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Everything posted by Arkadyz
Well i thought AI was VERY good...I dont believe i could call it my favorite but its pretty high up there. While unfortunatly i missed abit of the beginning (ive only seen it once on HBO) it was a very touching movie. It created an incredible atmosphere and really made speilbergs vision of the future come to life (alot like one of my other fav speilberg movies minority report) The world that david inhabited just seemed so authentic it really helped to draw me into the movie quickly. And they did a good job of showing the world through his eyes. I could just imagine being in his place in the flesh fair. They really made that place appear like hell on earth from his POV while to the human crowd it was amusement for them(something that hits home that that could be any of us in the crowd). The ending was real good...While half way through the ending i thought it was starting to drag it all picked up and came together nicely (albeit truly sadly) when they brought back his "mother" All and all a very good movie showing what the combination of the late stanely kubrick and speilberg can create.
Well ive been reading manga off and on...Off when im poor, On when i have some pocket change :rolleyes: Lets see im starting chobits and kare-kano (both highly reccomended) Ive read some of the Gundam Wing mangas...There ok id only reccomend the one that gives some good backstory on the pilots. Lets see what else...The akira Novels im about 1/3 into much better then the anime(But i still love the movie :D ) Oh and ive started on Ragnarok. So far its got alot of action and an pretty decent storyline (Be warned i wouldnt read it if you dont like sword and sorcery stuff...If you do like it thought itd be perfect for ya ;) ) Well i personally perfer manga because i like the art work and i can read it anywhere i like...Im a big one for reading outdoors and at parks and all...Anywayz whatever you pick id try to stick with tokyopop unless you REALLY want that series by another company. I say that just cause of there decent price tag, relativly fast output and reliability in their translations.
Anime How do you feel about the Mainstreaming of Anime...
Arkadyz replied to a topic in Otaku Central
Well Asuka I guess i could try watching some of my eva DVDs with subs on i suppose and give it another try...Its just something about having to read little lines of text while watching the show...I dunno :D Yeah while where talking about anime the same sort of things can be applied to manga...Viz used to charge way too much for theres but then they got competion from Tokoyo Pops nice little 10 dollar price tags so viz had to lower theres and everyone wins...Same principle with anime :cool: And i dont think the dub work on some series is bad...Some of it is very good to me (bebop comes to mind) And ill second that exicted to see trigun...It was alittle wacky but it really seems to have started hitting its stride (love that wolfwood ;) ) too bad that ive missed a couple of eps...:bawl: Oh well hopefully ill catch em again when it loops back :naughty: -
Yeah the hong kong one is quite horrific...Fox aquired the rights to a Live action DBZ movie alittle over a year ago(yep ALL rights, names and all :D ) And said they where "supposedly putting it on the fast track for a release between fall 2003 - summer 2004 I havent heard anything more about it though since... I dont know what to expect from this one if it is being made...It would def. have alot better sfx then the hong kong one but id still be afriad fox would butcher the storyline...:rolleyes:
Well nice to see someone picked naraku. [B]Who:[/B] [COLOR=darkred]Naraku[/COLOR] [B]Anime:[/B] Inuyasha [B]Info:[/B] He used to be a human who allowed himself to be consumed by a large number of demons turning himself in the process into a powerful demon for his own selfish gains. [B]Reason:[/B] Because hes a devious schemer. Perfering to hide in the shadows, decieving and piting people against each other. He cares for nothing but his own gain and to aquire as many jewel shardes as possible. P.S. hey Syk im like blind or something...I dont see spoiler tags anywhere on this reply page...ofcourse it is late and maybe they are here and my brain just doesnt quite process it...shrugz :drunk:
Hmmm...sounds like theyve got some decent anime on that channel...Wish i could get it here... :confused: Guess ill have to start bugging my cable company to carry it hmmm... While i enjoy my adult swim more anime could nvr be a bad thing :devil:
Well ive only gotten to see some previews of the series and read some reviews of it...Its looks very funny and i may just have to go pick up a copy hmmm... :D And whats with this whole there not gonna put it out in america thing...Since when did anime companies start censoring DVDS...TV eps yes...DVD not that im aware of... :therock:
Well since my last reply got fried when i hit submit **grumble grumble** guess ill have to retype it :drunk: Well i love the whole animal mascot thing...My fav has to be ein id love to have a dog like that :D close second would have to be pen-pen...No matter how depressing those kids got ol' pen-pen was there to give a laugh ;) Miyoga does serve a small purpose...He actually seems to be pretty knowlegable sometimes. Well i just hope CN keeps airing Inuyasha straight through this time and not go and restart it for the yet another viewing of the first eps...Well atleast my fav. demon exterminator and that ever lovable kylala (sp?)are back on. Anyone know if theres much diff. storyline wise between the anime and manga? just curious :p
Anime How do you feel about the Mainstreaming of Anime...
Arkadyz replied to a topic in Otaku Central
Wow this topic is sure getting some feathers ruffled...Well while i wasnt introduced to anime through CN (actually got to see akira in a theater...Kinda wish theyd rerelease it theatricaly :D )I know plenty that have been and ive kinda nudged em in the right directions and they really like what you all call "the good stuff". I try to also get ppl into manga at my work at the bookstore...Kids come in for a DBZ graphic novel and ill try and suggest some other things and most of them like what i suggest too...I havent meet too many of these annoying know-it-all kiddies who dont want anything else...shrugz :rolleyes: BUUUT i can see where the nay sayers are coming from somewhat...There are some series that just SHOULDNT be edited and brought to regular tv unfortunatly(***cough eva cough***)...Thats why i want to see this all anime cable channel. Some anime can be edited and it wont kill it while others cant...But thats what censor free pay channels are for :love: Oh and im sorry i never did get into subs much...I tried to watch an ep. of dbz in sub and it was annoying as hell...I couldnt stand the sound of the voice actors...Maybe i was just too used to the american voices but i thought they where horrid... And dub doesnt always = edited ya know...Ah well thank god for dvds you can have it either way... Well whatever your stance is on it i can never be put-off by anyones opinions cause where all anime lovers and thats what counts :naughty: -
Anime How do you feel about the Mainstreaming of Anime...
Arkadyz replied to a topic in Otaku Central
Well i personally think its a good thing (waits for beer cans and rotten veggies to come flying :p ) Nah but seriously i think its good because the more popular it is the more we get. The more series get translated and brought over. The more anime movies actually see a decent sized release in the us. the more manga we get(thank god for Shonen Jump :cool: ) So hey i hope anime becomes as popular here as it is in japan...I know ill relish the day therell be lots of anime on TV and in movie theaters (cause i cant afford all those dvds and i dont have a fast enough connection to d/l it off the web :devil: ) -
Wellll...I dunno i DO have some vacation time coming to me i believe...Well i might go...could be fun to do a cross country on my bike and all...might even see if my GF would come too(im slowly converting her to the darkside of Anime ***mwa haha*** :devil: )Well ill check out the website and see if my sched will allow it (and my wallet):naughty:
Aw jeez trying to explain eva...lol that only leads to many headaches ;) Eva is a truly great series. Ive watched the whole series serveral times through on DVD aswell as the movies. Id probly need a masters in psychology and theology to really understand the series and get all the symbolism :D Even so though the series has stood the test of time and i really wish theyd release the directors cut DVDs here in america. Well as for my opinion on the last two eps...Im 50/50 on em. They give a much more cerebral and intriguing ending to the series as opposed to the movies. Whereas the movies are alittle less confusing but dont offer you too many answers in the end either. Rei...Well as i understand it shes a clone of shinjis mother with the soul of lillith inside of her. Thats as simple as i can explain her :rolleyes: Well if you want to put in a eva section this wouldnt be the worst time to do it since the whole renewal of eva thing is going on in japan and theres been sequel (or something along that line) talk. Lastly i really dont think eva can ever really be any truth to saying that eva is a rip-off because it was SO influenced by annos personal demons and troubles. It really is a one of a kind because anno put so much of himself(and his problems) into the series. Well now that ive rambled on long enough... :devil: Have fun out there all you eva fans and now you arent the only one confused by the series :D
Yeah i read naruto in SJ every month. I love it to death. Its funny with a good amount of action. And like was said in previous posts it has some decent character development that alot of action manga/anime lack. I def. look forward to my next edition of SJ and i hope they start bringing over the anime series soon. :D
Yeah i was erked that it hasnt been released in Florida at all...Hopefully sony will release it to more states soon...I mean its in like 4 or 5 places in California but the south got snubbed totally...Well i guess ill just have to wait to see it on the big screen. :rolleyes:
*******SPOILERS******* Yeah i really loved the whole tensega(sp?) storyline...Just the thought of someone as evil and coldhearted as inuyasha's brother having a sword that can heal anyone and save hundreds of lives in a single sweep is great irony. Thats another thing i love about the show are its villans...There are some great imaginative ones they managed to come up with. Yeah i probly should tape the thing myself too since ill probly never have enough extra cash to buy the series on DVD :rolleyes:
yeah im so happy inuyasha is back on...its such a great fun series with strong character development and really excellent action(im actually watching it on CN as i type this :D ) I just hope they can keep dubin em so cn wont go taking it off again :mad:
Anime Doe's anynoe like gundam heavyarm's
Arkadyz replied to Gundam_Heavyarm's topic in Otaku Central
Well the normal one from the regular series was ok...But the one from the endless waltz movie was one nasty customer...Still alittle hapmered by not having a saber but it made it up with so damn many guns :laugh: -
Well while i love manga ill have to agree with the rest that it gets kinda hard on the wallet :bawl: But right now im pretty much sticking to my shonen jump and akira. Like shonen cause its alot of manga for not alot of money :D And it actually takes me alittle while to read a volume of akira as opposed to the smaller mangas... :cool:
Well i perfer the UC timeline series just cause of there outlook on war...It isnt glamorous or fun and all too often civilians get caught in the crossfire...Still think the original MSG is the best. Sure the animation is dated but the plotlines are still topnotch. But when it comes down to it very few Gundam series are really bad...They gratefully mantain a pretty good consitency of quality :cool:
Yeah i bought the SE DVD awhile back and it was amazing. The animation is incredible even after all this time. I just recently started reading the original manga and it blows the anime out of the water. One should really read it to get a proper perspective and knowledge when watching the anime. Kinda like you should read the book before you see the movie :p
Well i got into it via the way many others did...I saw Macross(or robotech...or whatever the hell the things called anymore i can never keep it straight :p ) and voltron. I loved it(even though at the time i didnt know i was watching a buncha shows cut up and edited together into some wierd thing that was totally messed up it didnt matter to me... Then i saw akira and it was all over been a fan ever since. :devil:
Yeah Shonen Jump is truely a blessing...Close to 300 pages of manga goodness for less then 5$...What a deal. Damn near fell off my chair first time i read about it coming here in animerica...Snapped up the first one that got off the truck where i work(barnes and noble) And was pleasently suprised. I loved one piece, The real Non-dumbed down yu-gi-oh was great, DBZ is always a joy. Yu-yu had some stranger drawing but i became accustomed to it and sandland shows promise. Many thanks go to viz for this wondeful thing they have done :love:
Well i guess ill have to pop in my 2 cents here hmmm ;) Well The trio of beauties from NGE will have to top my list. Not only are they all very lovely but they have great depth of character and are very intriguing. After that ill have to go with suzuka from Outlaw star...I just cant resist a tall lovely assassin with a mysterious past :love: . Plus i find her sense of honor very attractive. Lastly Seras Victoria from hellsing. Shes really cute and sweet even as she fights to contain her vampire side. A very interesting struggle.
Well i personally like the turn it takes as it goes along...it changes from a standard old mecha fare thing int othis grandiose out this world tale that is just fantastic. The End of Eva i thought was perfect. it was confusing interesting and gave few answers except for the few you make yourself...Just like the rest of the series :D
Well its kind of a trade off...we have things the brits dont and they have stuff we dont...ofcourse i think you guys dont have much to complain about...Ya have Eva and Blue gender on...Id kill for that :) we get lots of censored to death stuff although the new anime channel i believe is supposed to have eva...i dunno ill believe it when i see it uncensored :devil: EDIT well your censors must not be so hard on shows having religous undertones like americas cause thats the #1 reason eva hasnt been on TV yet...Cant even have a lousy gundam named God or devil...BAH :rolleyes: