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Everything posted by Parabola-

  1. I forgot about Russia also France. But what I said is true.
  2. Before I used to listen to Rap only. But I've given up on Rap, all I listen to now is Rock, Metal and Grunge. Favourite bands are... Tool Smashing Pumpkins Soundgarden Finger Eleven Bush Creed Pearl Jam Nirvana Alice In Chains Foo Fighters Radiohead Rage Against The Machine
  3. U.K. version of Sky One sucks. It's true, all they show is Sally Jessie Raphael and Jenny Jones "Out of control teens".
  4. George Bush is an idiot, him and his Poodle, Tony Blair. He should re-read his "Axis of Evil" list and add Saudi Arabia, Morocco, Egypt and Pakistan. 14 of the 19 so-called Sept 11th hijackers came from Saudi Arabia. Yet those countries are allies of the U.S.. Clearly shows the U.S. Government doesn't care about it's people. The only reason the U.S. are interested in the Middle East is because of the oil. After all Iraqi President Saddam Hussein is a product of the U.S, they brought and risen him into power during the 70's and 80's. Where else did he get his "Weapons of mass destruction" from ? U.S. and Britain. So the U.S. and Britain should also be in the "Axis of Evil" list. Not forgetting Israel, who kill every Palestinian they see.
  5. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Solid Snake [/i] [B][color=teal]For the GameBoy Advance, you cannot forget the soon-to-come sequal to Castlevania: Circle of the Moon, Castlevania: Harmosy of Dissonance, which is said to be even better than the first GBA title. For more on this game, site the June 2002 issue of Electronic Gaming Monthly (EGM). Oh, and another great RPG for the Super Nintendo Entertainment System that you don't have would be Mario RPG. It is said to be one of the best Marios, and seeing as you have all of your Mario friends in a game made by Square, who's going to doubt that?[/color] :blah: [/B][/QUOTE] Wasn't Mario RPG released on the Nintendo 64 as Paper Mario?
  6. Stupid topic, but.... ...I need you lot to recommend me some good RPG's on the NES, SNES and Game Boy/Color/Advance. U.K. PAL only. I currently own these RPG's NES The Legend of Zelda The Adventures of Link Super Nintendo Equinox Final Fantasy: Mystic Quest Illusion of Time Secret of Evermore Secret of Mana Shadowrun Terranigma The Legend of Zelda: A Link To The Past Game Boy/Color/Advance Breath of Fire Final Fantasy Legend Final Fantasy Legend II The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Ages The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Seasons Golden Sun Thanks.
  7. I have Terranigma for my UK PAL Super Nintendo, great game. It sold for £80 on ebay.
  8. i think the U.K. release for Zelda GameCube is Feb 2003.
  9. Desbreko, where's the 4th Carpenter located at? I can't find him anywhere....
  10. I think I've rescued 3 of the carpenters. How many carpenters do you have to save? I rescued 3 of the carpenters, before I passed the Shadow Temple. I don't know where to go now. :flaming:
  11. How many actual Final Fantasy games are there? I think that Final Fantasy 2 was released released in the U.S. or Japan as Final Fantasy 6 or 4. And has there been any more Final Fantasy games on the original 1989 Game Boy? I have Final Fantasy Legend and Final Fantasy Legend II for Game Boy already. Thanks.
  12. Sepember 11th was a planned attack by the U.S. and Israel. It was planned so that Bush's popularity with the American people would soar. There is no evidence bin Laden, Taliban, Al Queda were behind September 11th. All you see is bin Laden on video, talking bout Septermber 11th etc. So what ? Everyone was talking bout September 11th. I don't think alot of Americans care if U.S.A bomb the crap out of every country when Bush states are "An Axis of Evil" or "We're against terrorism" and "We want to protect America". So if U.S.A bomb Iraq they should also bomb Saudi Arabia and Kuwait, who support Al Queda and Palestinian suicide bombers, right ? After all bin Laden is a Saudi. Why won't the U.S.A bomb Saudi Arabia or Kuwait ? Because of the oil. As long as the U.S. make billions from them, why would they bomb the crap out of them? And 90 % of the world's media is owned by American and/or British Jews who hate Arabs and Muslims, who of course are going to side with America. So don't expect to see terrorism from both sides. I'm not a Arab or a Muslim, so it doesn't bother me much. bin Laden, Taliban, Saddam Hussein are all products of the United States. It was the U.S. who brought Saddam into power during the 1980's (Iran-Iraq war) and the U.S. supported Afghanistan, knowing damn well about bin Laden's Taliban against the Soviet Union. So it's pretty obvious who to blame for Sept 11th. "When ignorance reigns, life is lost"
  13. oh... What about the password feature? Is there a password to get the boomerang?
  14. Hi all I've been stuck on Oracle of Seasons for 2 weeks now. I'm on the bit where you have to do the dance in order to get the Boomerang. Is there another way to get the Boomerang or do I have to pass the dance bit to progress through? This bit is so frustrating. :flaming: Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks.:wigout:
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