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About Hachi

  • Birthday January 23

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  1. How much does that Villa cost again?
  2. Whats yor high scores in any FF? I mean like any accievment your proud of? Mine is when I got Blade Beam before I fought Rufus for the first time on FF7. :toothy:
  3. Hachi

    new FFXI videos

    I believe you get to choose your: Race Gender Hair Style Hair Color Clothes Name Face Style And there may be more not sure. :toothy:
  4. Dude listen, the guys said he's got all enemy skills and I doubt your the best in the world at FF7 since the creator's are. And your key board must be broken since it seems to be stuck on CAPS lock. Well try completing the game without materia D.O.K ^^ that's a challenge you could try once fully completing the game.
  5. Yeah, a portable version of FF4, pretty cool. I think 1,2 and 3 are Game boy color standards in graphics tho. :cross:
  6. U got rid of Tidus? Brave move
  7. I agree, unless you had a big ball of glass filled with water a jet propelled ball and 5 minutes worth of oxygen it's not possible. The ball would float to the top and so would you and unless you were a strong swimmer the game would be very very slow. :whoops:
  8. Alot of people always ask this question on other forums so I thought I may answer it here. If you fail the jecht shot the first time round either start from the closest save or if you can't later (alot later) in the game you get to go on that ship again and the blitzball is still there and this time if you fail Tidus won't kick the ball into the sea so you get unlimited go's! Hope I helped anyone. :p
  9. Heres mine: Datto (wither shot, nap shot) Letty (venom pass, wither shot) Tidus (sphere shot, venom shot) Botta (venom tackle) Jassu (venom tackle) Yuma Guado (grip gloves, wither def, venom def) My team seems to be balanced, and the team goes in the order like on the game, strikers to defense to goalie. :blush:
  10. This is great, it's only £10. And don't think that FF 1,2 or 3 will be realesed for PSone, GBA maybe but not PSone. You can't beat the classics I suppose right? :cross:
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