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Everything posted by Arkadyz
[color=red][font=times new roman]Im sorry I dont get the whole girls not being able to ask guys out...Thats just plain dumb to me... If I was a girl I wouldnt want to have to sit on my butt and hope that the guy would pick up on signals and call or what...Nuts to that you walk up and say hey you wanna go out on **insert day of the week** Its just that flippin simple...Ah I guess just cause im an agressive guy...I see a girl I like Ill step up and make coversation...Being shy and timid is too boring and frustrating :p Well whatever happens I hope it all works out...And ill leave you with one question...Isnt it worth breaking your traditions to get a date with a guy you clearly seem to like? [/font][/color]:cross:
[color=skyblue][font=times new roman]Alright heres my little one...Just did it real quick in paint nothing special... :p[/color][/font]
[color=skyblue][font=times new roman]Oh wow thats really great conceptual art...Well if the movie looks like that it wil be stunning...But that doesnt help ease my concerns about the story any :drunk: And can anyone tell me what the text says...I wish I could read kanji...:blackeye: [/color][/font]
[color=skyblue][font=times new roman]I just felt like putting this out there cause im so tired of seeing it at the bookstore and hearing it from my folks... I constantly hear parents telling there kids "You should read real books not that stuff" or ask "When are you gonna stop reading that kids stuff and start a real novel" Im sitting here trying to get kids interested in this stuff and I feel like I have parents running behind me sabotaging... :rolleyes: I dont understand this consensus with alot of ppl in america that simply because a story is visually oriented that its for children...They cant think for a second it could have a deep story or that its nice to look at the artwork? I feel like the biggest thing thats holding back Anime/Manga these days from spreading faster are ignorant parents that dont even seem to want to take the time to look at this stuff to see its quality...Sighz very frustrating...:drunk:[/font][/color]
[color=skyblue][font=times new roman]You did that in a few minutes? Argh talented bastard... :grumble: Heh thats a really nice wall paper DD...The whole things comes together real nicely and I dont think it looks too plain...I like how its all faded out in the corner... Very good as always :p [/color][/font]
Art My first attempt at a banner with Paintshop Pro
Arkadyz replied to Kaola Su's topic in Creative Works
[color=skyblue][font=times new roman]Wow...Very good first try... The one with the border does look better...Thats quite a creepy pic you used but it looks great...Sometimes simplicity is the best way to go :p [/font][/color] -
[color=skyblue][font=times new roman]Well its definetly...ahem...Different :p Its an interesting "banner" but its alittle hard to read...Thats really my only complaint :D [/color][/font]
[color=skyblue][font=times new roman]Oh very cute and simple as always alexa :cool: And I dont mind the small size...Everyone is always making big ones so its nice to see some simple elagent(sp?) small ones...:D [/color][/font]
Art Updates on the elves pic will go here now...
Arkadyz replied to DarK DeatH's topic in Creative Works
[color=skyblue][font=times new roman]Very nice indeed...With your Cging and your friends drawing talents you 2 make an impressive pair :cool: I cant wait to see it colored completely :D [/color][/font] -
[color=skyblue][font=times new roman]Im a fan of the silly little background characters that seem to always be popping up for a scene or 2 every episode... Ones that I can think of right now are the[/color][/font][color=deeppink][font=times new roman] three old guys[/color][/font][color=skyblue][font=times new roman] from bebop(I swear there in almost every episode even if its only for a second...I just cant stop laughing when I spot them :laugh: They sure get around the universe alot) And [/color][/font][color=deeppink][font=times new roman]Pen-pen[/font][/color] [color=skyblue][font=times new roman]from Eva...Oh he says nothing but hes just so damn cute and funny...Man why cant penguins be that funny and cool in reality :D Oh and how could I forget[/font][/color] [color=deeppink][font=times new roman]KuroNeko[/font][/color][color=skyblue][font=times new roman]...Ya just gotta love that little kitty...So much fun :p [/font][/color]
[font=times new roman][color=skyblue]Oh wow that looks really nice...Im with nomad I usually dont reply to these sorta things but thats just really good artwork definetly... :D [/font][/color]
[color=red][font=times new roman]Wow alot of submissions since ive been gone...Well ill only hit on the ones I really liked... HZ yours is amazing...Theres a few flaws which I think everyone has pointed out thus far but its a beautiful banner. SPX you made a really nice banner there...The redish haze effect came off really nice...A very good effort indeed. Nomad I like the naruto one alot...My only problem is all the links kinda being all crammed into one spot there...Otherwise it looks nice... Well this thing could be pretty close hun :devil: [/color][/font]
Anime the butcher of all anime once again shows its face; down with 4kids!
Arkadyz replied to originalimp's topic in Otaku Central
[color=red][font=times new roman]Well I dont mind alittle editing of curse words...But What I cant stand is when they completely screw with a series and cut&paste it back together as something it isnt(Escaflowne/Cardcaptor) Or remove several eps for "content" reasons or elminate relationships (SailorMoon) These shows were great and popular in japan for a reason...I wish american companies would quit mucking them up...They seem to screw with kids shows more then other series...Which I cant understand, japanese children watch this stuff all the time undedited...Parents over here are just too overprotective... :cross: [/font][/color] -
[color=deeppink][font=times new roman][i]Ohhh...very pretty banner there kitty.[/color][/font] [color=skyblue][font=times new roman]I really like the pic you used of chii...So very cute :D And I actually like all the little squares and I always like alexas little way of designing her cute banners...So if your gonna copy something atleast you copied it from the best :p [/color][/font] [color=deeppink][font=times new roman]***runs off and saves it*** :cool: [/color][/font][/i]
[color=red][font=times new roman]Well I have no problem with simple...The thing Im not crazy about is it looks like the spike pic was slapped down there ontop of the banner...By this I mean I can see the shade diff between the black of the banner and the black box around spike...It also cuts off the pinstrip through the middle too early and erases some of the border... That kinda distracts from an otherwise very nice looking banner...I love the little designs on the far right though...[/font][/color]
[color=red][font=times new roman]Well D_A your right thats alot of negative space there on the left...It really needs some kinda something in that area to spice it up :D But I do like the blur effect and that very nice high quality pic of vash...But just like syk's vash banner it needs a diff color besides blue...Blue and vash dont mix so well ;) SPX I like what youre trying to do with the green it looks nice...But I dont like that black pic and kenshin doesnt match too well with the green... All the rest of it I really like though just not those particular pics you used for it :p [/color][/font]
[color=red][font=times new roman]Very nice as always DD...I like how you used the bigger kenshin pic in the background...Its kinda hard to see at first but becomes more clear as you look at the banner :D Nice qoute too...And I dont have too much of a problem with text personally :p [/color][/font]
[color=red][font=times new roman]Very cute...the light purply hue looks very nice...Though I think I perfer your current banner over this one :D [/font][/color]
[color=red][font=times new roman]Its a cute take on the whole matrix pill thing...But like was said before you need to make the pills more pill like :p Otherwise its a neat banner... :D [/color][/font]
[color=red][font=times new roman]Very nice as always DD. Its nice, clean and simple...I love how you segmented the background image like that...Keep it up DD :D [/color][/font]
[color=red][font=times new roman]Yeah I def like what you did with the vash banner Syk...The red suits him very nicely...And I can read the text fine...I cant wait to see if you make a new one :D And wow kaisuke very nice banners...The first Has an interesting background but its abit too hard to see the pic and the otakuboards text... And I really love the 2nd/3rd one...Just as good as the onegai one...the white and orange go together so well very pleasing on the eyes... I think I like the 3rd better then the second cause the second just looks alittle too empty...Im really looking forward to your third one :cool: And Ill agree with Zeh...post up one im sure you could make a great one Hittokiri :p [/color][/font]
[color=red][font=times new roman]Ohhh...puurty...Of course I love chii so I guess im kinda bias :p I like the second one better...The squares look of it is really cool...But I also like the simplicity of the black and white one...Very nice Kitty :cool: [/color][/font]
[color=red][font=times new roman]***waiting for it to d/l*** and waiting...Ah finally...Thats looks pretty cool...But ill have to agree with the rest...It would be cool if it just kinda kept going indefinetly instead of just ending and restarting...Id be more interesting atleast to me :D [/font][/color]
[color=red][font=times new roman]Well I just got back from watching the movie...Its was pretty good...Not as funny as some of their previous movies but still alot better then any of disneys traditional animated movies... It can get alittle serious and alittle sad...And has abit of an underlying theme about ppl overcocming there handicaps(mental and physical) But it still has alot of good jokes and jags... And the animation ofcourse is GORGEOUS...Pixar outdoes themselves everytime graphically... And it looks like there typical high quality will continue with there next movie...Its coming out next year and it looks to be a spoof on superheroes...The short trailer of it infront of nemo was pretty funny I must say :laugh: [/color][/font]
[color=red][font=times new roman]Eep...Sorry I didnt think only Judges and ppl submitting banners could post in here...I just love graphic desgin and you guys around here make such great stuff I cant help but compliment you guys on it :D (Wish I could make such nice stuff...:drunk: ) Oh and sara thats a cute take on the banner...making the links avatars I think its a great touch :cool: Im not so sure about the background though... The color is good but, While it fits with the idea of the icons it come off alittle cluttered and I tend to get abit distracted by trying to look at every single image to see who it is :D[/color][/font]