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    im ither and Angel for Hell or a demon from Paradise
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  1. I like Rei, Misato, and Auska(NGE). the reason i like Asuka because she is somewhat like me. Love Faye and Julia(CB), nova Sitory is ok ah um..... ill repost later forget ohhh ya Star(Tekknaman), Shara(Tekknaman), and Morgana(DS)and FF7 Tifa and Aeris
  2. Just wondering about the First Tekkaman, Saber Rider, Exo-Squad
  3. i Gather from yall that it has its ups and downs. [size=1][color=teal]PLEASE put more detail into your posts. I don't want to see spamming like this from you again. If this continues, I'll be forced to refer you to my superiors. -Syk3[/color][/size]
  4. No its not running in America to my Knollage which isnt much. But it is great so is Cowboy Bebop and has anyone here seen Cowboy Bebop Knockin on Heavens Door(i think is the name) [size=1][color=teal]It's not running on American TV, but it will be. However, both this and the Cowboy Bebop movie are COMPLETELY off-topic, and I'm going to have to ask that this stops. Now. -Syk3[/color][/size]
  5. Ya Gundam Wing is Good. I loved Jin Roh and the Wolfbergade that kicked so much ***.
  6. ya Cowboy bebop is ok But i have a cool one of Neon Genesis Ramsiten Engel, DBZ Dedicated to Bardock in the end, Trunks Rage Papercut, Broli Dragula Remix, Cowboy Bebop In the End, Gundam wing Invincible, Gundam Wing In the End, Gundam Wing Kryptonite, Final Fantasy 9 In the end, FFX in the end, FF 4-8 Paper cut, FF 7-10 Pushing away form me, DBZ History of Trunks BY my self,(ya i know alot of linkin park)
  7. hey the games are ok but a little short im in about 150 hours of FFX (beat it at like 80) trying to gather all the Dark Matter and create the perfect weapons. 4 disk is to long but about a 200 hr. game seems good for FF if the quality was good.
  8. i think it is ok but not to get off track what about Yunas Wedding Dress that is cool.
  9. ive only seen previews on some other Anime i have but it seems to be realy good.
  10. ya NGE Death and rebirth was confusing but i had never seen the series. But Akira is better and a friend might lend me Jin Roh. I like those kind. If yall wnat pm go ahead.
  11. In my opion it was ok but i perfer Neon Genisis The End of Evangelion, Neon Genisis Death and Rebirth, Blood the last vampire,and Ghost in the shell.That kind of stuff.
  12. Hey if yall want some music vidios ill see if Adam will let me email them to him and put them on the website because i have about 50 music vidios. Mostly DBZ, Gundam Wing, Neon Genisis, Cowboy Bebop, and Macross. PM me if yall want to know more!:) :and when wil this thing stop calling me a newbie???
  13. Hey i love it too i bought most of them except the Third Generation but unfortianly i havent seen any of the movies. Just wondering though have any of yall seen Saber Rider and the Star Sheriffs
  14. Hey im getting the level 4 serphent and a level 5 wing zero custom in a month or two if i have enough money.
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