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Everything posted by Treble

  1. Man I am absolutely crushed to hear this news. I wasn’t really close with Desbreko but I have nothing but respect for the guy. He was well-composed and I’ve always enjoyed reading his thoughts on the Zelda franchise and anything gaming related. All of his youtube video game walkthroughs and no damage runs are mighty impressive and a joy to watch. He made it look so easy. I believe he was one of the first persons I’ve played Mario Kart and Smash Bros. Wii online with, and those were good times. It's a damn shame he is no longer with us. May you rest in peace, Desbreko.
  2. I think Catwoman is going to be the other playable character based on that Gameinformer cover. I loved the first one and can't wait to see what they do with this one. [center][IMG]http://imgur.com/Q2snL.jpg[/IMG][/center]
  3. *Comes out from lurking* How far into the game are you, James? I would say part 1 (Drakeâ??s Fortune) had a much more connected world filled with jungle areas. Meanwhile, part 2 (Among Thieves) probably had maybe a couple of chapters that were jungle themed and then it really opened up by around chapter 5 and onwards. Uncharted 2 really diversified the levels compared to the first game. I thought the first game was okay. The gunplay did get pretty repetitive towards the end. Among Thieves on the other hand was amazing. The controls felt better, the guns sounded better, the levels were much more varied, and the new stealth mechanics to take out enemies really helped in changing things up. Iâ??m pretty stoked for Uncharted 3. I don't really know what they can do that they haven't already done in Among Thieves, but I canâ??t wait to see what Naughty Dog has in store for us.
  4. Sadly I have the same problems fighting against smaller characters. Although, Amaterasu doesn't seem too bad compared to the Servbot we fought in MvsC 2. Here's hoping there will be more normal sized characters reveal in the upcoming months.
  5. ^ Lol @ Deadpool using his own life bar to hurt his opponent. Anyway, 4 new character revealed: Chun-Li, Trish from Devil May Cry, Dr. Doom, and Super-Skrull. [center][media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BnKGiQYuOKs[/media][/center] Also, while not officially confirmed, pics of Amaterasu and Thor were seen on Marvel's website. [center][IMG]http://i25.tinypic.com/200ad08.jpg[/IMG][/center] [center][IMG]http://i26.tinypic.com/3538bog.jpg[/IMG][/center] Despite not being great at fighting games anymore, I'm pretty excited! Game is looking better and better every time I see a new trailer.
  6. For me it's this general feeling that I've done this all before already. It's not just the Zelda series either, but most games these days with expected sequels. Despite that I do like the more vibrant look, and I think the new motion mechanics will be a refreshing change to the combat system. Gametrailers has a nice clip of someone demoing the game and at one point he had to slice an enemy vertically instead of horizontally to kill an enemy. So there seems to be room there for more in-depth combat. Controls also look a lot of better in that video than the presentation on stage. Hopefully there will be more surprises to be revealed within the upcoming months. [center][media]http://www.gametrailers.com/video/e3-2010-zelda-skyward/700267[/media][/center]
  7. I finished the game a while back, and it was a fantastic ride. It's definitely one of the more immersive games I've played in a while. The main missions does lack variety as they were mainly one big shootout to another, but all of the side stuff you could do in the game really makes it up for me. From hunting animals, to treasure hunting, to playing blackjack/poker, and completing weird but funny stranger missions all serve as nice little breaks from the main game. Also, the free new Co-Op DLC called "Outlaws to the End" is coming out today. I'm looking forward to it as co-op is always more fun to me than the competitive side of things.
  8. Treble

    E3 2010

    I have high hopes that Zelda: Skyward Sword will bring something new to the series. It's probably too early to really tell anything though. And +1 to Scott Pilgrim and Batman: Brave and the Bold! I miss 2D brawlers so much. What a wonderful time to be a fan 2D games.
  9. Treble

    E3 2010

    Microsoft's press conference started out fine with expected sequels, but kind of went downhill for me when they started focusing way too much on Kinect. I see potential there, but what they showed there didn't really grab me. However, Nintendo really brought it this year. New vibrant Zelda that looks like an awesome mix of Twilight Princess and Wind Waker. Controls were quite iffy during the presentation, but I'm sure they were just having technical difficulties as they said on stage. Hopefully the hands-on impressions will be positive. Donkey Country Returns, Kirby Epic Yarn, and Kid Icarus were all incredible and I'm glad to see that their all back with style. Also, 3DS seems pretty nifty so far with a lot of support from third parties. Here's hoping that Sony's conference will be just as good! Edit: 3DS seems to be having all kinds of games being made for it! Remakes of Starfox 64, Zelda OOT, and a whole bunch of solid 3rd party titles. Sony's conference felt pretty slow to get things going, but they did get a few nice announcements such as Portal 2 and Twisted Metal. Kevin Butler was awesome as always. The Move stuff seems fine enough, but once again nothing really new. Overall it was a decent show.
  10. [FONT=Tahoma][SIZE=2]I also prefer playing it solo, the game?s less frantic that way. It?s still a lot of fun playing with others, though. The propeller suit is probably my favorite new power-up of the bunch. But yeah, its no raccoon tail or super cape. I still got a lot of star coins to go after in order to open up some [spoiler]new levels in world 9[/spoiler], and I?m finding it to be quite the challenge. [/SIZE][/FONT]
  11. I am sad that tonight was Conan O' Brien's last show on the Tonight Show. He went out with class tonight.
  12. [quote name='chibi-master']F.Y.E is closing. Used DVD is used and costs only 7 small dollars... BEAUTIFUL.[/quote] Really? Wow, I should go check out some of my local FYE stores then.
  13. [FONT=Tahoma]I also read the manga and knew what was going to happen, but the latest episode in the anime still got to me. Especially when [spoiler]Jiraiya[/spoiler] starts talking about all his failures in life. :( Very sad episode. [/FONT]
  14. The game looks incredible and it may be one of the few games I will be getting this year. I?ve been playing the multiplayer demo for a while now and its pretty fun. There were a number of different modes, but the most fun I had was playing a mode called ?Gold Rush? that was somewhat similar to Gears of War?s ?Horde Mode?. You team up with two other players and try to survive ten rounds of intense gun battles while trying to capture a treasure in each round. But really, I?m mostly interested in the single-player campaign. I hear it?s a lot longer this time around. The multiplayer modes are a nice bonus, though. I can?t wait!
  15. Treble

    E3 2009

    Of all the games shown, I was probably most excited for what Nintendo had to show. The new four player Super Mario Brothers, Super Mario Galaxy 2, Mario & Luigi 3, and the new Metroid all looks amazing so far and I’m really looking forward to them. I also can’t wait to get my hands on Wii Sports Resort to try out the new Motion Plus. Most of the other games that were shown at the other press conferences were kind of expected, but nevertheless I’m thrilled to see them too. Uncharted 2, in particular looks really good. It was pretty cool to see how interactive the environment was, everything in that game looks so real. God of War 3 was just as crazy. The sheer amount of brutality Kratos was unleashing in the trailer was insane. Alan Wake was interesting too with the whole emphasis on the flashlight and the weird but cool-looking spiritual creatures. Other highlights for me were FFXIII, Assassins Creed 2, and Shadow Complex. Overall, I pretty much enjoyed all 3 press conferences this year.
  16. I just got done playing [B]Dragon Warrior V[/B] on the DS, and I loved it from start to finish. Having never played any Dragon Warrior games before, I?m glad that I got the chance to play one game in the series. What?s really cool about Dragon Warrior V is that it focuses mainly on the main character and his family. Most of the twists and turns in the game were unexpected and the way it unfolds was very touching. I also finished [B]Resident Evil 5[/B] on the 360 the other day. I really liked most of the locales in the game as they were incredible to look at, but towards the end of the game it kind of got dull. Unfortunately, I did not get the chance to play it with a partner, but it was still an enjoyable game.
  17. Hmmm, the link to the Graphic Worm thread leads me to a "no thread specified" page. I think the link might need to be updated. Besides that, awesome submissions so far!
  18. I?ll definitely be checking out [B]Hajime no Ippo: New Challenger[/B]. I loved the previous seasons and I am glad it?s back. It seems like there?s going to be a lot of good upcoming fights coming up pretty soon. Should be fun! Other than that, I don?t really know what else to watch. I?ll probably keep an eye out on impressions of other shows to see what intrigues me.
  19. [FONT=Verdana]I?m definitely going to pick this up for my brother?s PS3 when it releases (or maybe he will, haha). The game looks incredibly smooth in motion. I?ve pretty much played all of the other Capcom fighting games to death already, so I?m really looking forward to doing the same with this title. Plus, with school hogging all of my time, this would be the perfect game to play for short sessions here and there. [/FONT]
  20. Treble

    Mega Man 9

    [FONT=Verdana][SIZE=2]Whoohoo! The game?s out on the WiiWare in the US. It should be coming to the PSN and XBLA pretty soon. Anyone else besides me got it yet or plans to get it?[/SIZE][/FONT] [FONT=Verdana][SIZE=2]I have not put in that much time into it yet, but so far, it?s pretty darn good. It definitely captures the spirit of the original first two Mega Man games. Incredibly catchy old-school music and frustrating levels are all in full force here. I've died quite a number of times already in my short time with the game. So yeah, highly recommended if you're itching for some classic blue bomber adventure. [/SIZE][/FONT]
  21. 1) This is going to be my fourth year in a small college here in Ohio. 2) I?m majoring in Studio Art with a minor in Business Administration. 3) Anything that involves Art is pretty exciting to me. Learning about art history, looking at art, seeing things from other people?s perspective, or just working on art excites me, and I get totally lost into it. It?s good stuff. 4) I?m still undecided with what areas of art I want to specialize in, but I?m leaning towards drawing like some of the people here. I still need a lot of work, but it seems to be what I enjoy the most so far. Unfortunately, I?m having a lot of difficulties in trying to create something new or drawing something from my own mind. As a result, I?m in a complete stump right now as I?m not sure if this whole art thing is going to work out for me. 5) I like Cookies and Cream flavored ice-cream. Yum!
  22. Yay! I thought nobody cared anymore or something, haha. I'll add you back Des, and hopefully anyone else that wants to share their FC code. ;) (Might as well add each other's Wii friend code too for future Wi-Fi games, eh?)
  23. Treble

    Xbox 360

    Supposedly there’s a price cut coming soon on the week of September 7th. The Arcade model will be $199, 60GB model will be $299, and Elite model will be $399. So yeah, you may want to hold on until then and save yourself some money. Unless you already knew that, then carry on. [B]Source[/B]: [URL]http://www.joystiq.com/2008/08/20/sources-xbox-360-price-cut-week-of-sept-7-60gb-299-elite-3/[/URL] I'm not to sure about the backwards compatibility thing though.
  24. I have also been playing [B]Bionic Commando: Rearmed[/B] lately and boy is it a difficult game. It reminds of the frustrating times I?ve had with old NES games. I died so many times on a single level and yet I keep coming back. The whole grappling mechanics is so much fun to mess around with, and the music is indeed pretty groovy. Anyway, despite the amount of times I died, it?s a pretty awesome game. I may even go back and try out the original game someday after I beat this one. Totally worth the $10 bucks!
  25. Yah, I've just been too lazy these days to do anything. I dig all of the entries so far though, and I'll try to enter again for the next round. More sloppiness from me to be expected.
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