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Everything posted by Treble

  1. [size=1][i]As Flash and Warlock are in search for other Hunters, Slash among many others are waiting for an assigned mission as they ponder around the building.[/i] Warlock: So Flash how many members do you think we are gonna recruit? Flash: I don't know maybe 5, 6, 9, whatever the amount of members we are gonna recruit, the main thing is that were gonna need top quality workers. Warlock: Ya got that right. [i]Flash and Warlock continues to hunt for Hunters to recruit, suddenly they stop moving and stared down an Hunter pondering around.[/i] Flash: Hmmm..... who's that young lad? Warlock: I surely don't know the guy, but from his appearance he seems to an strong hunter. Flash: Well, only one way to find out. [i]Flash and Warlock approaches the Hunter.[/i] Flash: Hey there fellow lad, are you assigned to any task? Hunter: Not yet, but I am anxious to be assigned by one. Flash: Good maybe you can join us on our mission? Hunter: I'm up for it.:) Warlock: Thanks! May we ask what is your name? Slash: The names Slash, James Slash.....uh I mean just Slash.:toothy: Flash: Slash eh? I like it, it ryhmes with my name. Slash: Uh....yeah! :therock: Warlock: Ahem, anyways welcome aboard Slash! Slash: Heh thanks, so whats our mission? Flash: Don't worry we will tell you along the way as we search for more hunters. [i]Flash, Warlock, and an new ally Slash continues on thier way to search for new hunters.[/i][/size]
  2. [size=1]Wow that is interesting, you Nerdsy (King of Nerds), Cera, and Shyguy are close of friends and registered 3 days apart from each other, you three sure do have alot of things in common with each other.;) Oh yeah Happy Aniversity Cera! Long live the Otaku Triads!:)[/size]
  3. [size=1]It's great to hear that Sony is returning the Greatest Hit Series back on to the Ps2.:) I hope for a day where games like Devil May Cry, Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty, Final Fantasy X, etc. prices drop down so I can own the game for myself instead of borrowing them from my friends.[/size]
  4. [size=1]I am excited to hear Sega & Nintendo working on a project together, its just amazing to see 2 companies that were competing against each other long time ago and now are business partners.:) Amusment Vision did a great job on Daytona USA I really love the game's driving engine, so if Sega did great on Daytona USA along with other games then I can expect they will do an outstanding job with F-Zero. As for the online play, it be interesting to race against other people around the world.;)[/size]
  5. [size=1]I am unhappy with the roster split-up, the whole draft had made not only the fans of WWF upset but along with WWF Superstars. I've been reading at some websites that Austin was upset with the roster split which explains why he hasn't shown up on Raw or Smackdown. But aside from that I wonder if the Tag-Team Federation is going to go down hill since most of the Tag-Team partners are splitted up or on the other show.Sigh we'll just have to wait and see. Speaking of Smackdown, Kane sure was wierd when he expressed his humourous side, too bad he can't be on both shows anymore to see if he will continue the humourous act.Sniff I'm gonna miss watching the Big Red Machine, since I don't have cable to watch Raw.[/size]
  6. [SIZE=1][B]Name:[/B] Slash [B]Age:[/B] 27 [B]Height:[/B] 5'7" [B]Weapons:[/B] S. Buster, Slashing Beam Saber [B]Bio:[/B] Long ago, when Dr. Wily builted Bass (Forte) he wasn't to sure if Bass had what it takes to destroy Megaman (Rockman).So he decided to built Slash which look identically the same as Bass just with more add-on parts, he locked Slash up in a Capsule until he was sure that Bass could take on Megaman. Few years later, Bass founded out about the back-up robot "Slash" which maded Bass totally upset with Dr. Wily.With all this in his mind he lefted Dr.Wily's Lab and decided to team-up with Megaman in "[b]Rockman & Forte[/b]" to learn all about Megaman and soon some day destroy him to become the best robot ever. After all the events that took place, Wily who was dissapointed in Bass unleashed Slash to freedom. One thing Wily forgot was he accidently inserted a Goodguy- Chip into Slash's mind instead of a Badguy-Chip.One day Slash founded out all about the history of Dr. Wily and his evil plans, Slash knew everything Wily did was wrong including himself, so Slash decided to follow Bass steps. Slash left Dr. Wily's Lab and joined up with the goods. [B]Persona:[/B] Slash fights with all his might in battles, when he gets mad, Slash will unleash the fierceful side of him. Aside from fights Slash is usally an all-around type of guy.[/size]
  7. [size=1]I am very pround of [b]Halle Berry[/b] that she won the best actress award, not only she was the first African american women to win an oscar but she also grew up in my hometown Cleveland, Ohio.:) I loved the tribute that was dedicated to the great directors, actors, actress, singers, etc. it was very nice to see I was glad to see [b]Aaliyah[/b], she was a very nice young lady its sad to see her died at such a young age. Anyways, I never did got a chance to watch "[b]A Beatiful Mind[/b]", so I couldn't judge which movie to win but I did enjoy "[b]Lord of the Rings[/b]" it did an outstanding job.:)[/size]
  8. As CWB said, on your journey you'll come across many friends that will join your quest, which it'll be up to you to choose who you would want on your quest or you can always switch around and try them all. The battle system is really neat, its fun to see all the characters to combo enemies with their weapons and use magic skills that they earn. Well goodluck on this long epic game, and also I hope you will enjoy some of the very nice cinema scenes as well. Once you complete the game be sure to try out the New Game+ because it packs quite a few interesting feature.;)
  9. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by kuja [/i] [B] [SIZE=1][FONT=century gothic][COLOR=crimson]:drools: the first one kicked butt. would be odd to see a second one thou... considering the 2 worlds are split and all of the 2nd world is DEAD! lol................ cool combat system thou ;)[/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE] [/B][/QUOTE] [size=1]Heh, I couldn't believe that a sequel would be coming out, but when I saw pics of the game I was amazed!This time around the graphics looks smooth out and better since its on the engine of the Ps2. And of course the great Arts returned as well which I think this made the game a blast to play simply by the fun battle engine.But since this game is in the works there will be a whole lot more to learn from this game. Interesting ain't it? You can get pics here.[url=http://www.gamers.com/game/1056980] Legend of Legaia 2[/url]. I personally liked this pic though, he looks alot like Vahn with that Vest but he is a new character.:) [url=http://www.gamers.com/i/pics/1062740.jpg] Lang[/url][/size]
  10. [size=1]I've found out an interesting trick to get rare trophies in the Lottery, the thing is you need to have alot of coins once you do the more coins you put in the machine the better chance of getting a rare trophy. I know it's not really a trick or perhaps maybe all of you people already knew it, but I thought I point that out for people who didn't knew.It is useful to use if anyone ever wants to get some rare trophy in the machine. I've got a few more trophies to get in Melee, all I gotta do is complete Adventure Mode with some of the characters, and well do certain things in a specific mode. And thanks for the tip on Event 51 [b]jcgoudy[/b], it really did help me out I tried it out and Bam! the next thing ya know I beated it.Eh I never really thought that Jigglypuff was a useful fighter to use in hard situations, but you proved that he is a very useful character to use.Now off I go to complete some of the other events I haven't completed yet.;)[/size]
  11. [size=1]My most wanted Ps2 games with brief descriptions are: [b]Soul Calibur 2[/b] First off I happen to be a very big fan of fighting games, because I just love seeing cool looking characters with great fighting techniques duking it out. Anyways, I've always liked Soul Calibur on the Sega Dreamcast, the fighting in the game is superior compare to most fighters out there that I have ever played. The huge environment is also a good feature in the game it gives me a better experience to explore the stages.And with all the new characters coming to the sequel I hope to have a great experience playing with them all just like I did with the first one. [b]Capcom Vs SNK 2: Millionare Battle (It is out in the U.S but I still haven't had a chance to get it yet)[/b] I've grewn up playing both fighting games, each had thier own unique fighting system along with the great selection of fighters to choose from. Now to see both fighting games in one is like a dream come true for bigs fighting fans like me.Im also interested to see how all the 6 fighting grooves is. [b]Kingdom Hearts[/b] I would have never thought that Square & Disney will ever work together on a game, but it turns out that they are with very great looking artworks of the characters. After reading all about the characters that will be involve in the game, I got excited to see that and former past Square & Disney characters to help out the main characters on their adventure, it'll be interesting to try out this game. Besides those 3 games, I'll also be looking forward to Dynasty Warriors 3, Virtual Fighter 4 (I just rented it today), Mortal Kombat Deadly Alliance, Legend of Legaia 2, Tekken 4, Spiderman the Movie, and Final Fantasy XI.;)[/size]
  12. Heh very interesting topic Flash, I might as well wanna take a part of this Gaming Trivia.Time to test my Videogaming knowledge.;) Bring It On Flash!
  13. Hmmm... maybe your friend's GCN was accidently misplaced with a Gold GCN, that wasn't suppose to be released out to the public. All this gold color reminds me of Toys R' Us (A Videogame/Toy Store) when they sold limimted Gold versions of N64's to the public. Can this be the same situation with "Babbages"?They might of sold out limited edition of Gold Gamecubes, which I think staff workers at Babbages could have got thier's custom painted by proffesionals.Or maybe even here ----> [url=http://www.colorconsoles.com]Color Consoles[/url].
  14. Lol, Zero and his long blonde hair.Zero's long hair may make him look like a girl, but nonetheless he's a guy.In X4 Zero loved a girl robot name "Iris" but because the death of her brother, she foughted with Zero to get revenge. At the end Zero didn't wanted to kill her, but he accidently did so after that he was emotionly hurt and angered.If thats nots proof enough for any of you just remember he has a guy voice and he's X best bud. [quote][i]Originally posted by jcgoudy[/i] [b][color=indigo]One question, though: How do you decide whether to get this one, or Megaman Xtreme 2?[/color][/b][/quote] Megaman Xtreme 2 is already out on the Gameboy Color, so I recommend trying this one out first.Its one the best GBC game that have ever come out, it includes classic bosses from X,X2, and X3. The storyline is great it deals with bosses that X & Zero have already defeated that keeps on reappearing back, so their on a mission to find out whats the reason behind this.The gameplay engine is similar to the X series, so fans like myself will have a blast with this game.;) As for the new game "Megaman Zero" is a future title which I don't think it will be released that early, probaly by the end of this year or maybe even next year.So my advice is to get Megaman Xtreme 2 first, and wait till the future when Megaman Zero releases.
  15. Heh Adam and his original staff members sure did alot of great reviews on the games, and the editorials were nice to read.:)
  16. Yes, this is exciting news for all the Megaman fans who always wanted the original 2-D side scrolling game to come on the GBA, as for me I am excited as well.;) I too have readed rumors about Megaman X playing as a badguy this time around rather than being the hero like he always does.My best guess is just like yours X probaly have been affected by the Sigma Virus, or maybe his mind got taked over by a new enemy.But who knows? I wonder whats the story behind all this fuzz it seems quite odd so far, well we'll see when the day comes. Speaking of Megaman, there's also gonna be another game releasing soon in Japan or maybe it already did release but anyways that game will be the sequel to Megaman Battle Network which is part two of the series.I heard rumors of Bass (Forte) plays a bigger role this time around than he did in the original.
  17. Incredibly awsome this Mario Music Station is, it's great to hear all the great Mario themes from one game to another. I really enjoy the theme of Mario 64's ending credits, I can be wrong though it might of came from another Mario game. Thanks for sharing this with us Zero-Sama, it brings back alot of memories playing Mario games.;)
  18. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Crazy White Boy [/i] [B] Is the 1988 sequel that sucks, the Mario 2 that was ported to GameBoy Advace? That game's a blast. [/B][/QUOTE] Yes it is the same game that was origin from NES that ported over to the GBA.I agree that Mario 2 is an great game, picking up all sorts of things and throwing them at badguys to badguys is is one heck of a fun.:)
  19. Treble


    I have pets of my own..............well not anymore but in the past I sure did.From kittens,puppys, to dove birds mainly they were given to nice people since my mom don't like any pets in the house.She think of them as filthy creatures who go poop poop 24/7. But anyways every now and then theres this fat cute chubby cat who always come by my front door making all these cute faces, rubbing its head & neck all over my legs which gave me no choice but to give it some food.Now since this happen it seems to occur everyday in the afternoon, as that cat just get fatter & fatter everyday when I feed it.
  20. Heh good point, I know legendary Pokemons are rare and powerful Pokemons which mainly considered cheaters most of the time.But if a person want to be top-notch pokemon trainer then I think it is an good oppertunity to try and figure different strageties to beat the legendary Pokemons, and become a better player. I wasn't trying to say that catching all the Pokemons would complete the game, I was just saying that it is the main goal in the game besides battling trainers. But nonetheless you do have a good point.;)
  21. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Char-Char,Mander-Char! [/i] [B] But if you're not allowed to use legendary Pokémon, then what's the point? I'm practicing for Debate, can y'tell?;) [/B][/QUOTE] I'm pretty sure everyone is allowed to use a Legendary Pokemon once they catched them. But if you're trying to say that if people were in a situation where they cannot use Legendary Pokemons, then you can always just read their information in the Pokedex or just catch them to add it in your collection of Pokemons.
  22. FF7- [b]Cloud, Red XII, & Cid[/b] FF8- [b]Only played the demo.[/b] FF9- [b]Zidane,Vivi,Steiner,Garnet[/b] FFX- [b]Haven't played yet but I sure do plan to rent it.[/b]
  23. I think all Legendary Pokemons are worth catching and owning, because the main goal is to catch them all, as said on the cover of the games "[b]Gotta Catch Em All[/b]". But thats not the only reason why I think Legendaries are important the way I see it, is every different Pokemon has its own stats and ability, which that differs every Pokemon from themselves. Sure most people wouldn't really want to have Mewtwo in their line-ups since Mewtwo has a reputation as a "[b]cheating pokemon"[/b] to use. Some may not want them in their line-ups but I bet they sure do wanna catch them and have a chance see how the Pokemon is for themselves.;)
  24. [i]Walking down the alley, Bass noticed something as he crossed a restaurant it was a familiar looking body laying on the ground.It was none other than [color=red]Diablo[/color] his boss, so Bass quickly ranned over to the body.[/i] Bass: What in the hell happen here?! [i]Grasping for air one of the [color=red]Diablo[/color] members steadily got up and told Bass the whole story.[/i] Bass: Hmph..... he had to die on me... Diablo Member#1: [groaning] Ugh.... I know it is dissapointing that [color=red]Diablo[/color] died so quick in a tragedy....but remember Bass be careful out there ya never know what might happen........ [i]As the [color=red]Diablo[/color] member spoke his last word, he slowly breathed and passed away.[/i] Bass: ......Rest in Peace [color=red]Diablo[/color] and my fellow friends. [i]Bass stood up, and took a key that was left on the floor.Pressing a button on the key, a Blue Lamborghini engine turned on Bass relized a noise came from the Lamborghini so he hopped in it and took off.[/i]
  25. Ah... yes just about a week ago when my brother drove me to the Mall to buy my long anticipated console "Playstation 2" which I had saved all my money just to get it. Anyways, so I went inside Babbage's Software(Videogame Electronics Store).Then I went over to the assistant and asked for the Playstation 2, so she showed me it and I gave her the money. After that I decided I need a game and a Videogame Magazine to go with it so I went over and picked up the game I wanted which it was Devil May Cry (Awsome game), along with the magazine and next thing I know she gave me two free videogame magazines of my choice. It wasn't no store discount or anything she said I had already spent alot of money on the console itself($300+) so the magazines were on the house, and after that we had a nice conversation of which games she reccommended me to try out sometime.:)
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