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Everything posted by Arkadyz

  1. [color=crimson][font=times new roman]Well its alittle cluttered and I dont think it needs the May 30 in it...But other then that it looks great :D Its very colorful and eye catching...And the more previews i see of nemo the better it looks... :cool: [/color][/font]
  2. [color=crimson][font=times new roman]Very nice...Clean simple and elegant...Pretty good. And yeah it does look good with the liquid skin :cool: [/color][/font]
  3. [color=crimson][font=times new roman]When it comes to time travel I have only one bit of advice...Suspend belief...really... Cause if you start really thinking about time travel and all the effects and what ifs your brain will probably quite literally explode...This question is proof of the for me...owww my head... :nervous: [/color][/font] :p
  4. [color=crimson][font=times new roman]I like the mix of colors and shades...just pleasing to the eye I suppose... Oh and that evil grinning face in the corner is pretty cool... :devil: [/color][/font]
  5. [color=crimson][font=times new roman]Wow thats interesting looking...Im still trying to figure out the images I can see in it...I think I like the grey and blue about the same...Maybe the blue alittle more :D [/color][/font]
  6. [color=crimson][font=times new roman]I like the little touches of green you added...Makes it look even more interesting... :cool: [/color][/font]
  7. [color=crimson][font=times new roman]heh interesting that black area infront of her looks like a cat..Well it does to me anywayz... :p But yeah I think it may be even better then the last Av you posted...[/font][/color]
  8. [color=crimson][font=times new roman]Looks real nice...ofcourse im a big Naruto fan :D The only thing thats so-so to me is the font of the text...Its kinda hard to read :whoops: ...Other then that its great... 9/10 :toothy:[/font][/color]
  9. Arkadyz

    [color=crimson][font=times new roman]Argh lousy comp erased my response so now I have to type over...grumble... Its a very nice banner...I like how the red and black sorta mix together...The scorpian is a nice touch too, esp how its kinda simplistic looking it goes better then a detailed pic would have... OH and the font and look of scorpios name at the bottom looks good too...Def a 10/10 :cool: [/color][/font]
  10. [color=crimson][font=times new roman]Well its looks nice with the black... It would match your sig (Which looks really great) more then the avi you have now :D [/color][/font]
  11. [color=crimson][font=times new roman]I like it...Simple nice black and white colors...Though im not too familiar with hunter x hunter its a clean simple banner... :cool: [/color][/font]
  12. [color=crimson][font=times new roman]Ewww...bmp are evil...EVIL :devil: No but really try saving it as a Jpeg or gif instead...works alot better... Its an ok banner...Its alittle too cluttered with text that I cant even read...And its not the greatest font :worried: But I do like the 2 pics you used... :D [/color][/font]
  13. [color=crimson][font=times new roman]Hmmm lets see...Ill have to go with... [b]Rat Race:[/b] This one just had me laughing from start to finish...A great ensemble cast comedy. [b]GroundHog Day:[/b] Bill Murray is a genius of comedy...Nuff said :p [b]Robin hood men in tights:[/b] Albert brooks made sure id never think of robin hood the same way again... :D [b]Shrek:[/b] Oh this one is hilarious...I dont know if there are any fairy tale storys/chracters that made it out of this movie unscathed :devil: Oh and any comedy with [b]Jim Carrey[/b] in it...The man is funny all the time...He just cant help it :laugh: [/font][/color]
  14. [color=crimson][font=times new roman]Yeah I dont mind telling ppl what I believe is true if they just wanna know...But if its actually for something important like a paper or something...I dont have that much confidence in what I say being the abolute truth :p While I find alexander the historical figure interesting...Reign is pretty lame to me...Too much muddled dialouge and just couldnt hold my attention...Got tired of hearing about the plato-headron(sp?) every 5 secs... That and im not a big fan of peter chung...Not really into that whole no one wearing barely any clothes and all looking kinda anorexic... :naughty: [/font][/color]
  15. [color=crimson][font=times new roman]Well im not too good at self analyzing either...I tend to sometimes act abit more immature online then I am in RL... Maybe thats me venting cause im so damn mature and serious all the time in RL...Its good to just use the internet to vent and have abit of fun ya know :p Life cant always be serious...doom and gloom stuff...Although unfortunatly it all too often is... Bah this is what you get when you post at 4 in the morning... :devil: [/font][/color]
  16. [color=crimson][font=times new roman]So...Most of you have problems with...FF couples? alright then interesting group to pick on... :therock: Ill have to go with kenshin and kaoru...They dont really flesh this one out much...And kaoru comes off alittle too obnoxious and juvenile to be with kenshin... Yeah and ill have to agree any girl in an anime thats got the hots for tenchi...I just gotta say...WHY? :p [/color][/font]
  17. [color=crimson][font=times new roman]Not bad at all...The effect is quite nice looking...Just needs some text :p Id give it more praise but im not a big yugi fan... :devil: [/color][/font]
  18. [color=crimson][font=times new roman]yeah it was made into a movie though I havent had the pleasure of watching it yet... Though from what ive heard the manga is much more graphic then the movie...Well I cant wait for the new ones to come out...Sighz just have to play the waiting game now... :p [/color][/font]
  19. [color=crimson][font=times new roman]Well I like the look of it...The biggest problem I have is I cant really read most of the text...It makes my eyes hurt too much to try and focus on it to read the text :worried: Other then that though great banner :D [/font][/color]
  20. [color=crimson][font=times new roman]I think it looks pretty nice...I really like how you did the bullet-time look...And the rabbit is a cute touch :D [/font][/color]
  21. [color=crimson][font=times new roman]Wow this manga really caught me by suprise...I havent read the novel but im assuming its about as graphic as the manga... I saw this one at work(barnes & noble) It immedatly caught my eye cause it was shrink wrapped and had a sizable sticker warning of adult content unsuitable for minors. So I went in search of info on the title tonight and ive caught a few pages of this...All I can say is wow...They wherent exaggerating when they gave it a M rating...Graphic violence...and abit of sex/nudity. But this title isnt just for shock value...It also is pretty deep and has alot to say about human nature... Im def gonna read this one cover to cover tommorrow and look forward to the next issue :devil: And id like to say kudos to Tokyopop...Its nice to see they have some guts...First they put out some shounen-ai titles and now such a mature manga...And even better they get mainstream bookstores to carry them. Thankfully Viz and CPM have seen the light and are starting to follow tokyopops example of perserving the right to left format and not pricing thier volumes absurdly high...Now if only dark horse would get with it... :p [/color][/font]
  22. [font=times new roman][color=crimson]Im sorry I just cannot see this being even a tenth of what the eva series is...Its just too deep and complex of a series to water down and spit-up as a 2 hour movie... Sorry but I dont see how someone could condense all the metaphors complex relations and raw emotion of the series into a movie... Im not saying it wont be entertaining to watch them try...But I dont give em much of a chance at succeding... And hey street fighter and mortal komabt wherent THAT bad...:therock: ...well they werent :p **Add-on*** Great well now I read that hollywood is also going to be adapting lone wolf and cub to the screen now...Where will it end...How about instead of hollywood adapting all these movies into live action they release some of the anime feature films...Anime works best as anime as far as im concerned...Would i ever want to see cowboy bebop adapted as a live action movie? NOOO but the way things seem to be going hollywood will grab this one next...sighz...Someone needs to tell hollywood to stop trying to muck with perfection...:nervous: [/color][/font]
  23. [font=times new roman][color=crimson]Im not so sure about this one... The only thing I can think when watching the previews is...This is a crappy semi remake of T2 that looks like it wouldnt have half of that movies power... Shrugz I could be wrong...But stop me if youve heard this plotline before... An Advanced Terminator model is sent into the past to elimnate John Conner. But has to get through arnold's original Terminator first. I think I know why arnold is the only original cast member to come back for this one... :rolleyes: Well hopefully it wont turn out to be a pale, overly effects laden, underwhelming imitation of camerons masterpiece... :worried: [/color][/font]
  24. [font=times new roman][color=crimson]Yeah Ive seen a couple of different previews for this one...From what ive seen it looks good. It doesnt look like an all out comedy which I like...And most of the jokes they showed where pretty good. I may wait and read some reviews to make sure the previews arent misleading me...But since ol' harrisons in it ill probably watch it :D [/color][/font]
  25. [font=times new roman][color=crimson]Yes the oracle will play a important part in revolutions from what ive heard...But she'll be in a "different" form...Thats all anyone is saying so your guess is as good as mine as to what she'll look like. Yeah and it was really sad that she passed away...She was a damn fine actress... :bawl:[/font][/color]
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