's speches. What's wrong? Does the truth hurt? Have I hit a nerve? Where did I state that I hate Americans? I'm just stating by opinions. If I said something that every American agreed on, on here, they'll praise me for it. if I say something they totally disagree on, they'll call me an "idiot". Transtic Nerve, I was referring to the media, which is mostly owned by Jews, who hate Arabs and Muslims, who also say negative stuff about them. That's why when it comes to terrorism in the news, you only hear it from ONE side. And "Iraqian"? You mean Iranian or Iraqi?
  5. I think Matt Damon will play Superman. ;/ Batman vs Superman will be directed by Wolfgang Petersen and the movie will be released in 2004. Too damn long!
  6. Adult soft core porn/ultra violent Manga titles Urotsukidoji: Legend of the Overfiend and Urotsukidoji II Legend of the Demon Womb. Devilman Crying Freeman (Movie and Manga) Although they're my fave Manga videos, they're definately not for kids......
  7. Keanu Reeves cannot act, he's as bad as Arnold Schwarzenegger. Although Keanu Reeves did receive a Best Actor or Supporting Actor nomination for My Own Private Idaho with the late River Phoenix.
  8. It has Tony Blair and George Bush as gay lovers. George Michael also refers to the war in Afghanistan etc. The song won't be released in the U.S.
  9. I had all the Fighting Fantasy books by Steve Jackson and Ian Livingstone, but get rid of them all. Basically I just got bored of them. I have a few Dragon Lance books somewhere around the house though.
  10. Tool 'Ticks & Leeches' 'Lateralus' 'Disposition'
  11. I am sickened and appalled by that video. Sickening beyond my wildest imagination. :D
  12. You know what they say about Americans. Damn ignorant people.
  13. What you gonna do ? Tell your idiot President to bomb England?
  14. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Mist [/i] [B][color=red][size=1] *Cough* Um, yeah, there is. I'm not trying to be rude but look around you. News stations, newspaper, heck, even MTV have had specials on evidence on the controversy of Bin Laden's guiltiness. Of course us 'Americans', as you so politely put it, are offended by 9/11, but not every American is up for bombing the Middle East right back. I'm half filipino and half polish, but I consider myself an American because this is the place where I have grown up; the only place I've ever known. I can understand if you're offended by some of the outrageous claims Americans might have said againt people of Middle Eastern decent, but don't you think we have a right? For now, at least? [/color][/size] [/B][/QUOTE] Who controls the world's media? Israelis. Who controls the media in the U.S? Israelis. Who hates Arabs and Muslims? Israelis. It's funny how you never hear about terrorism from both sides. I'm not even an Arab or Muslim nor did I mastermind Sept 11th "attacks". Damn, if I came on here and said, "Hi, I'm from Saudi Arabia." I wonder how hostile people would treate me then...:worried:
  15. I'm sorry if I sounded Anti-American, which I'm not, as I do have American cousins in the U.S. I just don't agree with U.S foreign policies, that's all.
  16. PrettygurlRei You know the Gerudo guard that is guarding the fence at the start with the sign, when you first enter Gerudo Fortress, is the last Carpenter behind that fence? I've looked everywhere, but can't find the last Carpenter....
  17. I understand that BabyGirl. But there's also no evidence bin Laden was behind 9/11 also. So I guess there's no chance of telling me how to upload my own avatar? ;/ [color=deeppink][size=1]I apologize for invading your post, but if you look back at my first response to you (should be one page back), then you'll see I answered your avatar question. -BG[/color][/size]
  18. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Jesus Chicken [/i] [B]Rage Against The Machine are coming back together with the lead singer from Soundgarden, well that's what I have heard. [/B][/QUOTE] After Zack left R.A.T.M. Ex- lead singer of Soundgarden Chris Cornell joined the remaining members of R.A.T.M. They recorded songs together and were supposed to release an album this year, under the band name 'Civilian'.
  19. I used to throw my Super Nintendo control pads. I think I broke like 3 of them. I've stopped throwing them now.
  20. The Americans here are only mad at me, because I had a different opinion. Why become a member here, if you can't have your own opinion? Must I agree with what everyone else says here? Don't take your frustration and anger at me after 9/11. If I had come on here and said, "Bomb the Middle East, get rid of all the terrorists", almost every American would say "Hell yeah" etc. And my posts wouldn't be "idiotic garbage".
  21. SuperSayian, ban me then from this ****en msg board. I cant even have my own ****en opinion here, before being attacked by everyone. And Justin, I'm not "picking a fight", this is the interent and this is a msg board, don't take stuff so ****ing seriously.
  22. September 11th was planned by America and Israel, so Bush's popularity with the American people would soar. No evidence bin Laden was behind 9/11. Video footage about him talking about 9/11, so what? What does that prove? I can tape myself dressed up as bin Laden, talking about 9/11. Everybody was talking about 9/11 on that day. If Bush says "This country is a terrorist country, supports terrorism, let's bomb the crap out of it, we need to protect Americans." 90% of Americans would agree with him, right?
  23. You know the U.S. Government is corrupt, just like every other Government. BabyGirl, how do I upload my own, Avatar? I'm new to message boards.
  24. The U.S. sells arms to everyone. Prove to me they don't sell arms to Iraq. If the U.S, Britain and Israel ruled the world, there would be terrorism everyday, everywhere. Enough said. U.S. and Britain supported Saddam during the Iraq - Iran war in 1980. Look it up, read some books, stop being ignorant, but obviously with the U.S. a duplicate version of Israel, but much bigger, with all the media controlled by Goldbergs, Goldsteins and Cohens. They're not exactly going to make the U.S. Government look stupid. Vietnam, the Gulf War and now Afghanistan, bombing the crap out of those countries is inhumane, is an act of terrorism itself. I respect your opinion, but that's what I think.
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