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Everything posted by Arkadyz

  1. [color=silver][font=times new roman][b]Aw jeez...Only three things...Theres so much great stuff :worried: OK, OK I think I have it... Alucards outfit- I dont know why but I just got a thing for that outfit...Looks damn cool... (Hellsing) Spikes Mastery of Jeet Kune Do- Its a fantastic form of martial arts that id love to learn some day...This way I could have it w/o all the work :p (Cowboy Bebop) The last one I just CANT decide...Its either gotta be Eva unit 01 or kanedas bike...hmmm...Incredibly powerful giant mecha with a funky color scheme...or...The most badass bike EVER... Oh forget it I cant decide I cheat :cool: [/b][/color][/font]
  2. [color=silver][font=times new roman][b]Heh I wouldnt even bother mentioning the DBZ movies...Because they are all just one big continuity screw up... They just made them to make money and squeeze alittle bit more out of dbz...(Just like the garlic saga)Although even the manga has a couple continuity flaws but those aren't as bad or numerous as the anime series... [/color][/font][/b]
  3. [color=silver][font=times new roman][b]geez $130 for the box set? You got robbed my friend :laugh: Anywayz I own the box set too and I think id buy the rerelease disc...Just cause I wanna see the directors cut and im a sucker for anything eva related(and CB for that matter...) I dont know if id buy an entire box set again though...maybe... :rolleyes: [/color][/font][/b]
  4. [color=silver][font=times new roman][b]Oh wow...What an most excellent final episode... It had everything...A really great action scene (between one wicked blue and a buncha incredible looking shrikes) And plenty of drama... While like most animes it didnt really spell things out as to what it all meant you should be able to pick up on it yourself ;) While I really need to buy the rest of the volumes because im quite sure CN cut out alot...It was still a great anime for sure :D But...[spoiler]Who knew such a violent mecha anime was all just about the planet cleansing itself of too much excess to ensure its own survival? puts a new spin on the phrase "Natures a *****" hun? :p [/spoiler][/color][/font][/b]
  5. [color=silver][font=times new roman][b]Ragnarok is a very good fantasy series...Ive read several of the volumes (Hopefully next pay day ill pick up a few more... :rolleyes: ) And the action is great...It has pretty decent characterizations as well... I find it interesting how long the series is suppose to be...Like 30 - 50+ volumes I heard somewhere... Oh and oddly enough theres a MMORPG very loosley based on the series...I say very loosley because even though its named after it the only thing shares in common with the manga is the writer/artist designed all the monsters/characters in the game... Well enough of my blabbing its an excellent series and I highly reccomend it :D [/color][/font][/b]
  6. [color=silver][font=times new roman][b]Ah yes...Chobits has def. become one of my favorite manga ever...I dont like the anime as much though... I havent read all of the manga(I have a pre-order for the deluxe edition of the last volume :D ) But I have seen the entire anime series in subs... Its just alot goofier and doesnt pull at your heartstrings quite as much as the manga does...They made hideki way too silly in the anime... And while the anime copies alot of the love scenarios they dont have the emotional resonance they posess in the manga... [/color][/font][/b]
  7. [color=silver][font=times new roman][b]Yeah ive always heard that the manga is better then the anime and from the looks of it they where right... I wonder when they'll translate the sequel...Trigun:maximum I believe is what its called...[/color][/font][/b]
  8. [color=silver][font=times new roman][b]Aw geez guys its not THAT bad...heh... :p I like the animation...And cute lil' mini sized gundams and zeon mechs are funny...Love those poor hapless zaku minions :laugh: I mean sure it DOES make a mockery of the whole gundam universe...But hey even the gundam U can make fun of itself :D [/color][/font][/b]
  9. [color=silver][font=times new roman][b]Well I had a feeling the series was gonna end like this...But I was still abit shocked and sad when it did... [spoiler]I think everyone should have had a good idea of what was gonna go down when julia died...As soon as I saw that (heart achingly painful) scene something clicked in my head that said "Spikes gonna die" When he had nothing to live for then you pretty much figure hes gonna take down vicious and get killed in the process...But it was still sad to see...[/spoiler][/font][/color][/b]
  10. [color=silver][font=times new roman][b]Yeah that episode was great...It was really fun to see inuyasha get in touch with his demon side... Aw and I was so happy to see jaken get killed in the last ep I watched...But fluffy had to go and revive him...:p Its nice to see that sess has kinda adopted that little girl that he saved back abit...I wonder what affect she'll have on him...Maybe soften him alittle? Lastly ill agree with you all...Kagome irratates me...I really like kikyo alot more...Shes a woman whos gone through alot and is quite mature and interesting...Kagome...Shes just alittle girl with the maturity of a toddler... :rolleyes: [/color][/font][/b]
  11. [color=silver][font=times new roman][b]Well I feel compelled to post here real quick cause I caught the ep. last night. Even though ive only seen a few episodes of this series and have never played any of the games (Hence I was abit lost in this ep) I still found this episode to be quite enjoyable. I really felt bad for sora...But it kinda fit...Ya know? The fakes where kinda dumb...They should all know each other well enough to see right through those fakes. It was kind of a pain that so many questions where left in the air but such is the nature of anime I suppose :laugh: Oh and the ending scene with tsukasa and subaru...Too sweet for words... :D [/color][/font][/b]
  12. [color=silver][font=times new roman][b]Wow Witchlust...Thats deep... I picked up on some of that stuff that he said in his interpretation of the show but there was lots that helped me fill in some blanks about the show... While It isnt all too good to put so many posts back to back im grateful you did in this case...Thank you for providing this insight to the show. :cool: [/color][/font][/b]
  13. [color=silver][font=times new roman][b]Heh well...Umm thanx maladjusted :D And I also cite those 2 scenes where the animation just stopped as being some of my favorites...Just because they where so painful to watch... The elevator scene was great cause you where just waiting for who was gonna talk first and it really showed how much the 2 disliked each other... [spoiler]And the scene where shinji was deciding to kill kaworu you could just imagine how much anguish he was going through trying to decide...[/spoiler] Some of the greatest scenes in cinema are ones that let you use your imagination...Tight budgets can produce a shoddy product or force people to innovate...Fortunatly for us gainax is good at working with lesser budgets :cool: [/color][/font][/b]
  14. [color=silver][font=times new roman][b]Well I actually liked the last 2 episodes...While they lacked resolve they where just so interesting and surrealist I couldnt help but enjoy them. I think they really befit the series...Ofcourse the movies are good also...They resolve some stuff and give us some excellent action scenes... And ofcourse like any great anime series leave us with even more questions in the end. :p [/color][/font][/b]
  15. [color=silver][font=times new roman][b]Well I enjoy the manga more then the anime myself(Ofcourse that seems to be the trend I have going) The biggest reason being that the anime doesnt exactly end in a way that brings ever thing together...Ofcourse what do you expect from the man who made evangelion... Anyway the manga continues past where the anime does and just has a slightly better story to me... Either one is great though...its a sweet romance story thats nicely portrays how much of a pain teen "love" can be.[/color][/font][/b]
  16. [color=silver][font=times new roman][b]Ahhh TF...My Favorite series of the 80's. Id have to say the original series edges out Beast wars by a hair...And TF:The movie...mmm thats one awesome movie. I like the original because it just had good stories and great robot designs...I also enjoyed beast wars for this reason. The show actually had a GOOD storyline most of the time(Something that armada sorely lacks) Ive never seen RID...And sounds like im the better for it... Armada I dont really care for...its abit repetitive and boring...And the kids kinda annoy me. Well it will be interesting to see in a few years if TF the live action movie gets made...CG Transformers...Could be cool :devil: [/color][/font][/b]
  17. [color=silver][font=times new roman][b]Well QA its nice to hear a different POV, but there are some flaws in your logic. Namely that parents must be accountable for there children and what there watching. These people that complain about there kids watching these shows are the ones that arent even keeping an eye on them. Its like when they crazy woman went on a crusade against Married with Children...It all started because she went and turned on the tv to MWC but didnt bother to find out what the show was about and proceded to leave the room. When she came back she saw what the show was really about she was outraged. She had no right to complain because she did what many other parents do...Use the television as a babysitter. Well I dont think networks can be blamed because people dont know how to look after there kids. They seem to blame every media and social thing for the way there and other children behave and yet never think for once it could be because of there own bad parenting. Its like when I see kids trash the childrens dept. at work and the parents do the same then just walk away. Then they wonder why there kids are messy and refuse to clean their rooms? Sighz well ive gone on for too long...Needless to say AS aires very late...Has disclaimers on it...Is edited...What more do you need? :rolleyes: [/color][/font][/b]
  18. [color=silver][font=times new roman][b]God im so utterly tired of these extremist parents. They need to grow up and broaden there minds. The fact that they completely blew several aspects of the show completely out of porportion to what really happened shows me there ignorant people just looking to pick a fight over something. Its people like this that force anime onto being played late at night and also needing to be censored. Id love to see an actual debate with these narrow minded souls over this type of thing. Im sure theyd have no good arguments. Sighz dumb oversensitive lousy america...grumble...grumble...:grumble: [/color][/font][/b]
  19. [color=silver][font=times new roman][b]Hmmm choosing is so hard to do...Anime is filled with so many varied and wondeful chracterizations...Decisions,decisions... [i]Who is youre favorite anime charachter of all time?[/i]Kaneda [i]Why are they your favorite?[/i] Because hes a straightforward kinda guy. He sticks up for his friends and winds up doing the right thing even if he didnt mean to. He holds his own even when hes fighting against insanely powerful pyschics that could easily kill him in a second. He shows no fear and just does what he has to do to survive. Oh and he has the most bad*** bike ever. :devil: [i]What show are they from? [/i]The Akira movie/manga [i]What do they do in the show?[/i] He pretty much unintentionally brings about alot of social upheaval and helps to save tokyo(And perhaps the world?)And ofcourse he gets the girl :laugh: [/color][/font][/b]
  20. Arkadyz


    [color=silver][font=times new roman][b]Well gainax has had a very colorful past...They have and still do make amazing animes... One of the reasons for this being that all of the founding memebers of gainax are big anime fans themselves...They know what fans like and know we dont like to be talked down to or shown cheap crap... Some of there best stuff is... Ouritsu Uchugun Honneamise no Tsubasa(Wings of Honneamise) Top o Nerae!(Gunbuster) Fushigi no Umi no Nadia(Nadia Secret of Blue Water) Oruchuban Ebichu, Kareshi Kanojo no Jijo(His and Her Circumstances) Mahoromatic As well as of course Eva anf furi kuri...Oh and the self mocking comedy otaku no video... Id reccomend any of there titles(And apologize if I missed any...Its late... :rolleyes: ) Well anywayz check out any of there stuff its all good...They are an amazing company.[/color][/font][/b]
  21. [color=silver][font=times new roman][b]Well they did make a gundam movie with live action...It sucked...Big time... :p As for a trigun movie...Hmmm maybe it could be done...The only thing id be iffy on is the comedy aspect of the show...Its goofiness would be abit hard to translate. Im reserving judgment on anime live action movies until I actually see one of them made...Most of them are aways away... Lupin has a script being developed...Akira looks to be trying to start up but it doesnt have a director...DBZ doesnt look like its happening anytime soon...And evangelion may be the first to get made out of the lot... [/color][/font][/b]
  22. [color=silver][font=times new roman][b]Oh wow yet another wonderful episode of FLCL watched tonight... I swear this series has to be the most funny and visually stunning anime ever... The thing tonight that I noticed I loved so much are the characters...each one is unique and insanely funny... Oh and the MUSIC...mmmm... the music is wonderful esp the ending theme...And I LOVE the whole live action shot stuff at the end with the vespa...Esp when it starts hitting on the girl...HAHAHA theres just something funny as hell about a sentient vespa that keeps running over people :laugh: Oh man I cant wait to see the next episode of this series... :devil: Oh and on a slightly unrelated note...The adult swim little text things inbetween seem to be getting wittier and more histerical :D[/color][/font][/b]
  23. [color=silver][font=times new roman][b]Well the reason that so many characters die frequently is because its realistic...In real war people die easily and fast and you dont even know if there is a tommorrow (One of the reasons for the sexual content...Live for today and have pleasure while you can) I was really amazed that CN only cut 2 scenes out of episode 2...(One of the more explicit human deaths and a brief sexual scene) Hopefully CN will keep the editing to a minimum... :p [/color][/font][/b]
  24. [color=silver][font=times new roman][b]I unfortunatly missed the first episode...But of my ********** God the second episode was just pure visual eye candy...The whole thing didnt really make alot of sense but that didnt matter every scene looked magnificent. The whole thing was very fluid and the animation moved with such amazing grace i couldnt believe... The scene where the robot turned into the cannon was amazing...Hell the entire battle sequence was amazing...It had such a natural flow and beauty to it... Im in awe of what they've done with this series visual wise... I cant wait to see the rest of the series its a damn shame its only 6 episodes long though... :rolleyes: [/color][/font][/b]
  25. [QUOTE]I actually think that the last episode of Big O was better-at least that had some thought to it, some depth on the character, posed an interesting idea-and managed to do so without (albeit edited) naked women in the ending theme, monsters that looked like hentai, and the main character. . .um, you know.[/QUOTE] [color=silver][font=times new roman][b]Well I cant let that staement go by without me saying something :D You shouldnt judge blue gender by the first episode...The series really starts picking up and by the end you will have realized that this series has some of the best characterizations you'll ever see. I mean if you woke up out of cold sleep into this kinda nightmare what do you think you would do? Pick up a gun and proudly announce "I WILL KILL ALL BLUE" yeah right you go believe that...While a normal person would be scared witless... What I love about the series is its realism...People die easily and frequnetly like real war...The mecha act and look like mecha...The blue are effectively frightening looking... I really cant believe that they didnt edit the episode AT ALL except for the credits ofcourse the first ep is one of the tamer episodes...Things get alot more violent in the next ep... Millie im not trying to attack you for your opinion I just think its abit unfair...Although I will say while big o is ok I wouldnt compare it to something as great as blue gender :p Now that my longwindedness is over...Let the comments commence :D [/color][/font][/b]
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