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Everything posted by Arkadyz

  1. [color=sienna][font=comic sans ms] I thought id just add that one of the things viewed in the very brief trailer of dirge at the tokyo game show was cait sith...I found that interesting that to my knowledge hes the only FF7 character that isnt appearing in the Advent Children. I wonder what that means? [/color][/font]
  2. [color=sienna][font=comic sans ms] I must say ive thought the quality of this series has varied to a good degree...Some epsidoes where excellent while others seemed rather mediocre... But this series has earned its place in my heart with this episode tonight. [spoiler] And it did it with one elegent and incredibly sad scene...That scene would be when cher fell to her death...It happened in such a split second but it was just so heartwrenchingly sad...I mean just seeing the pain in hubbs face as he watched her dieing... He had spent so much time trying to find her...Hed been so close and now that he was finally with her and they seemed happy and this even came out of nowhere...Id say it ranks up there with julias death in Cowboy bebop as one of the saddest things ive seen in anime... [/spoiler] So yea thats the mark of a great series to me...One that makes me care so much for the characters that it can draw a tear from me... [/color][/font]
  3. [color=sienna][font=comic sans ms] Hmmm well the only series I can think of that id like to see sequels to have been done in manga form, but nonethless id like to see them animated too. [b]Hellsing:[/b] Like was said before the series doesnt do justice to the manga. While it did have amazing animation it was just alittle bit more confusing then it needed to be and it lacked the depth of the manga. It would really be nice if they went back and animated alucards other adventures and got more into the characters. [b]Trigun:[/b] This is wishful thinking I know but id really love to see nightow's trigun:maximum series animated. THe original is still really great, but I do quite like maximums take on the storyline. I know that nightow has stated it wont be made into an anime but maybe he'll change his mind someday... [b]KareKano:[/b] As I understand it this series was one of the(if not the last)series anno worked on and he quit quite suddenly(I heard he perfers to work on live action now and wont have anything to do with anime...). However the manga did continue on for quite some time and it would be nice if they went ahead and animated it. I believe the manga is up to like 15 or 20 some volumes? Needless to say that would provide plenty of content to make an extentsion of the series. [/color][/font]
  4. [font=comic sans ms][color=sienna] Wow only one person mentioned akira as far as I can see (Sorry I skipped all of the spam posts) and it was in the negative... Ahem well let me come to this great films defense. While ill agree the first version of akira that most english speaking people saw was a poorly translated version that was more the fault of the dub and not the actual product. The new dub done by pioneer is far superior and makes alot of things more clear. Although the film is still slightly confusing (You really need to read the manga series to understand it completely) it remains a visual masterpiece and a storytelling triupmh. I dont know if any of you have the DVD but I reccomend getting it. Theres a very good feature on it that translates all of the graffiti seen all over the city and it almost adds another layer to the storytelling. It clues you in more on the unrest and open rebellion going on in the city. I also enjoy the characters alot. Kaneda does have some things incommon with the typical anti-hero but hes still a joy to watch (Not to mention his bike still stands as one of the coolest things ever in anime :cool: ). As for visuals...it still looks amazing after all these years. Especially the bike chase scene near the start...It has a great sense of motion and the fighting between the gangs is visceral and really has wieght to it. Well ive gone on enough needless to say Akira is my favorite anime movie. End of Evangelion would be a close second though. To use comic guys cliche...Best Ending EVER. [/color][/font]
  5. [color=sienna][font=comic sans ms] Here you go dagger...you can see that theyve aged yuffie nicely...Unfortunatly I could get a real good image of zack :rolleyes: But you can see his head at the bottom left of the page lol :p [/color][/font] [url="http://img59.exs.cx/img59/2338/jp0823-1.jpg"]Click here for the image[/url] [color=red][size=1]I've just provided a link here, because the image was so large that it was warping the thread. - James[/color][/size]
  6. [font=comic sans ms][color=sienna] Wow...I just saw the E3 trailer and it was even better then the original japenese one. I must say im getting pretty psyched about this movie. The brief scenes that showed tifas fight scene where simply breathtaking. This is the FF movie square should of made in the first place :p It would be grand if it was a theatrical release but im sure it wont be. I look forward to seeing vincent and red back in action...Hopefully in the next trailer :D [/color][/font]
  7. [QUOTE=Mitch][size=1][color=red] I have one word for you: [i]Stuntman[/i]. The difficulty of that game is god-awfully annoying as hell. Also, [i]Final Fantasy Tactics[/i], for the PS. Hard game. Well, I got to this one pig boss someplace in it. I believe it was at Riovanes Castle. Well, the game lets you save randomly at dungeons and so on, so I saved. Well, this pig boss was next, and I was screwed over then since I couldn't go out and train my guys more. So basically, that was 30 or so hours of the game down the drain. Bye bye. Never to be seen again, all because the game tells you to save, and you do it, but it doesn't tell you there's some big *** boss coming that's going to be hard as all hell. Err.[/size][/color][/QUOTE] [color=sienna][font=comic sans MS]I feel your pain mitch...I had the same problem except it was against the Arc Knight guy that turns your party into vampires. I foolishly saved before I went to his castle and I got stuck there...I tried and retried to beat the same level time and time again (I stoped counting after 53 or so) I went online only to find out I needed an item called 108 jems so there went my entire game up to that point...Pissed me off to no end. All those hours down the drain... :flaming: [/color][/font]
  8. [font=century gothic][size=1][color=royalblue] Well my FF experience is abit limited(ive only played 7-9 and 11) but ill give a go at this nonetheless. Im going to cheat abit though because there really isnt any ONE game that I like more then the others...Each has strong points and weak ones. FF7's best aspect has to be the characters hands-down. The gameplay was kind of so-so and the story telling abit muddled but the characters where really what made the game for me. As for FF8 its one large redeeming factor was the storyline. I loved the story of FF8 more then any of the others. But almost everything else in the game was unpleasent to me...I really hated the junction system and some of the characters where downright annoying. But again great story. If I had to lean towards one game as a favorite it would probably be FF9. Certain parts of the story where kinda strange but I loved otherparts aswell. All of the characters where really fun(Especially steiner and vivi) and I absolutely loved the overall look of the game. The same praise goes to the gameplay. I loved that you got 4 chracters and that everyone had there role instead of being all interchangable. FF11 I hate to even mention...That stupid game was insanely addicitive but in the end it was pretty horrid which was even more annoying...How could a bad game be so addicitive? I have no idea but ill warn all of you to stay away from it. (youll know what I mean if you get to around lvl 50+) So yea thats my take on the handfull of FF games ive played...I really should pick up some of the older ones because I hear there quite good and im not really hung up on gfx (I actually enjoy 2-d :cool: ) ***edit*** My apologies I completely forgot that ive played and beat FFT about a dozen times lol...Completely slipped my mind...Personally I love the IDEA of FFT and such but sometimes the game can be extremely frustrating in the fact that many enemies later on have one hit kills and its much, much too easy to lose your characters that you worked so hard and long on. Needless to say I did alot of resets. :flaming: [/color][/font][/size]
  9. [color=royalblue][font=century gothic][size=1] Eh...this IS a toughie :wigout: But Ill have to say in general any of the characters from FF9...They where all pretty interesting ,and unlike the previous 2 installments, wherent all moody and depressed. Out of that large cast id probably have to pick steiner as my fav. He may have had clanky old looking armor but he was a really good guy at heart. He was loyal to a fault and very protective of garnet(And later vivi). He did his best to keep his dignity and honor intacked even while zidane was making fun of him :laugh: . Lastly he was just a really great fighter, especially when paired with vivi. He had a equally courageous and strong gf and got to wield excalibur...Whats not to love? :cool: [/color][/font][/size]
  10. [color=royalblue][font=times new roman][size=2]Well you guys could read my post just one page back...Oh forget it ill just do a synopsis. This is gonna be pretty basic...Dont want to write some huge thing. [spoiler] Well ill just cover the highlights. Lets see the first important thing is that koga runs into inuyasha and company because there both tracking naraku's scent(They say normaly you cant track him) He does his usal koga stuff (making eyes at kagome and running over inuyasha as he leaves) The other important thing at this point is that tonight it will be the new moon and inuyasha will become weak so kagome suggests staying away from naraku for tonight even though he can track him and knows hes near. Theres also some shoots in narakus castle showing kagara and kana(The little girl all in white with the mirror) Kana tells kagara naraku has left and thats why the barrier around the castle is weak she then shows kagara that koga is nearing the castle. Kagara goes out to great koga with an undead army of skeletons. The fight is pretty even until kagara sucks koga into a tornado full of bones that starts slicing him up. At the same time kogas wolves/fellow demons run off to get inuyasha's help but find out that hes a weak human now but inuyasha still goes. Meanwhile koga leaps out of the tornado after getting pretty beat-up but as soon as he does kagara slices the shards out of his legs. at the same time inuyasha and company come running up and kagara flees. Koga and inuyasha get into it AGAIN and they all play nice in the end...For alittle while atleast. Back to kagara...Her first instinct is to bring the shards back to naraku but she laments over her fate as his slave then she remebers there is someone that could kill naraku for her...Sessy. She goes and visits sessy(Him rin and jakin where in a few scenes earlier and rin wished on a shooting star to always be by sessy's side...It was so kawaii ;) ) Sessy too has been tracking naraku for his own reasons and she meets up with him. His first instinct is to draw his sword but she offers a truce...She will give sessy the shards in exchange she wants him to kill naraku. The last scene we see is of a really mangled naraku in what looks like a basement saying something about betrayl. We later learn that just like inuyasha naraku weakens and becomes human under the new moon...Unlike inuyasha that just turns human all of his demons seem to come out of him or something...he looked a mess and very un-naraku :devil: [/spoiler] PHEW...ok thats it...I probably missed alot of smaller things but thats the basics of it :laugh: [/color][/font][/size]
  11. Arkadyz

    Nintendo DS

    [color=royalblue][font=century gothic][size=1] Very nice indeed. Much sleeker then the boxy design of the old one...It sure does let it compete with the PSP more in the looks dept. Still kinda sad not to see a analog stick but ill live :D Now the waiting begins... [/color][/font][/size]
  12. [quote name='vash-san']me and a friend just recently rented this much acclaimed anime.... after watching the first episode... actually not even teh first one we decided to turn it off because it definatly was confusin.... i didn't understand what was goin on and whats with the whole manga showing scene it made no sense at all it just made me think that they were too poor to afford to make the entire movie all in th same way.... i kno a lot of ppl say that u hafta watch the first 6 before u can understand it but i frankly have no motivation to watch all of them especally after this first episode i dont think that ill be givin it another chance! just out of curiousity however would it be any easier to understand if i had read teh manga first???[/quote] [color=royalblue][font=century gothic][size=1] Actually vash the manga is more confusing then the anime :wigout: But trust me you'll want to see all 6 episodes because the series is just amazing. I had some similar thoughts as you after I saw the first ep but once you get past that one it only gets better. You'll get some of the best battle scenes ever, lots of crazy comedy, and best of all some amazing music. Id suggest this series to any otaku out there...Its just way too much fun to miss :D [/color][/font][/size]
  13. [COLOR=royalblue][FONT=century gothic][SIZE=1] Wow found the inuyasha thread buried back on page 4...Ofcourse I know people can only "Discuss" The inuyasha-kagome-kikyo love triangle so much :p Well anywho I just wanted to comment on last nights episode. It was pretty interesting and ofcourse sense it included sessy it was great :D The 2 intresting things happened last night...For one kagura deepened as a character for me. Up until now shes been for the most part a pretty 2 dimensonal villianess but this episode really showed how shes almost imprisoned by naraku and desperatly wishes for her freedom. I actually caught myself for a moment feeling sorry for her. And the fact that shes trying to enlist [spoiler]Sessy to kill naraku for her should be interesting...Im betting on sessy on that battle :devil: [/spoiler] The second thing is that they revealed[spoiler]Just like inuyasha Naraku also weakens under the new moon. It should be interesing to see how/if this weakness of his could be exploited[/spoiler] All and all im really looking forward to the next episode. This series amazes me that it just seems to keep getting better and better. :cool: [/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE]
  14. [COLOR=royalblue][FONT=century gothic][SIZE=1] Could of sworn I posted in here before...ah well :p This is a really fun series that I look forward to seeing each week. The characters are strong and interesting(Even the supporting ones) The mysteries themselves are always unique and I myself can only solve maybe alittle less then half of them myself...The rest im just clueless :D Although I do have one worry...While this is indeed a great series I dont think it would hold up as well on repeat viewings. I mean the greatest pleasure I get from the series now is solving the mysteries but when it goes into reruns I will already know who the killer is each time so a measurable amount of the fun would be gone :( I guess ill just have to wait and see if the series is as enjoyable on the second viewing :cool: For the meantime ill enjoy all the new episodes and my attempts at solving the mysteries. [/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE]
  15. [COLOR=royalblue][FONT=century gothic][SIZE=1] Duel masters was OK at the start of the series...But now its just one LOOONG joke thats getting pretty old. At first its whole tounge in cheek making fun of the anime genre was amusing but its just relentless and doesnt let up this act for a second. It would be nice if the series could be alittle serious atleast for a second. For this reason I cant get too into the series because its all just so ridicolous...Everyone makes dumb comments about everything going on the world, I guess there trying to be witty but it just comes off as obnoxious. The series just lacks the emotional punch of Yu-Gi-Oh's duels. You could really care less who wins or loses. :rolleyes: So bottom line to me...Interesting idea of satiring Yu-Gi-Oh and anime in general but poor execution. [/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE]
  16. [FONT=century gothic][COLOR=royalblue][SIZE=1] Well a analog stick would be nice :rolleyes: Thats probably my only problem with the DS is the lack of that stick. I just dont see how playing mario 64 is gonna be as fun without it. Other then that....I guess they could use to streamline the machine abit so it looks more attractive similar to the PSP. Other then that nothing needs to be changed to me...How about you all anything elsed youd change to the exterior of the DS? [/FONT][/COLOR][/SIZE]
  17. [FONT=Century Gothic][COLOR=RoyalBlue] [SIZE=1]DS all the way. Theres too many strikes against sony for me. For one sony doesnt make the most reliable optical drives to say the least. Anyone care to buy a system for 300 dollars then have it break a year or so later? :rolleyes: Second sony has this omni-machine theory that they seem to keep trying to realize by making a machine thats mediocre at alot of things and fails to excel at any of them (PSX anyone? :sleep: ) I like a gaming machine thats for playing games...Not some kinda swiss army knife. While im sure the PSP will be better then the nokia QD (shudders at the thought of that thing) I still think its gonna be overly complex things that I could buy better in a seperate device (Thats like when ppl said they didnt like that gamcube couldnt play DVDs...The PS2 is as good of a DVD player as the PSOne is a CD player :laugh: ). And ofcourse theres the games. While sony has announced some Im not really excited about any of them and the fact that Sony has released any good screenshoots that ive seen of the PSP in action makes me worry. The fact that they've tried to pass off doctored PS2 pics as PSP screens is...creepy... Sigh anyway ill be going DS thank you...One last plus backwards compatability so ill still be able to play all my GBA 2d goodness as well as all the DS goodies. PSP=Overrated and Overhyped :p End Rant. :devil: [/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE]
  18. [QUOTE=Black Moon]I totally agree on this one. It left me thinking "Shouldn't there be more? What the heck happened?" of course, then I was yelling: "STAND UP DAMNIT!!!" [spoiler]I was wonder if he was [I]actually[/I] dead or not! And what happened to Ed? Did she find herself? Did Faye pay all her bills? I mean, come on! Did Jet finally move on?[/spoiler] It felt like a fanfic that forgot it's epilouge![/QUOTE] [COLOR=RoyalBlue] From this post and others it seems your main complaints are the lack of utter and total resolve...Thats a pretty weak reason to dislike a ending. Have alittle imagination people huin? Or do you all want everything and anything spelled out in big letters for you...Try to figure it out for yourself hun. Bebop had a lovely ending that suited the series as a whole very well. I think it was a wonderful caper to a great series. [spoiler] Between julia and spike finally finding each other and being tragically seperated again and the final resolution between vicious wound up things nicely. I knew as soon as julia died spike would too because he wouldnt have been able to go on without her. [/spoiler] As for evangelion...Theres too much going on there for this one little post to spell out all the things...The long and the short of it being it was always a very internal show about how people felt inside and there own conflicts within themselves. I think mala said it best...what did you all expect in the end a giant all out slug fest? no...Keeping with the spirit of the show the 2 final episodes where how they should have been. And I dont know how you all can fault the movies...They gave you all your action and such so what more did you want. I will apologize for my critical tone I just cant believe so many anime fans...Just dont...understand. :sleep: [/COLOR]
  19. [color=royalblue][font= comic sans ms]Well I loved FM3...I actually still have it for my PSOne and play it every now and then (God do I love that secret mech you get later in the game with the nuetron rifle...mmm) I do agree that FM3 was alot better to me then FF: tactics. While tactics is a solid strategy game FM3 is head and shoulders above it to me. I love the fact that you can customize your wanzer to such a high extent and also that indivdual parts grant different skills and abilities. I saw the movie for this game awhile back and cant wait...I really wish square had imported over the first 2 games, because id sure love to play them. The gfx for FM4 look really sharp though and I cant wait to play this one. Oh and also I heard rumors about an online Front Mission game...I havent heard much about it but I guess I can do alittle digging and see whats going on with it. :cool: [/color][/font]
  20. [color=royalblue][font=comic sans ms]I really dont like what CN is doing lately with its programming. I honestly dont understand them anymore...Why on gods green earth would you make an entire 2 hrs to the DB series... CN pioneered anime on television and they now seem to be going backwards...Removing it from its proper time slot, constantly showing reruns, and being slow to aquire new series. Lastly...I know AS has always had a strange sense of humor in there bumpers and such but lately theyve taken it too far...The utterly annoying and insipid alligator vs. shark made me scramble for the mute button constantly...And now tonight as there "april fools joke" They have seen fit to put black mustaches(and sometimes glasses) on all the characters tonight. I dont know what possesed them to do such a thing tonight but I for one am slowly becoming turned off by CN...I suppose I can only wait and pray for the day I can get Anime Network on cable... :rolleyes: [/color][/font]
  21. [color=royalblue][font=comic sans ms]Well I was put-off by those plug suit/character designs just for the same reason that OS didnt like them...There suppose to be young and not adults. I mean heck i wouldnt have a gripe about it if they made them...Oh say 18. But the way they drew them in those pictures they look more like late 20's maybe even pushing 30 and thats just too much of a change. And an unessecary one at that. One of the purposes for there age was that the teenage years are most often the hardest...The time peroid in which young people are discovering who they are and wondering about there place in the world(Not that this cant happen at any age but its more common in the age of the asuka and shinji) I just think that the movie would lose alot if it went with older actors for the roles of shinji, asuka, and rei. And like Darkblade said aslong as they dont go doing any cheesecake(AKA fanservice :devil: ) shoots with the girls in the suits it should be fine. But beyond this gripe I dont like them messing with the names. I dont actually mind them making this "new city" built upon the old one. It lends itself to an interesting and more post apocalyptic look I suppose. Im thinking weta is going to keep refining and redoing there designs leading up to the actual filming but they can leave those eva desgins as-is right now...Im really digging those :cool: Oh well heres to hoping it isnt a flop and becomes a nice big trilogy... :D [/color][/font]
  22. [color=dimgrey][font=comic sans ms]Well some of the best cinematics ive seen as far as graphic quality and good production values would have to go to Warcraft 3 and its expansion frozen throne. Personally I think Blizzard and Square/Enix make the best cinematics overall. Square especially and not even just with the final fantasy series (I was utterly amazed how good the ones where for front mission 3 way back) Its interesting to note though as in-game graphics continue to improve more and more games seem to be going with ingame cinematics as opposed to cut-scenes...Personally I think this is a shame because when I play a game I always look forward to seeing the cinematics. Oh well.[/color][/font]
  23. [font=comic sans ms][color=dimgrey]Hmm well I dont know too much about this title but from the looks of it and what you said it just looks like Harvest moon:back to nature for the PSOne, but with lesser gfx. Which is itself a port of Harvest Moon 64. But anyway I love this series and its alot of fun. It can get abit repetitive after awhile but I always find myself going back to this game every so often. From what you said the PS2 one sounds pretty boring...Oh well atleast GC owners will get to experience the series properly it seems. Geez reading about this has made me nostalgic again...Think I need to go dive into my PS library and check out how popuri and are getting along :cool: [/font][/color]
  24. [font=comic sans ms][color=dimgrey]I just assumed that only karasuma(The psychic) had craft powers other then robin ofcourse. It would be interesting to see what/if amons powers manifest themself later in the series. And I agree with Sere. Id say her and michael would be a good match. They seem to get along pretty well and she kept bringing him food which was sweet. I really like that this series is very subtle so far and isnt as mindlessly action packed as I was afraid it would be. I hope that continues. :cool: [/font][/color]
  25. [color=plum][font=comic sans ms]Heh well I guess im in the minority...My first exposure was Akira and robotech(Or macross or whatever they called it...I still cant quite figure it out :rolleyes: ) I really started getting into it probably around the start of the whole DBZ thing when it started opening the gate for other animes. Ive always been pretty picky about what I watch...And even moreso about the very few animes ive bought(I only own 3 series, NGE, Hellsing, and Blue Gender) I used to only watch fansubs mostly but since Adult Swim came around and I work late shifts I got hooked on that. So I pretty much only get around to watching what comes on AS(Poor people cant be choosy :p ) As to the last question...Yeah I probably would have considering I got *most* of what akira was about even with that horribly confusing original dub. But I do appreciate good anime alot more now that ive seen some truly bad anime. :devil: [/color][/font]
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