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Everything posted by Arkadyz

  1. [size=1][color=seagreen][i]How can ya not like that ep :therock: Its got one of the best angels(if not the best) zeruel. Its great just watching[/i][/color][/size] [spoiler]Asukas frustration as she shoots about a couple tons of ammo into this thing and it doesnt even flinch...Then slices her eva into pieces. And the battle between unit 01 and zeruel is truely bone crunching. When unit 01 goes beserk...ohhh sends shivers up my spine[/spoiler][size=1][color=seagreen][i]...Gotta love it :devil: Does anyone know what kinda extra scenes or what not are on the directors cut dvds? I know theres like a scene where asukas starts undressing for kaji and something else...Just wondering if there worth buying :naughty:[/i][/color][/size]
  2. [size=1][color=seagreen][i]Yeah i im looking forward to this one too...Ive loved everything jim has done(and yes that includes cable guy and the majestic :p ) I really hope its as funny as it looks...Ofcourse i know jim cant be anything but funny...Its just his nature :D [/i][/color][/size]
  3. [size=1][color=green][i]Hmmm...tough one there...So many good eps :D Lets see i like waltz for venus cause its got a healthy dose of humor and drama...Pretty sad in the end but still good. Other then that i like Stray dog strut cause im the biggest ein fan (hes so cute and smart ;) ) and Toys in the attic. I know some dont like toys in the attic but i laugh SOOO hard at that ep. everytime...I mean comeon the whole premise of that ep is so insane its funny :p [spoiler] (Oh and classic scenes like spike trying to light his cig with a flamerthrower :laugh: )[/spoiler] Although when it comes down to it there all gems and i can find good things to say about them all :toothy: [/i][/color][/size]
  4. [size=1][COLOR=green][i]I truly apologize Transtic if i offened you...It was not my intent. I was just expressing a brief opinion...But if i did it in a manner that bothered you im sorry. Oh and im actually a guy...I just like chobits alot ;) (and i can kinda have a female POV...:blush: ) I take no offense to it though it isnt the first time...hehe... Again im sorry if i offened anyone with my comments...That wasnt my intent :angel: [/i][/COLOR][/size]
  5. Im sorry dating a cousin is just wrong...I dont care how close they are if theres any kind of direct blood relation there...Its just off. Like was said before they need to try to get a date outside of family... :naughty:
  6. [b][color=red]ARGH for the love of...Well i dont usually bash CN but this really sux. I mean they restarted the series AGAIN :flaming: . I swear i would love to see the whole wolf demon storyarc for once...grrr are they EVER gonna air the entire series im getting tired of watching the same eps over and over...:flaming: Sighz im sorry im getting so worked up i was just so annoyed when i saw that they where restarting the series AGAIN...sighz...Heres hoping they see the light and air the whole thing... :demon: [/color][/b]
  7. [size=1][I][color=teal]Well ive read the first volume of the manga...i dont know how much of a diff between the 2 are. I think they portray the 2 of them very realistically(sp?). Its nice to see a sweet but real relationship evolve between these 2.Between this and chobits im starting to really get into the Romantic/Comedy genre... :D (I cant even barely stand to watch action series anymore... :p )[/color][/I][/size]
  8. Arkadyz


    Well ive heard numerous favorable comparisons of it to evangelion...So being the Eva freak i am ill probly have to check out the series :D I like the look of the main mecha alot. But i havent gotten to see any of the enemies yet. The intial storyline sounds interesting also. I wonder if the series has a manga adaption of it... :demon:
  9. Arkadyz

    X2: XMen United

    [size=1][I][color=teal]Yeah id heard only a handful of the original ppl from the first Xmen film had signed on for X3 while all the new chracters from X2 have already signed up(So nightcrawlers def gonna be in X3...YEAH :D ) I hope the rest sign up too for X3...I wanna see it so bad and it isnt even in preproduction :rolleyes: Id really like to see how they will handle the whole [spoiler]phoenix force thing...Since she was showing off some of its abilities in the movie that means she already has it in her so that means no space shuttle cosmic force kinda origin[/spoiler]...And was it Magneto's machine that brought out these latent powers...:therock: [/color][/I][/size] I really need to find a freeze frame of that screen that mystique was looking at on the computer...Alotta familiar names there i didnt pick up on :cool: [spoiler]And that would be cool if jamie was listed on there...Id love to see multiple man...he isnt that well known but hes got a cool power(his fight scenes would kinda look like that 100 Agent smiths scene in Matrix 2) :demon: [/spoiler] [color=green]I added another quick spoiler tag. -Endymion[/color]
  10. Arkadyz

    X2: XMen United

    [SIZE=1][I][COLOR=seagreen]Well last time i knew xmen continuity nightcrawlers father was a human. I think in one thing i read his father was supposdly a baron or some rich guy that mystique had been married to but no one knew she was a mutant and she had to get rid of kurt or theyd start being supicious of her...Shrugz i could be wrong wouldnt be the first time :devil: and sorry about that shy im so used to doing spoiler warnings that way on other boards i forget about tags :laugh:[/COLOR][/I][/SIZE]
  11. Arkadyz

    X2: XMen United

    The movie was AWESOME. Not perfect but really great. I LOVED nightcrawler. He was played very well and he was just plain kickass [spoiler]when he pretty much took down the entire secret service. I loved how wolverine cut loose there abit and killed a few military guys(or atleast seriously mamed em ;) ) Even though my fav russian metal man only was got in a few scenes he made quite an impression(although i didnt notice a russian accent on the few lines he had? :therock: )[/spoiler] Mystique also was alot more fun this time...She didnt get alot more to say [spoiler]but i thought it was so great when she kepted mocking strykers men when she was breaking into there complex(giving them the finger as she slid underneath that door...HAHA :p )[/spoiler] [spoiler]Lastly i thought the little hints about the phoenix where great...Jeans eyes kept getting fiery and in the end she gave off that orange sorta fire like aura. Then of course they had to tease us with the bird image ontop of the lake where jean "died"[/spoiler] Oh just pure comic goodness... Now wheres X3? :laugh: Oh well the matrix movies and ROTK will hold me over i suppose... :naughty: [size=1][b][color=darkblue]Spoiler tags added. -Shy[/size][/b][/color]
  12. Well this is an interesting one... :D [B]Physical:[/B] Well...Umm lol ill have to go with my legs. Just for the odd reason that theyre pretty strong and can lift about 25% more wieght then my Arms. :p [B]Personality:[/B] Hmmm...Another toughie :rolleyes: Ill have to with my abundance of patience. Ive very rarely ran out of it. Im never really in a huge hurry to do anything or go anyway...I figures ill get there when i get there and not a moment before ;)
  13. Arkadyz


    Ummm since when was akira an OVA(im assuming you mean OVA as in "Original Video Animation" since i dont know what OAV is)...Last i checked it was only a Manga and anime movie... Anywayz the new dub is far better then the original theatrical one. The first one created a few plot holes because of the translation. So ill def go with the second one. Pioneer did a good job on the reissue of cleaning up the picture quality and improving on the dub. :cool:
  14. Well ill take a crack at those two... Im not 100% sure of this one but i would believe that the lance would have been required to combat Adam. I know it wasnt 2nd idea because they didnt make the lance it always existed since christ's death (im assuming you know the backstory behind the lance) As for the second one you cant read there lips. Its just animated mouth flaps. You cant actually "read" there lips. The only person that knows what gendo said is probly anno himself :D Anno just put it in there as another "figure it out for yourself im not gonna do it for ya kinda thing"... :p Well i hope i helped answer those for you with my limited knowledge :demon:
  15. Yeah i absolutly love this series...Ive only read the first 2 volumes so far. Chi and plum are SOOO cute...And the manga is so funny i cant stop myself from laughing constantly at it. The little ongoing picture book thing with the rabbit is kinda sad but makes you think... Im really torn between whod id like hideki to be with...I def can see where yumi is coming from how are you gonna compete with a machine... I cant wait to pick up the next one...It ill be kinda sad when it comes to an end...
  16. Haha nah youre not alone i have a subscription to it and love it. The DBZ manga is ok...My fav has to be naruto and yu-yu. Though one piece is def. getting better. Although i generally perfer romantic/comedy mangas its a nice change of pace to read some monthly action stuff too :D
  17. Well i was more of a nice guy in HS...Now im more of an adaptive nice guy :D In that i regulate the niceness depending on the girl...Some like a total sweetheart thats always nice to them...Others want someone strong willed that wont back down for a second ;) So i try to stay flexible and read women to a point(ive yet to perfect it...Maybe one day...maybe... :naughty: ) But yeah as the maturity levels of the women you want to date goes up they seem to take notice of the nice guy more ;) So just hang in there guys...It ill come. Honest :cool:
  18. Wow ok...jamvis...man you got some serious bit of rage going on there. you really gotta channel abit of that misplaced rage before it can build up too much...Like was said before popularity is a temporary thing and really doesnt mean anything. Ive been out of HS for years now and who was popular and who were nerds and who i hung out with and all that crap really doesnt even matter anymore. All ya can do is socialize and be yourself. And while you may not like "popular people" they still are people and its not good to stereotype against them...Just take a breath my man and chill out :D
  19. Nerdsy it cant be that bad man...Just give that self-confidence alittle boost hmmm? Just be comfortable in your own skin and im sure the ladies will take notice :cool: And LM i wouldnt worry bout not having someone to kiss...I would imagine you should have alot of guys after you :) alotta guys are suckers for red heads (i count myself as one ;) )
  20. Ahem well i guess i could throw a pair of pennies into this topic... As for the original topic ill have to go with the concensus that every woman is different and every woman has their own unique wants in a man. As for ryans request it could be interesting to see the contrast between what men and women want...Or maybe thats just me :rolleyes: Lets see...Im more generally concerned with a ladies personality as opposed to looks. Id say i tend to go after two kinds of women...Either the shy sweet type cause they are generally very caring and arent high mantinence. Or the opposite end which are woman that have a outgoing and strong willed attitude cause there the most fun to flirt with and you can get some good back and forth fun arguments going. :demon: And a sense of humor is always of upmost importance :D Well now that ive said my peace ill fade back into the background and see if we can get any other guys to chime up :p
  21. Arkadyz


    Well my fav scenes are...Well anyone with akiras bike in it :D That thing has to be one of the coolest looking vehicles ive ever seen in an anime... ***starts drooling just thinking about it*** oh...what sorry blanked out there for a second... Lets see the clowns vs kanedas group was really interesting too. I love how there lights kinda made nice streaking trails behind the bikes(wish mine would do that... :devil:) And after all this time still one of the all time greats...I swear i think the animation in that things gonna stand the test of time for awhile :laugh:
  22. Yeah like QA i only have the first DVD. Its very good and quite violent. The animation is excellent and it has some pretty sweet looking mech designs. I had planned to buy the rest but i **ahem** ran into abit of a cash flow problem :rolleyes: Anywayz ive read some reviews of what happens latter in the series and it sounds pretty exicting...Id def suggest it if you can get your hands on it :D
  23. Hey sorry about that if anyone caught what this originally said...Anywayz I just hope fox casts the right ppl for this...i can just see them hiring some guys that dont even look anything like are fav characters :worried:
  24. [B]Who was your first kiss?[/B] Now that i think about it i cant remember her name...thats kinda sad :( [B]How old where you?[/B] 12 [B]How was it?[/B] The first was ok. The one 3 minutes after was much better ;) [B]What where the circumstances?[/B] It was a game of truth or dare. I had a crush on this girl and my friends dared me as soon as they could for me to kiss her. I was kinda terrible the first time. They dared me it again and I all of the sudden mysticaly gained insight into how to do it right and it was alot better the second time. :cool: [B]What was your worst/best?[/B] This ones pretty easy. Worst had to be my last Girlfriend, April. Talk about tight lips and totally unpassionate. :sleep: Best would have to be one of my other exs jackie. Very passionate and very long kisses. :demon:
  25. Arkadyz

    X2: XMen United

    Yeah im REALLY looking forward to this one (and the two matrix sequels :devil: ) Nightcrawler looks absolutly great in the previews (which was one of the things i was concerned about before i got to see him) The action looks really frenetic and fun. If the movie is half as good as the previews make it look it ill be even better then the first one :cool: Oh and did i see my fav metal transforming russian in one of those previews or not...Im not sure if hes in the movie cause ive been trying to avoid learning too much about the movie before i see it :naughty:
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