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Everything posted by Arkadyz

  1. [color=red][font=times new roman]Well I just read in the newest issue of NewType magazine that anno is VERY excited about the new eva movie and has approved of all the ideas thusfar that have been developed and thought about for the movie...This makes me alot less apprehensive about this movie for sure... If a man like anno approves of it this might just have hope...We'll just have to wait and see :devil: [/color][/font]
  2. [color=red][font=times new roman]Well I dont think its inappropriate...Its kinda cute... While its not my cup of tea its still a cute idea and a fun little banner :p [/color][/font]
  3. [color=red][font=times new roman]Very nice kaola...Your getting very good at making banners I must say :cool: The purple suits tsukasa's usually downer kinda personality and the pic is very good :D [/color][/font]
  4. [color=red][font=times new roman]Very Nice DD...Although im not too big on the chibi pic you used...I woulda gone with a regular pic of her... Otherwise the color and everything else looks great :D [/color][/font]
  5. [color=red][font=times new roman]Pretty nice looking banner...Only critque I would have is what Turkey said...Its abit too dark and alittle empty but still an excellent high quality banner :D [/font][/color]
  6. [color=red][font=times new roman]Wow thats very good pencil work...I dont really have any gripes about it...I look forward to more of your art... :D [/color][/font]
  7. [color=red][font=times new roman]Thats pretty cool looking there kaisuke with all the diff gundams and the blurry look of it... Very sharp indeed :D [/color][/font]
  8. [color=red][font=times new roman]Well I never got to play CT...Ive always heard its an amazing game but never got the opportunity to play it... CC on the other hand I love to death and played it way too much in the past...I loved it cause there are so many ways to win it...I forgot exactly how many alternate endings there are but theres alot and most of them are pretty enjoyable... And the huge cast of characters is really great...Theres some really great character designs and all of the chracters are quite unique...The game definetly pulls you into its world... Id highly reccomend this game(Fav Character has to be glenn with dual einlanzher (sp?) Wicked powerful :devil: )[/color][/font]
  9. [color=red][font=times new roman]Well I havent done much gundam modeling in awhile...Ive actually lost most of my models in moves... :bawl: Ummm the ones that I have left are... 2 MGs...Chars Zaku II and a Gouf...I really hated the stupid pipes on around the waist and such on both of these...They where such a hassle... And lets see...2 HGs...Gelgoog Marine and a DOM...THere ok dont have the greatest detail and some of the colors are off but that was easily fixed... Oh and my fav my PG Gundam RX-78-2...It took me quite awhile to asemble this big boy but he sure is impressive looking...The biggest pain about the thing was doing the wiring for the light-up eyes...grrr... :p I may get back into modeling again I dunno...Sure would like to make some of the other PGs...Those things are mad fun to make :devil: [/font][/color]
  10. [color=red][font=times new roman]Nice as always DD...The new guy in X7 is kinda interesting looking...Has kindof a gunslinger look with that pistol :cool: [/color][/font]
  11. [color=red][font=times new roman]Heh thats pretty cool there neotravis...Ofcourse we all know who SHOULD win... :p [/color][/font]
  12. [color=red][font=times new roman]Ah well I mostly just work on the weekends...Gotta pay those lovely bills...sighz... Other then that if I actually get a weekend off(when was the last time that happened...:rolleyes: ) Ill go to a zoo/park or out to the beach...Or ill do something with whichever girl im seeing at the time... Other then that ill hang around the house and relax from exercising and going to work all the rest of the week...If the mood strikes me ill sometimes jump on my motorcycle and go somewhere...Not real particualr where to just aslong as it isnt miami :D [/color][/font]
  13. [color=red][font=times new roman]Well im not big on the whole waiting until your married to have sex thing...As is evident by the fact I didnt wait...heh...Casual sex though is just wrong to me...You should atleast have sex with someone you care about atleast ya know... But hey if you have the will power so to speak to wait until your married...More power to ya :D [/font][/color]
  14. [color=red][font=times new roman]O M G...It was so crazy at work (Barnes & Noble) tonight for the release party...We had lots of great things for the kiddies and stuff but the line to buy the book was insane...And ppl started lining up at like 7 PM... The worst was we where promised 200+ copies for ppl that didnt preorder...But all we got from scholastic was more like 60 or less for those ppl... So needless to say there were pissed off ppl...But it was thankfully pretty civilized thank goodness... There def. was alot more ppl out for this release then there where for HP book 4...Definetly ;) [/font][/color]
  15. [color=red][font=times new roman]Well I really hope your happy with him Dragon...Much luck to you both... :D [/color][/font]
  16. [color=red][font=times new roman]I think its going to be very good...I believe it will be abit diff then the previews make it out to be... All the interviews ive read with ang lee he makes the movie out to be far deeper and more concetrated on the characters and bruces internal conflict... So I think the movie is gonna be deeper then the "HULK SMASH" type trailers that ive seen thusfar make it out to be...[/font][/color]
  17. [color=red][font=times new roman]Well thats quite the 180 turn around ya got there...Went from break-up to long term relationship that fast hun... Well aslong as your happy thats all that matters hmmm(And hopefully hes saying the truth...) Well good luck to ya megan hope it all works out for you :D [/font][/color]
  18. [color=red][font=times new roman]Yeah this question is always death... :p Well im not the pickiest guy in the world...With that said... :D I have some typical preferences... Like I perfer shorter girls...Longer hair...And I have a thing for glasses...I go more for cute rather then beautiful...Beautiful is overrated in my book (For an example looks wise...Think Willow from season one of Buffy...Thatd be my dream girl :cool: not that she doesnt look great during the rest of the season either... :blush: ) Personality is more important to me though ofcourse(Substance over style and all that) She just needs to be intelligent and be able to hold her own in a conversation...Doesnt need to be doing something every second, Can just sit and talk and enjoy each others company...Someone down to earth and easy going... Ah this thing could keep going forever so i'll just cut myself off right now...Or else ill keep babbling :p [/color][/font]
  19. [color=red][font=times new roman]The chii one is cute...And I think the pen-pen one looks pretty nice...Its a shame you dont see more pen-pen banners...That whacky penguin just doesnt get the respect he deserves ya know :D [/font][/color]
  20. [color=red][font=times new roman]Well Lupin isnt THAT bad but for me I like animes because they have story arcs...I dont like self contained episodes because thats all american TV is anymore...Story arcs are what get me hooked and keep me coming back... Unless its like futurama or family guy...Those 2 are just too freaking funny...I really got annoyed at foxs short sightedness...They never really gave either of these series a chance... Well I cant wait until they get new eps of inuyasha and bring the new series on...Like I said lupin is ok but there are alot better animes out there ya know :D [/color][/font]
  21. [color=red][font=times new roman]Oye...large text hard on eyes...Looks too much like all caps...:rolleyes: hehe but anywayz...Yeah SJ is great. I really like every manga they have in it(Except maybe SandLand...Not the greatest...) In a couple of SJ's surveys they've asked about putting sports manga in but I really wouldnt like it if they did...I like my fantasy stuff...Forget sports :p And someone brought up putting hunter x hunter in but they said they probably wouldnt do it since yu-yu is by the same artist and didnt want to have 2 mangas by the same artist running at the same time (Funny how they didnt seem to care when they picked 2 toriyama series at the same time...)It would be a great addition because its a very excellent manga indeed...heres hoping :D [/color][/font]
  22. [color=red][font=times new roman]Yeah im with QA...How come you guys have never heard of this series? Its really great... The basic storyline is thus...Sometime in the future the planet earth is invaded by a species of insect invaders called the "blue". Are story starts with one man waking up from a cryopod. It seems that genetic deseases started cropping up all too frequently...With no cure insight many opted to be frozen until a cure could be found. However while these ppl where frozen the invasion happened and these poor souls wake to a horror...The earth is all but deserted and most of humanity lives in a space colony orbiting the earth. Well without going on for an eternity these cryo sleepers are special and crucial to humanity driving the blue off earth(I wont say anything more then that so as not to spoil :p ) So getting to the point...Its a very violent series inwhich ANYONE can die at anytime(and do) Its very visceral and doesnt blink an eye at any moment...It has wonderful character development and even portrays a realistic romantic triangle... I just dont see how CN will air this w/o editing the hell of it...Which if they do ill be seriously annoyed... The only good thing is the whole series is already translated so no stupid stopping in the middle of the story and restarting again :D [/color][/font]
  23. [color=red][font=times new roman]Alright...Ill resist the urge to flame :rolleyes: I started watching Reign its first run and I was pretty open minded going in...I acutally enjoyed the first bunch of eps I saw but as the show went on the storyline just went down hill...All this nonsense about the platohedron(sp?) It came off like it wanted to sound deep and all but felt more annoying then anything else. I really like history and alexander is an interesting historical figure...I feel they could have done him more justice... Im also not a big peter chung fan...His character desgins are bizzare to say the least...Everyone looks anorexic and there arent a pair of pants to be found anywhere...[/font][/color]
  24. [color=red][font=times new roman]OYE...This is what you get when you dont have good communications...sighz... Most of you sound like you need to be more open with your feelings...Dont be afraid to say things...Esp if its to someone you like... I think ppl just make things way more complicated then they really need to be...Speak up say your feelings...If things work out or dont they atleast you'll know and it'll put an end to the pointless wondering... And Kitty...Ummm I dont quite understand what the problem is, Maybe I just didnt pick up on it from your reply...Why dont you just talk to him or ask him out?[/color][/font]
  25. [color=red][font=times new roman]CN REALLY needs to bring some stability to there scheduling...All of this taking shows off putting them on...Delaying until more eps are dubbed...Its getting SOOO annoying... This kinda crap is the reason ppl stop watching shows...I like to know when I turn on the TV ill get to see my show at the right time...They need to stop shooving everything all over its way too confusing... As for the current lineup...Get rid of reign and lupin ASAP...Get those new eps of Big-O on the air...And bring back trigun... And I had no clue there gonna show blue gender...God I really hope they dont butcher it...BG is a very serious very graphic series and censoring anything out of it would totally mess it up...The japanese made it that way for a reason dont muck with perfection :p Comeon ADV you bastards...Expand your anime channel down here to old Fla already hun...I need uncensored anime...my brain craves it :devil: [/color][/font]
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