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Everything posted by Arkadyz

  1. [color=yellowgreen][font=comic sans MS]I have to agree with noryko...Any girl that ive dated that wanted to give it up on the first date or 2 turned out to have some serious issue of some kind... The no kiss first date rule is a good one to follow other then that I tend to go with dinner and a walk either to the beach or park...Im not big into going to movies for the first few dates because you dont get to talk to her for about 2 hours and id rather spend that time getting to know the person. There are no set rules for dating...Never will be just be yourself and do what you think works right. :D [/color][/font]
  2. [color=yellowgreen][font=comic sans ms]Well like dagger said I generally perfer villians who've gone good. vegeta, hiei/kurama, and to a lesser extent sessy are all good examples of this kind of character. I guess I like them more because they combine the coolness of a villian ,but they still fight for the good side so I dont feel so guilty about rooting for them :D As a whole though I generally take my like for bad or good on an anime by anime basis. Some series make there good guys boring while others make there villians 2-d characters that only care about death and destruction...So I guess when it gets down to it I go with the character that has the most depth :cool: [/color][/font]
  3. [color=deepskyblue][font=times new roman]Well I mostly enjoy inuyasha for the comedy and character interactions. While ill agree the whole love triangle thing with inuyasha, kagome, and kikyo is interesting but the relationship that I most tune in to see is miroko and sango. I know hes a pervert and all but I still think the 2 of them look really good together :D . And they seem to have a more mature relationship in some ways then the inuyasha/kagome one that comes off too often as a silly little juvenile crush. I cant wait until they finally start airing new episodes...I can only watch the same ones over and over again for so long :p .[/color][/font]
  4. [color=deepskyblue][font=times new roman]Well im enjoying this series alot so far. The look and feel of the series is excellent and works well with the subject matter. Like everyone else has said I really dig robins look. The hair and the clothes give her a really distinct look. And thats another reason I like the series, the character designs. The characters dont follow the typical anime conventions of impossibly perfect looking human beings (Amon is about the closest the series has to that) with most of the agents and background characters appear like average looking people. Im really looking forward to seeing what comes next and how robins powers will evolve and how she'll bring them under control. All and all this show is an excellent addition to the AS lineup...Almost makes me forget they ever had Reign on...almost :p [/color][/font]
  5. [color=deepskyblue][font=times new roman]Well im gonna have to agree that whats happening in san fran is wrong...While im a supporter for gay marriage hes still violating california law and what the people voted on which is completely against democracy. Unfortunatly it doesnt look like too much is going to change...Although things are looking up in Mass. As for my personal view on it...I think that gay marriage really should exist and the fact that its banned seems unconstitutional to me...If 2 people love each other enough they should be able to get wed and enjoy all the legal and personal benefits that a man and woman do when they exchange vows. And since everyone else seems to be stating it ill go with the trend...Im white, straight, and christian like boba stated of many americans, but i dont particularly understand their opposition to gay marriage... And I dont think religion or the bible should have anything to do with this... Thats just my uninformed flawed opinion :p [/color][/font]
  6. [color=deepskyblue][font=times new roman]Heh well I dont have a problem with an attempt at live action eva IF they dont go overboard with making it more mainstream and acceptable to western audiences. Like ive said before one large problem is all the religious undertones and themes...Fundamentalist groups and overprotective parents would probably be screaming. So it becomes a question of how to balance staying true to the original series whilst still making a commercially viable movie...I dont envy whatever poor souls are wirting the script on this one :( On the upside I did see some more pics of the evas and angels by weta and im much impressed. They look really wonderful .I do hope they will go with unknowns...It should really help me to slip into the fantasy realm of eva if I dont recongnize most of the actors on screen...[/color][/font]
  7. [color=silver][font=times new roman][b] Well this was a tough one...[/color] [list][color=orange]Tom Hanks:[/color][color=silver] Well several other people have covered why hes great...Hes just very versatile and handles comedys and dramas with equal skill. I cant wait for his upcoming comedy. [/color] [color=orange]Scarlett Johansson:[/color][color=silver] Ive been very impressed with her for awhile. While she did mostly support roles when younger she was very good in the "Horse whisperer" and then later with ghost world. She most excellently delivered on the promise she showed when she was younger with "Lost in translation". One of my favorite movies, her understated and flawless acting was wonderful.[/color] [color=orange]Bill Murray:[/color][color=silver] And I also love her costar in lost in translation. The man is the best comedian around. I really hope and pray he wins the oscar. He was great on SNL and the various comedies he did during the 80's. But my favs of his have to be "Rushmore" and "Groundhog day".[/color] [color=orange]Jude Law:[/color][color=silver] He was one of the best things about cold mountain to me. Through his warweary character of enman he was able to express so much emotion without talking most of the time. And he was impressive in many other films...Of note are "The talented mr. ripley", "A.I.", and "Enemy at the gates". His next film "sky captain and the world of tommorrow" looks like alot of fun and very promising.[/color] [color=orange]Johnny Depp:[/color][color=silver] I was kinda loathe to list him because so many others have...But I decided I would put him because he is one of my favorite actors and it would be stupid not to put him just for the purpose of bucking the trend. While pirates is the obvious movie to cite as one of his best I also enjoyed "sleepy hollow" a great deal aswell as "edward scissorhands" and "from hell". "Ed Wood" is kinda odd but pretty enjoyable.[/list] Well thats my list...I tend to perfer actors who can give good understated performances and dont need to have a huge amount of lines to flesh out their characters on screen.[/color][/b][/font]
  8. [color=silver][font=times new roman][b] Well I didnt catch the grammys because I had very little respect for them anymore...And after the other night Id say thats become no respect at all... I agree that beyonce doesnt deserve that many grammys...Not by a long shot. Crazy in love is an O K song, but grammy worthy? Not at all. And the album as a whole sure as hell isnt strong enough to deserve an grammy... Oh well like transtic said atleast a few other artists won some that actually DESERVED it... :worried: [/font][/color][/b]
  9. Arkadyz

    Jason Mraz

    [color=silver][font=times new roman][b]Hah it seems we all got exposed to jason at work around here... I too first heard him at work (Barnes & Noble) Although unlike you all I was exposed to his entire album 2x a day 5 days a week and I never got tired of it. Some of his songs I perfer out of others but he has a good quality among all of thems. His rhymes just seem to roll right off the tounge and sound real smooth. Oh and Maroon5 is a great band as well...Its nice to see they released another single I hope there already getting to work on there next album :cool: [/color][/font][/b]
  10. [color=silver][font=times new roman][b] In response to flashlight the first one I found on the net was for $32.99 CDN...I dont know if you can find it for more or less but thats what I found... As for the next one it will be released 03/09/04...Im not sure what there gonna do with the last 2 eps of this directors cut edition...They cant simply replace them with the movies because manga entertainment owns the rights to those not ADV...And there isnt much they could add or substract from the crazy(in a good way :p ) Last 2 eps of the series. P.S. Like dagger said move the sub dub wars somewhere else guys hun...Theres little point to it anyway. We have dvds...They have both sub and dub...End of conversation. :rolleyes: Lets just all agree we love anime in all its forms and have a big hug. :whoops: [/color][/font][/b]
  11. [color=silver][font=times new roman][b]Well while I have whole heartdly gone out and bought the new version of the second to last dvd(Because im a chump :p ) Im not as blindly eager about the whole live action movie thing. The whole name change thing bugs me...ALOT...Changing misato to susan being the worst of the bunch... ***Shudders*** If there willing to change names who knows what else they'll change...And I hardly think a commercial heavily cg american feature film will include the level of psychology, religious references, and general insanity of the anime. I just dont see how its possible to condense the anime series down to a single movie...Or heck even a Trilogy. Sighz oh well Ill probably go see it just to enjoy the eva fights...Atleast weta looks like it did a great design job. And lastly the whole video game as a psuedo sequel to the series is utterly stupid. I dont want anything explained to me thank you. Evangelion was desgined so as for you to find your own answers. It was one hell of a mind rape and im fine with it staying that way. :devil: [/color][/font][/b]
  12. [color=silver][font=times new roman][b]Well I would say eva except I dont really consider it a "mecha" anime...Im not entirely sure what category I would put it in...If there is one that would fit it. :cross: I guess as far as traditional mecha fare goes I would go with any Gundam series in the UC timeline. Great mecha designs and a very interesting and realistic view of mecha warfare in the far future.[/color][/font][/b]
  13. [color=silver][font=times new roman][b]Well...I hate to admit it but I do enjoy a good tragic ending... Maybe its because anime unlike hollywood has the balls to kill off main characters and such at the end of movies and TV series w/o it being a fake out. Heh its kinda interesting that Rio mentioned eva because that was what I was thinking of...Although eva didnt really have a traditional "tragic ending" (Although the whole world got wiped clean...Whether thats bad or not is up to you :p ) I guess CB is ofcourse the greatest example of tragic endings...I mean first the woman spike loves and we've heard so much about in the series bites it in one of the most heartwrenching and depressingly and then spike follows soon after in the end. If it had ended with anything but spikes death I dont think it would have been such a phenominal and emotional ending... I guess in the end it depends on the series...Some like comedies or romances you want to see end happy. [/color][/font][/b]
  14. [color=silver][font=times new roman][b]Wow...The helsing trailer is up and running over at apple trailers... The movie has a fantastic gothic look...And I love what they did with all the classic monsters. It looks like helsing has more weapons and gadgets then batman :D Not to mention that kate looks really hot :cool: Sighz well this trailer has just made me want to see the movie all that much more... Oh and no bigs on that dragon...I couldnt believe that they had all 3 of them in the movie too...I was just sitting waiting for them to announce a cameo by the creature from the black lagoon :p [/color][/font][/b]
  15. [color=silver][font=times new roman][b]Tsk, tsk dragon you havent read much about this one hun? :p Frankensteins monster will indeed be in the movie. This is a pic of him from the set...Not the greatest shot but oh well [URL]http://www.latinoreview.com/films_2004/universal/vanhelsing/vh-setpics-22.html[/URL] I also attached the concept artwork for him...Should be fun to see all 3 of them in the same movie. Oh and also...Interestingly enough one of the girls that plays one of the three wives of dracula posted up some pics of her, the other wives and dracula [URL]http://josie-maran.com/vanhelsing.htm[/URL] [/color][/font][/b] ***edit*** Damn...I couldnt attach the concept pic cause it was too big...Oh well if ya wanna see it, its somewhere on cinescapes website.
  16. [color=silver][font=times new roman][b]Well the most interesting thing to me about this movie is the fact that not only will it include dracula but frankensteins monster and wolf-man. Should be a nice fun free for all...And it should be interesting to see jackman play another hero aside from wolvie :p Oh and lynx thats kinda interesting that you've seen some trailers for it...Considering the first trailer wont be out until friday...:therock: :p [/color][/font][/b]
  17. [color=silver][font=times new roman][b]Well the only good thing about T3 was the action. As shroom stated they integrated the CG very well, and pretty subtly. But the stroyline...Sighz isnt exactly up to T2 standards. It pretty much rips off T2's story sooo much its sad...And the "twist" at the end that destiny is unaviodable no matter what anyone does...zzzzz. I guess they where just trying to throw in some psuedo philosphy to make the movie look smarter or something? Well anywayz final verdict is great action movie and some good popcorn fun...Just dont try and think too much when you watch it :p [/color][/font][/b]
  18. [color=silver][font=times new roman][b]Well for me my relationship with martial arts didnt start off too well...I took the classes out of obligations when I was in elementary school(It was probably some form of Karate...Belts and such) But quit because I found it too boring(Yeah I was a pretty stupid kid) Fast forward to about 4 months ago and I found myself wanting to learn about it again. Ive read a few books by Bruce Lee. While his ideas are very good i unfortunatly as a beginer couldnt really apply them all to well so I went with another form that took my interest. Its called Escrima and its a Stick based fighting form from the phillipines(Also you can substitute a sword and dagger combo but im not out to kill anyone...) I find it very interesting though ive only recently started. I mostly perfer martial arts that use weapons. This might be because of my slight frame(Not so great for grappling) but theres something about using old weapons thats alot of fun. The best thing ive gotten out of martial arts though has to be the philisophical part of it. It has helped me calm my mind and improve my health. Its quite nice being able to practically will yourself free of a cold or any other various pains you may encounter :cool: Its a truly wonderful thing to have a clear mind and a healthy body my friends :box: [/color][/font][/b]
  19. [color=silver][font=times new roman][b] Hmmm well WW2 got one of my top picks there that no one had mentioned until then...Tora, Tora, Tora. While its abit dry it recreates the pearl harbor attack flawlessly and has stood up well after all these many years. Otherwise id also go with saving private ryan or black hawk down. Both recreated the gruesome realities of war and didnt shy away from anything. Gettysburg is also another wonderful war film that was beautifully done and quite accurate(Its a crying shame though that gods and generals failed to live up to its predecessor) Lastly ill go with the tuskegee airmen movie and glory because they showed how hard it was for african americans to gain acceptance in the military, and the lengths those first pioneering soldiers went through to prove there worth. Oh and action movies...I havent too many as of late so ill just go with kill bill because it was a geniune piece of art.[/color][/font][/b]
  20. [color=silver][font=times new roman][b]Well I havent seen Grave yet (Though ive heard from many ppl its excellent) I have the same sorta feelings towards the Evangelion series and movies that I bought. They are very much worth the price and an excellent anime series, But...I can only watch them about once a year if that because there just so damn depressing. So yeah just cause you cant watch a movie or series because its so emotionally powerful definetly doesnt mean it isnt worth your money.[/color][/font][/b]
  21. Arkadyz

    Clone Wars

    [color=silver][font=times new roman][b]Well I didnt see a thread for this so ive taken it upon myself to make one. I know its only 9 minutes into the series but its looking pretty good. Ofcourse I really like style of animation(By the same people who do Samuri Jack) Its alittle sad though...9 minutes of animation shows more promise and holds more entertainment value then the last 2 parts of the prequels...George really is his own worst enemy...he should let more people create stories for his universe...Cause he really sucks at it anymore... :rolleyes: Anywayz enough of my george bashing...What do you all think of the new micro series? [/color][/font][/b]
  22. [color=silver][font=times new roman][b]Kent AS is just looping itself now...It runs from 11 - 2 then goes and cycles it back again starting with family guy. Its a nice idea because I work late hours and I always miss futurama/family guy and sometimes the show at 12...So this way you miss anything you can catch it later. Im glad they brought back FLCL but not so crazy that they brought back kikaider...I know ive seen CB god knows how many times over but after getting used to it being there again its like replacing a masterpiece with a 5 year olds fingerpainting... They could just make 1:30 CBs spot for all time personally...Id still keep watching it...[/color][/font][/b]
  23. [color=silver][font=times new roman][b] Yeah I agree that commercials have utterly no place in movie theaters. There obnoxious to say the least, Commercials are for TV...Thats one of the reasons why I used to love theaters...No annoying ads. But I do like previews...I just like to know whats coming and what to look forward to(Or not in some cases :rolleyes: ) regal is the worst right now...They cram so much junk in front of movies its getting tiresome. Movie theaters need to go back to just showing movies and the previews. [/color][/font][/b]
  24. Arkadyz

    Justice League

    [color=silver][font=times new roman][b]JL is pretty good...Each of the characters plays off one another well and the other characters besides batman/superman get a good amount of screen time. Ill agree batman is really shown as one of the best in this series. Hes this weak little man among superheroes that some regard as gods yet hes more often then not the one that saves all of em. In this respect they stay close to the comic because in a couple storyarcs batman is the most dangerous guy on the team. So yeah its a pretty good team show(Not as good as Teen Titans but not too bad either :D ) Oh and NWF if you dont have anything to discuss about the show...Then maybe you shouldnt just post spam in the thread? Just a thought...:rolleyes:[/color][/font][/b]
  25. [Color=silver][font=times new roman][b]Wow...Just freaking wow... This film was the definition of Film as art...It rose far above my expectations of another bland action movie. The violence is gloriously over the top and the fight scenes are top knotch. The entire end set-piece where the major action goes down is wonderful...Esp the outdoor garden where lucy's character and the birde fight, its simply beautiful looking. I loved the use of black and white aswell as the suprising anime sequence. The only problem I had with it was the annoying crowd I was surrounded with when watching it and there dumb comments...Otherwise it was a very enjoyable experience. I can hardly wait for Pt. 2 when we see daryl hannahs character go up against the bride(Oh and I loved how they bleeped out her name anytime someone said it...Very sly :cool: )[/color][/font][/b]
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