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Everything posted by Treble

  1. [i]Elec and Magnet almost fully charged their busters, Flash knew this was gonna cause a huge impact, so he had to think of something fast.[/i] [b]Flash:[/b] Everyone Quick! , Dodge all the attacks as soon as they release it, once Magnet and Elec release thier powerful force they'll start charging again thats when Proteus and I will attack.Meanwhile Slash and Omega, I want you guys to find a chance when Plant's sheild opens he'll rapidly try to close it, so be as quick as possible when trying to attack.Got it everyone? [b]Proteus:[/b] Understood. [b]Slash:[/b] Yes sir! [b]Omega:[/b] Slash and I got it under control. [i]Elec and Magnet had charged their buster all the way, and seconds before they released it, Flash and Proteus got ready for their positions, as Slash and Omega were in position to fire Plant's shield whenever it opened.[/i] [b]Flash:[/b] Here it comes guys their powerful attack, be careful everyone.
  2. Treble


    Bomberman Tournament is quite similar to the past Bomberman games, well when it comes to multiplayer of course which is still addicting. But the Quest mode differs alot from the other games, it features a nice story, challenging fights, and probaly the most interesting feature of all are the karabons, which are little cute creatures you will cross by that helps Bomberman on his quest.And throughout your adventure Bomberman can use the karubons that you have collected to battle other people who offers you an challenge against their own karubons kinda like Pokemon but different. Well thats about it, I only rented the game and Bomberman Tournament is by far one of the best Bomberman games since Bomberman 64: The Second Attack.:)
  3. I happen to think Megaman X6 is one of the top best game on PSX, mainly for its gameplay engine.:) Although the game is fun and all, I hope Capcom would put much more effort into the future titles like improving X's appearance, more replay value, etc. or else I think X Series can get a little to repetative for gamers. Now onto your trouble with the game, I suggest that you beat all the eight bosses first throughout the game, its an optional choice for you so that you can pick whoever stage you want to go first. After you have beated all eight bosses, you could come back to the stages and rescue the characters you need to and collect the blue orbs from the flying soul enemies to recieve an higher rank to equip better armors for X.
  4. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Final_Flash [/i] [B]:wow: Post the next chapter, I insist! [/B][/QUOTE] Yeah I agree too, I also would love to see the next chapter Alexander.;) I find the story quite interesting its like reading a book's introduction and getting sucked into it all the way to the end.:)
  5. Treble


    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Sephiroth [/i] [B]try playing bomberman in multiplayer, pure gaming heaven.... [/B][/QUOTE] I personally agree with that Sephiroth, when it comes to a fun multiplayer game, Bomberman games fits in the list.:) Anyways to answer your question Squashed Snail, I think you'll be able to find Bomberman 64 in stores such as Best Buy, Toys R' Us, Babbages, etc. or jut try to look at your local gaming stores. As for your second question, I find Bomeberman 64 to be an average game, its fun going around setting up your bombs, blowing up things to get special power-ups, and fighting big bosses.But the most addicting thing that I like about Bomberman games, are the multiplayer battle mode it totally sucks you into the game. But as jcgoudy mentioned, the camera in the game can be annoying sometime and I'd also prefer Bomberman 64: The Second Attack, the adventure in the game is much more enjoyable.Plus you get to have a friend or a sibling to join with you on your adventure which they get to control Pommy, a little cute creature who evolves into a bigger form depending on what you feed him throughout the game. But best of all, there are more battle modes in the game, which is a very nice feature.;)
  6. [i]The group continued walking through the forest, when Flash was concerned if the other group was any trouble, so he decided to use a little communicator device to get in contact with Warlock.[/i] [i]Flash pushes a button on the device.[/i] Flash: Warlock, can you hear me this is Flash. [i][b]Bzzzzzzzzzzzttttttttt!!!!![/b][/i] Flash: What the.....? Proteus: What's wrong Flash? Flash: Hmmm... I'm trying to get in reach with Warlock, but all a sudden some weird noise just busted out of no where and its blocking the signal. Proteus: Perhaps, it may be this field blocking communications. Flash: You're probaly right. What's on your mind guys (Slash, Omega)? Slash: I think its best to be on our best defense there could be something around here that is dangerously powerful, perhaps maybe even a Replimaster. Omega: Yeah Slash is right, I think its best for everyone to get prepared now, because we'll never know whats going to happen next. Flash: All right then everyone stick together and let's continue on our way.Oh and remember everyone stay focus. [i]Flash and others, continued walking down the path of the mysteriously forest.Suddenly a unknown mysterious black figure along with another one stood across the road blocking the group's path.Flash thought the figures looked quite familiar it was chubby, and shaped as a short tree and the other figure had electricity going around him.[/i] Unknown Figure: Ha!ha!ha!ha!ha!ha..... well look at who we have here a bunch of scrubby Hunters. Flash: Scrubby? Bah! thats nonsense my mens are all brave mens.Why don't you reveal yourself? Unknown Figure: Heh, you wouldn't want to see me I suggest you to leave this area at once or else you'll regret it. Flash: I'm sorry to dissapoint you, but we got a mission to complete were not going anywhere. Unknown Figure: Pitiful, just pitiful like all the other hunters that tried to stop me.Very well then if this is your choice, I'm not going to stop you. [i]The mysterious figure flew on top of a huge leaf and jumped off to the ground, it was none other than one of the original masters [b]Wood[/b] (Woodman) accompanied by [b]Elec[/b] (Elecman) who was standing next to Wood.Although Elec didn't talk, he was covered by electricity going around him and had a very furious face.[/i]
  7. Chun- Li from Street Fighter, she's good looking, a detective, and she can kick some serious butt!:)
  8. Wow I'm impress with the amount of exercises that some of you do, you people must be very energetic and thats a good thing!:toothy: As for me the only exercises I do daily are 25 push-ups right after I wake up, and right before I go to sleep.But every once in a while I would run tracks, and play basketball with my friends.:)
  9. Videogames, Music, Drawing, and best of all Snacks! Well thats about it, my top list of things that I'm addicted to.:)
  10. OOC: [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Final_Flash [/i] [b]Flash: We split up. Max, Drake, [b]Nova[/b], Warlock and Marth, you head down into the mine. Omega, Proteus, [b]Nova[/b], Slash, and Myself will investigate that grassy area over there... It appears that there's a little more than grass there, too... [/b][/QUOTE] Ah ha! Looky Flash, you've made a mistake and putted Nova's name on both group, but since the story was continued on with Nova traveling with Warlock's group, I guess he belongs to Warlocks's group. And DBZMan, I think you've got me a little mixed up with Marth, I was listed on Flash's group not Warlocks. Sorry if this interupted the story, but I gotted kinda confused, so I thought I pointed that out.
  11. Out of all fighting games, I must say Soul Calibur brought out the most enjoyment I've ever got from a fighting game besides Virtua Fighter 4, and Capcom/SNK's Fighters. I hope the sequel to Soul Calibur will bring much more improvements to the game such as new modes, new art gallerys, and much more replay value. In my opinion Virtua Fighter 4 proved how a sequel to a fighting game can improve alot if the company worked hard enough, so I hope the same will be for Soul Calibur 2.:) When the times come and Soul Calibur 2 releases out to the public, I expect alot from it.
  12. [size=1]Let's see what lies inside my room, a Pokemon poster, a Digimon poster, a Mario Party 3, a Street Fighter poster, 2 TVs so I can play all my gaming systems, PSX, Sega Dreamcast, SNES, Gamecube, Ps2, Radio, Cd Player, Cordless phone, table, couch, beds, and finally a whole bunch of clothes and food crumbs lying around.[/size]
  13. [size=1] I enjoy listening to Trance more than Techno, my mind just flows with the music.:)[/size]
  14. [size=1]Wow there are quite a few siblings here, as for me I do not have any siblings on here.But I do have a close-friend who has registered here as "Sammy" that was back in V.2, of course he haven't came back to this place in a long time.[/size]
  15. Treble


    [size=1]Chrono Break and Unlimited SaGa are both [b]rumored[/b] titles for the next upcoming games of there series, of course I got this news from none other than EGM (Electronic Gaming Monthly) they expext Japan to make an announcement soon. Anyways, back on subject I too think that FFX graphics are amazing and ya gotta love the CGI movies throughout the game.:)[/size]
  16. [size=1]1. What's worse, drinking problem or gambling problem? maybe both of them are just as bad ?[b] Gambling problems[/b] 2. What's better (finally a "positive" question :laugh: ) being merciful or being generous? [b]Merciful[/b] 3. Who/what will you take along If you have to travel to a far island all by urself?[b] My Gameboy Advance, along with a few games.Of course I would also need plenty of water and snacks to come along with me.[/b] 4. What do you prefer, Anime or sit coms? (comedy series)[b] Anime[/b] 5. If you had tons of money, what are the 5 first things you would have bought? [b]?Videogames for all my game consoles. ?Summer Clothes & Shoes ?A Mustang GT for my brother, so he can drive me around. ?A newer better house for my mom, so she wouldn't complain about the small messy house were living in right now. ?A larger better quality TV[/b][/size]
  17. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by jcgoudy [/i] [B][color=indigo]Nah, it's only one person. It's strangely addicting, though... *listens to it again* Mmmmmm... :hippy:[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] [size=1]The song is very happy and sad at the same time, the reason why I think it can be sad because it reminds me of all the poor Pikmins who lost their lifes throughout the adventure.It may only be a videogame, but when I see Pikimins die I get depress their like a family member to me. Anyways I agree with you the song is very addicting to play it over and over again (I even add the site to my favorites), just like the game.:)[/size]
  18. [size=1]1. Do you spend much time in this forum?[b] Yes[/b] 2. Do you contribute a lot of poetry? [b]No[/b] 3. Do you read a lot of poetry posted here? [b]Yes[/b] 4. For the most part, do you enjoy it?[b] Yes, only the cheerful ones.[/b] 5. How would you describe most of the poetry posted here? Insightful? Light hearted? Moving? Mind-numbingly depressing? [b]Mainly all of the poems are very depressing.[/b] 6. Do you write [or have you, in the past, written] much poetry that could be considered "depressing"?[b] Nah I'm not much of poetry writer, I only read them.[/b] 7. Did writing it make you feel any better? [b]N/A[/b] 8. Do you prefer reading "depressing" or "lighthearted" poetry?[b]Lighthearted, it makes it more enjoyable to read.:)[/b] 9. And does the phrase "you have to suffer to write" mean anything to you? [b]Yes[/b][/size]
  19. [size=1]1. What's worse (oh joy): being greedy or spoiled??[b]Greedy[/b] 2. Say Adam retired from Otaku (like that's ever going happen). Who would inherit the sites: Seph or James [b]Rick Hunter, he has been doing alot for theOtaku and has done an outstanding job.Sephiroth would also be a good choice.[/b] 3. Which do you think is paradise: Land of Money, Land of Food, or Land of Anime (and this isn't Japan..lol)??? [b]Land of Food, I can't live without food I spend at least 50% of all my money on food.[/b] 4. What's worse: yourself (physically) or yourself (mentally) It's a shrink question. [b] Mentally[/b] 5. Let's say $1 million just dropped out of nowhere and landed at your front door....literally. Are you going to give it to charity or go on a spending spree of your life.[b] I'd give 1/2 of the money to charity, and spend all the other on myself.[/b] 6. What would you pilot: A Gundam, Zoid, or EVA??? [b]I don't know I don't watch any, probaly Zoid.[/b] 7. And for the closing question.......Are you a vegetable, straight or just mentally insane?? [b]Er..... No comment.[/b][/size]
  20. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by BabyGirl [/i] [B] [color=deeppink]I'm 17 and my parents are still pretty protective...I think it comes from being the eldest female child...the oldest always gets the most "protective parenting" -__- [/color] [/B][/QUOTE] [size=1]I totally agree with you, parents shows way much more protectection to the oldest son/daughter in the house.Luckily I'm the youngest!:toothy: But, nonetheless my parents cares about me and along with everybody in the house.:) Anyways back on subject, no matter how protective parents are you just gotta deal with it, there doing what they think is best for you even though if nothing bad happens you just gotta deal with it until your parents are sure with whatever things you want to do with your friends is right. Stay out of trouble and everything will be fine.:)[/size]
  21. [size=1]I've got a list of games that I reccomend trying.;) Pikmin Super Smash Bro. Melee Luigi's Mansion Star Wars Rogue Leader: Rogue Squadron 2 Super Monkey Ball The titles above are my top 5, but when future games like Resident Evil, Star Fox Adventure, Metroid Prime, Mario Sunshine, Zelda, Kirby Tilt n' Tumble, etc. releases out to the public be sure to give them a try.:) [/size]
  22. [size=1][i]Slash quickly upgraded his S.Buster from the computer, and grabbed himself a Z-Saber along with a Falcon Armor.[/i] Slash: Hey guys wait up for me! Drake: Heh there goes Slash. Slash: Whew! I finally got to you guys. Proteus: You upgraded all your weapons yet? Slash: Yeah, it took a while but I upgraded it. I thought you guys were gonna leave me behind so I had to hurry. Flash: Don't worry we wouldn't leave anyone behind. Nova: Now can we leave for the mission? Flash: All right off we go now, wherever Warlock is, I'm sure he'll catch up with us later.[/size]
  23. [size=1][i]After all the searching Slash went through, the hunters he dropped by were either assigned on another task or still needed training for the difficult mission.Slash was exhausted with all the searching so he decided to rest up along a wall. Suddenly a powerful blast hitted a wall upstairs making a large impact, Slash wonder what it was so he gotted up and went upstairs to check things out.[/i] Reploid: Oh dear god! There goes another room destroyed by one of our own. [i]Slash surprised by the damage that the room had recieved.[/i] Slash: Uh..... excuse me, may I ask what happened here? Reploid: Some reploid name "Marth" accidently blew up this room with his buster. Slash: Gee, this guy sounds strong. Reploid: Heh, I guess you can say that afterall Marth have been with us for quite a time now.But don't worry Marth do this all the time so its not a major problem to be concerned with. Slash: Heh, I see.Anyways where did this "Marth" guy go after the impact? Reploid: Ummm... If I remember correctly, Marth went upstairs into the the Training Session to practice. Slash: All right, Thanks! Reploid: No problem.:) [i]Slash walked across the hallway and up the stairs into the Training Room, unexpectedly he saw Flash, and a few other hunters.[/i] Flash: Ah..... you finally made it up here Slash, founded any new members to join our crew? Slash: Well... they were all booked up on another task, but I did hear about this reploid name "Marth". Flash: Marth? You're talking about this guy? [i]Flash points to Marth.[/i] Slash: Uh...I haven't exactly seen his face yet so I wouldn't know how Marth look liked. Marth: I am the only reploid in this building name Marth, so this points out that I am the person you are talking about. Slash: Ah nice to meet you, I heard that you accidently blew up the room below and my you got quite a powerful buster to do such damage to a room. Marth: Oh that, heh I always do that when I train its a mistake that often occurs.As for my buster I've been upgrading it everytime whenever I have a chance. Slash: Oh so that explains why it have caused such a powerful damage. Marth: Heh. Flash: Alright well now that you guys met, let me introduce you to Drake, and Proteus. [i]Flash points to both Drake and Proteus.[/i] Proteus: Hi, to nice meet you! Drake: Hey there nice to meet you! Slash: Nice to meet you both too. Ummm... I don't wanna sound rude or anything but whats with that guys grammer? Flash: It's a long story, I'll tell you after the training.:)[/size]
  24. [size=1]1. You're part of an invasion force and your commander is a total nutcase (aka trigger-happy) about war. Would you rather follow his orders and die or just run??? [b]Follow his orders, either way I'll die so I rather die in justice.[/b] 2. Your in a room filled with hydrogen tanks and you hear one of the tanks leak. Would you try to find the leak and patch it up or would you light up a match (if you're a pyromaniac that is) [b]Patch it up, and get the heck outta there.[/b] 3. What's worse: an all-out assualt by the Gundams or the Valkyrie series from Macross/Robotech??? [b]Eh I'm not much of a big anime fan, so I never really watched any.[/b] 4. If you want to get rid the worlds from all the dictators, who would you get rid off first and why?? [b]I don't like getting involve with these things, but I'll go along with the others Saddam Hussein.[/b] 5. What's worse: being persistent or being arrogant??? [b] Being arrogant is much worse than being persistent in my opinion.[/b] 6. Another what's worse question and it's my last one. So what's worse: getting nuked or getting firebombed?? [b]Getting firebombed, ah... so many things I learned from videogames.:toothy:[/b][/size]
  25. Treble


    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by sweetreyes [/i] [B][COLOR=orangered] I'm not sure if any of you have heard of this game but I had to come and talk about it cause I JUST LOVE IT!!! [/COLOR] [/B][/QUOTE] [size=1]Lol, Halo is one the most popular game in gaming industry today, it's been awarded the best Xbox game on sites, gaming magazines, etc. So I'm pretty sure if not everyone a whole majority of people would know about this great FPS (First Person Shooter) game.:) I do not own a Xbox, but I did have experiences at my friend house.I must say this game is best played with friends, it was a blast teaming up with my friend killing enemies from one to another.;)[/size]
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